Sold To An Alpha

Chapter 249: Doppelganger 2

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The eerie night wind blew vigorously around Leia, causing her pyjamas to flutter vigorously. This time she was no longer dressed in the weird nightgown but was, however, clad in her pyjamas. 

Her eyes vigilantly darted around, and she messily tied her hair up as though she knew something was about to occur.

"You're all alone, like always." A smooth, serene voice that sounded just like hers when she spoke so low resounded behind her, and she immediately turned around but saw no one. "Who's there?" She asked and the voice mockingly chuckled before the strong wind blew again and it revealed itself.

Leia's eyes dilated in shock the moment she views the owner of the voice and her body stilled as she couldn't believe what her eyes were seeing. Before her, stood a complete replica of herself. Hair, clothing, eyes, shape, everything was all the same.

"Surprised?" The person who was no other than her doppelganger smirked as she asked, and Leia's lashes fluttered in shock.

"Who...are you?" Leia inquired, and her doppelganger rolled her eyes before beginning to walk towards her. "I am your Doppelganger, and you won't be escaping from me tonight." An evil grin emerged on her face, and Leia instantly stepped back, creating a distance from her.

Her doppelganger halted on its step and mockingly raised her brow. "Such a coward!" She scoffed in disdain, and Leia's face immediately darkened.

"And what makes me a coward?" She asked, with no bit of friendliness in her tone.

"A lot of things! Haha! " Her doppelganger laughed mockingly before its face switched to that of a deadly one. "Do you know why I'm here?" She smiled at Leia, and Leia's brow creased deeply. "What are you here for?" 

"Well... not much. I am just here to finish you off." Her doppelganger sneered, and Leia drew her head back in confusion. "What do you mean?" She inquired, a bit confused.

Her doppelganger stared at her for a few moments before abruptly disappearing and reappearing before her, but with a bat stick in its hand this time. 

Leia glanced at the bat stick and before she could react, her doppelganger lifted the bat stick and, with great force, she hit her with it, causing her to fly back and crash to the ground with a heavy thud. 

She instantly coughed and spurted out a mouthful of blood. She raised her head to stare at her doppelganger, who was smirking at her with evilness in her eyes. 

"You bitch!" She glared at her doppelganger and angrily wiped off the blood on her lips, then stood up from the ground with the support of her hands. 

"Calling me a bitch doesn't help your situation-" Her doppelganger blew on its nails before turning to face her with a pernicious look on her face. "-it makes your situation worse!" She immediately rushed towards Leia and vigorously swung the bat stick, hitting Leia so mercilessly that she flew a few feet back before hitting her back and head on a nearby tree and falling heavily to the ground. 

She immediately clutched her aching tummy and furiously spat out mouthful after mouthful of blood. Her breathing became heavy as she inhaled and exhaled to catch her breath.

She hurriedly proceeded to stand up on her feet when she saw her doppelganger begin to walk towards her while swinging the bat with a smirk on her face.

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Leia's eyes, which had painful tears in them, glanced around, and before she knew what would happen, her doppelganger appeared before her in the blink of an eye and proceeded to smash the bat stick on her head, but fortunately, Leia dodged the bat and angrily kicked her in the stomach. 

Her doppelganger staggered back and raised her head to glare at Leia, but Leia responded with another wild kick to the face, causing the doppelganger to fall to the floor. In case she doesn't know, she attended karate classes, although she never won a black belt.

Her doppelganger let out a quick, disdainful laugh and smirked wickedly. 

Leia, who was already fuming in anger, moved towards her doppelganger to finish her off, but her doppelganger, however, got up from the floor unexpectedly and grabbed her by the throat, hoisting her into midair. 

Leia struggled in her grip to free herself as she found the grip of her doppelganger becoming stronger and stronger.

Her doppelganger grinned evilly and her nails elongated and began to pierce into Leia's neck, causing drops of blood to seep out of her neck.


Adrik, who was panic-stricken, rushed to the bathroom to soak the towel in water and clean off the blood she spurted out, but when he returned, his body became motionless as he stared at her bleeding head and the blood sipping out of holes in her neck, which he knew was definitely caused by nails. 

He immediately climbed into the bed and shifted to sit beside her. He stared at her face, which was turning pale as though she was being strangled, and gently grabbed her hand. He brought it to his cheek and nuzzled it tenderly. "Little wife, you can do it. I believe in you and I know you will never leave me." He whispered to her, and unexpected tears began to fall from his eyes. 

He shut his eyes to dry off the tears and took a low breath as he felt extremely stressed and exhausted. "Please, little wife... Don't leave me." 


Leia, whose face had turned completely pale, struggled to free herself from the grip of her doppelganger, but her doppelganger, however, smirked viciously at her and strangled her more as its eyes turned completely deep red. "Goodbye! Ha!" She furiously threw Leia away, causing her to fly back at a great speed before hitting heavily onto the concrete wall. 

She fell to the floor and instantly became unconscious and even stopped breathing. Everywhere immediately went silent, and only the eerie sound of the night wind could be heard.

[Little wife] That loving voice called out to her and Leia's spirit, which had already turned its back and was about to vanish, promptly halted and its body trembled. 

[Little wife] The voice, which belonged to none other than Adrik, called her yet again and her spirit slowly turned around to see Adrik staring at her with eyes that held pure love.

Her spirit tilted its head to one side and stared at Adrik for a while before turning to glance at the whirlpool that would pull her into the afterlife. 

[Stay with me, little wife] Adrik pleaded, and Leia's spirit fluttered her eyes before raising her head to look at Adrik. She slowly began to walk towards Adrik, but abruptly halted when the whirlpool of the afterlife began to pull her in.. She had only 10 seconds.

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