SoulSliced: Lunar

Chapter 29: 27- Preparations and Farewells

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Marik's schedule became so crowded that he had to readjust it and drop some of the things he working on off of it.  The only arcanistries he was now continuing to to improve his mastery of were his snap explosion and force claws along with the always needed mental defenses.  He also massively reduced his world and language studies.  Most of his physical training and exercise, with the exception of his beast wolf form, was done during the three or so days he spent with D and Mer every third week.  The next week after a week where he had gone with D and Mer he always went out to towns, villages, or cities in various places with the twins and their masters for a day.  The weeks that he did neither of those would be the weeks where there were a few days that Sai would come in the mornings and leave in the evenings for help in training her arcane arts.

It only took about two months before Sai made her next move.  They had taken a brief pause in training when Sai suddenly pushed him down into the leaves and started kissing him.  Marik was so caught off guard that he didn't even register exactly what was happening until a few seconds after that when Sai tried to shove her tongue in, too.  Things escalated very quickly and by the time he came back to his senses he realized his hand was under her shirt and her hand had his pants partway down.  He managed to finally get her to stop before things went any further than that and told her she wasn't allowed further than kissing until he figured some important things out.  She had been pouty in her cute way for the rest of the day but had kept her word and hadn't tried to force more than a kiss any of the following training sessions either.

He was getting paid for the mercenary work that he did and, since all of his needs were being taken care of while he stayed in the forest, he put all of that money into buying magic candy.  Ever since he had learned arcane arts his master had been helping him with putting knowledge and memories in the candies by using something called a Mind Marble.  It looked like a marble-sized crystal ball and was used like a fake mind or proxy for mental spells.  A mage could cast a spell through it and anything that returned would stop at the Mind Marble instead of going to the mage.  It was typically used to avoid the more dangerous mind traps during the interrogations of assassins and the like.  Marik and his master used it to make sure there was no dangerous knowledge pulled from Marik's mind, by having Marik check what was stored in the Mind Marble, before putting said memories into a candy.

With Marik being so busy from trying to prepare for his birthday departure and heavy schedule, it was hard to take the time to be as careful as needed and with only one Mind Marble, the time spent having to constantly wipe it again to use for the next memory pull began to eat away at the time he had.  Finally they decided to call in the expert and hope that she wouldn't ask for too much in return.  When Granny Fox arrived the nest day, Marik decided it was time to drop a bomb on her.

"Granny Fox, what's the best way for Sai to net get pregnant from having sex?"

His master was stupefied for only a moment before he burst out laughing.  Granny Fox sputtered to the point where it seemed like she nearly died from choking.

"Oh, come on.  I'd say it's pretty obvious by now both that it's bound to happen sooner or later and that neither of us is ready for kids.  i figured if anyone would know the most assured way it would be one of you two."

"You have some of the strangest timing for things, boy," said his master while continuing to laugh.

"*cough* *sigh* Fine, boy.  At least you are wise enough to consult someone first.  I hope that next time you be somewhat less direct with such things, though."

"Meh.  Subtlety doesn't seem to be my forte."

"I have noticed such over the years.  *sigh* There are a small amount of curses that have been grouped together and called 'safe curses'.  They are basically small and simple things that merely place a minor restriction of sorts on someone or something.  The most typically used is one for restricting movement and is used on the worst criminals in some areas.  They are placed using a stamp and some special ink and will usually only last a few days, losing their effectiveness as the ink fades.  Some of the more...expensive brothels have been known to use a similar method with a certain a curse that restricts pregnancy.  That is the only known method that has been guaranteed to never fail.  There are some other methods, however, that are longer lasting, such as..."

"Wait.  Hmm.  So if we can get the ink from the cursed villages, which shouldn't be too hard since you guys managed to sneak over there before as I recall, and the design of this small curse, then we could tattoo it on Sai, right?"

"What are you talking about, boy?  I had thought you intended for a temporary solution, not a permanent one."

"No, well, think about it.  Being in contact with me fades or removes weaker curses because of the cleansing that's tattooed all over me, right?  We've also already learned how to remove permanently tattooed curses, meaning they can be removed when needed."

"That is...I do not feel comfortable placing a permanent curse on anyone much less my own ward and blood, boy.  No matter how removable it might be."

"You're the one who said it's the only guaranteed method.  I'm not going to be the one to tell Sai that I can't be with her because the safest way makes her master uncomfortable.  If you really think she shouldn't do it and have a good enough reason then we can try to do the next best thing but I think we should see what she wants to do, first.  In some ways it should be even more her decision than mine or  anyone else's."

"You already know she'll follow your suggestion, boy."

"She probably will, yes.  That doesn't mean it's wrong to ask her, though.  She's also very smart, so she might even come up with a better solution herself."

"Very well.  I'll take care of it.  In return for that as well as this problem you've called on my help for, though, I require something from the both of you.  Delay your departure for yet another year, boy.  That girl is demanding to accompany you and we both know she is not ready.  I also have some things that I am preparing and handling and having your departure date pushed back will greatly assist me in dealing with them."


"So yer gonna be a real merc soon, ya?  Seems like jus'n other day ye was comin' in new as a fawn.  Now yer all bein' a big man 'n such..."

"I don't ever remember being like a fawn, D.  I'm absolutely certain I was so defiant that I stared and talked you down a bit.  I even remember Mer laughing her ass off about it."

"Ah.  Ya.  S'pose she did at that, huh."

"Where is Mar, anyways?"

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"Ah?  Seems she met a guy, ye know.  Got all 'noyed at our pa 'cuz he don' like 'im or what.  Ye said we goin' be gone fer like a week, ya?  She don' want them meetin' and fightin' and ya while we doin' what ye got."

"Ahh.  Makes sense, I guess.  Oh.  There she is.  Come on, let's go."

About a half day's travel from the town if running was a forest that few people ever bothered with.  It was far away from any roads, was easier to go around than through, had no particular resources that were worth anything as even the trees were considered bad quality wood, was nearly empty of both people and wildlife, and was therefore perfect for what Marik had planned.  He guided them as deep into the forest as he could before the day ended and started helping them set up camp.  He had earned enough of their trust that they didn't ask anything while he looked like he didn't want to talk even if they were curious about what was going on.  Once they were all set up and evening was approaching, they finally asked the one question they felt was safest and most confusing."

"So, we dun wit the camp 'n all...but where's yer stuff, lad?  Ain't seein' yer tent or spot set up 'n all."

"No.  This is my little bonus reward for all you two have done for me, you know?  I don't need to give myself a reward, that would just be silly.  I'll be leaving after this.  I'm actually a user of mystical arts, see?  You two have mentioned how you feel stuck where your at, before.  I thought a good farewell gift would be letting you guys learn just a little bit of sorcery over this next week using a kind of special method.  Take these pouches."


"Yup.  They're made specifically just for each of you so make sure you keep track of which pouch belongs to who.  If you follow my instructions very carefully then you'll learn just a little sorcery by the end of the week and maybe that'll help you reach that next stage you've had so much trouble with."

"Dat's nice 'n all but I ain't seen ye do any magicy stuff 'fore, ye know?"

"Hmm.  Maybe a simple proof then?  Look, have some water.  Good enough?"

"Ya.  Wow."

"Yup.  So here's how this is gonna work.  Each of those candies has a number scratched into it.  Start with number one first thing in the morning, and you'll kind of understand what to do after that.  Spend the rest of that day and the next working on it.  Then, the next morning after that, eat number two, and so on.  You should take one candy every other day ad spend that day and the next working on what you learned.  It's also better to just let the candy dissolve in your mouth or swallow it whole rather than chew it.  That's it.  Do that over this next week and you'll both have a new sorcery power."

"Wow.  We could make a lotta money by sellin' dis..."

"No, you wouldn't.  Like I said, they were specially made just for you two.  They won't work right for other people or even each other.  The candy I handed you pretty much only works for you.  I chose ones I thought really matched you, too.  I'd be kinda sad if you just tried to get rid of a power I was offering as thanks that will make you stronger just for you to get a little drinking money."

"Alright.  Ye don' gotta worry.  We use 'em firs' in da morn', ya?"

"Ya.  D, I gave you the ability to enhance your sense of hearing and smell with the wind.  That should help you track and follow whatever or whoever you want.  Mer, I gave you the ability to wear the wind.  It'll add just tiny bit of protection, which isn't that great, but will make you a decent bit faster.  You may become the faster pantherkin alive if you can learn it well."


"You're welcome.  I'd suggest getting as much rest tonight as you can.  Learning that stuff will make you tired in ways you didn't know you could be.  I'm ready, Master.  I'll be going now.  So long and thanks for all the fun."

A portal opened up where he and his master had scouted before, making the two mercenaries jump a little.  Marik smiled warmly at them and entered the portal to go home.  He already had their personal certification of being trained in the guild so as soon as he turned fifteen all he would have to do is go finish the process to become a full member.  This was his farewell gift to his two mentors.

Mairk's fifteenth birthday was more normal than he expected.  He went to the mansion like normal, got attacked by Granny Fox like normal, met the twins in the courtyard like normal, got kissed by Sai like normal, and handed out some magic candy like normal.  He gave Kiara three pouches of candy that had all the pain, medical knowledge, and some things he knew of spatial movement which she had requested.  Sai received almost five pouches of candy that had everything he remembered from the other world about the topics that sorcery covered and how they related to one another and so forth to help her in her arcane studies.  He had told her to work on improving and modifying the only arcanistry she had for now since she could use what she learned from messing around with it to help make other arcanistries later.

Now it was the twins' birthday and, as he expected, a portal opened in front of the carriage.  He watched as Granny Fox stepped out and walked towards him.  As she approached he tilted his head slightly in wonder at where the twins were.  Normally they would have jumped out by now.  Granny Fox stopped in front of him with her usual scowl and stood there silently for a while before finally sighing.

"Go, boy.  They're waiting for you."

She said nothing more and merely stood aside for him.  He thought to ask some questions but decided they probably wouldn't be answered in any way that helped him.  He went through the portal before it closed and came out in the familiar hallway of the mansion.  The maid, Matilda, was standing in the hallway apparently in wait for him.  She bowed slightly, then turned and started walking away.  After a moment, she stopped again and turned slightly towards him as if waiting for him to follow her.  He still wasn't entirely sure what was going on but followed after her anyways.  After going through several hallways Matilda finally stopped in front of a door.  She knocked lightly, turned to Marik, bowed, and then walked away as if her work was done.

The door opened and Kiara's face stuck out of it.  She looked around for a second before seeing Matilda's back in one direction and Marik in the other.  Her gaze met Marik's and she motioned for him to come before going back inside the room without closing the door.  Marik was a little curious but a little worried.  The look on Kiara's face showed happiness at seeing him but there were definite traces of sadness to the point that he wondered if something had happened and she had been crying.  He followed the signed directions he was given, though, and moved to go into the room.

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