Sold To An Alpha

Chapter 253: Ha-Yoon

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Leia, who had already seen her best friend's out, took a deep breath and slowly walked to the door of the backyard. She pushed it open and her eyes fell on the white swing. 

She walked towards it but didn't sit on it this time. She stood still, gazing out into the unknown. 

Steady footsteps resounded behind her, and her eyes narrowed. "You're here."

"Mrs. Leia." The person, who was no other than Alex, bowed deeply in respect to her, and she turned around to stare at him, then nodded in response.

"How do you feel?" Alex inquired in concern.

"I am fine," Leia replied with a smile and a nod of her head. "Am pretty sure you know why I called you." She said, and Alex nodded. 

"Mrs. Leia, I understand what you said, but your health. You're still yet to re-"

"Do not try to change my mind. I am perfectly fine. We don't have time anymore." Her brow creased in a bit of annoyance, and she turned around to have her back facing him. "Have you forgotten this week is the last day of the month? I am going next tomorrow being Friday to acquire my weapon, so... you know what to do." A wicked grin emerged on her face, and she turned around, then, with a last glance at Alex, she walked past him into the building. 

Alex took a deep breath as he stared at her disappearing back and a low breath fled his nose. He strolled back into the mansion and boarded the car to proceed with the assignment.

Leia took her seat on the sofa in the living room and dialed Rita's number.

Rita instantly picked up, and she brought the phone to her ear. "How are things with Mr. Adolpho?"

[Luna...there has not been any strange movement and I don't think he has any suspicion]

"Hmmm...are you sure?" Leia asked, with narrowed eyes.

[Yes, Luna]

"I see...well... I do hope nothing is being hidden in the dark." Leia chuckled softly, and her eyes narrowed dangerously. "Resume the plan and prepare for the wedding. You know what to do that day."

[Yes, Luna]

"Alright, that's all." Leia cut the call, and a low breath exited her nose. She stood up from the sofa and moved towards the elevator to make her way upstairs. She stepped out when the door was pushed open, and proceeded towards their room.

She pushed the door open and shut it behind her, then turned around to see Adrik seated on the couch, typing on his laptop.

She walked over to him and took a seat beside him, then wrapped her arms around his waist and rested her head on his shoulder.


Jenny, dressed in joggers and trainers, walked out of the Adolpho mansion and began to make her way to the park. These last few weeks, her sister Amy has been acting like a total maniac, behaving in a way she never did before. It was as if her sister vanished into thin air and someone totally different replaced her. 

Today, she could walk to the park and take her mind off it. 

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She shoved her hands into the pockets of her pants and began to stroll towards the park. Her eyes darted around and a smile emerged on her face as she found herself really happy about actually being able to walk around like a normal person. 

Their father never allowed them to walk around. Wherever they go, they must be driven around and followed by tons of guards, which causes them to have no idea what it feels like to walk on the streets and parks. It was as if they were never free. 

She chuckled softly and began to bounce towards the park. Her eyes glanced around when she arrived there, and her lashes fluttered when she saw a little girl of six years old staring at an ice cream truck.

She ambled towards the little girl, and the little girl, whose hair was fringed, turned to stare at her. 

"Where is your mummy?" She inquired, and the little girl uttered not a word but just stared at her. 

A low breath fled Jenny's nose, and she turned to glance at the ice cream truck. "Do you want one?" She asked, and the little girl nodded at her. 

"Ahh... I see." She squatted down to the little girl's level and smiled at her. "Alright, let's buy you one." She outstretched her hand for the little girl, and reluctantly, the little girl took her hand, then together they walked towards the ice cream truck.

"What flavor do you like?"

"Cho-chocolate." The little girl replied in a tone that almost came out as a whisper. 

"With sprinkles." Jenny smiled at her and bought one for herself and herself, then handed it over to her. 

A wide smile emerged on the little girl's small face, and Jenny ruffled her hair. She took her back, and they sat down on the bench. The little girl happily licked her ice cream, and Jenny couldn't help but find herself staring at the little girl. Why was the girl alone?

"Little girl... why are you here alone? Where are your parents? " She inquired, and the little girl raised her head to stare at her. 

"I...don't have parents." The little girl slowly shook her head, and Jenny's brow creased deeply. 

"Okay...are you perhaps staying with someone?" The moment she asked the question, the little girl's eyes trembled nervously, and she flinched back. 

Jenny's eyes blinked furiously in confusion, and she moved near the girl and gently took her hand in hers. "Is... something wrong?" She inquired in a soft tone, and the little girl unknowingly began to sob. "I don't... like them. They... hate me." 

"Huh... who hates you?" 

"Ha-Yoon!" A woman's annoyed voice resounded behind Jenny, and she turned around to see a slim, middle-aged Korean woman with short black hair, standing with a bit of an annoyed look on her face.

The little girl, whose name was Ha-Yoon, immediately hid behind Jenny and began to continually pinch her hand nervously.

"Who...are you?" Jenny asked, bewildered.

"Her mother!" She narrowed her eyes at Jenny and looked behind her to glare at Ha-Yoon.

"Come here." She proceeded to grab her little hand, but Jenny blocked her and glared at her. She turned to face the little girl and squatted down to her level. "Little girl.... is she your mother?"

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