Sold To An Alpha

Chapter 163: Breach Of A Deal

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Rita, who was clad in a red single-handed dress that reached her feet, walked to the sofa and took her seat, then crossed her legs. She reached out her hand to her head and adjusted her wig, then allowed an apprehensive look to emerging on her face.

Steady footsteps resounded, and she slowly raised her eyes, only to meet Mr. Adolphos, who was dressed in suit pants and a white shirt with the hem rolled up. "Good morning, Mr. Adolpho." A half-smile formed on her lips.

"Good morning, pretty." Mr. Adolpho smiled ever so warmly at her as he walked over to sit down on the one-man sofa opposite the one she was seated on. "How was your night?" He crossed his legs and fixed his gaze on her.

"It was good. At least better than the ones I have had for years now. " She chuckled sadly, and a low sigh escaped Mr. Adolpho's nose. 

"I'm sorry about that and am glad your night went well." He smiled warmly at her, then relaxed back on the couch.

"Thank you for the help you're rendering to me. It really means a lot." She took a deep breath, and he nodded at her. "Um, pretty, it would be a pleasure if you addressed me by Arnoldo." He smiled charmingly, and Rita's lashes fluttered.

"Arnoldo? Is that... your name?" She smiled slyly and raised her eyebrows in a questioning manner.

"Yes." Mr. Adolpho nodded his head, and as though he remembered something, a half-smile crept up his lips. "My father wanted to give me a different name, but my mother disagreed. She named me Arnoldo, and I am proud of the name." 

"Ahh... I see." Rita's eyes blinked, and a smile formed on her lips. "Eagle ruler... That's a very domineering name." She nodded and chuckled softly.

"Indeed it is. So... do address me by that. Mr. Adolpho seems a bit too formal." He cleared his throat, and Rita nodded at him. "Sure, Arnoldo..." The name lasted a bit longer on her tongue, and Mr. Adolpho laughed softly.

"So what is your name?" He inquired, with curiosity apparent in his expression.

"Janet." Rita grabbed the cup of coffee on the table and slowly sipped on it. "Not a beautiful name, is it?" She smiled dryly as she asked.

Mr. Adolpho's eyes blinked, and he hurriedly shook his head. "No no, not at all! Your name is very lovely. " His face became awkward and he smiled at her, hoping that he hadn't made any mistakes.

"It's okay" Rita broke out into a soft chuckle and slightly shook her head,"-I was just messing with you." She sipped her coffee with a smile still lingering on her pink lips.

A deep breath of relief escaped Mr. Adolpho's nose, and his tensed body relaxed. A hearty smile made its way to his lips, and as though he recalled something, his face switched to that of a downcast expression.

Rita, who noticed the change in his mood, furrowed her brow and fixed her gaze on him. "Is everything okay?" She inquired, with concern apparent in her tone.

Mr. Adolpho pinched between his brows and took a low breath. He raised his eyes to stare at her and then folded his hands. "Pretty... about what I said to you yesterday. Could we, um, talk about it?" He inquired with an expectant expression on his face.

Rita gazed intently at him and slowly nodded her head.

Mr. Adolpho took a deep breath, then moved to sit closer to her. He then turned and gazed into her gray eyes. "Regarding what I told you yesterday, I am really serious about it. I just...I just couldn't get you out of my mind throughout the night and I kept trying to figure out a way to start a conversation with you." He pinched between his brows, and Rita's eyes blinked in utter confusion. 

[You already know what to do]

Rita took a low breath, then adjusted a bit to stare at Mr. Adolpho. "I... I would have considered it but... you know what is happening in my family, the deals and all." A low sigh left her mouth, and she averted her gaze from him. " It's just that my father will never let me, not when he wants me to marry that murderer... I just want to protect myself right now, fight this war, and finally get my life back." She lowered her head and covered her face with her palm.

Mr. Adolpho took a low breath and grabbed both of her hands, then tenderly rubbed them. Rita raised her gaze at him, and he smiled at her. "About your problem, I will solve everything for you. You just have to stay with me, that's all. I really can't let you go." He stared at her with pleading in his eyes.

"Yo-you will?" Her eyes dilated a bit, as though she didn't expect that, and he nodded at her. He reached out his hand and caressed her cheek. "I promise you pretty, I will." He pulled her into his embrace and gently caressed her back.

Rita's lashes fluttered, and she sat motionlessly. She gulped down a bit and slowly wrapped her arms around him, hugging him back. "T-thank you." 

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Mr. Adolpho drew back from the embrace and fixed his gaze on her face. "So... do you mind letting me know who your father is?" He asked, his brow a bit arched.

Rita's gaze darted around, and she slowly nodded. "Ah... yes... yes, of course. He's..."

[Mr. Alberto Fredric]

"Mr. Alberto... Fredric." She nodded, with a bit of an awkward smile on her face.

"Ahh...I see..." Mr. Adolpho flickered his eyes and suddenly tilted his head to one side. "I had never heard of him before." He shook his head in bewilderment.

"That's not a surprise. As I said, he's not really rich if we talk about rich people. He just invests a lot, that's all." She smiled at him, and he nodded in understanding. "Well... I would like to meet your father."


{3: 13 pm}

Leia's phone vibrated in her pocket, prompting her to pull it out. She glanced at the screen, and her brow furrowed at the number that had no name. She picked it up and brought it to her ear. "Hello."

[Is this Mrs. Leia Avalanzo?] A woman's serene voice resounded from the other side of the phone.

"Yes," Leia replied, and the caller waited a few seconds before speaking again. 

[We are calling to let you know that the patient that was administered under your name is awake and he is requesting for you]

Leia's heart skipped a bit, and a relieved smile emerged on her lips. "Alright, I will be there in a few hours." She replied, then hung up the call and stuffed it into the pocket of her shorts.


Adrik sat on a one-man sofa, with his fierce eyes gazing at a very familiar man. "So why have you called me here?" He inquired in a tone that held a bit of displeasure.

The man who one would recognize as Vlad frowned deeply at Adrik's question, then relaxed back on the couch that he was seated on. As usual, his whole body was covered with a black cloak and no smile was evident on his red-colored lips. His pitch-black eyes gazed intently at Adrik, and they switched to bloodshot, then returned to normal.

"Don't waste my time, Vlad. You know, I'm not a patient type of person." Adrik's brow raised in utter displeasure. 

"Two wolves were found in my territory." 

The moment the word left Vlad's mouth, Adrik's eyes blinked in disbelief and dwindled in vigilance. "What do you mean?"

"My men reported two wolves from your Blood moon park spying on my people in my territo-"

"That is impossible!" Adrik cut him off with a bit of rage apparent in his tone. "My people would never sneak into your territory to spy. We have no reason to do so." He stated it with absolute assurance, and Vlad chuckled softly.

"That's none of my business, Adrik, but one thing I will not tolerate is you breaching the deal. We made a deal hundreds of years ago that none should cross each other's territory, and I never did, nor did my people. So if you are doing this, it means you want war and you know who I am. We are not afraid of you wolves the way you all think we are. " A dangerous glint flickered in his eyes, and he interlocked his hands.

A low breath left Adrik's nose, and he stood up from the sofa, then shoved his hands into his pocket. "If what you just stated is true, then I shall look into it and make sure it doesn't occur again." With that being said, he turned towards the door and proceeded to make his way out. He walked downstairs and strolled out of the building. "Let's go." He glanced at his watch to check the time and ordered Alex, who stood beside him. It was already 5:15 pm and he had to make it to the hospital before 6 pm.. He slightly shook his head and walked to the car, then stepped in and Alex shut the door.

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