Sold To An Alpha

Chapter 252: They Are Here

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Adrik stepped out of the dressing room, clad in a white turtleneck and white pants. He strolled over to the chair at the table to sit down and have his hair combed. "Little wife, you don't have to do it okay. You're still quite we-." He was yet to finish his words when a knock from Leia landed on his head. 

He immediately turned his head only to see her sealing her lips tightly to resist herself from laughing. "Why did you do that?" He asked, and Leia cackled softly, then turned his head to have him look at the mirror. "Relax."

She picked up the hair oil and brush, then began to brush his hair. She combed it when she was done and glimpsed him through the mirror. "Adrik, I think it's best to let it down since you're not going anywhere today." She suggested it and he nodded at her. 

"Alright." He stood up from the chair and gently yanked her into a warm hug. They stayed that way for a few moments before pulling back and walking out of the room, then heading downstairs together. 

They strolled towards the dining room, and Leia's eyes fluttered on seeing so much food on the table. She swallowed hard and slowly snatched her hand from Adrik, then moved to sit down on the chair at the table.

Adrik shook his head in amusement and walked to take a seat beside her. Without bothering to wait, she immediately picked up a spoon and fork and began to eat to her heart's content. 

Adrik turned his head and stared intently at her with a smile on his lips, while she ate. 

Leia, who noticed his gaze on her, halted and awkwardly turned to look at him. "Why... aren't you eating?" She inquired, and Adrik slightly shook his head at her. "Seems your gluttony has ascended to another level." He ruffled her hair as he laughed, and Leia clicked her tongue in displeasure but continued to eat her food. 

Adrik turned to gaze at the food and gradually began to eat it. 

A few minutes passed before they were done eating, and currently, Leia was seated with a full stomach on the couch beside him in the living room.

"I feel so full." A low sigh escaped her mouth, and Adrik couldn't help but begin to laugh at her.

"What's so funny?" She immediately lifted her head from his shoulder and glared at him. 

"Nothing." He furiously shook his head at her, and she tsked before resting her head back on his shoulder. "I feel so alive now."

A young, blonde-haired maid abruptly ran into the living room and bowed her head deeply in respect. "Supreme Alpha, they are here!" 

"Mhm." Adrik nodded at the maid and dismissed her before turning to look at Leia, who was staring at him with a curious expression on her face. "Who are here?" She inquired, and he smiled lovingly at her. "Your best friends." 

Leia's eyes instantly dilated, and before Adrik could say another word, she stood up from the sofa and ran towards the door. 

The bodyguards pulled the door open for her and her gaze fell on her best friends, who stood with a smile on their faces. 

Their eyes all fell on her, and Leia's lashes throbbed vigorously in disbelief. Are they really standing here in front of her, or is this all just a dream? 

"You guys-" She was yet to finish her words when Kiesha unexpectedly rushed up to her and pulled her into a tight hug. "We missed you so much." She began to sob, and Leia, who still felt like she was dreaming, reacted not, but stood like a tree. "We are sorry, Leia. We are really sorry." 

Victor and James walked in and moved to stand close to her.

Kiesha pulled away from the hug, and Victor gently took Leia's hand in his and caressed it. "I am sorry, Leia." Drops of tears fell from his eyes, and he suddenly pulled her into a warm hug. "I am really sorry. I was the one that hurt you the most and I hope you forgive me." He sniffed as he couldn't find himself able to control his tears, and Leia gradually hugged him back. "I am not mad at all, and I forgive you guys. I miss you all so much." She smiled lovingly at them, and they nodded at her in relief. 

"We are so glad that you're okay." Victor expressed deep concern, and she smiled cheerfully at them before leading them into the mansion.


Mr. David, who had his day off, left his daughter's room after tucking her into bed to take a nap.

He strolled to the kitchen and prepared tea for himself, then walked out when he was done. 

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He took his seat on the couch and slowly sipped from the cup of tea.

He turned his tablet on and proceeded to watch the news regarding Leia's accident. His attention became focused on the screen when he saw Adrik appear on the scene. He gazed intently at him as he moved towards the car and pulled off the door of the car, throwing it away.

"Huh?" Mr. David's lashes fluttered in disbelief, and he proceeded to rewind the video. 

"That's..." He became speechless as he knew that it was not something a normal human being would be able to do. 

So he was indeed right. Adrik and his wife were indeed not human, but something else. Hopefully, if he was right, they definitely would be werewolves. 

He chuckled softly and sipped from the cup of tea. Firstly, he needs to collect as much evidence as possible before he can confidently claim that they aren't humans. 

He nodded his head in agreement with himself and took a long deep breath before dropping the cup of tea on the mini-brown table.

"Daddy!" Emily's voice resounded from her room, and he stood up from the couch and proceeded to her room to see her seated on the bed. 

"Pumpkin, why are you awake? I thought you wanted to have an early morning sleep." He inquired in a tender tone, and Emily shook her head with her small face puckered. "No... I was not able to sleep," 

Mr. David took a deep breath and carried her up from the bed, then slid his legs into his shoes and proceeded out of the house with her in his arms. "Let's get you some cookies." He shut the door behind them, and they strolled to board the car packed in the garage. 

Mr. David and his daughter arrived at the store and bought some cookies. He paid for it and together they left the store. Then he proceeded to board the car, but a black Rolls Royce abruptly stopped near his car and the glass rolled down, revealing no one but Amanda, whose eyes were covered with shades.

Mr. David turned to glance at her, and his eyes flickered in bewilderment. "Is...there anything I can help you with?" He asked, and Amanda turned her head to look at him. "Get in the car." She smiled at him, and Mr. David's eyes narrowed in suspicion.

He put his daughter into the car and ordered her to wait for him, before moving to step into the Rolls Royce. 

A deep breath exited Amanda's nose, and she took her shades off, then turned her head to stare at him. "I have something to ask you."

"Okay...go on." Mr. David gazed intently at her, waiting for her to go ahead with her question.

"What you spoke about, during the time my uncle was injured, is it true?" She inquired, and Mr. David's eyes blinked twice in surprise. Why would she suddenly be asking about that now? If he remembered correctly when he was talking to Mr. Robyn about it then, she had looked at him as though he was crazy, so why was she suddenly asking now? His eyes narrowed into a thin line, and he raised his brow at her. "May I know why you're suddenly asking about that?"

"My uncle is dead." She replied, and Mr. David drew his head back in shock. "What! When?" 

"The previous two weeks." She replied, and a quick breath fled Mr. David's nose. "I am sorry. My condolences."

"No need. I just want to know if what you said that day was true because the way my uncle died was extremely weird and unbelievable. It was not a way that a normal human would kill someone." She turned to him with sadness in her eyes, and Mr. David let out a low sigh as he felt pity for her.

What was he to do now? Should he let her know? But from what he knows, Amanda is an extremely scheming girl, and for her to suddenly start to ask about what he said then, she definitely has something up her sleeve. Right now, he's still not confident enough to say that what he said that day was true, so it's best to avoid future troubles. 

A half-pessimistic smile emerged on his face, and he lifted his head to look at her and slowly shook his head. "I was wrong. Later that day, I did some investigation and figured out that I was wrong. They probably used some weapons on Mr. Robyn, causing such an injury to his eyes. "

Amanda's brow furrowed deeply, and she gazed intently at him with narrowed eyes. She stared at him for a while, and only averted her gaze when he coughed awkwardly.

"Alright then, if you say so. You can go, this is all I came to ask." She half-smiled at him, and Mr. David nodded before stepping out of the car. 

He moved towards his car and got in, then drove off towards his home. 

Amanda stared at his disappearing car, and her eyes narrowed dangerously. "He is definitely lying." She smirked, and her personal bodyguard, who was seated in the driver's seat, nodded his head. "What's our next plan?" He inquired, and a low breath fled Amanda's nose. "Drive.." She ordered and covered her eyes with the black shades.

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