Sold To An Alpha

Chapter 147: Rita

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"You intimidate me, my spirit, and my wolf."

Leia's eyes fluttered vigorously, and she drew her head back. Her pitch-black pupil gazed intently at Rita, and she cleared her throat. "What... do you mean?" She asked, completely bewildered.

"I don't know, just that... ever since that day you came home with the deadly aura lingering on you, my wolf always trembles whenever I come into contact with you." Rita bit her lower lip and raised her eyes to peer at her.

"A deadly aura?" Leia's brow arched and her orifices blinked in confusion when Rita nodded her head at her. "I didn't know a deadly aura was lingering around me that day." She shook her head, and Rita fluttered her eyes, then parted her lips to say something. "Luna, c-can I ask you a question?"

Leia's brows raised, and she slowly nodded at her. "Yes you can, but... first I would like to let you know something." She crossed her legs and interlocked her arms. "Yeah, we did have some misunderstandings in the past, but let that be the past. I am not going to hurt you or mistreat you, so please stop acting as if you saw the devil whenever you see me. Jeez, it makes me feel like I look like a monster." She clicked her tongue as her face altered in irritation.

Rita's eyes squinted, and she slowly nodded her head. "I am sorry. Please forgive me." She bowed her head a bit, and Leia casually waved her hand at her. "Go on with your question."

She nodded, then took a deep breath before fixing her intent gaze on Leia. "Luna, are you, by any chance, a... demon?" 

Leia's body throbbed instantly when she heard her question and she couldn't help but gaze at Rita with vigilance in her eyes. 

Rita slowly began to move from the chair under her intent gaze. Again, she was intimidating her wolf. "I am sorry if my question offended you." She hurriedly stood up from the chair and bowed while apologizing to her.

A deep breath escaped Leia's nose, and she relaxed back on the chair, then folded her arms. "Yes... I am... a demon." She slowly nodded, and Rita's body became motionless. Her eyes attentively gazed at Leia, and Leia raised her brows at her.

"Seriously?! I just fucking told you right now that I am never going to hurt you. You really should learn to feel free around me, because we are going to be seeing each other and interacting more often." A mysterious smile appeared on her face, and before Rita could say a word, she stood up from the chair and walked out of the living room, then made her way to the bedroom.

She stepped in and shut the door, then turned around only to see Adrik still busy with his laptop. Her brow creased, and she strolled towards him. 

She took the laptop from him and kept it on the mini table, then gently sat on his lap and wrapped her arms around him. "Why are you still working?" She nuzzled his neck and left a light kiss on his jaw.

Adrik's brow arched and a grin formed on his lips. He gently drew her back and stared at her pretty face. "What are you trying to do, little wife?" He asked, with a smirk on his lips.

Leia's brow wrinkled in displeasure and she proceeded to stand up from his laps. However, Adrik grabbed her by the waist and sat her down, then planted a soft kiss on her lips. "How did it go?" He inquired, and a low breath fled from her nose.

"Went pretty okay, although it wasn't Mr. Bob that I saw, rather it was his son. But... he is very cooperative and quite easy to do business with." She shrugged, and Adrik slightly nodded at her. "I see... so how do you take your next step?"

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Leia stared at him for a moment, and the side of her lips curved up into a smile. "Rita," she stated, and Adrik's lashes fluttered. His brow raised, and he tilted his head to one side. " Rita?"

"Yes." She nodded and stood up from his lap, then walked towards the window to stand and gaze up at the almost dark sky.

Adrik's brow furrowed a bit in bewilderment, and he also stood up from the couch, then walked towards the window to stand beside her. "What do you mean by Rita?" He asked, completely curious.

A deep breath escaped Leia's nose, and she turned to face him. She blinked her eyes and smiled mysteriously at him. "Rita is perfect for my next plan. Wait till tomorrow." With that being said, she walked past him and made her way to the bathroom.

Adrik's gazes squinted, and he turned to glance at her disappearing back. A half-smile formed on his lips, and with a shake of his head, he walked back to take his seat on the sofa.


The next day arrived, and currently, it was noon.

Within a vast room, Leia, who was clad in a white t-shirt and blue jeans with her hair tied up, stood in front of Rita, who was seated in a chair. Beside her was seated another person, whose face held a cheerful smile.

"Alex, we are glad to have you here." Leia smiled, and Alex slightly nodded at her. A deep breath escaped her lips, and she walked to sit on the one-man sofa that was in front of the two. She crossed her legs, then interlocked her hands. "You both are probably curious as to why I called you here."

Rita and Alex nodded and anticipation emerged on their faces.

"It's nothing much, just that I have an assignment for you two, especially you Rita." Leia turned her head and fixed her gaze on her, then began to explain her grievances with Mr. Adolpho and how she intended to exact her vengeance.

Rita's lashes flickered as she listened, and a deep sigh couldn't help but flee her mouth. Honestly, she regrets her actions towards Leia that day. Leia did nothing wrong to her and she just... She shook her head, and a simple smile formed on her face.

"Do you guys understand now?" Leia inquired, and they both nodded their heads. "That's good." She bobbed her head in satisfaction, then directed her attention on Rita.

"Rita, my assignment for you is a very dangerous one, and at no cost must you lose focus. You have to concentrate on this mission and make sure that you finish it without any implications whatsoever. "

Rita nodded and took a deep breath.

"Alright then.." Leia smiled and stood up from the chair, then placed her hands behind her back.

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