Sold To An Alpha

Chapter 195: Impossible

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An SUV pulled over and drove into a luxurious compound. The bodyguards, who were seated in the front seat, hurried down and rushed to open the back door.

They helped out a middle-aged man who was no other than the man who had tried to abduct Leia and rushed him into the mansion.

They helped him towards the living room, and he hastily sat down on the brownish couch. "Get me a fucking doctor." He yelled at the maids and the bodyguards in agony, and they all nodded anxiously. 

A young girl with blonde hair and gray eyes scurried down from the stairs and dashed towards the middle-aged man, falling on her knees. "Uncle Robyn!" She whispered his name in a cracked voice and grabbed his left hand, squeezing it tightly. "W-what happened?" She nervously asked, and the middle-aged man who was Mr. Robyn lowered his head to stare at her with his left uninjured eye. He was the brother of Amanda's mother and was furious when he heard about the death of his sister. When he came to know who the culprit was from his niece, he swore to make Leia suffer worse than what his sister had suffered before dying. But unfortunately, his plan didn't work, and he instead got injured.

"I told you to let me handle it, but you wouldn't listen to me!!" She yelled a bit at him in a distressed tone with tears in her eyes, and Mr. Robyn caressed her cheek to comfort her. "Little girl, listen. You can't dirty your hands no matter what, okay? It is not what your mother would have wanted, so leave this to me. "

"What the fuck! You just fucking got injured in your eye and you still want to handle it by yourself! " She stood up and paced back and forth in an apprehensive manner. "Are all the men you went with, dead?" She turned to face him and inquired with a grim look on her face.

Mr. Robyn nodded at her while still covering his right eye with his hand, and a deep growl erupted from her throat. "Uncle!! How could you let them die?!" She stared at him with a horrified look on her face.

Mr. Robyn drew his head back in confusion and his brow furrowed, causing him to wince as he felt a little pain in his right eye. "What do you mean?"

"Uncle, those men are my mum's assistants. She goes everywhere with them and doesn't dispatch them anyhow. You told me that you would be able to finish her off, but here you are with an injured eye and all the men dead. Eight fucking men, uncle! " She clutched her head and groaned deeply in frustration.

"You think you could have done better?" Deep annoyance arose within Mr. Robyn at her attitude and words, and he glared at her.

"Don't you glare at me! You just wasted eight important men and you still had the guts to glare at me!" Amanda's voice trembled in irritation, and she averted her gaze from him in anger. "You know what, don't bother with it anymore. I will get revenge on my mother on my own!"

The minute the words exited her mouth, Mr. Robyn instantly stood up from the couch and pointed his finger at her face in a deep rage. "Listen here, girl, don't you dare disrespect me because I won't take it lightly with you. Your mother! Your mother! What about me? Is she not my sister? Do you think it doesn't hur-" He hadn't finished his sentence when the white door swung open and a doctor with brownish-short, curly hair walked in.

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Mr. Robyn and Amanda turned to look at him, and he smiled as he walked up to them. "Miss Catryn, good evening." The doctor greeted Amanda and then turned towards Mr. Robyn. He bowed a bit to him and showed respect, and Mr. Robyn nodded.

"Please sit down." The doctor gestured for him to sit down on the sofa, which he did. "Could you please take your hand off your eye?" He implored in a calm tone, and Mr. Robyn nodded.

He slowly brought down his bloody hand, and the doctor instantly flinched back, seeing the huge claw marks on his face. His lashes blinked in horror, and he breathed heavily in disbelief.

A horrified Amanda also turned around to stare at him, and the moment her gaze fell on the right side of his face, a dreadful gasp escaped from her and she clutched tightly onto her chest.

"Uncle, what happened to your face?" She inquired in a bit of a fearful voice.

"What do you... mean?" Mr. Robyn, who had no clue about the claw mark, darted his eyes around in confusion.

Amanda shook her head and rushed off, returning after a few minutes with a square-shaped mini mirror in her hand. She handed it over to him and had him look at himself in the mirror.

Mr. Robyn slowly turned the mirror, and the moment his eyes fell on his face through the mirror, he quickly threw it away, shattering the glass into pieces. His heart thumped rapidly within him, and he slowly touched his trembling hand on the claw mark on his face. The scene from when Alex appeared before him and swung his hand across his face replayed in his mind and he turned towards the doctor. "C-can this be done by fingernails?"

The doctor slowly shook his head and examined his face once again. "It's something else. If it's fingernail marks, then it won't be as deep as this." He walked closer to Mr. Robyn and gazed intently at his face. "This looks like..."

"Like what?" Mr. Robyn's eyes dwindled a bit in bewilderment, and he used the white towel handed to him by Amanda to whip off the blood dripping from his face.

"This looks like a beast mark. An animal! " The doctor grabbed Mr. Robyn's face and looked deeply into the wound.. "From how deep the wound is, even to the extent that I can see your cheekbone, the nails that clawed you must have been quite long and sharp, and I don't think that a normal human would have such long and sharp nails."

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