Sold? Oh Please.

Chapter 93: 93. Conspiracy.

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Jessie froze at first, then her brain started working, over working. He can't love her right? Absolutely not, she shook her head. No way, this was all too crazy, perhaps he's joking with her again? No, no that can't be it... after everything she said how can he s- that jerk! He must pity her so much he is willing to say anything just to make her feel better. That was just low, how could he do that? She agreed that she was pitiful didn't mean she would allow herself be lied to like this. He even dared to go so far as to confess, ha!

Jessie tilted her head and folded her arms, glaring at him. "Ha ha very funny Jason." She said sarcastically. 

Jason furrowed his brow in confusion, what?

"As if it isn't enough that you would go out of your way to come here to find me, I get that you're trying to make up for buying me in that auction house but don't you think this is going too far?" She asked.

Jason blinked at her utterly speechless, he didn't know what else to say. Did she really think he was joking?

"You know I'm not a fool, you're not going to fool me again" she said remembering the last time he played with her emotions then discarded her by the side of the road like no man's business. And look at him looking genuinely confused. 'Ha, he should have been an actor, he's so good at it!'


"No need to say anything, you don't have to make me feel better by joking about things like this, okay? Let's just go back to your penthouse, I'm tried all I want to do is sleep." She said finally walking to his car. Before she could reach to open the door someone came out of the front seat and pulled the door open. Jessie furrowed her brows in confusion, judging by the suit he was wearing, and the mic on his ear he was a bodyguard. Since when did Jason start moving around with bodyguards?

When they were both seated in the car she asked him. "What's going on? Was there an attempt on your life while I was gone? What's with all the guards?"

Jason looked at her, feeling to confused to explain everything to her he dismissed saying he would tell her everything later. Since there were no flights to their city from this one and he didn't bring a private plane. The drive would be rather long. So he leaned his head aganist the window in an attempt to get some shut eyes since he hadn't rested this past days looking for the woman he loved but appeared who did not return the affections. Was he perhaps too subtle in his confession? Talk about getting rejected, she didn't even consider his confession to be real, to even reject it. He sighed gently, for now he would be content with just having her close. Maybe if they manage to eliminate the Lee problem, she wouldn't see his affections as pity.


"You were amazing in there Dr. Geum." Katherine praised him as they washed their hands.

Devon smiled at her, "you are correct about that but I'm always amazing." He winked and Katherine scoffed at him, some people definitely knew how to accept a compliment. 

"But you were even better" he continued, surprising Katherine. She really didn't expect him to say that so naturally heat rushed to her cheeks and she lowered her head.

"Thanks a lot." She smiled. "So you'll be heading back soon?" She asked him.

He nodded "regretfully so, I'm afraid there's a new case waiting for me, perhaps maybe I'll have you come over so we can take a look at it together?" He offered.

"Of course, that the most I can do to thank you for today." She smiled, bowing to him. 

Devon wondered if he should ask her out to dinner before he leaves and just as he was about to she got a call.

"Hello?" She answered.

"It was nice meeting you Dr. Geum. Hope we collaborate some other time, goodbye." She said quickly walking off.

Devon sighed, 'maybe some other time.'


Patricia couldn't believe that just minutes ago she felt so happy and relieved that she was getting discharged. The hospital was already getting too stuffy, and now? She wished she could go back. Of all the things to do the moment she was out go on a meeting with her grandfather and uncle. Ugh! Why was she the only surviving Lee woman? Those two made her so angry sometimes. Not long after her car came to a stop outside the Lee mansion. Patricia frowned in anticipation, what did her grandfather want? 

"Miss Lee." The chauffeur bowed as he opened the car door. Patricia stepped out, she was dressed simply, in a plain white shirt and Jean's but she was still wearing her red heels. Red was her signature colour she didn't go anywhere without wearing it.

"The chairman and Head of the board are waiting on the third floor." He informed her, leading the way she followed after him.

"Grandfather." She greeted him, shooting a glare at her uncle she walked and sat opposite him, while her grandfather was sitted between them.

"I assume you fine now, since you've been discharged." Her grandfather stated. 

Patricia smiled sweetly, "grandfather if your worried about me you can just say so. I missed you to, it's a shame you couldn't come see me in the hospital." 

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Her grandfather nodded. "I did send your uncle though."

She shook her head, "it wasn't the same. Besides it's already part of uncle's filial duty to come see his sick neice. Isn't it uncle?" She asked him with sacarstic cuteness.

"Acting cute doesn't suit you, you're a villainess just keep being that." Her uncle scowled.

Patricia pouted, "I'd like to think I can do both uncle. And don't worry uncle I'm like a cat, I look cute but doesn't mean I don't have claws."

Goerge scoffed. "If anything you're a lioness, you're beautiful but any normal person can sense the danger from a mile away." She rolled her eyes at him and before it would escalate into a full blown argument as they were used to the eldest in the room intervened. 

"Patricia when last did you hear from your fiance?" Her grandfather asked.

"A few days ago, he came to see me in the hospital." She replied. 

"Did he tell you anything about what happened yesterday?" George asked.

"No, not at all. Honestly it came as a shock to me as well. I did think he was acting strangely with me the last time." She pursed her lips. "Do you think he'll call off the engagement?"

"I'm not happy to say this but I have no idea." George shook his head. "That Fiance of yours is a very elusive one."

"Why would you be asking that kind of question?" Her grandfather asked seriously. "Weren't you supposed to woo him? You shouldn't be asking foolish questions." 

Patricia fought the urge to roll her eyes, who did his man really think she was, some prostitute? "Well grandfather you should know better than I do, that unless a man has interest in you from the beginning there's only so much a woman can do." She replied grimly. 

Her grandfather grey brow rose, "so you're saying it's his fault? Don't think I just sit here doing nothing, I'm well aware of the fact that you barely even see each other." He stated, his voice rising slightly. 

Patricia sighed, arguing about this with him was only going to escalate matters further. "I'll do better, I promise."

"It's not as if she can just throw herself at him father. She does have her image to maintain." Goerge said. 

Patricia pouted, was her insufferable uncle really defending her right now? 

"Jason is a difficult man, he is nothing like his father. Trust me I know." He continued. 

"Let me guess he still hasn't signed the contract?  You lot are useless! We cannot even use that to threaten him." Chairman Lee spat.

George also sighed, this was getting really annoying. "I have a plan about that father. Patricia you just keep trying to seduce him, I have a way of getting him to sign the contract." 

"You'd better not mess this up, both of you. I don't know what I did in my past life to warrant such useless children." He sneered. "Both of you get out, and you better bring back results."

Neither of them hesitated, walking out immediately. Meetings with this somber old man never rested well with either of them.

"Why did you that?" Patricia asked her uncle as the exited the mansion. "Defend me."

George looked at her and cleared his throat. "Don't get it wrong, I didn't defend you. I'm just tired of that old man, I wish he would just die already." 

Patricia laughed nervously. "Don't tell me your planning on killing grandfather. Because I don't want to know anything." She stepped back, they were all evil and lacking in the departure of conscience. But the chairman was on a whole different level, the man was ruthless. Don't let his age deceive you, if he heard off any kind of conspiracy, whoever it was even his own family didn't survive. 

"Stop being so terrified, I'm not that horrible of a person. I wouldn't kill my own father.... yet." Goerge said. "You can seduce Jason right?"

"I don't know, he is a difficult one but no one can resist me, not for long anyway." She said. 

"Good. Just do that and I'll take care of the rest." George finished and walked away.

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