Sold To An Alpha

Chapter 194: Sign A Contract

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Instead of going the way, they were earlier, Alex turned the car around and pulled over, driving the opposite way. 

"Um, Alex, why are we going back?" Leia's eyes fluttered in deep confusion, and she couldn't resist asking.

"I'm sorry, Miss Leia, but I have to take you home." Alex shook his head and continued to drive home.

"But... I still need to meet up with—why are we even going back home?" She pinched between her brows in deep apprehension, and Alex shook his head at her. "I'm really sorry, Miss Leia, but I really need to take you home. You can see that you're not safe and if I don't take you home now, Supreme Alpha is going to kill me, especially when he finds out about what happened today. So, please..." He turned to stare at her with pleading eyes, and Leia slowly nodded in understanding. "Alright."

She relaxed back in the chair and folded her arms, then turned her head towards the window to gaze outside.

They reached back home after an hour or so, and Leia stepped down from the car with an unpleasant look on her face. Without saying anything, she strolled into the house and walked straight to the elevator, which took her up to the second floor.

She pushed the door of their room open and stepped in, then shut it behind her. A low growl erupted from her throat, and she ambled to the bed, then plopped down into it. 

She pulled her phone out of her pocket and proceeded to call Victor.

[Hey Leia, where are you? I am still waiting for you.]

"I'm sorry, Victor, but something important came up and I really can't make it today, so my coming will be next week." She took deep breaths as she said and her face grimaced a bit.

[Oh, I see. Well, uhh... it's fine, you can come by next week. I also have something to tell you guys.]

"Oh...kay. I will be there on Monday. " She smiled and hung up the phone, then stood up from the bed and proceeded downstairs for her lunch.


A black car sped off down the road and only slowed down when it arrived near a company with the name "Blue Berries." 

Mr. Adolpho's eyes narrowed as the car pulled over and drove into the compound. His bodyguard yanked the door open for him, and he stepped down and shoved his hands into his pockets. Without any hesitation, he began to proceed towards the entrance.

The glass door pushed open in response to his presence, and he proceeded to the escalator that took him to the second floor.

Not bothering to wait like he did the last time he came there, he made his way straight to Richard's office and pushed the door open. 

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Richard, who was having a chat with an employee, raised his head, and his face darkened on seeing. Mr. Adolpho in his office.

"Mr. Adolpho." He said his name with a fake smile on his lips, then turned to face his employee. "Do come back later. I have an important guest."

The employee nodded vigorously and stood up from the chair. She gave a respectful bow to Mr. Adolpho before walking out of the door and shutting it behind her. 

Mr. Adolphp's face became stern, and he moved to sit down on the chair. "Let's get to the point. I believe you know why I'm here, no?"

Richards' brow raised a bit in bewilderment, and he relaxed back on the chair, twirling it from one side to another. "Mr. Adolpho, can I be real with you?" 

Mr. Adolpho's eyes narrowed, and he slowly nodded at him.

"Listen... I am not afraid of you or your threats because they are meaningless to me. Even if you have a knife to my throat or a gun to my forehead, I still won't break the engagement."


"Unless we make a good deal, which I have in mind." Richard cut him off and smiled mysteriously, with viciousness in his eyes.

Mr. Adolpo sat up, and his eyes dwindled in deep suspicion. "And what might that be?" He asked with a deep qualm in his tone.

"Oh, it's nothing much, just that if you want me to cut the engagement off, you will have to sign a contract with my company, and the share will be 50/50." Richard smiled dreadfully the instant he saw Mr. Adolpho's face crumpling in what seemed like anger.

"What makes you think that I would sign a contract with your filthy company?" Mr. Adolpho questioned in a tone that held utter disgust.

Richard half smiled at him and slightly shook his head. "Mr. Adolpho, there is something you're failing to understand here. Listen, I am not forcing you to sign a contract with my filthy company but telling you. That Is, if you really want my woman. " He chuckled softly and shook his head before laying back on the chair. "Nothing is free in the world. Janet is my woman, my fiancee, and you think that I will let her go just by mere silly threats from you? " He clicked his tongue in disdain, and Mr. Adolpho shut his eyes, then inhaled and exhaled deeply to calm himself down.

"Fine, I will sign a contract with your company and you will let Janet go." He agreed after a few minutes of deep thinking, with a grim look on his face, and Richard nodded at him. If signing a contract with this cheap company will free Janet, then he's willing to do so.

"Of course." A jovial smile emerged on Richard's face, and he sat up on the chair, then clapped his hands together. "Alright then, we shall meet again next Monday to sign the contract." 

Without bothering to reply to him, Mr. Adolpho stood up from the chair and stormed out of the office, then made his way downstairs.. He stepped into the car with his hands balled into tight fists, and his men started the car's engine, then reversed and smoothly drove out of the compound, speeding off down the road.

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