Sold To An Alpha

Chapter 157: Trance

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He slightly shook his head, and his eyes trailed down to her lips, which were not plumpy, nor slim. His gaze lingered there, and his lashes unconsciously blinked as he found himself unable to take his eyes off her lips.

Selena who felt his intent gaze on her turned her head and their eyes met. She squinted in confusion, and Victor swallowed hard. What in the world is wrong with him? He shook his head and took a deep breath. 

"Are you okay?" She asked with concern apparent in her tone, and he nodded. She smiled at him and returned her attention to the TV.

Victor fluttered his lashes and adjusted closer to her, then took a subtle breath. "Selena..."

She instantly turned to stare at him, and his gaze fell into her gray eyes. They both sat staring at each other, and after a while, Victor's eyes traveled down to her lips again, halting there. 

He blinked in a daze and unconsciously began to move his face closer to hers. Selena's lashes throbbed, and before she knew it, soft warm lips enveloped her lips, causing her to fall into a trance. She slowly closed her eyes and parted her lips when he asked for entrance.

Victor's hand brushed her neck, and he deepened the kiss. He slowly pushed her down, leaving her back to press against the wide sofa. Selena wrapped her arms around his neck and he kissed her further. However, at that moment, something coursed through their bodies and sparked within them, causing Victor to instantly break the kiss and flinch back. His body shuddered, and he turned his head to stare at Selena. "Wh-what was that?" He inquired as deep confusion surfaced in his expression. Selena uttered not a single word and just sat staring at him with uncertainty apparent in her gaze. Should she tell him? But what if he sees her as a monster and keeps a long distance from her? What if he... leaves her?

If he kissed her today, it meant he was finally realizing his feelings for her and that's what she wanted. All this might be ruined if she tells him the actual truth. A deep breath escaped her nose and she stood up from the couch. Without saying anything, nor even sparing him a glance, she turned around and began to make her way to her room.

Victor stared at her disappearing back and his confusion deepened. Is she angry with him? His face altered into a bit of a frown, and the urge to slap himself overwhelmed him. Why the hell did he kiss her without her permission? And, oh my goodness, they almost went too far! Gosh! He rubbed his face and gazed out at the sky through the window.

What was she doing to him? Why was she affecting him in this way? God! He was a playboy and no one, I mean no woman, had ever been able to make him take the first step nor make him feel this way. Rather, they were the ones that chased after him and even tried to forcefully have their way with him. A low breath left his mouth, and with one last glance at the door of her room, he stood up and made his way to his room, shutting the door behind him.

He plopped down in his bed and fixed his gaze on the ceiling. He spread his hands on either side of him, then shut his eyes, inhaling deeply.


Leia woke up the next day and stretched her whole body. She blinked her eyes open and the moment her gazes fell on the clock, she jumped out of the bed and began to wear her pyjamas. "9:30 am!!! " She screamed internally and dragged her pants up to her waist. She had never woken up this late before.

She hurried to the table and grabbed the ultrasonic speakers, then plugged them into her ears. "Rita, are you there? Can you hear me?" She inquired nervously, and Rita's tired voice resounded. 

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[Yeah, I am. I have been trying to reach you since 7 a.m. but I couldn't]

"Oh... sorry about that." She chuckled awkwardly and her ears twitched when she heard another voice, which was none other than Mr. Adolpho's, in the background. 

[Good morning, angel]

[Good morning] Rita replied.

Leia's face modified in deep hatred, and she walked to sit down on the bed. Her eyes glanced at Adrik, who was sleeping peacefully with his hair spread on the bed, and she reached out her hand to tuck a few strands of his hair that fell over his face behind his ear. She then leaned back on the bed and focused on the conversation between Rita and Mr. Adolpho.


Mr. Adolpho handed her a cup of coffee, and Rita received it with a grateful smile on her lips. "Thank you."

"You are welcome. Come have a seat. " He gestured to the sofa, and she smiled at him as she took her seat. He sat down opposite her, crossed his legs, and sipped on his coffee. "So... do you feel comfortable enough to tell me now?" 

[Yes, you are]

Rita raised her eyes to stare at him, and a low breath fled her nose. She slowly nodded her head and adjusted her on her seat. "You see, we are two girls in my family, but, um, from different mothers."

"I am the oldest, and... my sister is four years younger than me. How do I put this?... Sometimes in a family, parents tend to love their youngest child a lot, and that is exactly what is happening in my family. "

"My father despises me for a reason I don't know, but he loves my younger sister to the extent that I find myself jealous of her. I know it's silly... but it hurts."

"It's not just that he hates me, but he hits me a lot on different occasions for no reason. I am not allowed to make mistakes, but my younger sister is. Even when I reprimand her for doing something wrong, he hits me so much that I find myself losing consciousness at times."

"Sad life. Haha... yeah, I know. That was one of the reasons I was crying. It's just... " She was yet to finish her sentence when she noticed Mr. Adolpho's face switching into a deep frown. Her eyes blinked vigorously, and she slowly dropped her coffee on the white mini table. "Um... a-are you okay?" She inquired with concern apparent in her tone, and as though being snapped out of the trance he was in, he jolted a bit. Then he hurriedly shook his head and turned to stare at her. "N-nothing... continue.." He secretly took a low breath and smiled at her.

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