Sold To An Alpha

Chapter 148: Davis

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"Rita, I have a question for you." She turned and faced Rita with a smile on her face. "What attracts a man to a woman the most?"

Rita's eyes fluttered at the question, and she cleared her throat. "A beautiful face and a hot body." She stated this with confidence apparent on her face.

Leia's expression altered in irritation, and she picked up the hand fan on the table near the one-man sofa and threw it at Rita's head, earning an ouch from her. "You're wrong!" She pointed at her with a stern expression on her face, then took a deep breath. "Vulnerability"

"Huh?" Rita's brow arched in utter confusion, and she stared at Leia with furrowed brows.

"Vulnerability is what men crave the most in women. They are dominative creatures, and what do you think fits them the most? It's a vulnerable and defenseless woman. One that he can dominate and rule." Leia gestured with her hands as she explained.

A deep breath left Rita's nose, and Alex, who sat beside Rita with a fallen jaw, slowly raised his hand to ask for permission to speak.

"Keep your fucking hands down, or else this fan will land on your forehead." Leia smiled at him and returned her attention to Rita. "Like I was saying, defenselessness is what men crave the most in women. Now let me ask you a question."

"What do you think will happen when a woman with tears in her eyes and a broken heart walks towards a man?"

"Um..." Rita's eyes squinted, and she adjusted in her seat. "Well... he will probably reach out to help or at least ask what's wrong." 

"Exactly. He will reach out to help." Leia chuckled softly and moved to sit down on the one-man sofa. She crossed her legs and interlocked her hands, then allowed a smile to emerge on her face. "Men like women that are naive and powerless, and we use it against them. Now my mission for you revolves around this."

"Mr. Adolpho is a womanizer. He likes women a lot, and a woman will be the death of him. " She laughed and slightly shook her head. "Now listen, Mr. Adolpho does like women a lot, but as a woman, you do not dare deceive him, because if you do and he finds out, I doubt you will leave to see the daylight. At that moment, he won't care that you're a woman, and that's why I'm allowing you to know that this mission is not going to be easy."

"We are going to use his womanizing fetish against him." An evil grin emerged on Leia's lips, and her eyes narrowed maliciously. "Here's the plan." She slowly began to explain the plan to Rita and Alex, and the moment she was done, she stood up from the sofa and smiled at both of them.

"The mission starts tomorrow." She chuckled softly and proceeded to leave. However, she abruptly halted on her steps and turned to Rita. "You will have a great makeover tomorrow." With that being said, she strolled out of the room with her hands placed behind her back.

Rita and Alex glanced at each other, and Alex couldn't help but shake his head. "Damn, women are really scheming." He clicked his tongue and stood up from the chair, then walked out of the room, leaving only Rita, whose eyes were gazing into emptiness. 


Leia walked into the bedroom and grabbed the car key and a photo of her mother from the table. Currently, Adrik was out with the men, and it was just her, Alex, Rita, and the maids that were in the house.

A deep breath escaped her nose and she gazed at her reflection in the mirror. A pessimistic smile emerged on her lips, and a low sigh left her mouth.

How did she get this far? She couldn't help but question herself. How she wonders when she will finally have peace. A low breath exited her nose, and she shook her head, then strolled out of the room and shut the door behind her.

She walked out of the mansion and made her way towards the Lamborghini. She unlocked it and stepped in, then carefully reversed and drove out of the compound.

She raised the speed as she sped down the road, and her eyes glanced from one place to another. She stopped by a flower shop at one point and bought a bouquet of white lilies, then continued to drive to the destination she was going to.

A whole forty minutes passed before a familiar place came into view. She slowed down the car and parked it on the roadside. 

She stepped down and shut the door, then walked into the place that one would call a cemetery once seen. The white lilies in her hand made a crushing noise as she walked closer to the only grave that would ever bring her to the cemetery.

She stood in front of it and a deep breath exited her nose. The mess she had made that day was still there. The flower's age-scattered petals were all withered and bad-looking to the eyes.

Without much thinking, she squatted down and began to pick up the flowers and broken pieces of her mother's photo. She threw them away when she was done and arranged the things on her mother's grave.

She placed the new photo she brought along with her on the grave and decorated it with white lilies. Now the grave looked as memorable as it should look.

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A low breath fled Leia's nose and she knelt on the ground. She gazed intently at her mother's photo, and a half-smile formed on her face. "Mom, I may not love you as much as I used to, but one thing you should know is that you're always in my heart. I will never hate you or forget you, because, without you, I don't believe I could have survived all those years of torture and hardship. You're the reason why I'm still living confidently and happily. You and Adrik are the only reasons I am optimistic about this world. "

"Speak of Adrik. I want to bring him here one day, so he can meet you, and then you can meet him too."

"You always told me that I would one day, marry a very nice, gentle, kind, and loving man, and let me tell you, mum, I did. He's everything one would call perfection and more than one would expect. At times, I think I don't deserve him. " A light-loving chuckle escaped her mouth, and she took a deep breath. "I love you, Mum." She smiled at the photo of her mum, then sat near the grave and pulled her legs to her chest. She wrapped her arms around them and buried her face in her knees.

Thunderstorms rumbled and dark clouds began to cover the sky. Drops of rain began to fall, and Leia raised her head to glance at the atmosphere. A smile formed on her lips, and she stood up from the ground. She turned to her mother's grave and gave a deep respectful bow to her before turning around and leaving the cemetery. 

She walked towards her car and leaned down on it, supporting her body with it. The rain began to get heavy and Leia stood gazing into emptiness as though thinking of something important.

A low breath left her lips, and she turned around, getting into the car.

She started its engine and slowly drove back, her leisurely eyes focused on the road ahead of her.

She drove for at least an hour before she stopped opposite an outdoor seating liquor store that she had once come to before.

A warm smile formed on her lips as she spotted someone, and without any hesitation, she stepped down from the car and strolled towards the store.

She took a seat under the rain, and a low breath escaped her nose.

From within the store, a young man with brown curly hair, gray eyes, and very white skin took a deep breath as he sighted the young girl who sat outside in the rain. What is wrong with these people? How many times will he keep repeating, "Mr./Mrs./Miss, please don't stay in the rain, you can come inside"? Are they doing this on purpose?

An annoyed groan erupted from his throat, and he took a deep breath to calm himself down. 'They will never be the reason why I will lose my job.' He scoffed to himself and picked up the umbrella beside the counter he was standing at and proceeded to walk out.

He placed the umbrella over his head and walked over to the young woman. "Miss, you shouldn't st-" The moment his eyes fell on the face of the young girl, his body stilled and his jaw fell. "You..." 

"Hello, Davis." Leia smiled at the young man. He was the guy that had asked her to come inside that day she came to drink herself to stupor before committing suicide.

The young man's eyes fluttered, and a smile cracked on his face. "Oh my God! It's nice to see you again."

Leia chuckled softly at him and slightly shook her head at him. "It's nice to see you too."

"Please come inside." Davis smiled at her and she stood up from the chair and walked inside, not minding her wet clothing.

She stepped into the bar, which was packed with people drinking and having fun at their table.

Davis gestured to her to an empty table and she took her seat. He arrived back with a bottle of alcohol, and Leia smiled at him. "Thanks."

He nodded at her and took a seat opposite her. "Hmm..what's with the tattoos? The last time I saw you, you had none." 

"Well... just kind of found a liking for it and decided to give me a nice one." Leia shrugged, and he nodded at her.

"How are you?" He asked, and a deep breath escaped Leia's nose. "Better than ever. I just kinda passed by here and I thought I'd stop by since it's been pretty long. " She chuckled softly, and he chuckled along with her.

They spent a few more minutes talking to each other, and finally, after twenty minutes, Leia stood up and paid for the drink, but he rejected it and said it was on him. She cackled and bade him goodbye, then proceeded to make her way out of the bar.

She had just pushed the glass door open and was about to step out when she bumped into a strong shoulder. An ouch left her mouth and she raised her eyes to glance at the person.. However, the moment her gaze fell on the person, the world stopped moving around her and her body stilled instantly.

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