Sold To An Alpha

Chapter 131: Embarrassed

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Leia followed behind Adrik as he strolled towards the Rolls Royce. They pulled the door of the car open and shut it right after they stepped in.

Adrik started the car engine, reversed it, and smoothly drove out of the compound, then sped off down the road.

Leia had her head bent down, and she couldn't stop fiddling with her sweaty hands. A deep breath escaped her nose when Adrik patted her shoulder and she raised her eyes to stare at him. 

"Don't be nervous, okay?" He smiled at her and she nodded, then rested her head on the window.

They soon arrived at the hospital and stepped down from the car. Adrik interlocked her hand with his, and together, they made their way into the hospital.

They waited for a few minutes before Dr. Robert called them in. They took their seats at the table and patiently waited for Dr. Robert to arrive.

It didn't take more than a minute before the door pushed open. Dr. Robert smiled on seeing them and made his way to the table to sit down.

He intertwined his hands and smiled, friendly at them. "It's good to see you again, Mr. Avalanzo."

"It's good to see you too. " Adrik nodded at him and he turned to Leia.

"Welcome, Mrs. Avalanzo." Leia nodded and smiled at him. "Thank you."

"Alright, here is the document. Everything is all completed. " Dr. Robert pulled his drawer open and grabbed a file that had Adrik and Leia's names written on it. He handed it over to Adrik, and Adrik received it. "Thank you very much, Mr. Robert. We will be taking our leave now." He stood up from the chair, and Leia did the same.

They strolled out of the office, and he interlocked his hand with hers, then led her to the car.

They stepped in and shut the door, then Adrik launched the car engine and drove off into the road.

They were both silents throughout the ride. Leia laid her head on the window and kept fiddling with her fingers. Adrik would turn now and then to glance at her with an apprehensive expression on his face. A low breath escaped his nose and he returned his eyes to the road.


With her arms akimbo, Selena stood near Victor, who was seated at the dining table. 

On the table were two bowls of creamed spinach and sausage pasta. 

"Tell me what you think." A wide smile emerged on her face, and she adjusted the apron she was still wearing.

Victor nodded at her and turned to gaze at the food. It does look quite okay. So he thinks. Well, it won't harm to try it. It might actually taste good. 

He took a deep breath, grabbed the steel spoon placed beside the bowl, and dipped it into the food. He scooped up half a spoon and brought it to his lips. 

He swallowed hard and raised his eyes to glance at her. His heart fluttered at the cute smile on her face and her broadened eyes that were staring at him in expectation. His eyes flickered, and he averted his gaze immediately. 

He parted his brims and allowed the spoon to enter his mouth. Then, slowly, he began to chew on it, and his lashes couldn't help but blink furiously. His lips trembled, and with much effort, he swallowed it.

Without wasting any time, he grabbed a glass of water, gulped down a mouthful, then took a subtle breath. Victor shook his head and turned to look at Selena, who had a pessimistic expression on her face. 

Victor's actions alone were enough to tell her that her food was terrible. But, how could it be? She had put a lot of effort into making this food. She even burnt her arm in the process.

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Jeez. She was sure she did every single thing that woman instructed, so how could it have turned out bad? Or maybe... that woman doesn't know how to cook. I mean, since it was a video, there was no way the viewers would know if it was good or not. 

A low breath exited her mouth and she smiled awkwardly at Victor, who was staring at her with a raised brow. "I am... sorry." She nodded at him with a downcast expression on her face, turned around, and slowly made her way back to the kitchen.

She stepped in and shut the door, then walked to the counter and angrily slammed her fist on it. "Fuck!!!" She breathed heavily and shut her eyes. What seemed like tears slipped through her lashes and streamed down her cheek; another one followed after.

Bewildered by the sudden tears coming out of her eyes, Elsie, her wolf, blinked her eyes and lowered her head. [Why are you crying?] She implored, and Selena sniffed, then raised her head to gaze out to the sky through the window.

'I honestly don't know.' She shook her head and threw her head back. 'Maybe because I embarrassed myself, who knows? You know, I didn't think I would be crying here, but this is the first time I have felt this embarrassed and it.. hurts so much.' She used her pinky to wipe off the tears on the edge of her eyes.

[Well, regardless, you still tried your best and that's all that matters. I mean, this is your first time and I have to say you impressed me] Elise smiled at her, and she chuckled softly.

The door to the kitchen was pushed open, and Victor stepped in. Selena immediately dabbed the drops of tears off her eyes and allowed a smile to emerge on her lips, then turned around to stare at him. "Hey..."

"Are you crying?" Victor asked when he saw her wet lashes and immediately walked over to her. He grabbed her cheeks with his hands and examined her face. The moment he spotted the tears in her eyes, his brow creased deeply. "Why are you crying? Is it because you got no comments from me on your food?" He inquired, but Selena uttered not a single word.

He let out a deep sigh and let go of her cheek. "You know, you didn't allow me to say anything and left. Yeah, maybe it wasn't so great, but you tried. I mean, I know you can't cook and am happy you still tried to even though you can't. It was actually quite good for a first-timer." He wiggled his brow at her, and Selena couldn't help but chuckle at how cute that made him look.

Victor cackled softly and slightly nodded at her. 'You shouldn't feel embarrassed about things like that; rather, you just have to meet a master chef like me, and boom, you will be one of the best cooks in the world."

Selena couldn't help but laugh yet again and folded her arms. "So you can cook."

"Yes," Victor replied with a dramatic look on his face, and Selena nodded with a smile on her lips. "How much will it cost me to get a cooking lesson from you, master?" She smiled innocently as she inquired, and Victor stroked his jaw as though thinking, then turned his head to look at her.

"Just your time and patience, dear student." He smirked, and Selena spread her arms with a cheerful expression on her face. "What are we waiting for then?"


Adrik parked the car and stepped down. He shut the door and walked over to Leia, then they strolled into the mansion.

The elevator took them up to the second floor, where they walked out and made their way to their room.

Adrik shut the door behind them and strolled to sit beside Leia on the bed. A deep nervous breath fled Leia's lips, and she lowered her head.

"What's wrong, little wife?" Adrik inquired with concern apparent in his tone, and Leia abruptly wrapped her arms around him, hugging him tightly. "I have never felt this nervous in my life. I mean, I was always the tough girl who didn't let emotions consume me, but now... " 

"Hush little wife, don't say that..." Adrik silenced her and grabbed her chin, then lifted her head so she could look at his face. "Little wife, listen to me... No matter how tough we are, there are some emotions and thoughts that we still can't handle. It just consumes us and it's best to just let it out. So it's okay to feel nervous. I mean, you're going to find out something very important regarding your life." He leaned down and planted a soft kiss on her lips.

Leia nodded and smiled at him. "Alright, I am ready." She took a deep breath, and Adrik nodded at her.

He grabbed the file and untied the thin rope binding it, then turned his head to glance at her. Leia cupped her hands together and stared at him in anticipation.

Adrik opened the file and flipped through the documents inside to find the important one. His eyes carefully scanned through it, and when it fell on the part where the result was written, his eyes trembled.

His hands became stiff and he slowly turned his head to gaze at Leia with an unfortunate expression on his face.

Leia's brow creased in confusion, and her eyes flickered. "Um, what.... does it say?" She asked with tension in her voice, and a deep breath escaped from Adrik's nose.

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