Sold To An Alpha

Chapter 113: Afraid Of What Might Unfold

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Adrik held onto her throughout the night, making sure she had a good sleep.

The early morning sun rose in the sky and showered its rays on the couple laying on the bed through the huge glass window.

Adrik's eyes blinked open and he glanced at Leia only to see her expressionless eyes fixed on the white ceiling. 

He immediately straightened up a bit, supporting his body with his arm, then gazed directly at her blank face.

"Little wife..." He kissed her forehead and removed a strand of her hair from her face.

Leia's gaze shifted from the ceiling to him, and her eyes blinked leisurely. Adrik half smiled at her and a downcast sigh escaped his lips.

He brought his leg down from the bed and stood up, proceeding to the mirror, standing on the unique white table. He gazed at himself through it, and a deep breath left his nose.

He turned around and glanced at the bed, only to see Leia still laid down, with her blank eyes staring at him. 

"Little wife..." He walked over to her on the bed and wrapped his arms around her, pulling her up. "Please, don't stay this way! I promise you, it's just a dream. I will figure out what is going on and I will never let anything happen to you... I love you very much. " He tugged her closer to him and hugged her tightly, nuzzling her neck. "I don't like seeing you this way." He whispered into her ears, and Leia's slender arms gently wrapped around him.

"Adrik." She called his name, and Adrik drew back from the embrace to stare at her face. "Yes, little wife. Anything you want me to do for you? " He asked as he gently stroked her cheek.

"Can we visit my father in four days?" She gazed up at his face, and Adrik's eyes blinked in surprise.

"You... want to visit him?" He is filled with apprehension as he asks. Why would his little wife suddenly want to visit her father? I mean, after what she had found, it's really doubtful that she would ever visit him.

"Yes, I want to." Leia nodded her head, and Adrik narrowed his eyes as his intent gaze fixed on her expressionless face. 

"Why?" He raised his brow in a questioning manner as he asked, and Leia lowered her head.

"Well... I have been having this thought of going for a DNA test with him." She fiddled with her fingers and raised her eyes to look at him when she got no reaction from him.

"Why?" Adrik questioned yet again, and his face altered in bewilderment.

"I want to be sure that he's my real father. Not just me, but my friends too are having doubts about it. " A low breath escaped her nose and she fell into his embrace, placing her head on his chest. "I am not doubting my mother, nor anything but-"

"Little wife, if you're having qualms about it, then there is no harm in wanting to know. It's actually a good idea, you know. At least you will be clear of all doubts. " Adrik stroked her cheek with his thumb, and Leia relaxed completely in his embrace.

They stayed this way for a few minutes, before Adrik suddenly shifted her to one side, straightened up, and climbed down from the bed.

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He gestured his hand out to her, and Leia grabbed onto it, standing up on her feet on the bed. Her face altered in confusion as Adrik pulled her closer and wrapped her arms around his neck.

He dragged her from the bed, and Leia immediately wrapped her legs around his waist to prevent herself from falling.

He carried her in his arms and walked away from the bed, making his way to the bathroom.

He shut the door the moment they stepped in and held her to the sink to help her brush her teeth. The cold breeze brushed against her bare body, and she shuddered.

Adrik pulled her to him and hugged her as she brushed her teeth. He helped her with her bathing, and finally, after she was clothed, she plopped down on the sofa and patiently waited for her breakfast.

While she was waiting, Adrik took the time to have his bath and swathed himself in a white hoodie and white sweat pants.

He gave his long hair a fine combing and tied it up in a ponytail. Then he walked to the sofa and took a seat beside her.

A minute had yet to pass when a knock came at the door, and a voice asked for permission to come in.

Adrik gave his approval, and the door slowly creaked open and a trembling Rita walked in.

"Good morning, Supreme Alpha." She bowed to Adrik and then turned to Leia. "G-good morning, Luna." Leia gave no reaction and just stared at her. 

Rita's eyes fluttered, and she swallowed hard. She hurriedly dropped the tray of food on the wide round, mini table, and after she was done with serving them, she took her to leave, leaving the couple to themselves.

Leia turned her head to glance at Adrik, and Adrik shrugged at her, indicating he had no idea why Rita was behaving in such a strange way. She can't possibly develop such a fear just because of Leia's action and the death aura lingering around her that day.

Adrik grabbed a sandwich from the white ceramic plate and took a bite, whilst Leia unhurriedly nibbled on her waffles.

Her eyes gazed out to the sky through the window, and she slowly chewed on her food. Adrik turned his head to glance at her, and a deep breath left his nose as he glimpsed the distant look on her face.

"Little wife-" He proceeded to speak, but she cut him off with a half-smile on her lips. "I am fine Adrik, don't worry." She took a deep breath and got up from the couch.

She proceeded to leave, but Adrik grabbed her by the wrist, stopping her. "You are not okay, little wife." He spoke in a sad tone that almost came out as a whisper, and Leia turned around to stare at him.

"You are gluttonous and never leave leftovers, but today, you couldn't even finish a single waffle. How do you expect me to believe you're okay?" He questioned her, with a downcast expression on his face.

Leia bit her lower lip and walked to him. She sat on his lap and wrapped her arms around his neck, hugging him."You are right, I am not okay. I am confused! A bit scared! And... I don't know, I'm worried about what might unfold in the future.." She poured out to him and buried her face in his shoulder.

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