Soul Warriors

Chapter 8: Chapter 7: Make Up Class

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Angel was still in shock over the principal's impressive strength. She couldn't believe that he had defeated Asaga with just one hit.

"What kind of monster is he?" she thought to herself.

The principal let out a sigh:

"After all this time and you still haven't changed a bit," he said.

With ease, he picked up Asaga and carried him over his shoulder. He walked over to the nearest bed and laid him down gently.

John turned to Angel and asked, "So, I assume you two have ventured into the Dark Dimension?"

Angel was startled at the principal's question and felt a wave of fear wash over her. She wondered how he could possibly know that they had entered the Dark Dimension. Could he have been following them? The thought of being watched was unsettling, but she couldn't come up with any other explanation. Despite her reservations, she felt it was important, to be honest with her teacher.

"Yes, that's correct," she said hesitantly. "But how did you find out?"

John smiled at her, his eyes twinkling with amusement. "I felt three powerful energy sources surging from the academy. Unfortunately, I had to intervene in a fight at the time. I'm sure you know what I mean. Anyway, once I had taken care of that, I went to investigate. That's when I discovered the source of the energy was coming from both you and Asaga, and the remaining energy was from the portal that connects the real world to the Dark Dimension."

"So, it turns out that we got trapped in a place called the Dark Dimension," Angel said thoughtfully. "But where did it come from?"

Curious, Angel asked another question. "I understand, but what exactly is the Dark Dimension? Is it another weapon created by the Replord Empire?"

John looked thoughtful. He rubbed the back of his head, an expression of uncertainty on his face.

“Not really, though it has a connection with Replord Empire. The point is, if you want to understand this place, I advise you to give up that intention. You can understand as simple as this. Dark Dimension, home to the most horrible and brutal creatures. They are far beyond what you can imagine. Amargadon Komodo is an example. Pardon me.”

“What’s the matter, principal?” Angel asked.

John Freak smirked and raised his hand, flicking his fingers. Angel felt all the strength drain from her body and she gently fell unconscious straight away. Fortunately, John was there to catch her and carefully place her on a bed next to Asaga.

John strongly believed in fostering a love of learning and discovery in his students. He was always happy to answer their questions, as long as they were related to learning new skills or acquiring knowledge.

But the topic of the Dark Dimension was different. It was classified as a political issue, a field that was still too sensitive for Angel to be exposed to. Despite her critical thinking and abilities being considered way far ahead of her age, the existence of the Dark Dimension was a national secret.

“Curiosity killed the cat. Once you understand it without preparation, there will be only temptations in front of you. The corruption will come to you. That's why I absolutely cannot let those who have had no experience in it. That dimension is way more complicated than you think, my dear student. By the way, let’s move to the next student, my favourite.”

The principal's clap echoed throughout the room, immediately jolting Asaga from his slumber. He groggily sat up, rubbing his eyes before turning to the principal with a look of annoyance.

"What are you up to now, Freak? Another one of your silly pranks?" he asked with a hint of irritation in his voice.

The principal sighed and leaned against the wall, his arms crossed in front of him. "I've received some concerns lately about your academic performance, particularly in History. Your teacher has expressed frustration with your tendency to fall asleep during lectures."

Asaga snorted "So what? I already know all that stuff," he shrugged nonchalantly.

The principal raised an eyebrow, a small smile playing on his lips.

"If you say so."

John tried to reason with Asaga, but it seemed to fall on deaf ears. He took a moment to ponder, then finally nodded. He raised his hand and flicked his fingers in the air, causing a black, transparent wall to rise from the ground, separating the two from Angel.

The principal turned to Asaga and explained, “I know you only remember the name of that tyrant. And, for privacy purposes, I have erected a barrier so that no one can interrupt this make-up session.” He smiled lightly at his forgetfulness and then added, “Oh, I almost forgot. Give me a moment.”

John placed his hands on the ground and pulled out two lumps of black slime, which he then moulded into two chairs. He put them on the ground and invited his only student in this class to take a seat. “The lesson will begin soon.”

Asaga obediently followed his words. With a smile, the principal began, “Lucky for you, I am also a longtime history teacher. Let’s get started.”

A model of darkness appeared in the centre of the barrier, taking the shape of a planet. The principal gestured towards it, saying, "As you can see, this is Peoul, about a hundred years ago." He then proceeded to present to Asaga all that he had experienced, even more so in this confined space.

"After the legendary war against the cruel lord, humans and demihumans have been living together for more than a century now. But, as you know, the past is always worth revisiting. So, let's delve into it together."

The principal paused again, his gaze focused on the model of the world before them. After a moment of consideration, he continued the lesson.

“Today, I want to talk to you about the current state of our world, Peoul. Despite the occasional conflict and civil wars that arise, the relationship between humans and demihumans remains relatively stable. Now, let's take a closer look.”

He gestured with his hand, causing the model of Peoul from a hundred years ago to shift into its present form. Asaga was surprised to see that the surface of the planet was not as complicated as he had imagined. It consisted of two large continents and a small island: Northern Continent, Southwest Continent, and the South Island.

Asaga gazed at the model of Peoul with a look of surprise and wonder. The ocean surrounding the continents seemed to stretch out infinitely, and the model was divided into clear borders with each country named.

His attention was drawn to the Ford Anatist Kingdom, located in the west of the Northern Continent. But the Replord Empire, occupying the entire Southwestern Continent, truly caught his eyes. The strength of the Replord Empire was beyond doubt, but Asaga couldn't help but question why they were able to conquer an entire continent without any opposition.

“Why the hell did they capture the entire continent? And why since Komodo died, humans and demi-humans did not take the opportunity to attack Replord Empire. Aren’t they a threat to world peace?”

"Hold on, Asaga. You're getting too worked up. Let's take a step back and approach this with a clearer mind. I understand that you have a deep hatred for the Lizardwars, but for now, can you just focus on the lesson I'm about to impart to you? You have much to learn, and I don't want you to miss out on any valuable knowledge. Once we're done, you can ask all the questions you like."

The principal spoke in a soothing tone, calming Asaga's emotions. He then bent down and placed his hand on the model of Peoul. The model transformed into a soft and malleable substance, like clay. With the care and precision of a seasoned sculptor, the principal moulded the clay into intricate shapes and designs. He then stood back, admiring his work, before leaving the clay models on the ground.

"Peoul was once a world that housed a multitude of races, all living in harmony until a cruel lord, along with his entourage, emerged and swiftly conquered the world. Despite facing countless years of oppressive rule, the people eventually rose against the tyrant. In the end, victory was achieved, but unfortunately, only humans and demihumans survived. This history is just a footnote for today's lesson, which focuses mainly on the battle against the Lizardwars."

The principal sighed and with a flick of his hand, the figures of the various races turned to dust, leaving only the human and demihuman figures standing. "Let's concentrate on the main topic at hand."

John eagerly lifted his shoulders in excitement, attempting to calm himself as he cleared his throat. With a slight wave of his hand, the shadows between them transformed into figures of the Lizardwars armed with weapons.

Asaga's expression revealed the growing hatred he felt for the Lizardwars. This was not a positive sign. In an attempt to ease his anger, John placed a reassuring hand on Asaga's shoulder.

"History is a subject that often evokes painful memories from the past. But it is through these memories that we are reminded of who we are, our purpose, and the sacrifices made by our ancestors. Our greatest accomplishment is not in never falling, but in our ability to rise each time we stumble."

Asaga remained silent, but the principal pressed on with the lesson.

"The story of the Lizardwar began about a long time ago," he began, his voice carrying a hint of sadness. "They suddenly appeared out of nowhere and declared themselves to be a new race. They swept across the Southwestern Continent, taking over country after country with their surprise attack and overwhelming strength."

The principal pointed to the Southwestern Continent, which was now covered in a deep purple hue, representing the Replord Empire. "Those countries fell one by one, and before long, the Lizardwar had unified into a single, powerful empire that now dominates the entire Southwestern Continent," he explained. "So, now you know why the entire Southwestern Continent belongs to the Replord Empire."

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Asaga said nothing but nodded with a pensive expression. John moved to the next part:

“Right! It was due to possessing modern weapons much more advanced than humans and demihumans. So, the Empire easily dominated us and constantly pulled its troops across the Ford Anatist Kingdom. My comrades and I were determined to fight to the end. We are not afraid of powerful enemies, only of unstable will.”

John tried to keep a cheerful attitude while preaching to Asaga even though he had to repeat that sad story:

“The veteran warriors I know, they sacrificed one by one... dolorous, helplessness, and despair. I thought everything was over. The Lizardwar had reached their last destination, the Ford Anatatist castle. One more fallen nation, humanity is no more. And they have arrived.”


Whether Asaga did not know who the “they” were or intentionally forgot it, John smiled at his naïve question and replied:

“Of course, the Elite Soul Warriors, dummy! Your parents and other great warriors appeared. They helped us to drive away from the Replord Empire. The world finally had hope once again! Lizardwar’s suppression pressure was no longer the same as before. This was an opportunity for humans and demihumans to strike back. Wait a minute, teaching with this amount of theory makes me thirsty as hell.”

John snapped his fingers in the air and a tiny ghost promptly appeared with a glass of water, which he eagerly accepted. He sipped the refreshing liquid with delight before continuing his lecture.

"Ah, yes. The tide of the war shifted greatly in favour of the Soul Warriors and the demihumans played a crucial role in this change. The forces of the Replord Empire were gradually driven back and eventually forced to retreat. I thought that victory was finally in our grasp, but then..."

Suddenly, John's voice trailed off and his expression became blank as if he had lost his soul. Asaga noticed this and tried to get John's attention by waving his hand in front of him, but to no avail. Asaga raised an eyebrow, curious about what was wrong with him.

“Hey! Wake up!”

The principal awakened hurriedly, turned around, and asked:

“What what? Who calls me?”

“You are teaching, remember?”

He threw a whatever smile:

“Forgive me, Asaga. It always gives me a nightmare when reminding that monster. Like, there was a chilling sensation running through my spine. Anyway, while a country was helpless against most of the world, Faragost Akhin, the first ruler, did nothing but read a few speeches aimed at raising the morale of his soldiers.”

He scratched his head while thinking about how to tell the sequel:

“I am not sure about this, as they do not mention it in the Ford Anatist Kingdom historical documents. This information is researched by me, personally. Since I have yet to confirm if this is true, you should consider this an interesting short story in history. The death of the first ruler of the Replord Empire. I will tell you later.”

John continued:

“After Akhin died for an unknown reason. Another Lizardwar took over and gave birth to one of the most haunting times in history. The great war that seemed to have ended turned into a new phase. You know who, right?”

Asaga nodded, his gaze still shining with a red light, as he listened to John's words. The principal could sense Asaga's obsession with the matter, and he was concerned about his emotional state. He quickly skipped over the more traumatic part of the story and continued with a more lighthearted tale.

"Anyway, Komodo and Great Massacre. After that event, the humans were forced to pause their attack on the Replord Empire and focus on repairing the damage they had caused. However, the Divine Duo and their comrades were determined to end the long and brutal war. They organized a massive and decisive offensive, which was one of the boldest and most daring decisions I have ever heard of."

John looked at Asaga with a mixture of admiration and caution, aware of the emotions that were running high. He knew that Asaga was not fully ready to confront his past, but he also knew that he needed to face his fears eventually. And so, he continued, hoping that the story would bring some comfort to the young warrior.

"Apologies, Asaga, I did not intend to discredit your parents. The truth is, in a time of such immense trauma, their decision to launch an attack on Komodo and his army of generals was nothing short of audacious. It was almost as if they were walking into certain death. I was one of the participants in that battle, but I'll spare you the details of the battle itself and go straight to the end."

John held himself up straight and gestured dramatically in the air, causing the shadows around them to ripple and contort. The image of the Divine Duo and Amargadon Komodo materialized before their eyes.

“What are you doing Asaga!?”

Asaga was in awe as the critical moment of history faded away into dust. He was left holding his blazing sword, but the grip was weakening, and his arm and leg felt unsteady. He was overcome by fear as he was reminded of his obsession. The fear of losing his final source of spiritual support, of becoming an orphan. His past was filled with nothing but tears and heartache. The weight of his pain was almost too much to bear.

"Asaga, why are you so resistant to accepting the truth?" The principal asked, frustration evident in his voice. "I know it's difficult to come to terms with, but holding on to your obsession will only cause you more pain in the end."

"Don't you dare tell me what you think you understand about my feelings!" Asaga yelled, his voice shaking with anger as he pointed the tip of his sword straight at John's neck. The principal remained unruffled, calmly pushing the sword away as he tried to reason with the young man.

"Asaga, please listen to me," John implored. "I understand that your past may not have been easy, but it's what shaped you into who you are today. Don't let those difficult experiences define you forever."

Asaga didn't answer, instead opting for silence. But that silence was quickly broken by a sharp SLASH! echoed through the room. The barrier separating them from the outside world was sliced apart in a single, swift motion.

“Wait, wait! I won’t stop you. But," John requested, holding out his hand. "Can you leave Dark Blood with me? I need to discuss a few things with him.”

Asaga nodded in agreement. He then said to Dark Blood, “You heard him, Dark Blood. I need you to separate from me and stay here with John.”

A jet of black smoke in his chest came out and floated in front of them. Then, it compressed into a lump and turned into a black object with red eyes, glanced at the principal and said:

“There! You can leave, kid. I will take care of Angel.”

After Asaga left, John sighed as he looked at Dark Blood. "It seems like Asaga has still not learned anything," he commented, shaking his head in disappointment.

"I tried," Dark Blood replied with a nonchalant tone. "But he didn't listen."

The two of them were silent for a moment, their look locked on Angel, who lay unconscious on the bed. John finally broke the silence. "Well, I suppose we'll just have to keep trying. We can't give up on him."

Dark Blood agreed, "Yes, we will keep trying. He may not be willing to listen now, but someday he will."

The principal, John, sat down beside Angel, who was still unconscious on the bed. He gazed at her with a contemplative expression and stroked his chin. "This girl," he thought, "Along with Asaga, the two of them are set to continue the unfinished mission of the legendary Divine Duo."

"I could sense it from the beginning when I first met them," Dark Blood said. "They will surely become a beautiful couple in the future. The only thing that remains is time."

John laughed out loud. "Indeed, Dark Blood. I think the same thing. But for now, let's focus on our talk with Angel." He snapped his fingers lightly, signalling for Dark Blood to listen in without being detected. "Go ahead and hide in my shadow. I'll take care of the rest."

Dark Blood settled comfortably into the principal's shadow. John took a deep breath, composing himself for the upcoming conversation with Angel.

“Next student!”


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