Sold? Oh Please.

Chapter 90: 90. Love Confessions Aren't About Courage.

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Katherine stood in front of the Song memorial and took in a deep breath, closing her eyes. She took a short leave, wishing it would be longer, but it couldn't. She had surgery today and had to come back for it. Mustering up her courage she walked into the hospital. 

"Welcome back Dr. Park." The receptionist and nurse behind the attendance counter bowed at her and she nodded at them.

"You're back?" Dr Han said with a brow raise.

"Miss me?" Katherine's asked as she pressed the button on the elevator. Dr. Han rolled her eyes and scoffed. 

"No... I just expected that you would stay longer, you know it's not everyday a doctor sees someone die in front if them." She stated sarcastically. 

Katherine narrowed her eyes at Dr. Han, she knew what she was doing, and even though she normally wouldn't humour her, but she couldn't let her statement go. The elevator was filled with people, nurses, doctors and residents. If she didn't reply she would lose face so she did.

"Well personally I don't see a lot of deaths, but I guess that's not the case for you?" Katherine replied with a grin.

"Pfft... it's called having a strong will, I guess someone that trails behind the Head of board wouldn't understand." She stated. 

Katherine pursed her lips, "well it's better than taking up patients that would still end up dead. Perhaps I should come to you for guidance, you seem pretty strong willed to still come to work with you death rate." 

Dr. Han laughed and sighed. "I guess this are the trials good doctors like me have to face, at least people like us don't shy away from difficult cases." 

Katherine tilted her head, "I never realised a common cold was a difficult case, ooh Dr. Han you might be on to something here." 

"You!" Dr. Han spat.

"Me? If you want to know how pros do it, the bone marrow transplant is this afternoon by 3. I always love helping my struggling colleagues, why don't you come watch.." Katherine offered with a big smile.

Before Dr. Han could reply the elevator door opened and Katherine pointed outside. "Isn't this your stop?" 

"This isn't over" she spat as she left the elevator. Katherine nodded and waved her goodbye, there were a few snickers as she left the elevator and Katherine's chest puffed with pride and satisfaction. Her assistant nurse was waiting for her as soon as she stepped out of the elevator. 

"Oh thank goodness your back, it's time to for a pre surgery check up for our patient." 

"Oh okay, let's go." Katherine nodded. "I'll drop my bag in my office and head there." 

After a short while the headed to her patients room. "Oh the specialist from the other branch has also arrived."

"Oh? That's great then at least we have sometime to discuss the surgery." She said.


Devon Geum was a man off his own principles, being the youngest doctor ever to be on the country's board of doctors was no small feat. And he did let it get to his head, a natural genius that had graduated top of his class, at just age 19. If he had done a four year course he would have graduated 17. He loved to work alone and he made sure to make people around him know he was better than they were, which he was. 

Coming to the Song memorial hospital wasn't something he was willing to do, but he just couldn't pass on a chance at a rare case as the patient in question. While he was eager for the case be wasn't at all interested in the collaboration. He would find a way to get the resident surgeon to drop out of the case if he could. 

But the moment his eyes fell on the black haired beauty walking towards him, all those thought left his head. Goodness she was beautiful, her hair barely passed her shoulders, she had plump pink lips, and an oval face. Her eyes weren't very big but the had an intensity to it. It felt as if time stopped as he watched her walk. Soon enough she was standing in front of him as the woman besides her made the introductions. 

"Dr. Park, this is Dr. Devon Geum, Dr. Geum this is Dr. Katherine Park." She said.

"Nice to meet you, I've heard all about your work. I'm so flattered to be in presence of such a beautiful mind, I hope we get along." She smiled and held out her hand to him.

Devon blinked and cleared his throat. He took her slim hands in his bigger ones and smiled awkwardly. What the hell was wrong with him? He was never nervous. Then it dawned on him.

"Dr. Katherine Park?" 

Katherine smiled "that is my name" she replied. 

"You're Dr. Katherine Park, the Dr. Katherine Park?" She nodded, looking at him suspiciously. 

"Is something the problem?" She asked.

"You're beautiful." He blurted.

Katherine gasped and turned away as heat rose to her cheeks. Her assistant, Hannah giggled and hid it with a cough, when Katherine glared at her.

"Did I say something wrong?" He asked when he saw their reaction.

"No! No it's... it's okay, thank you. You're handsome yourself." Katherine said sincerely. This wasn't the first time she was seeing Dr. Geum, and she wasn't the only doctor that admired him, both as a doctor and as a man. For someone with his academic prowess he was too good looking. The only thing that made him seem human was his horrible personality, Katherine had heard many rumours about how arrogant and obnoxious he was. 

He smiled back, laughing nervously. "Forgive my forwardness, it's just I didn't expect you to be so pretty. Honesty I expected a plain, glasses wearing bookie." He said curtly. 

Katherine laughed, "that's not a very nice thing to say." She scolded him playfully.

His brows rose in slight confusion and Katherine had to admit he looked adorable. "It isn't? Oh.. but I said you weren't like that." 

"Still it not nice to speak about someone like that." She insisted. 

"It isn't? Huh, but what if it's the truth?" He asked.

"Well you hide that truth. You don't have many friends do you?" He pouted and shook his head. Katherine fought the urge to pull his cheeks.

'Ugh! He's too adorable!'

"I have no idea though, I was told honesty was the best foundation for a good friendship but it's doesn't work for me." He said sincerely. 

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Katherine smiled, "that's because of your honest opinions on people's appearances." She stated.

"So should I not have called you beautiful?" He asked.

"Oh no no no, you can do that. You can definitely do that." She laughed. 

"That's good to know." He nodded. 

"Shall we go see the patient now?" Katherine suggested. 

"Sure, sure lead the way." He smiled giving her way to lead. He definitely wasn't chasing this doctor away.


"Is it me or were you flirting with Dr. Geum?" Hannah teased Katherine as they walked to the operating theater.

"I was not flirting." Katherine insisted. 

"I'm just saying, if he does like you go for it. I heard he's not the nicest of people so if he is nice to you it has to mean something. Besides until when are you going to continue with this unrequited love of yours?" She asked.

"Hey, my unrequited love is none of your business. I'll stop when I want to, okay. Besides what kind of unrequited lover would I be if gave up so easily?" Katherine said.

"Ugh... aren't you even going to tell him? The dummy doesn't even know." Hannah cried.

"I'm only going to say when I'm sure he likes me too, a love confession isn't about courage it about probability. If the chances of getting rejected are above 30% abort plan. If the chances of getting accepted are above 80% then go for it." She informed her dear assistant. 

"That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard.  So what are you're chances right now." Hannah asked.

"80%" She said sadly. 

"Wait isn't that good?" 

"80% at getting rejected."

"Oh... did something happen?" Hannah asked.

"I'm not even sure Hannah, I don't know what to say." Katherine sighed.

"Well think again, because I feel like that probability just went down." Hannah said.


"Look" Hannah pointed to a figure leaning aganist the wall beside the door of the operation room.

Katherine frowned. "Paul?"

His head perked up and he turned to look at her. 

"See you" Hannah said as she made herself scarce.

"What are you doing here?" She asked him.

"I could ask you the same thing, I told you to take some days off." He stated. 

"And I did, now I'm back to work, besides I have to operate today, I couldn't miss it." She replied. 

Paul nodded "after you're done can we get a coffee?" He asked. 

"I don't think so Paul. This surgery is scheduled to take eight to twelve hours maybe even more." She said. "The only thing I would want to do after is sleep."

"Then tea?" 

Katherine's eyes narrowed and she frowned. "What part of  sleep do you not understand?" She said 

He nodded. "I heard you're operating with that obnoxious Dr. Geum, if he gives you any trouble tell me. I'll fix it okay?"

She frowned. "I told you to stop doing that Paul. I can take care of myself so back off." She spat 

Paul's brows furrowed "are you still mad at me?"

"Well yes, if you keep acting like this." She said.

"Katherine i-"

"Dr. Park we're ready for you." A nurse called from inside the OR.

"I have to go." She said. 

"We're not done talking about this." 

"Well I am, I've said everything I want to. Good bye Paul." She said walking away.

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