Sold To An Alpha

Chapter 112: Strange

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Leia's face darkened and she moved, taking a step forward, but as though seeing a ghost, Rita winced back, her body trembling in fear.

'Why is she flinching away?' Leia's darkened face deepened as she thought, and she stared intently at Rita. She proceeded to move towards her again, but Rita hurriedly backed away, creating a distance between her and her. "Please, I am sorry. I didn't mean to" Her back unexpectedly jammed with a strong physique, and she flinched away and turned around to see Adrik standing with his hands shoved into his pocket and a look of displeasure in his green eyes.

"Supreme Alp-Boss." Rita's eyes fluttered nervously, and she bowed deeply to Adrik.

Adrik ignored her and raised his eyes to gaze at Leia, who was also staring at him. "Little wife." He spoke her name in a low tone, and a smile made its way to his lips behind the mask he wore.

Leia's puckered face brightened up, and she walked to him. He grabbed her hand and interlocked his fingers with hers, then they went upstairs and to their room.

Adrik shut the door behind them and Leia proceeded to walk to the bed. However, Adrik suddenly wrapped his strong muscular arms around her waist and buried his face in her neck. 

"Adrik..." He began to spread kisses on her neck, and Leia couldn't help but close her eyes in pleasure. "Adrik..." She tried to say something to him, but Adrik's hand sneaked underneath her hoody and grabbed onto her breast that was hidden within the thick fabric of her bra.

A low moan escaped her lips, and she grabbed onto his hair. As though he knew her legs felt wobbly and that she would fall at any time, he scooped her up in a bridal style and gently laid her on the bed.

Leia stared into his eyes, and he leaned down, covering her lips with his. He tenderly bit at her lower lip, and Leia parted her lips, letting him in.

Their tongues met each other and moved together in rhythm. Adrik broke away from the kiss and began to place kisses on her neck. He reached her sweet spot and sucked on it, earning a moan from her.

Leia grabbed onto the pillow when he lifted her hoody and grabbed onto her breast, pressing hard on it.

He pulled down her bra and, without hesitation, he took one in his mouth while his hand fondled with the other.

"Ah... Adrik..." Her grip on the pillow tightened and she shut her eyes in pleasure.

Adrik came back up and kissed her roughly, then began to undress her. He pulled everything off her, leaving her completely naked before him.

Leia tugged on his shirt, and he grabbed her hands, pinning them over her head, then smirked at her. "Easy little wife. I won't be rough with you. " He said and began to unbutton his shirt. He threw it away and stripped himself of the remnants that remained on him.

Leia's eyes trailed down his masculine body and couldn't help but linger on the unique wolf tattoo drawn all over his upper body. "I love your... tattoos." Her face turned completely red, and Adrik grinned at her. "I know you do." He said and leaned down, slamming his lips against hers.

He parted her legs, positioning himself at her entrance. His length pricked her sex, causing her to feel intense desire.


"Shhh." He hushed her and caressed her hair, then slowly pushed inside of her and out. He went at a slow pace, and when he felt her adjust, he picked up his pace and slammed into and out of her.

Leia's feet curled up and her grip on the bed sheet tightened. She threw her head back in overwhelming pleasure, moaning his name loudly.

Adrik shut his eyes in pleasure and, with more and more thrust into her, he felt near the edge. "Leia!" He moaned her name, and Leia dug her fingers into his skin.

He exploded inside of her and leaned down, giving her a soft kiss, then rolled over to lie on his back.

Leia breathed heavily, and beads of sweat filled her body. She lifted her hand to tuck her wet hair behind her ear, but upon seeing her fingers, a look of horror emerged on her face, and she immediately sat up on the bed. "Adrik!" 

She yelled his name, and Adrik instantly sat up on the bed, turning to face her. "What's wrong?" He asked her, and when she showed him her fingers, Adrik's eyes fluttered in confusion.

Her hands were all bloody and her fingers were a bit elongated, going past the normal length.

"Oh!"Leia screamed in horror, and Adrik immediately grabbed her by the wrist, turning her so she could look at him. "It's OK."

"Adrik, what is going on? Why are my fingers this long? Why-"

"Little wife" Adrik placed his hands on her cheek and stared into her eyes. "It's okay. Calm down." 

Leia's eyes blinked vigorously in fear, and her heart couldn't stop beating rapidly. 

Adrik slid back into his boxers and went to the bathroom to grab a towel. He returned and wiped the blood off her hand. 

Leia immediately knelt on the bed and moved behind him. She gazed at his back, and her eyes widened in terror. "Y-your back." She cried out in fear, and Adrik proceeded to pull her to him, but she backed away. "I did that to you." She trembled as she stared at the scratches on his back. 

Ten deep wounds caused by her fingers were seeping blood and streaming down the length of his back.

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"Little wife, it's okay." Adrik pinched his brow and turned to look at her. "I am fine. Please don't cry. " He moved towards her when he saw tears falling from her eyes, and pulled her into a hug.

"A-adrik, what is going on with me? What is happening to me? " She asked behind sobs, and Adrik gently stroked her hair.

"Nothing is wrong with you. You are perfectly fine."

"But... what about-"

"Little wife, don't panic. I will help you clarify things, okay. I will search and find out what is going on. Don't be afraid; I am here with you. " He drew her back and tenderly kissed her swollen lips while placing her back on the bed.

"I love you, little wife." He tucked her hair behind her ears and placed a soft kiss on her neck and her collar bone. "Nothing is wrong, okay, little wife."

Leia nodded at him, and a low breath escaped her lips as she relaxed in his arms.


The clock ticked slowly as it clocked midnight and Leia, who was lying on the bed, began to sweat profusely.

Her head shook as though she was refusing something, and her hand gripped onto the bedsheet. ...


"Who are you?" Leia asked in a nervous tone, and the man hiding in the shadows smirked wickedly.

Leia's eyes darted around, and before she could anticipate anything, everywhere lit up in the fire, burning even her. However, instead of feeling pain or seeing her body burn, nothing happened. She felt no pain, nor did a single burn emerge on her skin.

"Who's there?" She questioned yet again when a shadow surged past her, causing a gush of wind to blow on her.

She immediately turned around in that direction but saw no one.

Her heart began to pound rapidly within her, and it skipped a bit when a pair of hands grabbed onto her shoulder and her body stilled.

The hands were so heated, as though the person had just stepped out of the fire. It was so hot that she believed it could burn her skin.

Her eyes fluttered and she tried to turn around, but she found herself stuck in one place, unable to move.

"Kid." A lazy, magnificent, and absorbing voice that made her feel like she could melt in its heavenliness flew through her ears, and her body shuddered as if she'd heard it before.

She had heard it somewhere, but she couldn't remember where or when.

"W-who are you?" She asked yet again, but the silhouette, however, chuckled in a tone that almost came out as a whisper and let go of her body.

As though feeling released, she immediately turned around to glimpse the person but saw no one.

All she could see was the fire burning around her.

Beads of sweat dripped from her forehead, and her eyes couldn't stop darting around. 

Voices echoed in her mind, and they soon turned into laughter, drumming in her ears.

Leia covered her ears and slumped to the floor, closing her eyes tightly. "Stay away from me!!" She screamed.


A long gasp escaped Leia's mouth as she abruptly sat up on the bed with her eyes dilated open.

Her heart pounded within her and she breathed rapidly and heavily as though she was losing her breath.

"Little wife." Adrik immediately grabbed onto her stiff body and wrapped his arms around her, embracing her warmly. "It's okay. It's all just a bad dream. "

Leia did not utter a word, but her eyes were still dilated as though she was in shock.

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