Sorry That I Am The Last To Come Here

Chapter 31: Chapter 31 Techboosting and lair building

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5th Maelach of Desariel 1236

Prince Albert's POV

" With this, we could reach the Cursed Continent faster! And with the cannons on board, we can bombard those filth from afar! " I said as I pointed towards the several Caravels that are lined up at the port. After listening to my short speech, the humans near the port all start clapping their hands. They are very eager to get back to the cursed continents and eliminate all the hellspawns... Though arent this the actually cursed continent in this world... and arent you humans the actual hellspawns within this world... Whatever, it doesn't matter to me, I am just waiting for the suitable time to regain my power and continue to torture the little dragon. It might be harder to do this time though, I can sense divine energies that aren't from this world. It is safe to assume that the reincarnation gods are starting to investigate this realm to find me.

" At first I thought you are just continuing your stupid legacies, I never knew that you really had an oracle and assisted us in such a method, Prince Albert." Count Yerekan said. This man is a pretty useless man. He is fat, ugly, and wastes a lot of money. If it isn't because he manages most of the mines in this country, I wouldn't even try to get close to him... This man is really the true definition of filth, too bad he himself didn't know that.

" It is also thanks to the support of you Count Yerekan. If it weren't for your mineral outputs, we wouldn't even be able to get this far. What we need now is more minerals in order to increase the production speed of the various parts needed in the caravels and carracks. Not to mention a lot of my other inventions are possible due to your support." I replied to him with a business smile. I wish this man could die as fast as he was born.

" True, those flintlock pistols are amazing, they are way better than crossbows, the rifles are also gorgeous too, too bad we do not have the facilities to mass produce them yet." Count Yerekan said which an ugly smile that reeks of greed.

" Which is why I would still need your support in future collaborations. Count Yerekan." I said to him.

" Say, Prince Albert, when will be sending this gorgeous armada of ships to the cursed continent," Count Yerekan asks me. 

" It is still too early Count Yerekan, we would need at least 50 of these ships in order to perform an effective bombardment. You wouldn't want to just partially bomb a city and let them flee right? If we were to do it, we have to do it completely, a large enough bombardment that could level a city." I said towards him. He looks at me with quite respectful eyes. What do you expect... 

But now that we have both gunpowder and also caravels, I would dare say we had already advanced to the renaissance age of the Earth, the next thing I need to do is stabilize the current production lines, refine our steel production methods, and start researching engines. Ironclads and the like would be even stronger than caravels and carracks. Ballistics would also help in land combat. As flintlock rifles are just the start. But we got time, at least I got time, even if this body got killed, as long as I don't get caught by the other gods, I should be fine.

3rd Tekulach of Meruriel 1236

Beno's POV

It has been a month since I left the disgusting underground dungeon of that pope. Right now I can safely say, that this shelter of mine has become pretty impressive. Why do you say? In this past month, I have been going out on raids almost every day. Every day, I gain a lot of metals, textiles, wood, and also crops. But where do I put them? Since I have only 10 inventory slots, the amount that I can hold on myself is pretty little so I use the time that I am not raiding, to expand my little lair... or you could say my little dungeon. After expanding the previously 3-meter deep tunnel into a 10-meter deep tunnel, I started to expand my shelter horizontally. I made a hallway that is approximately 36 meters deep. The hallway has a width of 2 meters and a height of 2.5 meters. This really created a lot of dirt! Which I then converted into bricks. And then reused the bricks to make a wall with plaster made from gypsum of course. I really have to thank the humans for storing so many of the gypsum ores into crates. It makes transporting it so much more easier.

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After making the hallway, I started to make branches. I created 3 branches on both sides. each branch facing each other with a neat feeling! Too bad my architecture sense is pretty bad that I don't know how to make a good archway, if not the hallway would be even cooler. The first branch at the left side leads towards a 32 meter² room. Inside here is where I store all the logs and twigs I collected. Currently, it is almost halfway full with logs. Only a small pile of twigs is left as I used the rest to cook the meat! At the opposite of the log room is where I store all of my extra bricks. I even went through the time to pile up the bricks nicely! If I had to guess I think I had around 5 stacks of bricks, each with around 1000 or so bricks! I think I could even start a construction company! If there are other species other than humans of course...

After around 8 meters from the first branch is the second branch. The entrance to the room has the same size as the hallways because... I like it. On the left side of the hallway is yet another room that has similar sizes as the log room. But in here what I store are the haystacks and also bones from the humans. On the other side is yet another room similar to the brick room in terms of its length and width. Inside here is where I stored all the weapons and armor that I got from the humans, along with some other stuff such as tools, just things that I don't know how to sort out goes here.

10 meters deeper and we hit the third branches. The left one is where I had stored all of my metals... except for gold and diamonds... if I had diamonds... This room is bigger than the log room. The size of the room is a 60-meter square big! The third-largest room within my lair. Opposite of my metal room is my food storage. The food storage is 112 meter² big! For now enough to store all of my meat, berries, and food! Currently, I'm storing them in barrels that are seal tight so they shouldn't decay fast. At least that's what I think... I hope.

At the end of the tunnel is the last room! MY room! The largest room in my lair! For now... My room is the largest at 132 meter² big. At the sides of the room is several shelves that I made using my skill. I placed all important stuff such as books, maps, coins, jewelry, and GOLD. I also made a chair and placed it next to the door. Reason? I don't know. I made the chair to test the quality of the products of my skill. In the middle of the room of course, is my bed! Though a small and simple one of course... Where even should I find a craftsman to make a bed for me...

In the end, I made myself my very own home underground. What's even best is that through my skill, I could even make a proper hatch door for my entrance! It even comes with a free-of-charge foliage bush!

Top down view of Beno's Lair

Now that I mostly have my livings attended, it is time to make stuff. I have a lot of metals stored here. Too bad that none of them are magical. All the metals I gathered are all just plain old normal metals that can also be found on Earth. Because of that, I mostly get the ores rather than the ingots in order to play with the composition. The guide is telling me a lot of recipes after all! Since I don't know what these new metals do, there is only one way to find out, and that is by making all of them! For now, let's start with 1kg of each metal. It is a good thing that I obtained both coal and coal coke from the humans. With that, I could even directly do the blasting process from the system! Alright, first is the basic metals that Earth had. The first thing made is of course, steel! And holy there is a lot of steel types here! Let's see, carbon steel looks like normal steel doesn't seem special to me, next is stainless steel, it's very shiny I like it. I remember a lot of stuff on Earth is made of stainless steel. Maybe I could start using utensils and not my claws to cut meat now. Beno is becoming more civilized! Then there is electrical steel? Does it make electric? Let's see it later about its uses, and finally Damascus Steel. Ooooh, I love the pattern on this steel! It looks like a river! The rest I am not really interested in since well... it looks similar to carbon steel, so I am lazy to make them. Then there's spring steel which sounds like it's used to make springs, so I guess we can go boing boing now? The last steel I made is called HSLA. I don't know what this does but I remember one game that Peter once played got this steel, so I made it. I wonder where he is now... Who is he even?

After around 2 hours, I finally made all of the alloys that caught my interest, a lot of iron, copper, and tin alloy. At first, I was hesitating whether I should make some gold alloy, but after I saw that there's this thing called electrum that is very shiny, I made them, electrum, rose gold, and crown gold... now my gold stocks are still ok so I'm not that worried. But damn electrum is so shiny.

With this, I made another rack inside my room and place the alloy ingots on it. Hrmmm, I should label it, but then I don't have paper for it, nor do I have writing materials... Since I have this skill, let's make pencils from scratch! Let's see some wooden twigs, coal, and voila we are done! I got pencils. The paper on the other hand is a bit hard. The only paper I can make is bark paper, but that's more than enough, After making paper, I carve some wooden stands to hold the paper down and put the labels in front of each pile of alloy ingots. Perfect!

I wonder if this is cheating... considering, don't a lot of metals came out pretty late in Earth history? This world can't even make normal steel correctly, yet I'm making stainless steel already...


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