SoulSliced: Lunar

Chapter 30: 28- Becoming an Adult (Explicit)

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The room he entered was obviously the twins' bedroom.  There was a bed against each of the side walls with a small chest at the foot of each bed.  Tucked into the corners on either side of him were vanity tables each with their own wardrobe next to it.  The floor was probably wooden but was painted wash white like the walls and ceiling.  A large rug, which looked quite soft, sat in the middle of the room and covered most of the walking space of the floor.  He noticed that on top of each of the vanity table was an old, small, pouch with a badly stitched name on it.

Sai was sitting on the bed to the right while watching him enter with a huge smile on her face.  Kiara was walking towards her own bed and her tail swished lightly back and forth with her hips in a slightly seductive manner.  Both of the girls wore what looked like a kind of sleepwear negligee that hid very little.  Their underwear was completely visible and seemed simple enough but not childish at all.  The only difference between the clothing of the girls was the color of their underwear, with Kiara walking away in her dark pink underclothes and Sai letting Marik get a full frontal view of her black panties and bra.

"You can close the door..."

Kiara's voice was a little soft.

"And then sex time!"

Sai was definitely excited.

"Umm," Marik couldn't really think of what to say while he closed the door behind him.

When he turned around again, Kiara was sitting on her bed in an almost identical manner to Sai but with a much less happy face.

"I love you, you know.  I know you don't really love me back, though.  Not like that, anyway.  I'm mostly giving up here.  My only demand is that I get to be here for your first time together.  I'm only here to watch and enjoy myself in my own way, so feel free to ignore me from this point on."

"Right.  So let's get started!  I've waited for this for so long..."

Sai jumped up and started to head towards him.  Something felt wrong about this to Marik, though.  Obviously, if he listened to his past life's sense of values then there would be lots of somethings wrong but he instead focused on his real feelings about what was wrong with Kiara.  It didn't feel right to leave her like that.  She was right and he didn't have those kinds of feelings towards her while he did towards Sai but that didn't mean he wanted her to be sad and just comfort herself while she watched something she wanted but couldn't have.  He held up his hand to Sai and turned to Kiara.

"Wait.  If we're doing this, let's do it right.  You're right, Kiara.  I love both of you, but I'm not in love with both of you.  I'm in love with Sai.  That said, it's not like I want you to feel bad about it.  I can't give you myself the way I want to and intend to with Sai but I can still give you something.  This time will be a little special, though.  I probably won't ever do this with you ever again."

As he talked he walked up to Kiara and gently held her hands in his.  He slowly leaned forward as he neared the end of his speech.  As he got closer to her he started squeezing her hands slowly but as hard as he could.  He gave her a light kiss on her cheek and felt a small crack in his right hand.  He released her now hurt hand from his right and swiftly punched her as hard as he could in the stomach.  He saw her eyes widen in surprise as a look of ecstasy started to cover her face.  He kept her from completely falling onto the bed with his left hand that still held her unhurt hand.  He looked down slightly and, making sure his aim was good, slammed his heel as hard as he could on her foot which produced some more cracking noises.  He ignored the wetness that was starting to spread across the cloth sheets under her already damp panties.  He grabbed her neck and let his claws dig in slightly as he forced her to lie down sideways on the bed then let go and grabbed the pinky of the still held hand and snapped it.  She screamed out and shivered as she came hard but he continued without minding it.  He reached down with both of his arms and grabbed her legs then lifted them and put them on the bed where the rest of her body was.

He stepped back, nodded once while whispering 'sorry' under his breath because he couldn't reciprocate her feelings, and turned around to see a smiling Sai watching him.  She also nodded lightly in approval and opened her mouth to say something.  Marik didn't let her do more than that, though.  He leapt forward and covered her opened mouth with is own while pushing her body slowly backwards.  Sai's eyes opened wide in surprise from being attacked for the first time instead of starting it herself.  As she got pushed back little by little, lost in the kiss, her legs eventually caught the corner of her bad and she fell as Marik finally released her.  Once she was safely lying on her back on her bed, Marik quickly pulled his shirt over his head and dropped it to the ground before crawling over top of her to have his face just above hers.

"I love you, Sai."

"I love you, too."

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The kiss restarted.  Marik gripped her close as they kissed and reached one hand down towards her ass, slipping it under her panties to get a firm grip on it directly.  He squeezed lightly and felt more than heard as she gasped slightly in response.  One of her hands held him to her by holding against his back while the other started traveling along his side towards his hips.  He shoved  and pulled a little to try and get them both more fully onto the bed.  Understanding his cues to some extent, she turned sideways a little and started trying to roll.  He supported the action and soon found himself lying fully on his back sprawled across her bed with her on top of him.  She pulled away from him, putting the hand that was behind his back against his chest to hold herself up better and keeping the other at the edge of his pants.  Somehow, during the rolling over, both of his hands ended up gripping her ass under her panties.  He started stroking the base of her tail with his left hand while he reached up with his right to start pulling her negligee from her shoulders.

She sat up the rest of the way and took it off herself before throwing it away.  As she was doing that he reached up and pulled her bra up some to let her tits free.  He started massaging them slowly, enjoying the soft feeling in his hands and occasionally pinched one of her light pink nipples slightly, eliciting light gasps and groans of pleasure from her.  She started rocking her hips a little, grinding her crotch against his and letting him feel jut how wet she was already even through her panties.  Seeming as if she had had enough playing like that, she pulled her scrunched up bra over head and threw it away as well.  Marik rolled her over once more, causing her shoulder to lightly scrape against the wall, and practically yanked everything form his waste down off before rolling back on top of her.  He pinned her shoulders to the bed in a similar manner to how they first met and then started kissing her again.  His tongue tasted every part of the inside of her that it could, finally flicking lightly against her canines before she began her own attack.  

Her tongue pushed against his then wrapped around it a little to reach further into his mouth and start tasting his own canines.  As her tongue hit the roof of his mouth he suddenly squeezed the breasts in his hands, making her squeal slightly into his mouth and pull her tongue back some.  Realizing that he was getting out of breath and lightheaded, he pulled back from the kiss while cursing his need for air in his mind.  He didn't want to stop and wait, though, so he start tracing down her body with his mouth.  The hand that was holding the back of his neck kept him pressed to her as he kissed and lightly sucked every bit of her his mouth touched.  When he got to her collarbone and sucked a it a little he also added a light bite to leave a mark and heard her groan as she gripped his neck tighter and dug the claws of her other hand into his back slightly.

He continued traveling down across one of her boobs while moving the hand that had held that one down into her panties where he could feel his fingers immediately become drenched in her fluids.  He put his mouth over one of her nipples as if making out with it, flicking his tongue across it and moving his face only enough to let his teeth brush against the small areola.  Meanwhile he kept one hand massaging her other breast, occasionally pinching the nipple or letting his claws casually scrape lightly against it.  His other hand used the heel of his palm and his thumb in alternating movements to rub against her clit and had one finger curled up inside her, moving in and out only a little while lightly scraping against the upper wall, making her hips rock back and forth with his movements.  He gave a brief pause for one moment to let her settle just a bit before lightly biting, flicking her one nipple with his tongue, squeezing her tit with his hand, pinching the other nipple with is finger, scraping his thumb claw across her clit, and shoving his finger deep inside lightly scraping against the upper wall the whole way, all at the same time.  She screamed out with one hand suddenly gripping and twisting the sheets to her side while she shoved his head against her chest and bucked her hips up.  A light spray drenched the hand that was in between her legs further and he as she let her hips drop back down, he began traveling down her body with his mouth again.

He kept from biting anymore and kept the sucking light as he traveled down her belly.  When he reached her belly button he played with it for a moment using his tongue as he stopped massaging her chest and fingering her to use both of his hands to grip the side of her panties.  Then he started kissing  and traveling down with his moth again while pulling her panties slowly down her legs.  By the time his face got to the small tuft of pubic hair just above her crotch her panties were at her knees.  He lifted himself up just a little and looked at her face while taking the chance to keep pulling her panties all the way off before slinging them to who knew where.  She looked back at him with a gaze full of lust and desire, her eyes slightly unfocused from the last orgasm, before she put both her hands behind his head as he dived down to taste the depths.

He let his teeth brush against her slightly protruding clit and wasted no time in shoving his tongue in between her lower lips.  He twisted his tongue around and made sure to hit every part he could while occasionally moving his head and mouth a little stimulate her waiting bean with his lips and teeth.  He kept her ass in his hands and she held his head down with her hands as multiple small orgasms kept rocking through her like waves send fresh sprays for him to lap up inside with rapid tongue movements that started the process again and again, each time slightly stronger, until she finally screamed out once again while shoving her hips up and shoving his head into her crotch so hard he wondered briefly if she was trying to stick his whole face inside of her.

Once her grip loosened some he sat up and scooted forward slightly while pulling her hips towards him.  He'd been going slowly and as meticulously as he could to make sure she enjoyed as much of her first time as possible but he couldn't wait any longer himself.  His rock hard member rested across her stomach with his balls getting dampened from what was still pouring out of her.  He looked down and briefly noticed for the first time a small and intricate looking tattoo right above her pubic hair but still just low enough that it would be hidden by her panties.  He shifted a little and his dick rubbed against it slightly.  He felt her shift her hips in expectation as she widened her legs.  He glanced up at her face and saw her looking at him as if she were ready to beg if need be.  Her chest was rising and falling visibly and her hot breath was already coming out in pants.

"Please...need at once..."

He didn't even wait to confirm.  He arched his hips back a bit while gripping his rod with one hand and set it against her front crack while pushing forward just enough to get the head in.  He didn't stop but tried to keep the motion fluid as he started to slowly slide in while reaching up to grab one of her tits with one and keeping the other on her hips.  Then he gripped tightly and pulled with both hands while shoving his hips forward.  If he ripped through her hymen then he didn't even feel it in the force of that thrust.  Sai screamed out the loudest she had done yet and arched backwards like she was possessed while one of her hands tried to rip the sheets apart all at once and the other arm tried slam a whole in the wall.  He waited for a few seconds for her to catch her breath again and then slowly started sliding out.

Her face suddenly looked like she had something being taken from her and her arms reached up for him.  He slowly dropped himself down on her as he slowly pushed his hips back forward.  He saw her gasp some as his member filled her back up and he covered her mouth with his.  She grabbed onto his back with one hand and gripped his own ass with her other as if she could help shove him further into her.  He put his tongue in her mouth and soon she moved her tongue to join him in tasting one another again.  His hips moved slowly and rhythmically and he could feel her tight insides squeezing at him with every movement.  Every time he started moving out of her he felt and slightly heard her whimper, and every time he pushed back in he felt gasp in satisfaction and anticipation.  He could feel all the folds inside of her practically begging him for more and he could also feel his own limit rapidly approaching.  

He started increasing his pace and felt her lower hand reach up to his back to have both hands starting digging their claws into his back while her legs reached up and wrapped around him while squeezing to make sure he couldn't get away.  He kept one hand on her chest and reached the other under her shoulder to help give him a better pulling grip for his current position.  He lifted his head and stared straight into her eyes as he tried to shift slightly so he could be ready to give a final thrust as deep as possible soon.  His hips kept increasing their pace and she was matching his movements by rocking her own.  They were both panting at each other and could practically taste each others breaths from slightly apart.  Marik couldn't hold it back anymore and pulled back as far as he was able before shoving himself back in as far and fast as possible while letting his own voice out and feeling the tip of his dick hit against the end of tunnel just before he let loose his entire load.

Sai felt it as her eyes opened wide and she screamed out another scream that could match her earlier one.  Her hips greedily shoved back against him and her legs tightened around him to try and pull him in as deep as possible and he thought his tip might have slipped a little into the next entrance.  Her whole vagina tightened as her insides hungrily drank everything he could give.  Her back was arched so far that one of her boobs flew up towards her face and the bed underneath her seemed to be the only reason she hadn't folded herself in half.  Her claws dug and scraped against Marik back so strongly that it might be a miracle if they didn't leave scars.  After about a second or two she finally hit the end of her orgasm and dropped back down while breathing heavily.

Marik looked down at her in all her sweaty glory with tears at the corners of her eyes and hair splayed all over the bed and her face.  He leaned down and kissed her again as if he wanted to take away whatever breath she had left.  She obliged in a tired manner.  He realized that he was feeling a little exhausted himself and rolled away from the wall a little so as not to be leaving his full weight on top of her anymore.  He was still in her and her legs and arms were still wrapped around him so she ended up rolling with him until they were on their sides facing each other but still connected.  They kissed lightly a few more times and Marik saw her eyes start to droop closed with a tired but happy and satisfied expression on her face.  He started to feel so comfortable that as he kissed her asleep he also started to drift off.  Right before he fell asleep all the way he heard a quiet voice behind him.

"That was kind of amazing..."

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