Sold? Oh Please.

Chapter 94: 94. Coincidences.

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"These are the list of rooms that you asked for sir." Jamie looked up at the paper in front of him.

"Thank you Matthew." He scanned over the list and frowned. Patricia Lee, again. This couldn't be another coincidence right? He was never one to believe in coincidences anyway.

"Look at this detective Bak. Room 1103, it belongs to Patricia Lee." He stated showing the paper to his associate.

"So what are you implying Jamie, you do realise it's merely a speculation right?" Detective Bak said after getting over his initial shock.

"Don't you think it's too suspicious how her name somehow keeps coming up?" Jason insisted. 

Detective Bak shook his head, "it is a coincidence. There are more than 3000 rooms in that hospital so what if her room falls under the blindspots. Besides she's a celebrity, her name is bound to come up. That is kind of the point." 

"Well, it doesn't matter she'll have to come in for questioning. Something doesn't just feel right." Jamie shook his head.

"Careful there Jamie. Patricia Lee has not only a powerful family but also a strong fanbase. Let's not get hasty and make mistakes." 

Jamie frowned at his partner. He knew that people were particularly wary of the Lee family but he didn't expect the police to be this biased. Any way he learnt his lesson from the Jessie Marin case, if he wanted to take down big dogs such as the Lee family then he would need substantial proof that they wouldn't be able to bury.


"He's involving Patricia again?" Detective Bak nodded. 

"What is wrong with that man! Does he not fear for his future?" The man scoffed. 

"I managed to convince him not to jump into any conclusions." Detective Bak informed. "But you know Detective Anderson very well, sir. There's nothing we can do when he has made up his mind. What is the next line of action?"

"Make him believe you're interested and keep working with him. Keep an eye on things for me, don't get involved or try to stop him. Just report everything to me." 

"And if it gets too far?" Detective Bak ordered. 

"We'll take care of him, don't worry about it detective" he emphasized. 

Detective Bak frowned and took a step back. "What do you mean by- don't tell me you intend to kill him?!" He asked in fright.

"Detective Bak! The less questions you ask the better for you. Now go and do your job." He scolded. 

Detective Bak bowed and walked away.


"That is indeed interesting news but how does it relate to Jessie Marin?" Jonathan asked Krystal after she narrated everything she had gotten from Lenora. 

"It's basically a speculation, but that man, the victim it seemed like they killed him because he knew something about Jessie." Krystal said.

Jonathan furrowed his brows in confusion. "What makes you say that?" 

"The day he died, or the day before there was a scandal involving Patricia. It was a video, no one could see who she talking to but she kept shouting and yelling Jessie Marin's name." Krystal informed him. "I always thought it was suspicious, well everyone did. But what if Jessie was really in her hospital room that day?" 

Jonathan pursed his lips as he thought about what she said. "It is possible, so they killed the tech guy because he knew she was there? Jessie Marin?" 

"I'm sorry that's all I could gather at the moment." Krystal said slowly, looking down.

"Hey" Jonathan tapped the table and she looked up again. "I never expected this to be easy, that's why I came to you." 

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"Mr. Kang, may I ask why you're so interested in Jessie Marin?" Krystal asked.

Jonathan wondered if he should tell her, well considering the circumstances he could but first, "Will you come back?" He asked.

"Come back?" Krystal shook her head in confusion. 

"To work for me, as my secretary." He explained. 

Her eyes widened and she laughed nervously, tucking her hair behind her ear. "How is that possible? Your idi-..." She cleared her throat, stopping before she made a mistake. "Your brother, the CEO fired me. Besides his the chairman now, if that isn't a red flag I don't know what is." 


"So what are your conditions?" Jason asked his brother.

"The first condition is that I have total independence and control over my staff, you can't fire or hire anyone on my behalf." Jonathan stated curtly. 

Jason's brow rose, "still irked about your secretary?"

"I will not lie that was annoying, and just so you know I will be hiring her again." Jonathan informed his brother. 

"I'm not sure why you would want a disrespectful and underqualifued secretary" he mused. "Or is it because your sleeping with her?" He asked with a mocking chuckle. 

Jonathan frowned "are you done? I'm not sleeping with her. She has just grown on me, so do you agree?"

Jason sighed, rubbing his chin. "Fine. Knock yourself out."


"You don't have to worry about Jason, he won't be a problem. So will you come back?" He asked.

"I don't know, and don't think I don't notice you changing the subject." Krystal said. 

"I'm not changing the subject, I just need your answer first. Will you come back?"

"Like I said, I don't know. I wasn't a very good secretary, plus I kind of really like this job. I get to be a fangirl and still get paid." She said with a small pout.

Jonathan smiled, "I never said you'd have to stop, I just need someone I can trust by my side."

"And you chose me? You barely know me." 

"But I know enough, I can't explain it but my gut tells me your reliable." 

"Well tell your gut that I hate responsibilities like this, what if I betray you?"

"Is that really what you're scared off? Betraying me?" She nodded. 

"Then I was right, you asked me why I'm so interested in Jessie Marin's case?" She nodded again. "Become I've met her, after she was supposed to be dead."

Krystal eyes widened and she covered her mouth with her hand. "No way."

"If you want to know more, I'll see at work first thing tomorrow morning. Goodbye Krystal." He got up, bowed slightly and began to walk away.

Leaving a very flabbergasted Krystal behind, before she could get a hold of herself he was already gone.

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