Sold To An Alpha

Chapter 118: Smart One

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Leia sat on the edge of the bed, clad in a fine sleeveless white dress that stopped at knee-length. Her hair was neatly combed and just a bit of makeup was applied to her face. 

A deep breath escaped her mouth and a vicious grin emerged on her lips. 'It's going to be a surprise.' She smirked within her as she thought and glanced at the dressing room where Adrik had been inside for a minute now.

She had let Adrik know of her plan, so hopefully, she would succeed tonight. 

The door to the dressing room creaked open, and Adrik walked out outfitted in a fine white suit that complimented his demeanor. His hair was let down to reach his back knee.

Leia's eyes fluttered, and she stood up from the bed and walked over to him. "Adrik... your hair." She went behind him, and her eyes blinked vigorously in shock as she stared at the length. "It's too long!" She exclaimed and turned him around to gaze at his face.

"You need to cut it a bit short. It's almost about to touch the floor." Her eyes stared intently at him, awaiting his response.

Adrik pinched between his brow and shook his head at her. "Little wife, I can't. Remember what I told you? " He caressed her cheek and walked to the table to sit down and glance at himself in the mirror.

"So... what are you going to do about it?" Leia walked up to him and stood behind him.

"Ponytail as usual." He smirked at her through the mirror, and Leia slapped him on the head. "You think it's easy to tie such long hair into a ponytail." She clicked her tongue and grabbed a few oils and combs to do his hair.

It took a few minutes, but she finally managed to pack it up into a fine ponytail. "Perfect!" She wiggled her brow at him, and Adrik gave her a thumbs-up. He stood up from the chair and turned around, then leaned down and placed a soft kiss on her lips. "My little wife is the best." He smiled and walked past her to grab his gold watch from the mini table.

Leia ambled to the bathroom and washed her hands, then returned and picked up her purse from the mini table.

"You ready?" Adrik asked her as he clasped his watch around his wrist. 

"Yes," She nodded at him and walked to stand beside him.

"Alright, let's go." He interlocked his hands with hers and led her out of the room. They took the elevator and went downstairs, then walked out of the mansion.

On either side of the SUV parked at the gate, men dressed in black suits stood in the same posture.

The backseat doors were both open and the bodyguards stood beside them, waiting for them to step in.

Leia glanced up at the dark sky and a nervous breath exited her mouth. It's been quite a long time since the day she left the house on her wedding day. Today, she's going to visit it.

Adrik stroked her back and walked her to the car. She stepped in, and he followed after. The bodyguards shut the door and took their seats in the front seat of the car.

The driver started the car engine and slowly drove out of the compound. He raised the speed to normal and sped off down the road.


Mr. Adolpho finished up with his hair and dropped the comb on the table. He never lets the maids comb his hair but does it by himself. Until today, no one knew why.

Dressed in his casual stay-at-home wear, he slid into his slippers and proceeded to make his way downstairs, with a newspaper in his hand.


Amy browsed through her phone while sitting inside the room with Jenny. She chewed bubble gum in her mouth, and Jenny sat on one side of the bed staring at her, with an irritated expression appearing on her face.

"What?" She raised her eyes to glare at Jenny when she noticed her staring at her.

"Nothing-" Jenny shrugged and stood up from the bed. "-Just that you're acting like a bitch." She folded her arms and walked over to stand near her.

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"You just called me a bitch." Amy fluttered her eyes and bit her lower lip as she shook her head. "Call me whatever you want; I don't really care." She smirked and resumed browsing through her phone.

Jenny's face altered in annoyance, and she grabbed the phone from her, dropping it on the table. "You need to get your ass out of that bed and go talk to father! You have been avoiding him for a month now."

"And does he care?" Amy raised her brow in a questioning manner and folded her arms.

"Even if he doesn't, you can't act this way. I thought you were the responsible one and I was the irresponsible one. Since when did we switch roles? I am the one that always acts like a bitch, not you, so I don't understand what happened to you and changed you this way. " Jenny shook her head as a deep breath escaped her nose.

"You want to know what changed me this way?" Amy grinned mysteriously and stood up from the bed to stand in front of her sister. "Do you see how happy she's living now? She was never that ha-"

"My ladies, your father requests your presence in the living room, downstairs." A voice resounded from the door, and both sisters turned their heads to see a middle-aged woman standing by the door.

"What does he want?" Amy's face darkened in annoyance, and she plopped down on the bed. "Tell him that I am not coming." She scoffed and rested her head back, shutting her eyes.

Jenny glanced at her and turned to the maid. "We will be down in a few minutes." She smiled, and the maid bowed and took her leave, shutting the door behind her.

Jenny turned around to gaze at Amy with an ashen face, and Amy chuckled at her. "Please don't look at me like that."

"Get up from there!" With her hands akimbo, she commanded, and Amy opened one of her eyes to peek at her. "I said I'm not going." She shrugged and closed her eyes.

Jenny's patience had reached its limit, and she grabbed her by the wrist, forcefully pulling her up from the bed. "Downstairs now!" She pushed her out of the room and shut the door behind them.

Amy turned and hatefully glared at her. Jenny ignored it and pushed her to the stairs. They walked down side by side and arrived in the living room.

The first person their eyes fell on was their father, who was seated on the pristine white sofa, with his legs crossed and a newspaper in his hand. "Take a seat." He said to them, without sparing them a glance.

Jenny grabbed Amy by the wrist and dragged her along to take her seat on the sofa opposite their father.

They plopped down on the couch, and Amy traversed her legs and folded her arms. Her blonde hair fell over her shoulders, and the white shirt and blue shorts she wore gave her a cute look.

Jenny, who was clad in a red dress with her black hair tied up in a ponytail, turned her head to glance at her sister and shook her head in irritation. 

They raised their eyes to glance at their father, and Mr. Adolpho dropped the newspaper in his hand on the glass mini table in front of him.

He folded his arms and gazed at them. "Have you both had your dinner?" He asked, and Jenny nodded at him.

"What did you call us for?" Amy bluntly asked, and Mr. Adolpho averted his gaze from Jenny to her. A half-smile made its way to his lips, and he patted the space beside him on the sofa. "Come sit beside me."

Amy's eyes blinked in surprise, and she glanced at Jenny, who also glanced at her at the same time.

She cleared her throat and proceeded to get up from the couch. She walked over to the divan her father was seated on and took a seat beside him.

A deep breath escaped Mr. Adolpho's nose, and he turned to stare at her. "Why exactly are you mad at me?" He questioned her, but Amy rudely rolled her eyes. "Why do you care? It's not like you bothered to ask in the past month. "

Mr. Adolpho slightly nodded his head and relaxed back on the couch. "I am sorry, but you act like a kid at times. I know why you are mad, but it is not my fault. I thought you were smart like me, but I just realized you're not, rather Jenny is." He shook his head and clicked his tongue.

Amy's face puckered and she turned to glare at her father. "What do you mean I am not smart?" She asked, with her hand folded in utter displeasure.

Mr. Adolpho turned his head to glance at her and raised his brow at her. "Why are you mad that her-" He was yet to finish his words when a young maid abruptly ran into the living room and bowed deeply at them. "Master, young Miss Leia, and her husband are here.." She informed him in a tone that held nervousness.

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