Sorry That I Am The Last To Come Here

Chapter 32: Chapter 32 Farewell and Please Behave

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2nd Felerach of Ateriel 1207

Lucy's POV

After wasting the entire yesterday busy apologizing towards the poor listeners... I finally can get a good rest...

" Curse you, Christine," I said it out loud. This time, the one being corpses isn't the listeners, but me, Christine, and Petrasha. We are currently lying on Petrasha's bed after working non-stop for almost an entire day.

" Why me! I also apologized to them properly too!" Christine said trying to act innocent.

" If it weren't because of you we wouldn't even need to apologize to them," this time it's Petrasha who replied. True, if Christine didn't literally went ahead and decided she wanted to sing, nothing of these would have happened.

" Didn't I said sorry to the listeners already, isn't that enough?" Christine protested. No Christine... other than the listeners there are still 2 more people you should apologize to, me and Petrasha!

" Whatever... I'm tired, I just reached here and was dragged into this entire mess. I wanna sleep for a while. Petrasha, tell your maids to not prepare lunch for me today, I'm going to sleep the entire day today. Sleeping on a wagon doesn't really help a lot." I said as I walked out to my own room. 

As I was walking, I noticed something, the decor changed. It isn't as bland as before... well something is at least better than nothing. Before, Petrasha's house is decorated with nothing. The halls are empty without even a single decoration. It made the house look more like a rented apartment than a house. Currently, at the very least there are potted plants next to the main pillars, which makes it better. At least it doesn't look empty at all. If I have time, I'm going to help Petrasha decorate her house more... This isn't fitting towards Petrasha who ranks second in the entire council. But I could leave that for later... Sleep first.

Petrasha's POV

" Say, Christine..." I said towards her, still tired from running all around to assist them in healing their eardrums and moving them towards somewhere better where it wouldn't obstruct the plaza.

" Yea..." she replied very softly. Damn you, if you could make these kinds of voices, it wouldn't be a problem for you to be an idol!

" Do you know what tone-deaf means?" I ask her since it's obvious that she doesn't know she is tone-deaf... or is ignoring that she is tone-deaf.

" I know that I'm tone-deaf... doesn't mean I can't dream!" She replied very energetically... how the hell are you going to sing despite being tone-deaf... you don't even know what are you singing...

" Since this is another world... I will go ask if there is a way to cure your tone-deaf then... maybe the demons can help you. I don't know if there is a method to heal you through magic, but a curse to allow you to listen better would work." I said which earned a surprised face from her.

" Curses are useful in this world you know. In this world, cancer can actually be cured, though not by healing magic. Healing magic would only accelerate the growth of the cancer tumor. What we use here is the demon's curse to kill off the tumor cells. Which is similar to how we do back on Earth, except this work for any stage, and is practically painless. Of course, you would still feel a sting as it happens but hey, we don't have to worry about cancer here. Tone-deaf though, I don't know if there is a curse about hearing... a curse to make you tone-deaf definitely exist though." I said to her which makes her think.

" Either way, you would need to wait for Lucy to go to Desarrkti if you want for a demonic doctor to come, and it's going to take years depending on how the situation is in Desarrkti. The demon kingdoms are always separated for their work so it might take some time to actually go through every kingdom for the message." I explained to her, well let's hope she can really wait for that long time. The siren instructor might not be able to assist much in her tone-deaf hearing, but they would still be able to assist in her singing. Though I'm kinda worried about that too, it is kinda a double-edged blade. If all goes well, the siren instructor would be able to teach Christine just fine, if not we would really need to wait for the demonic doctor.

" Aww... I really want to sing soon... I guess I just have to continue to be the main dancer then, everyone still has their focus on me after all. Then after I can sing properly, I will be the top idol in this world!" Christine said excitedly. Well, good luck girl...

" Good luck dreaming, go back to your room, I also want to sleep," I said to her and just start sleeping on the spot.

3rd Felerach of Ateriel 1207

Lucy's POV

" So you are telling me to make a detour to Protorie to get a siren instructor for Christine..." I asked Petrasha. Christine is at the other side looking at me with pleading eyes.

" Sadly, yes. Originally I would want to ask Lord SilverAxe since his mission is to head towards the Yarkania Kingdom to give the ManaCom, but right now, he is probably already heading back towards Heart Forge. It's too late to ask him, and we can't just send out officials for this since it is not an official mission." Petrasha explained...

" But you are in the second place of the council. I'm sure you can pull some strings for that right?" Christine asked. Sure Petrasha normally would be able to. But that is if it's NORMALLY. You made such a mess, that a lot of people certainly do not want you to sing again.

" Blame yourself for your debut, Christine. No one would want to listen to you singing anymore." I said to Christine, bursting her poor bubble.

" Lucy isn't wrong. If it isn't because of your sudden impulse, it would be easier for me to send a courier for that. But because you made such a bad example, everyone is not willing to assist you in your dream." Petrasha added, stabbing Christine in the heart again.

" Which is why I'm going again... Should I bring the instructor back or go there contact them and go to Desarrkti directly." I asked Petrasha.

" I would say bring her here first. Sirens don't really like to go into dwarven unless it's a good reason, especially the Heart Forge. So it's better if you could bring them here in person in case they went to be like. This isn't worth it, I quit." Petrasha said, that somehow makes sense, as a species that lives in the ocean more, living inside a volcano would be painful.

" Fine, I expect something in return when I come back Petry," I said towards Petrasha while hinting to her what I want.

" You got it nee-san, I will make sure it is done before you come back! Just wait for me!" Petrasha said back with a big smile. Poor Christine, totally clueless about what is going on. Don't worry, it's not for you.

After 3 hours of preparation and also lunch, I am now yet AGAIN at one of the exits tunnels of Heart Forge.

" Bye, Nuff said," I said and literally just left immediately. How many times is this, the second time? Doesn't matter... there will be a third time too considering I have to come back and go to Desarrkti. 

Well not really immediately. I still gave Petrasha a nice hug before I left. No need to care about Christine though. She gave me enough job already that I don't want to say any much longer to get a new one.

5th Welkalach of Ausiriel 1207

You are reading story Sorry That I Am The Last To Come Here at

Petrasha's POV

" Petrasha!" I heard Lucy-nee yelled before I got pounced on by her

" Lucy-nee.... what happened?" I said while still in shock. Well, that's normal as normal in this condition the one who is doing the pouncing is normally me.

" The journey to the Beastkin Kingdom is so hard... even not talking about the bumpy roads that literally made me very uncomfortable, the people there are too hard to handle! They keep coming after me because of my race... saying it's rare and it's hard to see a vampire in their kingdom and such. They also keep shoving me food as if I'm some sort of zoo animal! I definitely don't want to go there ever again!" Lucy yelled while hugging me. You sure had it hard huh. Well, vampires are usually at the Desarrkti continent and not at Zarcara. If it isn't because Lucy is a reincarnator, I don't think the Yarkania Kingdom would be able to see one anytime soon.

" So... I assume you are the instructor right? Mr..." I asked the siren instructor that Lucy brought.

" Neo, call me Neo Miss Petrasha," Neo said. Hrmm, it must be hard for Lucy-nee to convince any siren to come here to Heart Forge. Since they absolutely hate the high temperature within Heart Forge... at least before I came here and developed the thermal stabilizer. 

" So Mr. Neo, thank you for accepting our request on coming here to teach one of our friends in managing her vocals. She has been having a hard time attempting to sing due to her tone-deaf nature." I explained to him about Christine's situation. At least the most important part.

" I see... training a tone-deaf person in singing would be a tricky task indeed... but it shouldn't be too much of a problem. We are used to dealing with tone-deaf sailors when they are on the seas, so we sort of know how to handle them. Though I can't promise anything solid until I know the situation of the one I'm teaching." Neo said... should I be worried...

" Well, the one you are teaching is Christine-" " Goodbye, I cant teach her." Before I even finish my sentence, just mentioning her name cause the instructor wanting to leave already.

" Wait... Neo, you promised me you would teach her! At least try a bit! I even promise you that I would help you find a girl here!" Lucy-nee said that after Neo denied me. Wait... why are you helping another guy to find a girl. You cant even get one yourself back on Earth! Adeline doesn't count by the way.

" ... Fine... I will give it a try. Be lucky Miss Lucy there convinced me... I am the only one within my group that accepted this request too so if even I failed... don't expect any other sirens to help you Miss Petrasha. Miss Christine has a really peculiar situation there." Neo said.

" Just please help us in handling that anomaly. For the sake of the people here. Please help us." I begged. I don't want another performance filled with corpses.

I told the maid to bring Neo into his room that we prepared for him beforehand. At the same time, I told another maid to bring Christine to the dining room.

" Thank you Lucy-nee... if it weren't for you, all of our eardrums might suffer critical damage." I said towards her, she is still hugging me btw.

" No problem, by the way, is my request done?" she asked me. Of course, it's done, who do you think I am.

" I will show you later, now we have to handle Christine first," I said. Leaving Lucy hanging.

In the dining room

" Christine... this will be your vocal instructor, Mr. Neo, he is a siren originally from the Kraak island. From now on, he will be helping you to train your vocals." I said while introducing Neo to Christine. 

" Nice to meet you, Miss Christine... I really hope our lessons could be enjoyable at the very least..." Neo said with a hint of nervousness...

" Thank you for training me, Mr. Neo! No need to call me miss, just call me Christine! I look forward to improve my singing with you!" Christine said energetically... I need to build a soundproof room within this mansion ASAP.

" That said Christine, you won't be having lessons until next month. I have something to do before I was able to focus on the facilities for your lessons. So Mr. Neo, you would still have some free time before the lessons could start. I shall tell one of my maids to give you a tour through the city of Heart Forge." I said while deliberately ignoring the opinion of Christine. After hearing that her lessons would be delayed she almost started to cry.

" Lucy, the present I have for you is in the backyard follow me. I am sure you would like it." I said while smiling towards Lucy. Neo is already being brought outside by a maid, leaving a totally clueless Christine in the middle of the dining room.

" Christine, I would say one thing. If you want to ever, ever be able to sing again. Do not ever try to sing in public until Mr. Neo approves of your singing skill. And never try to sing outside of the room that I am going to prepare for you." I said towards Christine with a very stern face. Don't say you are my friend if you freaking cause another incident like that one again.

Lucy's POV

" And here it is, though I never fully tested it out in the water, it should have work fine. I am sure this would help you by a lot Lucy-nee," Petrasha said while showing me the gift I wanted.

It is a speedboat. 

" Thank you my good little imouto. With this, I don't need to squeeze with a ton of different people on a boat anymore! Not to mention traveling would be way faster and way for fun with this!" I said while hugging my imouto and giving her a good hug.

" Glad you like it, the great thing about this thing is that you don't have to manually feed it fuel. There is a prototype mana accumulator that will gather the mana within the surrounding, convert it to aether and use it to power the propeller. Though I would still suggest you bring one or two mana batteries in case it went out," Petrasha said to me. Isn't this literally clean energy there huh it's like one of those sci-fi fictions where it literally gathers the hydrogen in the air and uses it to generate power. That's cool, I'll give it to that.

" How long would you be exploring Desarrkti?" Petrasha asked me. Seriously I don't know... 

" Maybe around 5 years... Since travelling between the major cities would take around 2 years or so... plus, if I stayed there until 1210, I might even be able to meet the next one coming. Don't worry Petry... with the new ManaCom that you gave me, I would still be able to talk with you. Plus, it is not like I won't come back. Didn't I literally rushed back the moment you said Christine went missing?" I said towards Petrasha, she became more and more clingy to me huh...

I stored the speedboat into my Infinite Inventory and went back in with Petrasha.

" Christine, I will be going to Desarrkti now, remember to follow Petrasha's rules while I'm gone. Don't make the same accident again or I will kill you. For real." I said to Christine. I really hope she will listen.

Let's hope she won't fuck up again like this time.

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