
Chapter 1: Blooming Emotions

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“Is this going to be your first-time having sex? “

Having been asked that question I flinched a bit as this was my first time being in this kind of situation but I still answered anyway as I wasn’t trying to hide the fact that I am a virgin.

“Well …yea it’s because I think you need to love someone before you have sex with them that’s my opinion at least”

“Ha-ha-ha does that mean that you love me?”

“I… I’m not sure yet maybe it’s just admiration I don’t know but there was something that draw me to you which I can’t really describe, something really deep within my soul, but you felt the same way didn’t you?”

“Yea Maybe, but I also like your face you really are lovely looking, but I haven’t seen you in college before as I knew most of the other guys who came with us, are you one of those fellas who comes only to pass exams or was there some other problems?”.

Looking at the girl in front of me I have to admit that she really is a pretty looking female, with long black hair dripping down her shoulders as well as being really tall, just a bit shorter than me not to mention her athletic figure, and mostly her wild personality and actions which she displayed openly throughout our journey that is only been a couple of days so far…, she is the exact opposite of me which is calm and secretive but I like that, as that difference makes the relationship more interesting , now to answer her question.

“Yea things happened I had some problems with so many people at school I even got some death threats so I had to be careful I only came there to pass the exams”

“Hm, well no matter things like that shouldn’t be a problem no more so let’s get down to business, here come closer “

“Have you kissed before “she asked me with a playful face

“no…Like I said , I have no sexual experiences … the only romantic like situation I had, was when I gifted a flower to a girl I liked  in  high school and that’s the end of it… “

“Why are you snickering at me like that …is it that funny? Even though I bet you are the same as me, a loner “

“Heh I actually had a boyfriend not so long ago, but we didn’t get to have sex yet before we broke up so technically yes, I am a virgin too lol “

“Anyway, why are you still keeping your distance Noah “

Calling me by my first name already, well if we are gonna go all the way what does it matter anymore.

“Fine … Lena” while saying that I moved just beside her that our bodies are now touching each other”

Well, I feel a bit awkward but in situations like this I usually have to take the lead doesn’t I? , leaning closer  to kiss her I moved my hand behind her head to get her a bit closer but she just dove in smashing her lips on mine


Feeling the eagerness, I kissed her back with all I have while also hugging her waist and dragging her closer to my body.

 I could feel her sucking on my lips while also digging under my clothes with her hands trying to remove my shirt as I broke out of the kiss huffing.

“L. let’s remove all of our clothes, so that they don’t get in the way “

“Sure “she said chuckling a bit

I know I was the one who said that but now I feel a bit embarrassed as my face keeps getting hotter and hotter, not to mention seeing her naked in front of me has made me run on fumes as I kept my eyes down trying not to think about the act,  but man she really is beautiful, white flawless skin  ,supple breasts that are neither too small nor too big , with a narrow waist and some muscles in the right places , she seems to work out as her abdomen muscles are really well developed.

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(Lena’s Pov)


Seeing him a bit embarrassed and shy it made my blood boil a bit, he can be really cute huh … im a bit embarrassed for my boldness too but this excitement really keeps me going.

To really describe this man in front of me I would say he is very slender but I like his figure not to mention that charming face of his, while also being athletic as he seems to have trained in some kind of martial arts which he tries to deny, but what I didn’t notice earlier is that he has some shallow wound marks in some places oh his body, he must have really been in some shit before.  

Getting closer to him I put my hand on his waist and pushed him into the bed kissing him deeply, he seems to be getting more aggressive as well as his lust is soaring up and our ragged breathing could be heard very well throughout the room.

let’s get even more wild, I put my tongue inside his mouth untwining mine with his and sucking hard on it. He really seems to have liked it as he let out a whimper.

“Hey that really surprised me “

“That’s nothing, here put your tongue out “

This time the kiss was more intense, wet and full of excitement as our tongues fought against one another for the supremacy but our hands didn’t sit idle either as we caressed each other and explored every nook and cranny.

When we broke the kiss there was a thread of saliva dangling between our lips, which I would call the bridge of our love as our eyes were so blurry and intoxicated that I couldn’t control myself anymore.

I grabbed his dick while kissing him on the neck and pushed it in slowly while being on top of him, I was already so wet from all the kissing and the touching that it went right in.

It hurt a bit at the beginning, but that pain subsided very fast leaving only room to pleasure. As our moans kept getting higher and less reserved.

“Ahh...Lena im coming! F…fuck I can’t hold it anymore”

“Mm…ahh… its fine come inside me, today…mm… we will be doing it until we can’t move anymore that’s how…we celebrate losing… our virginity”

“L…Len…naa…gah …A…Ahh “

“mmm nooah…nooah… ahh… …!”

That night we kept going at it until we literally couldn’t move anymore it was really an enjoyable memory.

but at that time, we really didn’t know what was coming our way.

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