Sold? Oh Please.

Chapter 91: 91. Wake Up To Responsibilities.

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Jessie jaw dropped as she stared at Jason, so many questions at the moment in her head. How, when and why was he sitting down in her father's private jet. 

"Why did you cut you hair?" He asked again, getting up to walk over to her. He reached for her face and cupped her cheeks, rubbing with his thumb. Jessie snapped out of her thoughts and slapped his hand away.

"Why do you care? It's my hair I have the right to what I want to do with it." She snarled.

Jason eyes darkened and she expected him to yell but he looked behind her instead. 

"I assume your Jessie's father? Mr. Yoo?" Jason asked. 

"Yes, and you must be Jaosn Kang." Jason nodded. "Well since the introductions have been made, get out of my plane. As you can see I'm taking my daughter back home with me." Harish stated firmly. 

"I'm afraid that wouldn't be possible." Jason said bluntly, pocketing his hands.

"And just who do you think you are to make does decisions? You have no right over my daughter." 

"Well apparently neither do you." Jason said. 

Harris's eyes widened and he clenched his fist, the audacity of this man! "Excuse me?!"

"I'm not telling a lie, if the laws of this country are still effective then I'm right. Jessie is not a child, and she is well above 18 so she can make her own decisions." Jason replied, wearing a bored expression on his face.

Jessie looked between the two men that argued about her life, in her very presence. Still too shocked to say anything, she was still trying to figure out how Jason found her. Was they a second GPS device in her body? There weren't even in the city anymore, this was a different city for goodness sake. How did he find her?

"That may be true but I never stopped being her father, and besides it's time for her to reunite with her family." Harish sneered at him.

"But it seems that Jessie is reluctant. She doesn't want to come with you, you can't force her to." Jason said. 

"So what? You want her to go with you? Aera will come home with me, and there's nothing you can say or so about it." Harish warned. 

"Stop it, both of you. This is my life you're talking about,  don't I get to make the decision?" She asked. "What's up with all these men trying to control my life?"

"This is not up for discussion Aera, you're coming with me." Her father said. 

"She not." Jason stated curtly. Frowning slightly. 

"Yes father I'm not." Jessie said. 

"So what? You'll go with him?" Her father asked.


"No." They both answered simultaneously. 

Jessie glared at him and Jason looked at her with a raised brow.


"No." They said again this time their answers directed at each other. 

"I'm not going anywhere with either of you." She stated. "Neither of you." She affirmed. 

"Look I understand you mad at me right now but don't you think you're being to courageous?" Jason asked her.

"Courageous?" She huffed.

"Uhmm. How are you going to survive on your own? You have no money, no house, no clothes, you don't even have an identity. Believe it or not but you need one of us." Jason stated curtly. 

Jessie jaw dropped and she fought the urge to hit him. "Is that what I am to you? Some... some damsel in distress?" She asked in disbelief. 

Jason sighed realising his mistake. "That's not what I meant Jessie."

"What then? What did you mean?" She asked angrily. She turned to her father. "Even you, when I was okay, when I was great you never came for me. But all of sudden your helpless daughter has no where else to go, you're here trying to act like a father." She said. 


"Don't call me that. Don't call me that!" She screamed. "I'm I really that pitiful? That a man that hasn't been a father to me in ten years and another that purchased me like some item feel like it their duty to protect me?" She asked.

"Jessie" Jason said softly. 

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"Don't, don't. Both of you just stop! You're not helping, either of you! I realise I've become pathetic, I understand my situation but if you keep acting like this, like I'm some helpless and lost puppy. How I'm I supposed to live? How I'm supposed to believe that I'm not so pathetic? Huh?! My life was ruined I get it! But can you please stop pointing out how bad it is?!!" She yelled. 


"Jessie."  They both said.

"Stop!" She screamed. "I-I can't do this right now, I can't do this." She cried walking out if the plane.

The bodyguard stood in front of her to block her exit. Jessie glared at him through her tears and he moved away, giving her room to walk out.

"You're not taking her Mr. Yoo." Jason said matter of factly. "I assume you are wondering how I found you?"

Harish stared daggers at the pompous man standing before him. But he was indeed curious as to how he found him.

Jason pulled out a card and held it inbetween his index and middle fingers. "You should know what this is just by the design alone." 

Harish eyes widened when as looked at the purple card with gold designs in his hand. There was only one place in this entire world that had those cards.

"Paradise, if that's what you're thinking then your correct. You probably came to the city to attend the meeting, I called for it." Jason admitted to the older man.

"You called the meeting?" Harish asked.


"Then that means..."

"I'm Veronica Park's son, your new President. Yes." Jason stated. 

Harish frowned, last he heard the heir to the Paradise throne was collecting information and experience. Reginald told them he was in a difficult situation where he couldn't take up his responsibility as he should have.

"I thought you were in a difficult situation? What happened to your father?" Harish asked him.

"No longer a problem, you see you're looking at the new chairman of KE holdings." Jason informed him with a smile.

"How did that happen? Did Dominic die? Because I heard you were too much if a wimp to take charge of your father's company either way." Harish sneered.

Jason expression darkened dangerously. "You will do well to watch your words Harish, do not forget you are now my surbodinate." Jason warned. "And no, my father is not dead."

"So why now, after all this time? Did you decide to take control?" Harish asked him.

"I guess I could say you're the reason." Jason said honestly. 

"Me? How so?"

"You took Jessie." He stated matter of factly. 

"How did that make you wake up to your responsibilities?" 

"Trust me I'm not eager to carry the weight of both Paradise and KE holdings. But I realized at that moment when Jessie went missing that I was not as powerful as I would have wanted to be, I was not powerful enough to find her. So I got powerful." He stated bluntly. 

"So you did all this to find my daughter? Why?"

"Isn't it obvious? I'm in love with with you daughter Mr. Yoo. And I'm willing to do anything to get her back, even if it means taking her away from you." Jason says curtly. 

Harish didn't know weather to be relieved that someone so powerful was ready to go to an extent for his daughter or to be annoyed at his audacity to speak so boldly at the father of the woman he claims he loves. Or weather he should be scared at his passion.

"You do realise that by taking control of Paradise, you must step up. You can't just waltz in and out. Weather or not your ready for the responsibility you must shoulder it." Harish stated. 

Jason nodded. "I knew the reparcautions of my decisions before I took them. Like I said before there's nothing I wouldn't do for Jessie."

Harish scoffed. "I'm not happy with this arrangement because I'm still unsure you'll be able to make my daughter as happy as she deserves to be. But it's not like I have a choice in the matter. Take care of my Aera, if you hurt her I will forget you're the president and I will act." Harish warned. 

Jason nodded, "I wouldn't have it any other way." He said sincerely. And the two men nodded in mutual understanding. They weren't friends, they weren't allies. But they respected each other.

Harish still had his reservations, being the president of such a powerful organisation as Paradise wasn't something that was easy. You'd become target to so many things, but Jason was now his superior. He couldn't outright refuse him like he would want. All he could hope for was that Jason was strong and wise enough to protect his daughter. 

Jason walked to the exit of the plane, stopping at the door before he left he turned to say one last thing. "Thank you, for letting me have Jessie. I promise to keep her safe and happy." He said.

"You better."

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