Something fell from the sky

Chapter 1: Chapter 1 – Gods Response

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A sound of a Whistle could be heard across de badly damage terrain... 

The sound pierced through the air as the soldiers prepared for battle. 

"Charge!" The commanding officer's voice boomed through the ranks, with bayonets ready the brave Wuessaru soldiers let out a fierce battle cry as they get out of the trenches and charge against the enemy. 

An enemy even more alien than the Wuessfari themselves that could only be described as an abomination to mother nature. 

"To the right! To the right!" A Wuessfari soldier shouted, pointing towards a towering alien creature with multiple eyes and legs. The mere sight of it was enough to send shudders down the spines of the soldiers. 

But they could not afford to show fear. They had to fight for their lives, and for the survival of their entire planet. They were locked in a desperate struggle, a world war unlike any other. 

They could not afford to show fear. They had to fight for their own lives, and for the survival of the Wuessaru race. Every blow, every shot, every decision could mean the difference between victory and defeat. There was no room for hesitation or doubt. They were in a fight for their very survival, and they would stop at nothing to emerge victorious. 

A Whistle sound again... 

“Second Wave Charge!!!” The commanding officer's voice heard through the ranks, of his one hundred strong Section the soldier let out a scream as the came rushing out of their trench it was time for them to shine in combat as the fine trench storm troopers they were. 

War was now the reality on the Wuessfari an alien species similar to a rabbit-dog yet strangely enough very very similar to a human how troublesome continuing on, this war was no against themselves as rare as that may seem instead was against... 

“Alien! Alien! Left LEFT!!” Furiously screamed a Wuessfari soldier pointing at the three-meter-tall alien abomination with its many eyes and legs as if its mere existing was a blasphemy against nature and the gods. 

But they could not afford to show fear so they could only grid their teeth and prepare and fight it, viscera and blood painted the terrain in pinkish red as the two species collided. 

It was clear the giant aberration of natura had an incredible unjustified advantage against the humanoid creatures known as Wuessfari. 

The monsters ran rampant across the battlefield unleashing its fearsome bio-weapons as these monsters not only count with thick carapaces, extreme sharp appendages that could cut straight into metal they even have range weapons like poison gas projectiles or even the terrifying blob projectiles that once in contact with the target it will release maggot-like creatures that will borrow into their host eating it inside out. Thank God that right now they were using more the needle projectiles that were similar to a normal bullet.  

A'aarrel Sty, a young Wuessfari, was horrified by the sight before him. It was madness, a total butchery. But there was no alternative. You couldn't negotiate with those disgusting monsters, the ones that had come from the sky three years ago, destroying everything in their path. A'aarrel had lost everything in that first attack - his family, his home, his entire way of life. And now, as he stood on the battlefield, he knew that the only way to survive was to fight. 

But A'aarrel was motivated. He hated these monsters with every fiber of his being, for they had razed his village to the ground, killing everyone he had ever known. Since then, he had enlisted in the army and devoted himself to learning as much as he could about warfare. Trench warfare was the most advanced and destructive form of war the Wuessfari knew, and A'aarrel had trained himself to be as prepared as possible. 

He knew that this would be a tough battle, but he was determined to fight for his people. He had lost everything once before, and he refused to let it happen again. He would fight to the death to protect the Wuessfari race, and to avenge the loved ones he had lost. 

Yes, A'aarrel was afraid of death. Who wouldn't be? But as a soldier, and even more so as a young, promising captain in charge of one hundred souls, he knew he couldn't afford to let his fear show. He watched and learned as much as he could, preparing himself and his men for the charge that would come in just a few minutes. They were part of the third wave, and it was their turn to face the enemy head-on. 

A'aarrel tried to steady his breathing, to calm the racing of his heart. He knew it would be brutal, that there would be high casualties. But he was determined to emerge victorious, to protect his people and avenge the loved ones he had lost. 

 He was their captain, and he would not let them down so he turned to face his men, their faces grim but resolute. He knew they were as determined as he was, that they would follow him into battle without hesitation. He felt a surge of pride and responsibility, knowing that their lives were in his hands. 

"We are the Wuessfari," he said, his voice strong and steady. "We will not be defeated. We will fight with all our might, and we will emerge victorious." 

The men nodded, their eyes burning with determination. They were ready to fight, to lay it all on the line for their captain and their people. 

And so, when the signal to charge came, they did so with a fierce battle cry, determined to emerge victorious or die trying. 

As they were running in the open death blasted fields, they could see the bloody remaining's of what once were Wuessfari soldiers.  

As A'aarrel and his group advanced across the death fields, they finally caught up with the first and second wave - or at least, the survivors of it. The battlefield was a chaotic mess, with bodies and debris scattered everywhere. The smell of blood and smoke hung heavy in the air. 

A'aarrel's heart sank as he saw the casualties among his comrades. So many had already fallen, and the battle was far from over. He knew they would have to fight harder than ever if they hoped to emerge victorious. 

After the first bloody encounter with the enemy, it became clear that the Wuessfari were being overwhelmed by the out-of-this-world alien menace. The monsters were relentless, their weapons and tactics far superior to anything the Wuessfari had ever seen before. 

A'aarrel and his men fought with all their might, but it seemed like no matter how many of the monsters they took down, there were always more to replace them. The Wuessfari were being pushed back, their numbers dwindling with every passing minute. 

“Try to call the artillery!" A'aarrel shouted to his radio officer as he fired off another round from his bolt-action rifle. The situation was desperate, and he knew they needed to call in some heavy firepower if they hoped to turn the tide of the battle. 

The radio officer nodded and tried to make contact with the artillery team, but the alien monsters had jammed their communications. It was a frustrating setback, but A'aarrel refused to let it deter him. 

"Keep trying!" he shouted. "We can't give up now. Our people are counting on us!" 

The radio officer nodded and continued to try to make contact, his fingers flying over the controls. Meanwhile, A'aarrel and the rest of the Wuessfari soldiers continued to fight, determined to hold their ground until they could get some backup. 

Just as the radio officer was about to make contact, he was abruptly interrupted by a loud, rumbling sound. A'aarrel turned to see what was causing the commotion, and his heart leaped with joy as he saw a column of tanks charging towards them. 

It was the opportunity the Wuessfari had been waiting for. With renewed energy and support from the tanks the managed to stabilized they position. 

Tanks were a relatively new invention for the Wuessfari, developed just a year ago in a desperate effort to fight this nightmarish war for survival. As a result, they were still a rare sight on the battlefield, and the Wuessfari had only a limited number of them at their disposal. This was partly due to the lack of industrial might of the Wuessfari - it took a significant number of resources and specialized manpower to produce even a single tank. 

You are reading story Something fell from the sky at

The tanks rumbled across the battlefield, their cannons blasting away at the alien monsters. The Wuessfari soldiers fought alongside them, their rifles and bayonets at the ready. And finally, after so much struggle blood and tears they were... Winning!! 

"Blast those bastards to hell!" The Wuessfari soldiers yelled with renewed energy as the fourth wave joined them on the battlefield. They were overjoyed to see the reinforcements arrive, knowing that with more soldiers on their side, they had a better chance of victory. 

A'aarrel was a Wuessfari of logic, but he also trusted his feelings. And now, his gut was screaming at him to fall back, as if something terrible were about to happen. He couldn't shake the feeling, and despite his best efforts to ignore it, he knew he had to listen. 

He was about to explain to his officials when the attitude of their enemies suddenly changed the abhorrent deformities just started to fall back? 

Rapidly A'aarrel turned to his men, his expression grim same with his men. The enemy never retreated they just push and push until every defense has collapsed every resistance destroy something big is about to happen Oh God have mercy on us mortals. 

The earth stated to tremble something big something really really big was approaching them a titan though A'aarrel he has only heard rumors about them nothing official but some lucky veterans who managed to get back from the front lines with intact sanity gossiped about towering abominations of titatic proportions. But those were just imaginations of veterans to scared new cadets, right? Right? 

Reality was often cruel and uncaring as much he wanted to believed that those were just stories imaginary stories to torment the young cadet's reality like a punch on the face demonstrated that in fact, they were true. 

A towering behemoth of apocalyptical scale was approaching them like a force of nature unleashing a trail of unstoppable destruction that and much more represented the living mountain moving towards them. 

In just an instant the ‘thing’ fired and two tanks were instantly melted just a thick soup of metal and blood was visible in they place the acid so strong that he could feel it even meters away even under his gas mask. 

As the soldiers on the front were just accepting, they demise liked or not once again the ground tremble but A'aarrel recognized this sensation this was the artillery! 

How shameful and foolish of himself he was a soldier a captain at that member of the storm troopers how he permitted to be paralyzed by fear!! 

“Fall back! REATREAD REATREAD!!!” Shouted with all his might feeling a burning sensation on his throat. 

Soon enough the solders came back to reality and started to reaction after all they were professionals' elites train to assault the enemy. 

They have to move as quickly as they can the artillery couldn’t maintain that rate of fire. Yet even under a literal rain of fire that ‘thing’ seemed to be just fine and started to decimated the Wuessfari with its bio-weapons with so much range that even the artillery started to suffer heavy casualties.  

A'aarrel was running through the barren field's wen suddenly a needle projectile impacted on a tank near-by destroying it and worse sending deadly shrapnel all over the place. 

In an instant he just felt a burning sensation through his right arm and leg... 

“Oh, thank God just a superficial cut” Exclaimed then moved his head towards his second officer in command his friend Rolchz ‘oches. 

The sight was horrendous to say the least, half of his left arm was missing, a metal bar incrusted into the left of his thorax along heavy bleeding from numerous wounds basically his left half was destroyed. 

No, no he was his friends his new swarm brother he couldn't die! As he was having an internal debate the stated to talk. 

“Tell, tell my family that I love them” 

Then he reacted Rolchz was not dead yet... There was still a possibility he must fight! 

“Tell them yourself, no man is left behind under my watch” He took the mermaid body of his friend as carefully as possible and started running again. 

“No, I will only slow you” Retorted Rolchz who quickly was falling unconscious to blood loss. 

Some moments later as A'aarrel and the remained survivors were running for their lives another explosion this time in front of him sending him flying back into the mud like a doll. 

“This is war, this is war, this is war this is war this is war this is war this is war this is war” A'aarrel as he once again took the body of his friend tears running across his face like rivers seeing his soldiers being mow down like flies – No! 

“This is no war this is hell!” Shouted while he could only look upwards like an ant before being trample on. 

“We prayed the Gods and they no even bothered to respond” Muttered While seeing how his people were butchered. Feeling how with every second the hope was becoming more and more a fantasy. 

Then A'aarrel saw it - a light, just like a star falling from the sky. It was so beautiful, shining brightly and leaving behind a trail of colorful, flower-like sparks. But it was moving so fast that in a mere second, it impacted with the titatic behemoth. 

There was a blinding flash of light and then A'aarrel was thrown to the ground, his ears ringing from the concussion. He couldn't see anything, but he could feel the heat of the blast wash over him. 

When he looked again, the enemy weapon was gone, reduced to nothing more than a smoldering crater in the ground. A gigantic crater stretched out before him, continuing as far as the eye could see for kilometers until it simply vanished from sight. 

"Have the gods responded?" A'aarrel thought to himself as he looked out at the enormous crater before him. It was a tangible, real thing - something had fallen from the sky once again, just like it had three years ago when the alien monsters had first arrived. 

A'aarrel couldn't help but hope that this time, it was something good, and not another nightmarish abomination like the last time. He prayed to the gods, asking for their mercy and guidance. 

As he stood there, lost in thought feeling a sense of dread sadness and loss he has lost everything once again... 


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