Sold To An Alpha

Chapter 156: I Need You

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The door to the dressing room was pushed open, and Leia, who was now wrapped up in a white towel, stepped out with a set of blue pyjamas in her hand. 

Adrik turned his head to glance at her, and the moment their gazes met, her pitch-black pupils glared viciously at him. She turned around and strolled into the bathroom, slamming the door shut.

Adrik chuckled softly, and his ears instantly twitched when he began to hear her murmur from inside the bathroom, making sure to mimic his deep voice.

[You look like a chicken inside of it. I am bigger than you. What makes you think you will look good in it? Humph!! It seems like he's beginning to eye another woman. Just wait till I find out who it is]

Adrik's eyes blinked vigorously in dumbstruck, and his gazes darted around. What the fuck!! Since when did he begin spotting another woman? He questioned himself and couldn't help but glance at the door again.

He slowly shook his head, then silently waited for her to be through with her bath.

It took eleven minutes before the door of the bathroom was pushed open and she stepped out, neatly clad in her pyjamas. She raised her angry-filled eyes to glance at him, and when their gazes met, she narrowed her eyes at him, then made her way to the bed.

She proceeded to climb into the bed, but Adrik appeared before her in the blink of an eye and pulled her up and into his arms.

He stared at her face and charmingly smiled at her. Leia glared ferociously at him and proceeded to free herself from his grip, but he wrapped his arms around her waist and back, holding her in one place. "I know you're angry at me... but calm down." He chuckled softly and lifted his hand to caress her cheek. "I was joking about what I said earlier. You looked very beautiful in my clothes, and your hair-" He raised his orifices to glance at her hair and playfully brushed it with his hands. "-It looks very nice and I like it too."

A slight frown containing a bit of displeasure settled itself in between her brows, and she lifted her gaze to stare into his emerald green eyes. Adrik smiled lovingly and placed a tender kiss on her lips. He drew back, but Leia wrapped her arms around his neck and slammed her lips against his.

"I need you..." She whispered against his lips, and golden specks instantly surfaced in his eyes. He lifted her from the floor in a bridal style and gently laid her down on the bed, leaving himself atop her. He smiled at her and leaned down, placing a soft kiss on her neck, and began to explore her whole body.


Alex arrived at his destination, and this place was none other than the edge of the cliff where he had last seen Alesea. He was hundred percent certain that she was the one calling him. He was able to feel the connection, and her call was desperate.

He glanced around, and on not seeing any sign of her, a deep breath escaped his nose and he raised his sights to stare at the dark sky.

A familiar intoxicating scent abruptly filled his nose and before he could turn around to glimpse the person, slender, pale, arms wrapped around his waist and a body pressed against his back. "Alex..." Her sweet tender voice resounded in his ears and he shut his eyes. He took a deep breath and grabbed her arms, unwrapping them from his waist, then turned around to gaze at her beautiful face. "Alesea..." He said her name in what came out as a whisper.

Alesea raised her blue eyes to gaze into his, and a loving smile couldn't help but form on her lips. She reached out her delicate hands to touch his face, and Alex grabbed it, nuzzling against it. He shut his eyes and inhaled deeply before opening them to stare at her. "How are you?" He asked in a calm tone, and she slightly nodded at him. "I am fine. Sorry for calling you out. "

He shook his head at her and leaned down, delivering a soft kiss on her forehead. "It's okay, I was actually out, so..."

"I missed you, Alex." Her eyes trembled as she said it, and Alex stared at her, unsure of what to say. He lifted his hand to her face and gently caressed her cheek. He grazed her plump red lips with his thumb and Alesea shuddered. 

"I too." He gaped at her lips, and slowly, he leaned down and planted a soft kiss on it. He brushed her neck with his fingers and kissed her yet again. 

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Alesea wrapped her arms around his neck and covered her lips with his, deepening the kiss. She shut her eyes and he kissed her lovingly. "Alex, please be with me... I need you." She breathed heavily against his lips and lifted her pleading-filled eyes to gaze at him.

Alex infrequently shook his head at her and kissed her softly on the forehead. "I am sorry, Alesea. I need more time..."

"But I need you, Alex. I want you. " She brushed his hair back with her hand and held onto his cheek. "Please."

"No, Alesea." Alex's eyes fluttered and he gently grabbed her chin, keeping her face in one place so he could gaze into her sky blue eyes. "I love you, and I want and need you as much as you do. But... I want to tell you right now that I will never touch or go far with you until I have finally decided to be with you."

"You must know that once I decide to be with you, you'll be all mine, and I will use even my last breath to protect you and make sure you're safe. You will be my responsibility then... so give me a bit of time, okay. " He smiled apologetically at her, and she nodded at him, then wrapped her arms around him, hugging him tightly. Alex gently stroked her blue hair with his hand and kissed her head. "I love you." He whispered to her, and she tightened the hug.


For the past few weeks that Victor and Selen had been living together, they have begun to find themselves fond of each other. Victor doesn't feel awkward around her anymore and talks freely with her.

Currently, he was seated in the living room with his eyes fixed on the TV as he was watching a TV show. 

A scent suddenly filled his nose, and he turned his head towards the kitchen. He had been teaching Selena how to cook, and she seemed to be a fast learner, as it didn't take her much to learn almost everything.

A smile formed on his face, and he fixed his gaze at the entrance of the kitchen, waiting for her to step out.

Selena transferred the pancakes to the plate and added the honey on top of them. Then she fixed the other crunchies that she had made before a proud smile made its way to her lips. 

Without bothering to take her apron off, she made her way into the living room, with the tray of snacks in her hand.

She placed it on the table and climbed onto the sofa beside Victor. She curved her knees and used her leg to support her butt, which was situated on it.

"Does it look good?" She wiggled her brows at him as she asked, and Victor smiled, then turned his gaze to the snacks. He inhaled the scent and slowly nodded at her. "It smells so good." 

A wide smile emerged on her face, and she grabbed one of the crunches and positioned it to his lips. "Ahhh." 

Victor's eyes fluttered, and he parted his lips, allowing her to shove the small crunch into his mouth. He slowly chewed on it, savoring its taste, and he couldn't help but nod his head in praise. "This is really good." He gave her a thumbs up and a deep breath of relief exited her lips. "I am glad you like it." She smiled cheerfully at him and adjusted her posture to sit properly on the couch.

She grabbed one of the crunches and threw it into her mouth, then began to chew on it. Her eyes dilated at how good it tasted, and her head began to grow in pride.

Victor smiled at seeing how happy she looked, and that's when he suddenly realized that he had actually never assessed her before. His gaze fell on her long lashes, which fluttered whenever she blinked her eyes. It trailed down to her small nose, which was perfectly pointed, and the urge to touch it overwhelmed him. A sudden smile crept on Selena's face, and that's when he noticed that she had a dimple that becomes very visible when she smiles or laughs. Wait.. Is it because he was quite uncomfortable around her before that caused him to never notice this? His brow raised a bit as he questioned himself.

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