Something fell from the sky

Chapter 2: A pilot

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A month later…

In the grand halls of the Wuessfari Military High Command(WMHC), Rāssisce Vercurña, a skilled communications specialist, meticulously combed through the reports of the Southern front, also known as the Nyrick Sarikian front. She scanned the telegrams, radio transmissions and telephone logs with a keen eye, searching for any discrepancies or anomalies that could provide insight into the enemy's movements. With each detail she uncovered, her mind raced with intrigue, piecing together the puzzle of the enemy's strategy.

The Wuessfari army Groups on the Nyrick Sarikian front have been making significant progress, pushing forward over 160 km (≈100 miles) in the past month with minimal casualties. Our estimated casualties stand at 47,000. This is a testament to the strategic planning and execution of our forces on the ground.

As a communications officer, Rāssisce had a unique insight into the true nature of the war. While on the surface things appeared to be going well, she knew the reality was far different. Recently, the WMHC had received an alarming report from General Terr, who was in charge of a significant portion of the Nyrick Sarikian front. He reported that some sort of "thing" had fallen from the sky, and since then, he had observed incredibly anomalous behavior from the "Fallen." This had deeply alarmed the Great Military Generals of the Wuessfari race.

Not only that but since that particular report of General Terr other have came about the decreasing number of monsters and anomalous behavior as well.

It's no wonder that the military is rushing to reinforce various fronts with over 10 million soldiers. Rāssisce knows that the great military minds are fearsome of a coordinated enemy offensive.

Just like every day Rāssisce was organizing the reports making shure that what came to the Great generals and military minds was in good order and cohesion.

As she meticulously sorted through the reports and communications, Rāssisce came with another report from General Terr this one will go straight to the Great Generals.

Rāssisce strode confidently through the grand halls of the Wuessfari High Command, her steps echoing off the polished marble floors and ornate gold-leafed walls. She was a familiar sight to the guardian soldiers, who stood at attention as she passed, their armor glinting in the light of the grand chandeliers overhead. She was known as the "delivery girl" by the Great Military minds, but her role was far more vital than that simple title suggested. She was the conduit through which the vital information of the war flowed.

As she approached towards the grand entrance of the War Room, the opulent architecture of the Wuessfari High Command enveloped her. The guardian soldiers, who knew her well by now, stood aside and allowed her as she enter into the grandiose hall a thick scent of tobacco the hall as always in chaos generals argued fiercely amongst themselves as theories and specialization came about. They traducers speaking as fast as Wuessfari possible but the generals were rough and stubborn people voices were raised and hands were slammed on tables as they fought this verbal battle each one determined to probe they point.

To say the least even in her years of service she still haven’t accustomed to this sight specially the next part.

As the ‘guardian’ of the door notice her making her presence know with a loud scream.

“New message” Screamed the guy.

Intimidatingly the room passed to an state of heavy uncomfortable silence.

With the whole attention of the room on her Rāssisce started to read in loud voice the last telegraph of general Terr.

"Gentlemen, I bring you news from the front. Our troops have made significant progress, advancing nineteen kilometers (11.8 mi) and pushing the enemy back. But let us not be fooled, this is not a sign of surrender, but rather a calculated retreat. I have a gnawing suspicion that they are hiding something, something of great importance. I have ordered reconnaissance flights to investigate, but the giant rift in the earth remains a mystery. Could it be that the enemy is guarding the object that fell from the heavens a month ago with such fervor? For this reason, I, General Terr, respectfully request permission to launch a deep air mission into enemy territory to gather intelligence and uncover the truth, all while being mindful of not provoking a retaliation."

And as always the room erupted in chaos about how to proceed on the situation.

Some strategized that they should fortify their defenses, while others proposed a swift and aggressive stance.

Finally after the discrepancies came to and end the decision was taken good or bad that was to be decided.

The sound of a clock ticking was heard through the room barely audible but as heavy as steel. The cunning General Terr of the Chellesma kingdom was reading the replay of high command.

They have Accepted his proposal they event sent him several aerial squats of ace pilots even between them was the Legend of the skies Duke Ler Traribarian.

As General Terr sat in the War Room, surrounded by his fellow commanders, a sense of triumph and excitement washed over him. The mystery that had plagued his mind for the last month was about to being resolved. The old fox, as his men affectionately called him, knew that this was just the beginning of a new chapter in the war. The thought of finally uncovering the truth about the giant rift and the mysterious object that had fallen from the sky.

Just remembering those memories of a month ago knowing that the will be known filled him with a sense of purpose and drive.

He was stationed near the front line, observing the fierce battle through his binoculars. The situation was dire to say the least, and it quickly turned from bad to worse when a giant enemy appeared. It seemed as though all was lost in this section of the front.

As General Terr prepared to retreat, he beheld it - a sight that, as a cultured gentleman and member of the nobility, he was well-versed in the sciences. Unlike the uneducated peasants, he was certain of what his eyes revealed to him that fateful day.

It happened so quickly, almost like a blink of an eye. Was it a...meteorite? His rational mind suggested as much, but he had never heard of space rocks forming such beautiful flame patterns as they fell from the infinite skies above. He couldn't help but to doubt his own eyes.

Returning to the present… With a confident grin, General Terr stood up from his seat and addressed his fellow commanders, "Gentlemen, we are about to embark on a new mission, one that will finally reveal the truth about our enemy. Are you ready to do your duty and serve our great Wuessfari race?" The room erupted with cheers as the generals and officers all rose to their feet, ready to follow their leader.

Finally after some days of waiting the big day has come...

Duke Ler Traribarian, a nobleman and gentleman of the now fallen Holly-Serikian Empire, was a legend forged by his recent air battles in the last year. He was in charge of this operation; His aerial prowess was so great that even a group army General would consider himself fortunate to have such a figure under his command.

The fact that the Wuessfari high command was assembling the best men they could muster for this reconnaissance operation was a clear indication of the gravity of the situation and the compromise they were willing to make.

You are reading story Something fell from the sky at

After all, something had fallen from the sky once more, and the last time they were caught unprepared, with their pants down, they were easy prey for the enemy. But this time, they knew about the danger looming ominously above their heads in the endless expanse of space. They were determined not to be caught off guard again.

Duke Traribarian was reviewing the mission papers once again. Six airships and 36 six biplanes just to scout mission surely high command wasn’t joking around.

As he sat in the cockpit of his biplane, Duke Traribarian couldn't help but marvel at the tranquility that surrounded him. The gentle touch of the winds and the steady hum of the airship engines were a stark contrast to the heavy weigh on his shoulders for the success of this operation. The fact that they were being carried by airships was a necessity, as they didn't know how far the rift extended and needed to conserve as much fuel as possible for their deep air reconnaissance mission.

As they advanced through the skies, the time finally came for them to leave behind the airships. Ahead, they could see the enemy's large birds of prey that acted as the air force of the creatures.

Duke Traribarian led his men, his biplane at the front, as they engaged the enemy in a fierce battle to penetrate deep into the enemy skies.

The buzzing sound of gunfire resonated through the wooden air frame of Duke Traribarian's biplane. He quickly readied himself and guided his agile biplane, executing a descending maneuver that plunged into the enemy formation with the ferocity of a thunder.

The enemy's birds of prey were fearsome, with their razor-sharp talons and powerful beaks. But they were no match for Duke Traribarian's skilled flying and advanced technology of his biplane. One by one, they fell before him, their mighty wings sliced through by his bullets, their bodies tumbling through the sky. The king of the skies never fall short to his might.

Duke Traribarian and his elite squad of flying aces could feel the weight of danger pressing down on them as they flew deeper and deeper into enemy territory. The massive crater before them seemed to stretch on endlessly, a testament to the otherworldly force that had created it.

With unyielding courage they continued pushing forwards plunging the enemy skies roar of engines and the sound of gunfire echoed through the clouds battling they way through the heavens their biplanes slicing through the air like blades of vengeance.

The skies were filled with the roar of engines and the sound of gunfire, projectiles flew like blazing comets across the sky as the pilots expertly navigated their aircraft in an intense dogfight. Every man and machine acted as one, locked in a deadly dance as they fought for victory. Amidst the chaos, not a single Wuessfari pilot faltered Duke Traribarian and his men fought with all their might, their biplanes weaving through the enemy's formation like dancers in a deadly ballet.

Casualties were starting to pilling up, pilots being taken down by the brutally violent foul beats some crashing into the fragile wooden air frames of the planes others being mortally wounded by deadly needle like projectiles

Casualties were mounting as the battle raged on, with brave pilots falling to the vicious foul beasts. Some were taken down in the heat of the dogfight, their planes crashing in fiery explosions, while others were mortally wounded by the deadly needle-like projectiles of the enemy. Even in the face of such brutal violence, the Wuessfari pilot fought on with heroic determination, their machines and bodies becoming one as they pushed forward in the aerial exchange.

They soared through the skies, the Wuessfari pilots were struck by the sheer scale of the enemy horde looming into the horizon. It was a wall of flesh, an endless tide of monsters that seemed to stretch on forever. But as they flew closer, they began to realize the true horror of what they were facing. These were not just mindless beasts, but a coordinated and intelligent force, driven by a sinister will.

And then, they were suddenly engulfed by a brilliant and blinding light, as if the very sun had descended upon them in that moment. The radiance was so intense that it was as if the skies themselves had opened up and unleashed a powerful, celestial force upon the battlefield.

As they struggled to recover from the blinding light, they were struck by an incredibly powerful sound of an explosion, followed by the shock force that almost brought them down. The deafening blast echoed across the air, leaving the pilots disoriented from the impact. The ground shook beneath them, and they could feel the heat of the blast on their skin. It was as if the very heavens had unleashed their wrath upon the enemy, smiting them with divine fury.

The once towering wall of flesh was now nothing but a smoldering crater, the enemy completely obliterated they only memory of them existing was within their cameras.

The Duke and his men, still reeling from the previous shock, were faced with yet another massive enemy horde, seemingly endless like the one before. But with quick reflexes honed by training and instinct, they reacted fast to the new demonstration of divine strength and righteousness in battle.

In an instant more foul beast were annihilated in a blinding light than the word ending Wuessfari war.

“What is going on? Have the gods decent themselves from the skies into our aid” Where the toughs of the Duke.

They suddenly saw something that defied all logic and reason. Giant creatures, as vast as mountains themselves, were moving towards a single location. But in an instant, they were completely vaporized, leaving behind only a trail of ash and smoke. The sight was both terrifying and awe-inspiring, a demonstration of the raw power and might of the divine rightness.

Taking advantage of the situation, the Duke and his men quickly pulled out their cameras and began to record the absurd and unprecedented situation they had found themselves in. As they watched in awe, they could hardly believe the gigantic enemies, as vast as mountains themselves, moving all in one direction, only to be completely vaporized in an instant. They knew that this footage would be crucial in their war efforts and would be sure to make history.

The minutes passed by in awe as the number of enemies decreased dramatically. Now without a giant wall of flesh blocking their view, they could see something truly out of this world. The sight was so incredible, so breathtaking, that they couldn't help but stare in wonder and amazement. It was as if they were witnessing a miracle, a moment of pure magic, a revelation of the divine. The Duke and his men were struck by a sense of awe and reverence, as they realized the true power and majesty of those clearly divine ‘things’.

The object was unlike anything they had ever seen before, a massive, sleek vessel that seemed to defy gravity as it hovered above the battlefield. Its exterior was adorned with intricate, glowing markings that pulsed with an otherworldly energy, and its surface was a smooth, metallic silver that gleamed in the sunlight. The Duke and his men watched in awe as the vessel unleashed a barrage of devastatingly powerful weapons upon the enemy hordes, vaporizing them with ease. It was as if they were witnessing the arrival of a divine being, sent to deliver salvation to their beleaguered forces.

Of cause they photograph it this will surely cause furor onto the Wuessfari world.

With bravery in his heart and fire in his eyes, Duke Traribarian fearlessly flew towards the mysterious object, determined to capture a closer photograph of the otherworldly ship. His men looked on in awe as he fearlessly ventured into the unknown, risking his own safety in the pursuit of knowledge and understanding in an act dependending of who you ask was heroism or stupidity.

As he closed in on the ship, he could feel the thrum of its powerful engines and the heat of its engines on his skin, but he pressed on, determined to uncover the secrets of this alien vessel. Evading enemies with all his might he was truly closing in.

He prepared his camera now so close to notice ‘them’ there where people on top of this ‘ship like thing’.

Where this divine enlighten beings that have come into they world’ Those where the Duke’s words as he take what later will be known as the photograph of the century.

A photograph of one of those dive-like people standing there like a Goddess bringing divine judgment into the enemy.

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