Souls and Sins

Chapter 1: Finding a way to live

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And that was the day I faded away...

It was a lovely night, Violet walked peacefully next to the street humming to herself as the streetlights lit the damp road after the rain that morning, she was going to the store to buy some late-night snacks and a bottle of wine as she prepared to go back to her empty apartment to binge watch her favorite show, her face showed a smile although walking down the bustling street began to make her stomach turn in the type of way that caused her concern, she shook her head thinking to herself that she was being foolish, and that's when it happened.

She turned her head at the last moment, as she saw a car speeding up to where she was, and at that moment, time slowed as she saw the little girl crossing the street to the store.

Blinding light flooded her vision as she felt the impact, she tried to gasp in a breath, feeling the bumper of the car dig into her rib cage, the screams muffled in the background as she lay on the cold street, watching her vision fade in and out of consciousness before she felt her last breath leave her body.

She felt her soul pull from her body. She hadn't understood what was happening, but she soon realized as she was there, knelt beside her own body, breathless, cold, broken. The tears began burning her cheeks as the moments of her life flashed before her eyes, her mother, her father, and her brother. She couldn't tell them goodbye; she couldn't explain to them while she was gone. She screamed in frustration knowing nobody could hear her, as she watched the paramedics surround her and begin trying to revive her, she knew it was useless and that made the hurt worse. 

The blinding headlights that filled her vision in her last moments still lit up her body and the surrounding area, she looked up catching a glimpse of the silhouette of a tall figure, and she figured that it was the person who had been driving the vehicle before the figure continued reaching its hand out to her and speaking.

"it's lovely to finally meet you, don't be afraid" the voice spoke in a deep voice with a slight grain to it.

"Don't- don't be afraid?" Violet said her voice still shaking "that's my own body" her voice cracked as she spoke back to the figure.

"Take my hand darling, I promise the hard part is over" the dark figure said, she was hesitant, but she was dead sure it couldn't get worse she laughed in her head before taking the figure's hand.

As she stood, she walked next to the figure still with tears in her eyes "So. what's happening to me- like I know I'm dead obviously" She glances back as the paramedics begin to cover her body.

"I'm-guiding you to the afterlife, mortal souls can't stay in this realm for too long" the deep the voice spoke as he wrapped a comforting arm around her.

"The- The afterlife. are you an angel?" She asked genuinely, the figure turned his head almost in disbelief though she couldn't see the expression on his face.

"No, I'm not an angel" he lets out a small sigh as they approach a wooden door painted dark green in an alleyway, the figure opens the door extending his hand out as if guiding her through the door first.

Violet stepped through the dark oak doorframe with almost a sigh of relief "Not an angel? Then what?" she said baffled at the notion of other realms and supernatural beings

"Well.. turn around" he chuckled as she spun around on her heels coming face to face with him her expression changed, not to horror or fear but intrigue, wonder, and fascination as the once dark figure stood before her now fully illuminated in the warm lighting.

His full figure standing had to be almost 7 feet tall, his carmine red tinted skin almost glowing in the light, his golden eyes almost the color of the fresh honey in her favorite tea, and one of his most noticeable features to her as a mortal were the small horns coming out of his forehead glistening black like his hair she took a deep breath, understanding his appearance.

"You’re a demon?" she gave a small smile before she began coming to her conclusion "so I guess that means I am going to hell. I suppose they were all right" she sighed, burying her face in her hands.

"Yes, yes you are" the demon smiled his large hand brushing over her shoulder "maybe not for the reasons you think though" he shot her a slight wink of comfort.

"Well, if you're going to drag me to Hell, I suppose I should at least know your name" she crossed her arms in confidence as she gave him a smirk.

He returned a smirk and gave a small bow "Lucien. My name is Lucien."

Violet raised a brow to Lucian “Violet Hawksley, although I suppose it doesn’t matter much” she drops her arms to her side and looks at him softly “I appreciate you trying to make this a Better experience, but I'm ready” she smiled to him with a sigh, he nods to her as he gestures to the old, dark stained, mahogany door in the empty, hallway they seemed to have been standing in

Violet takes a deep breath beginning to put one foot in front of the other, headed for the door, she extends her hand brushing her fingertips along the brass doorknob, and she begins to clutch the knob slowly turning until she hears the latch click, she opens the door to smooth obsidian floors and polished oak walls, the chamber seemed comforting but intense, almost as if there was an icy breeze down her spine despite the tropical-like temperature in the air.

Lucien stepped out in front of Violet suddenly taking on a much more professional position, as he began leading her through a large iron gate, Violet glanced behind herself as she walked, and she realized the door was gone, almost as if it disappeared into thin air.

He guided her through several entrances and hallways in silence before coming upon a door, the door had a beautiful inscription around the frame, Violet opened the door to a very elegant office-type room where she saw a man standing near a desk, he was tall, sleek and intense, as the man turned around to face the two with a nod, Lucien nodded back to the man but stayed silent.

“So, you're Violet I hear” the man smiled at her as he spoke, “I’ve heard a lot about you.” Violet felt a lump form in her throat as the man began to approach her.

“I hope all good things” Violet said as she tried to form a nervous smile as she watched the man extend his hand to her.

“Yes, Darling all good things” he smiled to her, she extended her hand back and gently shook it, shaking from her nerves.

“So why am I here, I mean if I didn’t do anything wrong, why am I in hell?”

the man pulled his hand back and turned back to his desk “well, we’ve seen your life and the things you believed in and decided to give you the chance to continue that fight here in the afterlife” he smiled as he sat down and gestured to a chair across from him “now you do not have to accept this offer but it's only fair to discuss the terms with you if you’re willing to hear them”

She made her way over to the chair and took a seat “Well if we are discussing terms, may I know your name?” her nerves began to calm as she seemed to be comfortable her.

The man stood up for a small bow as he introduced his self “Lucifer, I’m sure you’ve heard of me” he slid over a paper as he sat back down.

Violet seemed shocked, why would a being like Lucifer need or want her help, she began looking the paper over as it seemed to look like a formal contract “would I be selling my soul?” she quickly realized the ignorance of the question.

Lucifer and Lucien let out a laugh at the irony “No darling.” Lucifer spoke gently “simply asking if you agree to these terms.”

The paper seemed fair, she would assist in the judgment and punishment of the souls sent there in return she would receive her own piece of heaven and happiness while residing in hell.

She stood up nodding, remembering the helpless feeling of watching injustice through her life “I agree” she slid the paper back “just tell me what to do.”

Lucifer looked to Lucien “it seems that you were right son, she’s going to do great” the two beings directed their gaze to Violet.

Her eyes went wide as she stared at Lucien “Son?” Lucien rubbed the back of his neck almost looking embarrassed “Yeah, but we can talk about that later, let’s show you to your place.”

Lucien lead Violet to her new home as she walked in, the smell of vanilla sugar cookies overwhelmed her senses, as she looked around the home looked like an old log cabin that she always dreamed of having as he began to show her around, the living room was cozy, a Nice comfortable couch, a bookshelf with her favorite books lining the shelves, a wood fireplace crackling, the kitchen was just as good, a small wooden table in the center of the room, a large oven, but the bedroom was the best part, almost velvet-like carpet throughout the room, a king sized canopy bed with cotton sheets, a well sized bathtub.

“I have one more thing to show you” Lucien gave a sly smirk as he gestured to an entrance, Violet approached the doorway.

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Her eyebrow raised in confusion as she cracked open the door, Lucien standing right behind her “what do you think?” he asked.

Her face beginning to turn red as her eyes scan the room “Oh god.”

She looked around the room of various shelves and racks filled with handcuffs, ropes and so much more.

Lucien giggled watching her squirm “Lucifer told you we know you” he rested himself against the doorframe.

Violet turned to face him “If I may ask, whats the point in this? I mean I’m dead right?”

He looked at her confused “So you think sex doesn’t exist in hell? You aren’t a prisoner here.”

She looked equally as confused but slightly embarrassed “Well, I just thought there was nobody to have sex with.” she laughed it off looking up at him.

“Oh well” he bit the inside of his lip looking down at her, hoping she wouldn’t notice “Let's go get some coffee, I’ll introduce you to a few others that will be keeping you company” he winks playfully at her on their way out the door.

“Wait so there’s things like coffee shops and stores?” Violet asked as they walked through the corridors.

” Yes, you thought we had seen how humans evolved through history and didn’t pick anything up?” Lucien replied, they arrived at the coffee shop stepping through the door inhaling the sweet scent of fresh coffee and baked goods.

“Hey, Lucien” they both hear as Violet looks to a table.

Three other demons are waving down Lucien, he turns for the table as she follows behind him closely, as they approach, one of the demons' eyebrows raises to Violet before the demon looks to Lucien.

“Would you both like to sit with us?” another demon from the table calls out smiling excitedly.

As Lucien nods, he pulls out a chair for Violet before beginning to introduce her to the others, “the one smiling like an idiot would be Silas” he says as he gestures to the demon that invited you to sit with them, “the one next to them” Lucien looks to the white-haired demon sitting across from him “would be Amias, we were raised and trained together. And finally,” he turns to the last figure at the table “that is Arielle.”

He takes a deep breath with an awkward smile as the woman leans toward Violet and licks her lips.

“You look yummy.” Violet begins to blush.

Lucien wraps his arm around Violet and pulls her closer to his side “back down Arielle, she’s fresh down here its already going to be taking time to get her adjusted” he said.

The others at the table raised their brows in confusion “get her adjusted to what?” Amias asked concerned.

“Well...” Lucien sighed “she’s going to be assisting in our work, which is why I asked you to all meet me here.”

Silas looked Violet up and down “can she handle it? Also did you clear it with the big guy?”

Lucien smiled almost proudly “actually the big guy is the one who requested her.”

He looks to Violet realizing his arm is still around her shoulders, his red tinted skin did well to hide his embarrassment, he slowly pulled his arm back towards the table, pretending to drink his coffee, Amias let out a laugh catching on to the situation.

“So, Violet” Silas said causing Violet to break her focus on the amazing coffee that she ordered.

“Yes?” she said rather loudly not realizing how focused she had been, “how exactly did you meet Lucien? If I may ask of course.”

He shot a grin at Lucien, fully understanding what was happening in Lucien’s mind right now.

“Oh well, that’s actually an interesting story, I got hit by a car” she nodded casually as the others looked at her in horror “and Lucien is the one that guided me into the afterlife from the mortal one” she smiled, oblivious to how casually she spoke of her own death.

“So, it doesn’t bother you at all? That you’re dead I mean.” Lucien looked to her to answer with a kind of empathy in his eyes.

“I would be lying if I said it didn’t bother me, but it was my time, I’ve been ready for a while now I’m just happy I was able to save someone.”

She gave Lucien a smile, knowing that he was hurt by the way she had sat next to her body in pain, they began to get lost in each other's eyes before a voice spoke up breaking their gaze.

“So, you're like a hero?” Silas said, smiling as if he wanted to hear the story, “um, kind of” Violet rubbed the back of her neck, not wanting to sound too prideful.

“I was on my way to buy some wine and snacks, that’s when I saw a car heading straight for a little girl who wasn’t able to keep up with her mom” she sighed in relief knowing that girl was safe “my body moved before I could think about it, I just started running towards the girl, next thing I knew everything got really bright and then I felt the impact”

The group stared at her in almost a kind of sadness, but she just continued to smile, “it’s okay guys, I promise.”

Arielle decided to break the silence “Violet! You should come have drinks with us tonight.”

Violet tilted her head, furrowing her brow in confusion “can- can souls get drunk?” she looked to Lucien.

“Well, yes” he let out a laugh “It feels like getting drunk in the mortal realm” he nodded slightly as he spoke.

“Huh, okay count me in, I haven’t been drunk in years” she laughed still staring at Lucien “you're in for a hell of a night” she smirked to him as she looked to Arielle “will it be like a party?”

Arielle nodded happily “we can sure turn it into one!”

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