Soul Warriors

Chapter 7: Chapter 6: The Principal Is Here!

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Angel groggily opened her eyes, struggling to sit upright as she came to consciousness. A throbbing headache pulsed through her head, making her wince.

"My head..." she muttered, rubbing her forehead in a futile effort to ease the pain. As she lifted her right arm to inspect the cause of the discomfort, she noticed dirt on her palm. The warmth of the earth was unusual, causing her to pause and examine her surroundings.

With effort, Angel raised her head, taking in the unfamiliar surroundings.

The sky was flat and dark as ink. This was a sight that filled her with longing for something more cheerful and bright. However, the quietness was a welcome respite from the chaos and turmoil she had recently experienced.

"I can’t believe this!"

She whispered as her eyes fell upon a village consumed by flames. The sight was heart-wrenching, and she felt a sense of sorrow for the untold suffering and loss Asaga must have endured. For the first time in her life, she encountered someone with such a dark and troubled past. The stark reality of the destruction before her left a deep impression on her heart.

Everyone at the academy had someone to be with, whether it was a relative or a friend. However, Asaga was different. Angel had observed him eating alone and leaving the academy by himself, and she had initially believed him to be an introverted and solitary person. But her perception was flawed. Did Asaga deserve to be treated this way? The injustice of it all was too much for Angel to bear.

"Asaga, I had no idea what you've been through," Angel whispered, her voice filled with regret. "Seeing how people treated you, speaking ill of you and looking down on you... it breaks my heart. I want to protect you, but my feelings have clouded my judgment. I'm sorry... but I will…"

"Angel Fourmier, you have awakened."

Angel spun around. A shadow with crimson eyes stared at the girl. She stood still, transfixed by the sight, as the surrounding air became deathly silent.

Finally, Angel mustered the courage to speak. "You are Dark Blood, aren't you?"

The crimson glow in Dark Blood's eyes faded as he confirmed Angel's question. "Yes, I am Dark Blood." There was a hint of surprise in his voice. "I did not expect you to recognize me."

Angel let out a breath she did not realize she had been holding. However, her relief was short-lived as she was still plagued with numerous questions. She took a step forward and asked, "What caused all of this? Why did it have to be Asaga? I need to know the truth behind everything that has happened. I need to understand why he was targeted?"

Dark Blood was taken aback by Angel's astute question. It had expected her to ask why she was there, but her inquiry was much more profound. Nonetheless, Dark Blood was ready to provide an answer.

"The village that lies before we were once called the Heroic Village. As a citizen of the Ford Anatist Kingdom, you must know the significance of this place. It was renowned for producing talented Soul Warriors," Dark Blood explained.

Angel nodded in agreement, her expression a mixture of sadness and comprehension. Dark Blood continued, "The power of a Soul Warrior was seen as a great threat to the Replord Empire's expansion plan. Thus, when the village was located on the border between the two kingdoms, it was only a matter of time before the Replord Empire took action."

"A massacre..." Angel said in sorrow.

Dark Blood pointed towards the burning village, its voice filled with anger. "The Replord Empire launched a brutal strike on the village, leaving no survivor except for one lucky individual."

Angel's scepticism about the story of Asaga's past was only growing stronger. She expressed her confusion and need for clarification:

"Asaga... Wait, something doesn't add up here. If the village was so important to the Ford Anatist Kingdom, why wouldn't they search for any surviving members? And from what I felt from holding you, Asaga's past goes beyond just this massacre. I need to see him for myself."

Dark Blood attempted to calm her with its words, but Angel was not to be deterred. She shook her head resolutely, her determination to meet Asaga unwavering.

"Calm down, girl. Asaga is safe, I promise you. Everything is under control."

"I don't want to hear that! I want to see him now!" Angel demanded.

Dark Blood sighed helplessly, then reluctantly nodded in agreement. "Very well. I won't force you, but to escape this place, we will have to get a little dirty."

Dark Blood tightened its grip on Angel's wrist and drew her closer, causing her to scream in protest. The shadow's eyes glinted with amusement as it spoke in a deep, alluring voice.

"Forgive me. But after this, you will forget all of our conversations. Consider it a farewell for now.”

Before Angel could even process what was happening, a black hole resembling a gate appeared on Dark Blood's body. It was frightening, as she didn't know where she would end up if she was sucked into it.

"Enjoy your journey," the shadow said with a sinister smile, before pulling Angel's hand into the black hole. The force was so strong that Angel was instantly pulled in, her screams quickly fading into the silence of the void. The black hole gradually diminished and disappeared from the shadow’s body as shortly as it swallowed her.

Dark Blood strolled aimlessly through the ruined village, reflecting on the destruction that had taken place. The once lively and bustling town was now nothing but ashes and rubble. The sea of fire that consumed everything in its path was closing in, and Dark Blood knew that it too would soon be engulfed by the raging flame.

With a heavy heart, Dark Blood muttered a prayer for Angel, hoping that she would never learn the truth about what had happened.

"Forgive me, Angel. I had no choice but to send you away. You and Asaga are still too young, too fragile to know the truth. I pray that the two of you will never be separated again, for Asaga's stamina is at its breaking point."

The shadow turned its thoughts towards the village. It was one of many destructions caused by a man that it was about to mention:

"Five Horns, I will find you and make you pay for what you have done. I will make you pay for every life that was lost, every home that was destroyed. You will not escape my wrath."



Angel rubbed her eyes, still feeling the remnants of sleep clouding her mind. As she slowly became more aware of her surroundings, she realized she was lying in a bed in the infirmary.

The gentle breeze that brushed against her cheek and the sunbeams peeking through the window curtains were the first things that caught her attention. She sat up, taking in her surroundings more carefully. The ceiling fan above her spun leisurely, casting dappled shadows across the room. The medicine cabinets and the white beds, neatly arranged around her, told her all she needed to know.

Despite her brief encounter with Dark Blood, Angel was relieved to find herself unharmed, with no apparent injuries from being swallowed by the portal.

Her mind filled with a swirl of emotions and questions. She looked upon her SoulEquipment and Asaga's, lying motionless on the ground. They reminded her of something important. A sense of unease settled in her chest as she tried to recall the events that led her to this place. But the memories seemed to slip away like sand through her fingers. She kept feeling like there was a vital piece of information that she was missing, something that had been erased from her mind. The thought made her shiver.

Angel dabbed her lips. A thought came to her mind:

“Asaga... My first kiss, it feels so wonderfu… What the hell am I thinking?”

Angel's heart fluttered as memories of her encounter with Asaga flooded her mind. Her first kiss with him still felt like a dream, but the reality of it all was becoming clearer with each passing moment. She smiled at the thought of his name.

"Asaga," she whispered to herself.

"You seem to be enjoying yourself," a familiar voice said, breaking her reverie.

Startled, Angel looked up to see Asaga sitting next to her bed with a warm smile on his face. She quickly hugged her pillow, trying to hide her embarrassment.

"Asaga! I didn't forget that you were still here," she said, her voice soft and unsure.

"Good," he replied, his smile never wavering. "It's good to see that we're both back in reality."

Angel felt a sense of comfort in Asaga's presence. Despite her confusion and embarrassment, she was grateful to be by his side once again. She gave him a small smile and hid her face behind the pillow.

Asaga confirmed with a nod, “You fainted from the combination of our powers and the exhaustion that followed. That’s how we managed to escape from that dark dimension. Luckily, your injury wasn’t serious.”

He said, with a sigh and a bored expression, as if he had just saved her.

Angel, meanwhile, kept these words to herself: “If it weren’t for me, he wouldn’t have been able to return here.”

“Does that mean... Wasn't everything just a dream?” she asked, her mood suddenly turning grim. Her fear had come true - the monster with the terrifying power was real. Angel couldn’t explain the fear and tension she felt when she encountered it. The blast of killing intent was enough to eradicate all positive thoughts.

She had faced Lizardwar before, but the one she encountered this time was different. It was powerful in a way that she couldn’t explain.

“I think I stepped into that dark space to save you. Who was that Lizardwar that you fought earlier?” she asked Asaga.

He replied coldly, “You did save me. I can’t deny that. And as for the Lizardwar that you’re curious about, it was no ordinary Lizardwar. It was a general of the Replord Empire.”

Angel amazed, “You had a hand-to-hand fight with a Replord Imperial General? How can you be so strong?”

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Those Lizardwar who carried the title of General of the Replord Empire were terrifying brutes. Their power was on par with the most skilled and powerful Soul Warriors in the world, making them nearly unbeatable. They were loyal servants who would stop at nothing to complete their assigned tasks.

However, Asaga kept the truth about the Lizardwar's identity from Angel, not wanting to reveal the truth that the one responsible for the death of thousands of Soul Warriors, including the Divine Duo, was still alive. If she found out, it would be catastrophic. The name Komodo was ingrained in Asaga's mind, a name he would never forget. He clenched his fists tightly, silently remembering the past.

The fact that Asaga, a young Soul Warrior, was able to fight that tyrant and make him struggle was truly astonishing.

That was the power of a monster.

“I think we should end this talk already!”

“You haven’t answered my question yet!?”

A premonition came to Angel that Asaga was trying to avoid her question. She wondered why he had such an attitude. Still, she sympathized with Asaga’s feelings. Both of them had been through a lot of bad things today. It would be nice to ask the teacher to take the afternoon class off and then take a break.


Suddenly, a loud explosion echoed throughout the academy, causing the entire building to shake. Angel's eyes widened with fear, but Asaga quickly sprang into action. Wrapping his arms around Angel's Soul Equipment, he jumped onto her bed and used the pillows to shield the two of them.

Despite the powerful impact of the explosion, there was no alarm or warning siren in sight. Angel cautiously let go of her ears and looked at Asaga with a mix of fear and support.

She wondered what was going on and why there was no response from the academy's safety protocol. Was this an attack on the academy? Either way, Angel knew she needed to stay calm and trust in Asaga to keep her safe.

While the room was filled with a thick cloud of white smoke, Asaga and Angel struggled to see what was happening outside. Suddenly, a voice filled with excitement echoed through the room, belonging to a middle-aged man.

"Ladies and gentlemen, may I have your attention, please? Our beloved teacher at Uchire Academy has returned! Let's give him a warm round of applause!"

Asaga let out a curse at the sound of the voice, muttering under his breath, "That damn Freak. He just shows up at school and starts making a scene."

Curious, Angel asked, "Freak? Do you mean the person who just spoke?"

Asaga nodded, clearly frustrated by the individual in question. "Yes, that's the one."

[Dark Aura]

The red gem on the floor rolled towards Asaga, finally coming to a stop at the tip of his foot. In an instant, the gem released a brilliant red light, obliterating the thick smoke that had blanketed the room.

With their vision restored, Angel swiftly unsheathed her SoulEquiqment as well as her posture tense and ready for battle. Meanwhile, Asaga showed a mixture of confusion and wariness, his expression tilting as the sound of footsteps grew louder behind the door.

Angel concentrated her magic power onto her weapon, ready to face whatever lay ahead. The sound of the footsteps grew increasingly menacing, and Asaga braced himself, ready for whatever may come. And as the thick white smoke finally cleared, a middle-aged man stood before them. He was dressed in a sleek and sophisticated jet-black suit, and the energy radiating from him was almost palpable.

Angel felt a wave of panic wash over her as she was faced with such immense power. But, something felt off, something felt familiar. It was almost like she had felt this power before. And then it hit her mind. The same feeling she had when she encountered the strange eyeball. This man before her was none other than the principal of Uchire Academy, John Freak.

“Such a person must be very serious. But why is he here? What’s his purpose?”

“Hey, Freak! Can you just give me a full day of peace? I have enough of your shits!”

"Asaga, you must be careful with your words," Angel cautioned him, her eyes widened in surprise. Despite the principal's commanding presence, Asaga was not intimidated. He took a deep breath, trying to calm his emotions, and gently spoke to Angel.

"There's no need to be afraid," he reassured her. "I understand why you're worried, but I promise you, this man is not like the rumours we've heard about him."

Angel's gaze softened, she could feel Asaga's confidence in the situation and trust in his abilities. She took a deep breath and relaxed a little, trying to calm her nerves.

Then, Asaga launched himself towards the man, his arm outstretched, holding the jewel that had transformed into a gleaming sword. He pointed the weapon directly at the principal, moving with a speed that matched the intensity of his anger. Angel watched in stunned disbelief as Asaga closed in on his target.

"Asaga, please stop!" she cried out. She couldn't bear to think of what would happen if he continued with his rash actions. If he attacked the principal, he would surely be expelled from the Academy.

"No! I have to stop him!"

[Golden Roses]

A splendid saber appeared in Angel’s hand. Then, she stabbed it in the air in one hit.

Asaga dashed forward, intent on reaching the principal with his weapon. But before he could reach his target, an unexpected force caught him in mid-air. Angel watched the roots burst forth from the floor, converging into a massive hand that ensnared Asaga in its grasp.

Despite the obstacle, Asaga made a quick movement and agile as he effortlessly dodged the hand's grip. The distance between him and the principal was closing fast, and Angel could do nothing to stop the inevitable.

With a heavy heart, she fell to her knees, "Asaga!" she cried out, the hopelessness in her voice ringing throughout the room.

"Oh, man," said the principal. "Asaga, you made your girl sad. You should be ashamed of yourself."

"Shut up!" Asaga growled.

The sarcastic tone of the principal made Asaga even madder than ever. His sword blazed up in flames, preparing for the forthcoming attack. The man showed a very calm expression but also praised Asaga’s skill:

“Woah! You can do that within a few seconds? Very impressive, Asaga! Very impressive!”

“You better keep your tongue before I slash it into halves!”

“You have improved. But not enough!”

Asaga suddenly lost all strength in his legs and collapsed to the ground when the principal snapped his fingers. Regardless of his valiant efforts to cling to his sword, his consciousness slowly faded into darkness.

"You won't get away with this," he muttered, but his words fell upon deaf ears.

Angel stood frozen, unable to believe what she had just witnessed. The rumours were true; the principal possessed immense power and strength that made him the deserving leader of the nation's top academy. However, as she looked at Asaga, a glimmer of hope sparked within her, that the principal's tough exterior may have the capacity for mercy

With urgency, she rushed to Asaga's side and helped him up, her nerves getting the better of her as she nervously spoke, "Asaga, are you okay? Principal, it’s not what it looks like, I can explain.”

"It’s okay, Angel. You don’t need to say anything more. You two had a hard time. Don’t waste your energy. Please, take a seat."

The principal, whose demeanour was initially perceived as cold and unfriendly, surprisingly showed a different side of himself. He carefully tended to Angel, bringing her back to bed, and then turned his attention to her crush. Next, he gently lifted Asaga's unconscious form and placed him on the bed next to Angel.

“Would you like some tea? This is mixed with premium honey, which helps you recover your energy in no time. It also gives you the feel of refreshment. Very tasty!”

He offered her a cup of warm honey tea. A delicate scent emanated from it, making Angel’s mood feel better. She bowed lightly and received it.

He said while patting Asaga’s head:

"What a day! Lots of things happened. Especially dealing with those third years who conflicted with second-year students, the teachers are too gentle to them. I noticed that spoiled one long time ago. I gave him a semester to improve his attitude out of respect for his two sisters. Unfortunately, he ended his career on his own. Well then, the only thing that can comfort me is both you and Asaga are safe."

Angel questioned the actions of the principal. Despite his seemingly stern demeanour, he had shown such care and concern for both her and Asaga. Was there some sort of relationship between the two? She could not quite put her finger on it, but the way the principal spoke to him seemed at odds with the awe-inspiring authority he held. But it was still unclear for her to conclude. Angel looked at Asaga thoughtfully.

"Angel," the principal called out, turning his attention to her.

"Yes, sir?" Angel replied, sitting up straight in response.

"We have much to discuss, I believe."


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