Sold To An Alpha

Chapter 162: It's All Just A Nightmare

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Adrik woke up early the next day, feeling a little bit lightheaded. He rubbed his forehead and proceeded to get down from the bed, however, Leia's arm and leg that were wrapped over him held him back. He glanced at her sleeping face and gently took her arms and legs off, then climbed down from the bed.

He walked straight to the bathroom and took his shower, then came out with a towel wrapped around his waist. He proceeded to enter the dressing room; however, Leia's low voice that called his name had him glance at the bed to see her sitting up while stretching her body. "Are you... going somewhere?" She asked and turned her head to stare at him.

"Yes." He nodded at her, then stepped into the dressing room and shut the door behind him. A deep breath left Leia's nose, and she clambered down from the bed. She hurriedly rushed into the bathroom and took a quick shower that lasted only seven minutes, then stepped out wrapped up in a white towel.

She glanced at the table, only to see Adrik grabbing the car key and getting ready to leave. She hastily strolled up to him and walked over to stand in front of him. Adrik gazed down at her and his brow couldn't help but rise in a questioning manner. "Anything."

Leia nodded at him and unexpectedly wrapped her arms around him, hugging him tightly. "Are you still angry with me?" She asked in a soft tone that had him take a deep breath and draw her back to stare at her face. "Little wife...I am not angry with you, okay. I'm just angry with myself, that's all." He delivered a soft kiss on her forehead and smiled at her, then proceeded to leave, but Leia grabbed him by the arm, holding him back. He turned to gaze at her, and Leia took a subtle breath. "Can you come to the hospital today... when you're back from work?" She raised her eyes to gaze at him, and Adrik pinched between his brows. "Why?" He asked, in a tone of disapproval.

"I just want you to come. I will be there too." She stared at him with pleading eyes and squeezed his suit in expectancy.

Adrik shut his eyes and let out a deep breath. He then opened them to look at her and half smiled at her. "Fine." He snatched his hand and, without uttering another word, he walked out of the room, gently shutting the door behind him.

He made his way out of the mansion and met Alex, who was clad in a pristine black suit and standing by the door of the car. "Good morning, Supreme Alpha." He bowed deeply in respect and hurriedly caught the car key that Adrik threw at him.

He unlocked the SUV and pulled the door open. Adrik stepped in, and he shut the door, then moved to take his seat in the driver's chair.

"You know where we are going?" Adrik inquired with a leisurely look on his face.

"Yes, Supreme Alpha." He nodded and swiftly drove out of the compound and onto the road, then raised the speed of the car as he sped off down the road.


Leia, who was already dressed up in blue shorts and a white tank top, strolled out to the dining room to have her breakfast. She plugged the ultrasonic speakers into her ears and, much to her surprise, it turned out that Rita was on. "How is everything going?" She inquired and glanced up at the maid who was arranging her food on the table.

[Everything seems normal at the moment, except that am yet to see him]

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"What do you mean?" Leia's brow furrowed in bewilderment, and she grabbed a delicious-looking sandwich from the ceramic plate.

[Well, after what happened yesterday, he's been locked up in his room and I haven't seen him since then].

Leia slightly nodded and swallowed the part of the sandwich she had chewed. "I see...Let me know once he's out. " 

[Alright]. With that being said, Rita went silent.

Leia grabbed a glass of water from the table and sipped a bit from it to help digest what she had eaten.


Seated on the king-style sofa in his room with a cup of coffee in his hand, Mr. Adolpho gazed out the huge, wide glass window in his room. A low breath escaped his nose and he consumed his coffee. 

'It was just a dream, nothing more.' He kept telling himself but his sweating hand, however, betrayed his calm.

It felt so real. He could feel the flames on his skin, hear her malicious laughter, and...

"Hahaha!!!" The dominative deposition of the young girl had the middle-aged man cowering in fear. "Today, you will die. hahaha!" She threw her head back and continued to laugh crazily.

The middle-aged man breathed heavily and proceeded to run. However, unknown energy that he couldn't see or touch held him in one place, preventing him from moving. 

The young girl's face darkened as she moved closer to the middle-aged man, then grabbed his chin and made him stare into her red eyes that were burning in flames. "You think you can run after all your sins. You think you can run after all the atrocities and abuse you've committed. Hahaha." She let go of his chin, then stepped back from him. "I will give you the most painful death and a few moments to think of all the wrongdoing you did." With that being said, the young girl waved her hand and the fire lit up and slowly began to encircle the middle-aged man. "You will burn to de-."

"Ssss.." Mr. Adolpho clutched his head and inhaled and exhaled deeply to catch his breath. "It's all just a normal nightmare, nothing much.." He calmly told himself and dropped the cup of coffee on the mini table beside the chair, then stood up from the one-man couch to make his way to the bathroom.

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