Sold To An Alpha

Chapter 161: We Will See

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The ambulance stopped at the hospital, and the nurses from the hospital rushed out. They carefully transferred Shawn onto the wheeled stretcher before rushing him inside the hospital. Leia followed them while holding onto Shawn's hand. The moment they reached the emergency ward, they had Leia stop there, and then hauled Shawn into the room, shutting the door behind them. 

Leia's heart ached in pain, and she peered through the glass circle on the door to see them hauling him into the hospital bed and giving him new oxygen.

Teardrops fell from her eyes, and she stepped back, then slowly began to walk away from the ward. She made her way to the center of the hospital and took her seat on the black couch that was situated there. 

She pinched between her brows and the scene of what happened couldn't help but replay in her mind. God! Just why?! Why today, when she was going to tell Adrik everything?! Why didn't this occur some other day? At least she would have been able to control the situation. 

She wouldn't blame Adrik though, because Shawn had provoked him to the bones, and she wouldn't blame Shawn either. He is hurt, so it is normal for him to behave like this all the time.

A deep breath left her nose and she raised her lowered head to stare into emptiness.


Adrik's face turned ashen, and he glared at Lucifer before he walked to sit down on the edge of the cliff. "What do you want?" He asked without bothering to spare him a glance.

Lucifer sat up on the sofa and floated closer to him, then sat down in midair with his legs crossed and his hands on his knees. "It's so funny how you're the only creature that has really piqued my interest so much, apart from one enemy of mine who is still in a deep slumber." He scoffed within him at the thought of that person and lowered his eyes to gaze at Adrik.

An annoyed groan erupted from Adrik's throat, and he shut his eyes. "Do I seem like I care about your stupid interest? I asked you a question. What the fuck do you want?" 

"Why didn't you kill that boy?" Lucifer's tone became a bit displeased, and he raised his brow at him.

A dangerous glint flashed in Adrik's eyes, and he turned his head to stare at him.

Lucifer's face altered into one of irritation, and his eyes raked him. "Do you know how hard it was for me to manipulate you into slapping the stars out of that boy? How much it took me and, in the end, my efforts were in vain." A low, aggravated groan escaped his throat and he glared at Adrik as though he would rip him apart if he could.

"What!" Adrik's eyes blinked in rage, and he scowled viciously at him.

"Please spare me the glare. Don't act like you don't know." His expression switched to one of contempt and he crushed the stone that appeared in between his fingers out of nowhere.

"You!! Why the hell did you do that? " Adrik's hands morphed into a tight fist and he glared at Lucifer with eyes that could kill if they were able to.

"Who am I?" He raised his eyebrows at Adrik, and Adrik drew his head back in confusion.

He slightly shook his head in disdain and appeared before Adrik, then laughed mockingly. "I am the Devil... What do you think is the Devil's job and calling? ... it is to manipulate and tempt humans and creatures like you into sin, and of course, I couldn't restrain myself when I saw you in that mode. " He began to laugh evilly.

Adrik's breathing became unsteady and he sent a furious punch at him; however, Lucifer disappeared and appeared behind him, then tapped him lightly on the shoulder. "You seriously don't think that you could pluck even the tiniest hair on my skin, do you?" He snickered and shook his head in mockery.

"Why can't you murder someone by yourself if you really want somebody dead?" 

Lucifer's brows raised, and he halted, then turned around to stare at Adrik. He tilted his head to one side and assessed him from head to toe, then shook his head. "I don't kill. Not with my own hands."

"If I do so myself, then humans won't be useful to me anymore. They are tools for me, you know. " He shrugged and snapped his hands, causing the sofa to disappear. "You have become quite hard to manipulate." His face changed a bit in displeasure.

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Adrik gazed at him for a while before he scoffed in disdain. "I feel so disgusted to talk to you. Stop coming to me, because you will never get what you want." He shoved his hands into his pockets and proceeded to leave.

"Until you give me what I want...Adrik, I will never let you be." Lucifer chuckled maliciously, and Adrik halted on his step."In your dreams." With that being said, he began to walk away. "Don't forget to buy some shoes and stop floating around, wherever you go. It doesn't suit you!" 

Lucifer's eyes fluttered, and a slow evil grin emerged on his lips. "We will see." His tone became serious, and with a swift turn, he disappeared.


Instead of going to the mansion, Adrik went to his other estate and bothered not to let Leia know. He took his shower and slid into new clothing, then made his way to the balcony to sit and sip the coffee he had his maids make for him. 

His eyes gazed out to the horizon, and his attention was suddenly grabbed when he heard his phone ring. He snatched it and glanced at the screen. His face altered in irritation on seeing who the caller is, and he turned the phone off, ignoring the call.

A low breath fled from his nose, and he rested his head back on the one-man sofa, then shut his eyes. "Mother Mary..." He whispered her name, and his heart throbbed within him. For 100 years, the only woman who treated him like a mother and only saw the best in him had gone missing.

He had searched back and forth, everywhere he could, but was unable to find her. It was so strange how she disappeared all of a sudden. No letter, no clue, nothing at all. She just left him, to the point of even thinking that maybe she felt he was a curse too. A child, that will only bring sorrow to those around him.

His lashes throbbed, and he slowly opened his eyes, then stood up from the sofa and proceeded inside to take a rest. Today has been really stressful and bad for him.


A deep breath left Leia's nose, and she threw her phone on the bed, then plopped down, lying on her back. She fixed her gaze on the ceiling, and a low sigh escaped her mouth. She has called Adrik multiple times, but he doesn't pick it up and ignores it. Worst of all, she doesn't even know where he is or how he's doing.

She shut her eyes and, gradually, drifted off to sleep.

The clock ticked and ticked, and before anyone knew it, darkness took over the sky, and the only things visible above the sky were the thousands of stars and the half-moon. 

The door to the room creaked open, and Leia, who had just woken up from her nap, rubbed her eyes and glanced at the door. Her eyes fell on Adrik, whose hair was messy and was clad in a different set of clothes. 

She hurriedly got off of the bed and proceeded to walk over to him. However, Adrik dismissed her and moved towards the bathroom, leaving her completely stunned. "Adrik..." She called his name, but he slammed the door shut as though he was angry, and Leia jolted a bit. Her eyes fluttered, and a low sigh escaped her nose. 

She strolled back to the bed and sat down, then folded her arms and patiently waited for him to be done with his shower.

It took a while before Adrik stepped out of the bathroom and went straight to the dressing room. He slid into his night robe and dried up his hair. Then, with much effort, he tied his hair in a messy ponytail and proceeded towards the bed.

He avoided Leia, who was staring at him, and got into the bed, then covered himself with the blanket and shut his eyes, ready to go to sleep.

A deep frown containing displeasure furrowed itself in-between Leia's brows, and she climbed onto the bed beside him. "Adrik..." She called him, but he did not respond. "Adrik." She called him yet again, but just like before, he completely ignored her, not bothering to even turn and glance at her.

"I am sorry... I know it's not your fault and that I shouldn't have reacted in that way, but... Shawn was my childhood friend and seeing him hurt to the point of almost dying got me scared and out of my mind. " She bit her lower lips and began to fiddle with her fingers. "I love you Adrik... a lot. Please don't ignore me. It kind of hurts. " A deep sigh exited her lips when she still got no reaction from him.

She took a subtle whiff and, without thinking twice, she climbed on top of him and situated herself in front of him, in his arms. She wrapped her legs and arms around him, then buried her face in his chest. "I love you. Goodnight. " She kissed his chest and took another low breath before shutting her eyes to wander to sleep.

Adrik blinked his eyes open and a short puff left his lips.. Why can't he ever be angry with her? It was the hardest thing that he had ever tried! He slightly shook his head and wrapped his arms around her, then shut his eyes and drifted off to sleep.

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