Sold To An Alpha

Chapter 130: I Can Cook

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They launched the car's engine and reversed it, then drove out of the compound and sped off down the road.

Seeming as though they had arrived at their destination, they slowed down the car and carefully turned, driving into a tall mansion that was painted a royal brown. It had two long, wide stairs on either side of it, which led to a massive golden door. And in front of the mansion was an immense pool that would fit lots of people.

They parked the car, stepped down, and rushed to open the door for their young master. 

The young man stepped down and stood still to carefully examine his home. A place he hadn't visited for years. His house, which he had missed very much. He breathed in the fresh air and shoved his hands into the pockets of his jeans, then began to make his way towards the stairs.

As he walked up the stairs, a smile appeared on his face, and the moment he stood in front of the gold-colored wide door, his smile broadened.

The door pushed open and he stepped in. A vast living room with a sophisticated aesthetic came into view. It was painted a classic ash color, and it was devoid of any chandelier. Rather, a tall, expensive-looking lantern stood at each of the four corners of the room. On the white-colored ceiling were round lanterns hanging on it.

Ash-colored sofas of different shapes were situated perfectly, and an elegant-looking woman with black hair that had a few strands of white mixed in it sat on it with literature in her hand and an eyeglass hanging on the bridge of her nose. 

A broad smile emerged on the young man's face, and he quietly tiptoed near the woman and stood behind her. A few seconds later, he leaned down and hugged her tightly.

The woman sat up from the couch, startled by the unknown approach, and turned around to see who it was, only for her body to come to a halt.

Her breathing became unsteady and little bubbles of tears welled up in her eyes. "S-shawn." Her voice trembled as she spoke the name of her son, whom she hadn't seen in four years. Is she dreaming or what? Her body trembled and she slowly moved towards him, then reached out her hand to grab onto his cheek. "S-shawn." She tenderly rubbed his cheek, and the young man, who was Shawn, nodded his head at her. "Mother." His voice cracked up as he found himself about to tear up.

"It really is you!" She pulled him into a tight hug and stroked his back. Shawn wrapped his arms around her and tightly hugged her as though she could disappear if he didn't. "I missed you so much, mum." He said behind sobs, and his mother nodded at him. "I know you did, and I missed you more." She pulled back from the hug and began to plant kisses on his face.

She gently wiped off the tears on his face and led him to sit down on the divan, next to her. She held onto his hands and gazed at him for a while. "Why didn't you tell me you were coming home?" She asked with a downcast expression on her face.

"I wanted to surprise you, and I pulled it off." A slap landed on his head the moment he said that, and an ouch fled his mouth. "Mum!!"

"Such an unfilial son! How can you do this to your mother? I nearly had a heart attack because of you!" She cackled softly afterward and pulled him into a hug. "I love you, my dear son."

"I love you more, mother." A deep breath escaped Shawn's nose, and he hugged her tightly.

Among the top five richest, his mother was in the top 5.

First was Adrik. 

Top two, Ileus.

Lady Cathryn came in third place.

Top four, Mr. Adolpho.

Top five, Mrs. Robert who is his mother. 


Standing in front of the kitchen counter, Selena clicked her tongue as she stared at the burnt food on the cooker, and a groan of frustration erupted from her throat.

[Impressing him gone wrong] Her wolf Elise began to laugh, and her hands balled into a tight fist.

"Shut the fuck up!" She yelled at Elise, but Elise kept on laughing.

[Taking a cooking lesson will be very helpful] Elise sealed her lips to avoid bursting into laughter, and Selena took a long, subtle breath. 

She dropped the spoon on the counter and proceeded to take off the apron she was wearing. However, she abruptly halted when she saw Victor walk into the kitchen.

A sheepish expression emerged on her face when she saw his eyes flutter as he stared at the mess she made. Her cheeks turned red, and she bent her head to avoid his gaze.

"You don't know how to cook, do you?" He asked her, and as though having thought of something, she immediately shook her head. "Of course, I do know how to cook. It's just that something got mixed up and... this mess happened." She chuckled awkwardly, and Victor slowly nodded his head at her. Damn, if she says she doesn't know how to cook, he will start suspecting her, because the only possibility that she doesn't know how to cook is because she is from a very rich family. Haha, a princess at that.

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"Hmm, why am I finding it hard to believe that you know how to cook?" Victor dwindled his gazes as he said, and cold sweats began to drip from her back.

She cleared her throat and raised her gray eyes to stare at him. "Well, I can prove that to you. Just please leave the kitchen, and let me create my masterpiece." She smiled at him, revealing her thirty-two teeth, and Victor nodded at her.

He grabbed a can of beer from the fridge and made his way out of the kitchen.

Selena immediately slammed the door shut and locked it, then took a long deep breath.

She shoved her hand into the pocket of her jeans and pulled out her phone which was bought by Victor. In the past few days, Victor had bought new clothes for her so she would stop wearing his. Quite a gentleman. 

She straightened up and walked towards the counter, then leaned against it. 

It wouldn't hurt to hop onto social media and look for some cooking tutorials, right? She shrugged and opened the YouTube app on her phone, then hurriedly typed, [How to cook creamed spinach and sausage pasta]

It loaded up immediately and many videos came into view. "Which one to click?" Her fingers hovered above the screen of her phone, and she finally clicked on the second video.

She positioned her phone at the window near the counter and began to bring out the ingredients she needed. 

Sausage √, garlic onions √, red chili flakes √, chicken broth √, pasta water √, and Italian hard cheese √.

"Mhmm, what else? Oh... salt and black pepper. " She set all the ingredients in front of her on the counter and a deep breath exited her nose. "Okay, I can do this."

[I seriously doubt that] Elise shook her head at her and went silent.

Selena ignored her and grabbed a pot of water, per the instruction of the cook.


Victor sat on the sofa in the living room with a can of beer in his hand and browsed through his phone. He moved straight to YouTube, and just as he was about to click on a video, an incoming call from Leia showed up on the screen of his phone, and he picked it up.

"Hey, Leia."

[Vic, I am calling because I need to tell you that I will be going to collect the test result today during the afternoon time].

"Whoa, I thought you said tomorrow." Victor's brow creased in bewilderment.

[Well, the doctor called us early this morning and told us that the results would be out today, so...

"Mhmm... I see."

[Once I get the test result, I will call and let you guys know what it says]

"Alright, I-"

"Ahhhh!!!" A loud yell from Selena resounded from the kitchen, and Victor immediately turned around to glance at the door of the kitchen.

[Is someone with you?] Leia inquired, as she too heard the yell from over the phone.

"Ahh... no... it's the TV. Yes, the TV. I am watching a show." He immediately came up with an answer, and after a few seconds of silence, Leia replied with an okay and hung up the call.

A deep breath escaped Victor's nose, and he made his way to the kitchen. He turned the door handle, but it didn't open. "Selena, are you okay in there?" He implored, and Selena, who was inside the kitchen, nodded her head. "Yes, everything is fine. Don't worry about me." She replied, and Victor lingered for a moment before he made his way back to the living room.

Selena stared at the pan of oil on the cooker and her eyes narrowed. "It's either you or me today!" Her gritted teeth tightened and she walked closer to the counter.

The scream that came from her before was a result of the drops of bubbling oil that flew onto her arm.

Elise shook her head and chuckled softly [This is gonna be fun]

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