Souls and Sins

Chapter 2: Millenium

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Violet suddenly seemed to grow more and more insecure looking at Arielle, the way she looked, smiled, dressed, she was so sexy and confident and Violet felt like the total opposite in her baggy hoodie and sweatpants that she had died in

Can i come over and we can help each other get ready?” Arielle spoke up seeing the emotion in Violet’s face, her eyes lit up hearing Arielle’s offer

Of course” she smiled at the gesture

The day continued and eventually everyone went their separate ways, whether they were headed home like Violet, or going back to work.

Violet arrived home stripping off her old clothes and sinking herself into a hot bath as she awaited Arielle’s arrival, she began thinking of the insane day that she’s had

I’m dead...”

She sighed, mumbling to herself as the time past, after a relaxing time, processing everything, she pulled herself from the bath and dried off before wrapping herself in her towel and pulling herself into bed, not even realizing that it was possible she drifted to sleep

A few hours later, she was woken up to a loud knock on the door, in her seemingly exhausted state pulled herself out of bed and made her way to the door as she swung it open, she seen Arielle standing in her doorway, bag in hand, Arielle coughed as her eyes went wide and she seemed to be speechless,

Violet still nearly asleep was confused “huh?..”

She blinked a few times before feeling the breeze against her body, “OH GOD!” she yelled out before turning on her heels

Sprinting back toward her bedroom “I’M SO SORRY” she yelled from the bedroom

Making her way through the house Arielle finally found her way into the bedroom, watching Violet slip back into her worn out sweats

Darling, I’m here to help you get ready” she laughed lightly “i was bound to see you naked at some point” she made her way to the bed putting her bags down on the floor

I just didn’t realize that you had all that under those baggy clothes” she smirked, Violet’s bright red face looking toward Arielle

There isn’t that much there” Violet gestured at her body

Oh sweetie there’s plenty” she spoke making her way to Violets closet, picking out a few things and laying them across the bed, “I seen how insecure you were, which is why I offered to come help, I’m assuming you don’t have a lot of club experience?”

Violet shook her head embarrassed, what kind of twenty-four year old has never been to a club, she walked over to Arielle and the bed, looking through the selection of clothes that Arielle has picked out

I was always sick as a kid, so I became a cautious teenager, and when I became an adult ‘boring’ was normal and safe so that’s what I stuck with” she said as she picked up a lace red crop-top and some faux leather skinny jeans, lifting them up for Arielle to see.

How’s this?”

That’s perfect babe” Arielle nodded quickly with a seductive smile “your going to look fucking hot”

Violet went to change before quickly returning, she entered back into the room in her fresh clothes, twirling around

How does it look?” Violet asked as Arielle let out a whistle

Damn, babe you look amazing, I’m actually jealous”

Arielle sat Violet in front of a mirror and continued to finish her makeup, hair and getting herself ready before they decided finally decided to head out of the house in confidence

Violet and Arielle approach the grey-brick building, looking above the door was the word ‘Millennium’ spelled out in red neon lights, the club was filled with demons and souls dancing and laughing and drinking, Arielle guided Violet through the crowd of people in the blaring music to the bar, they saw the three handsome demonic figures leaned up against the bar laughing and sharing stories, as the two approached Arielle stood proudly in front of Violet

Ahem!” she exclaimed getting the men’s attention “and I present to you, a brand new woman” she giggled stepping out of the way

Violet’s curled crimson hair running down her shoulders, the red lipstick and dark eyeliner making the gold flakes in her green eyes stand out like nothing Lucien had had ever seen in a human soul, time almost began to stand still as he stood in front of her not realizing the passing time as his eyes wandered over her, finally breaking his focus.

You look great” he let out a deep breath unable to think of the words to describe her.

Really?” Arielle raised a brow at him “That’s all you got?” she said grabbing Violet’s hand and leading her to the dance floor “If they won’t appreciate how hot you look, I sure will.”

Violet’s face turned red as she smiled at Lucien and shrugged and followed Arielle to the dance floor “you heard the woman, you better get to appreciating” Violet said as she let out a playful giggle

Watching Arielle lead Violet to the floor, Lucien turns back to the bar taking a deep breath before ordering another drink

Damn” he mumbles to himself.

You just going to sit there with your thumb up your ass and an umbrella in your drink or you going to say something?” Amias says leaning onto the bar

What are you talking about?” Lucien turns his head, clearly annoyed.

Are you dumb? Or do you think the rest of us are?” Amias raises his brow before taking a long sip of his drink staring at Lucien

Fuck man” Lucien sighs taking sips of the mixed drink that the bartender made for him “i don’t know, I just don’t want to make her uncomfortable I guess” he downs his drink “fuck it” as he turns and stumbles.

Woah there big guy, maybe you drank that a bit to fast” a voice comes from behind the bar as Amias grabs Lucien pulling him back to his seat

Drank it to fast? Your funny” Lucien gives a grin as the bartender leans over the bar

What’s going on man? You never get like this in here”

Silas speaks up “He’s got a thing for the lady in the red lace and I guess decided he needed a dose of liquid courage”

The bartender laughs before catching a deep breath “really? Lucien you’ve never looked remotely interested in anything, like ever and all of a sudden a mortal soul in a red shirt gives you a twirl and you don’t have a tongue?”

Lucien’s eyes dart up towards the bartender with a dark look in his eyes.

Look I didn’t mean anything bad towards her, just that it’s not normal for you to act like this” he looks at Lucien “listen instead of using that drink, why don’t you have some fun and sober up tonight and come back to the subject another time”

Lucien nods before standing up out of his seat “no, fuck that, I’ve got this” he turns and makes his way to the floor, Silas and Amias look at each other before standing up and downing a shot and making their own way out to follow Lucien.

Making his way through the sweat and loud music, scanning the crowd, he finally spots the red lace shirt standing out of the group of people surrounding Violet and Arielle dancing.

Time stands still, watching the crimson curls turn almost fiery red in the dancing lights around her.

As he watched her dance, his mind began to wonder.

Were her lips as soft as they looked? How would her body feel against his own?”

Thoughts ran through his mind as he looked at her and began to think to himself

And what exactly would she want with a thing like me?”

He sighed turning back to the bar, in his own mind.

Violet wasn’t the first mortal soul that a demon had begun to fell for

However he was worried that she might be the first he fell for.

Spinning in his own mind, watching the drink swirl around the glass in front of him

He felt a hand on his shoulder, as the chair beside him began to give a light screech

Hello Tall, dark and handsome”

A tipsy Violet sunk into the seat giving him a smile, quickly noticing the expression on his face

Are you alright?” the smile turned to concern in her eyes as she laid her hand on his arm

Yeah” he gave an obviously fake smile laying his hand over hers “How are you adjusting?”

You are reading story Souls and Sins at

She raised a brow to him, cocking her head slightly, she threw her head back with a deep breath.

I suppose I’m adjusting well” she turned her head to him with a smile “So where do you sleep”

The words escaped her lips before she could realize how strange it sounded, her face began to turn deep red as she tried to pull her hand away from his, but he held it tightly.

I can show you”

A smile formed on his lips, he knew it sounded a bit creepy but, he could tell she was embarrassed about her question and was trying to comfort her.

They both broke out in laughter after a moment of awkward silence

She takes a deep breath beginning to feel the alcohol take effect, she lays her head onto the bar.

Hey, why don’t we get you something to eat and get you sober.”

Lucien let out a laugh, as he stands up offering her his hand.

The night continues as they walk to Lucien’s home.

Sitting on the bar-stool in the kitchen, she watches Lucien shirtless, cooking pasta, the muscles rippling around his shoulders.

You like spaghetti?” Lucien turns his head toward Violet with a smile

She nods, nibbling on a piece of bread that he gave her.

I really like a man thats good in the kitchen” she winked at him

He slides a plate across the table in front of her, before placing his own and taking a seat.

Well I guess you picked the right man then”

His cheeks darkened hearing those words roll off of his tongue

C-Can I stay here tonight?” he heard Violet mumble from across the table

Is there something wrong?” he spoke looking towards her, with concern in his eyes

No. nothing’s wrong, I just feel safe with you I guess”

His eyes lit up hearing her speak, she wasn’t scared of him, she didn’t look at him as a monster

Yes, of course, you can stay here.”

He said a smile painted across his face

Although, I’ll say you are protected here in hell, I mean you work for Lucifer himself, I’d be scared for whoever tried to hurt you.”

A laugh pulled from his chest.

I’ve got movies and books, and some board games, I spent a bit of time in the mortal world for my training and picked up some things while I was there.”

Violet nodded, she thought to the bookshelf in her living room, that was him.

We can go grab some things from your place, it can be like a sleepover.”

She giggled at the excitement in his voice.

Yeah that would be great”

They finished their plates, before heading out the door, the walk was quiet, small buildings plastered obsidian like roads.

So when you were in the mortal realm, what did you like to do?”

Lucien asked, genuine interest in his voice.

Well I was a bit nerdy, I liked to do a lot of reading, and playing video games, some movies and tv shows were of interest to me but not many”

She nodded walking the warm street, it almost reminded her of the night she died.

I liked a lot of music too, that’s one thing mortals had going for them.”

She looked up to where the stars would’ve been but instead seen nothing but darkness.

Music, huh?” he watched her look to the sky with a smile “I think mortals had a few things that were worth while”

In this moment, he understood, what he felt for her.

So, what movies and books and things did you like?”

I was a bit weird” she giggled “As far as music, basically all kinds of music, Books, movies and shows? Fantasy all the way”

The conversation continued all the way to her house, laughing and talking about everything and nothing at the same time.

Once they arrived, she began gathering her clothes and blankets.

He looked over the books on the shelf as she shuffled through her belongings.

You like these books right?”

Lucien turned his head to the bedroom, raising his voice so she could hear him.

She came around the corner, watching him pull a book from the shelf and skimming through it.

I do.” she nodded her head “why do you ask?”

Well, I just wanted to make sure I got the right ones”

She stared as he made his way through the book, the tight black tank top pulled tight against his muscles.

You like what you see?” a smirk grew on his lips, obviously reading over the steamy pages.

Maybe I do.” she spoke in a surprisingly defiant tone.

His eyes glanced to the side, seeing her stand there, arm’s crossed.

God what did I do to deserve this” he thought only to himself, as the smirk on his lips turned a little dark

So, ‘Good girl’ is what you prefer based on the books you read” his eyes moving back to the paper.

Her face turned a deep red, as her stance changed from jokingly defiant to embarrassed.

Well- uh-” she stumbled over her words, hearing the painfully deep commanding voice utter those words in her direction

Don’t worry” he closed the book carefully placing it back into it’s position on the shelf “I’m just messing with you.”

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