Sold To An Alpha

Chapter 248: Doppelganger

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"They framed her for a high crime, which is unacceptable among witches, and she was eventually sentenced to be executed. However, before the day of her execution, she escaped and ran quite a distance, but still, the witches' councils found her and proceeded to execute her instantly. She knelt to the ground begging them to spare her life, but they, however, neglected her and proceeded with killing her, so... with no choice left, Archana left that curse, and that night after her death, she tormented every single one of them, using their loved ones, in which in the end, they all eventually died with injuries that came from nowhere all over their bodies. Hundred years later, another witch who figured the curse out used it on someone else, and like that, it began to spread till today." 

"Fuck...." Adrik's eyes slowly blinked as he found all this strange. Who the fuck is after his wife?

"So what I am trying to say is that... your wife will keep experiencing this till the moment she finally gives up, and then her spirit vanishes and she dies in real life." Calise dropped the book back onto the shelf and walked back to sit down on the sofa to stare at Adrik, who had a panicked expression on his face.

"Isn't there a way to break the curse?" He implored, with nervousness evident in his tone. 

"Of course, there is a way. She just has to defeat one of those illusions and she will be awake from that nightmare. When I said, "Only she can help herself" this is what I meant." Calise explained it to him, and he took a deep breath of relief. "Okay... then." 

"Don't be too relieved. Whoever placed that curse on her definitely hates her. You just have to pray that she doesn't encounter her doppelganger in that nightmare." 

"Doppelganger?" Adrik inquired in a bit of loss, and Calise nodded her head at him. "Yes, her doppelganger. They are a replica of oneself, but most are always dangerous and evil." She replied and stood up from the sofa, then moved towards the steel counter to make tea for herself. 

Adrik stared at her back and stood up from the couch. He turned around and proceeded to leave, but Calise's voice suddenly resounded. "Stay with her tonight at all cost."

He gazed at her for a moment before pushing the door open and shutting it behind him.

A low breath exited Calise's nose, and she walked to sit down on the couch with the cup of tea in her hand. She slowly sipped from it, and her eyes narrowed into a thin line. 


{8:59 pm}

Shawn lay on the couch inside Ileus's office with his head rested on the armrest of the couch and his eyes shut as he felt extremely sleepy.

Ileus had suddenly dragged him away from the park, saying he had a contract meeting at his company and that is why they were still here. 

The door of the office was pushed open and Ileus, who had some files in his hand, walked in and his eyes fell on Shawn, who was sleeping peacefully on the couch. He stared at him for a moment before walking towards his desk to pack the files into the drawer.

He strolled over to Shawn when he was done and gently tapped him on the forehead. "Wake up. It's time to go."

Shawn blinked his eyes open and gradually sat up on the couch. He stretched his body and stood up, then proceeded to walk out of the office, ignoring Ileus, who stood in front of him.

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Ileus's brow arched as he passed him, and with a slight shook of his head, he walked out after him, shutting the door behind him and letting his assistant deal with the rest.

They used the escalator to get downstairs and then strolled outside to the car.

The bodyguard pulled the door open for them and they stepped in. Then the driver started the car engine and they slowly drove out of the compound. 

The driver drove at a steady pace, while Ileus, who sat at the back, began to browse through his phone as though totally immersed in it.

Shawn, whose heavy eyes were closing and opening, rubbed them and shook his head. What exactly was going on with him today? He was a sleepy type of person, but this was too much. 

A low breath exited his nose, and he rested his back on the seat, then slowly shut his eyes. As each second flew by, he drifted off to sleep and slowly fell, resting his head on Ileus' shoulder, who was a bit startled by the sudden heavy feeling on his shoulder.

Ileus immediately unplugged the AirPods from his ears and turned his head to glance at Shawn, who was in a deep sleep. "Hey! Wake up, we are almost there." He said, but no reaction came from Shawn.

'After so much talking, he was now sleeping like he hadn't slept in two days.' He smirked and slightly shook his head, then plugged the AirPods back into his ears, and returned his attention to his phone.


{9:46 p.m.}

Adrik turned the shower off and dried his body. He slipped into his clothing and stepped out of the bathroom, then walked towards the table to take his seat and stared at himself through the mirror.

He turned the dryer on and dried his hair, then applied some oil to it and combed it before packing it up into a very messy bun. 

A helpless breath exited his nose as he stared at his hair, and he shook his head. He stood up from the chair and walked to get into the bed beside Leia, who was already bathed and dressed up in neat blue pyjamas. 

He reached out his hand and gently caressed her hair, which had now become a bit longer. If his anticipation is correct, it will be shoulder length now. 

He chuckled softly and leaned down, placing a soft kiss on her lips. 'You can do it, little wife. I will be here with you. You're my tough little wife.' He smiled pessimistically and pulled her into his arms, cuddling her tightly. "I love you." He slowly shut his eyes and took a low breath. 

A few seconds later, Leia's body abruptly shook violently, causing him to instantly sit up on the bed.

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