Stale life/ a new experience

Chapter 20: Chapter 19: cave

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Where am I?

The surroundings are akin to a cave. The ground is a bit muddy but they didn't stick into my clothes. The walls are cold, and a bit slippery too. 

Still, My spell should've transported me back to the surface yet why am I here? Did something interrupt me?

Better find an exit first.

Staying here would gain me nothing. I should find a way out first before anything else.

My hand is already healed due to my spell and my powers are at their fullest. I could probably take down crowds of enemies before running out of stamina.

Before anything else.

"Death: Location"

A magic circle appeared beside me full of complicated runes and mathematical equations. My mana began to fade quite immediately as the spell grew larger and larger in range. This is only natural because it lets you slip through the very fabric of space which is an absurd idea in the first place.

The range is only around 30 km due to the current terrain and the lack of vision. Maybe I have to make a new spell to counter such things.


The final look isn't that much but the main function is still there. To my knowledge, I don't have any way of putting this spell down or disrupting it so it just makes me wonder…

Just how did I end up here?

Thinking over it will not make any progress so I began to travel through the cave. The walls occasionally have torches beside them so light isn't a problem anymore.

Signs of life can't be seen. Gradually, I began to worry about food. The only thing that I can teleport with me is things that are 2 cm around my skin. I can adjust it whenever I liked but my instincts filter them out already.

My search spells also don't work because they only detect life forms. It's useless for something like this.

The search lasted for hours until the sun dawned. The temperature began to fall and the cold wind slowly appeared.

I used fire magic to warm myself up and continued to march. Sleeping will come later.

My location is also getting bigger and bigger with each step I take. Right now, it should be probably around 60 km and I doubt it would stop.

The night has passed on yet the surrounding still has no signs of life. At this point, I'm even questioning myself if I want to continue or not.

On the second day, My head began to spin and signs of dehydration started appearing. Thankfully, the water that the cave produces quenches it.

Then there comes the third and fourth and so on.

 On the 7th day, This is when I realized nothing is going to change if I went with this pace.

"Enhancement: touch, wind: turbo."

Mana surges immediately through my veins. 

With no hesitation, I dashed and ran the moment the spell activated.

The reason why I waited for this long to activate it was because of my mana reserves. I thought preserving my mana was the best choice yet to think that this place would be this barren kind of surpassed my expectations.

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Now that I think about it, my stamina is kind of abnormal. It would last me for hours upon hours and that's not all. The last time I remember I got physically tired was when I used death magic for the first time.

Mana depletion is not the same thing. They do not have the same feeling. Whenever my mana gets empty, I only feel weak and mentally exhausted. 

Maybe it has to do with genes? Well, my father was an adventurer but I do know that with no prior training, one could not achieve this much stamina. This is simply outrageous.

I should not think of it right now.

My speed is getting faster and faster and I'm accelerating quite steadily. The thing is, I didn't put any perception spell on me.

The reason why I didn't put one is that it will be just a bit nuisance. My mana should be used wisely so I used it all on my wind spell and touch.

The spell touch can act as the eyes for me. It strengthens my instincts and sense of touch so it should be enough. 

It has been two hours since I ran. I accelerate and accelerated hoping to find someone yet to no avail.

I'm starting to worry about my mana. I cannot kill myself to return because the location is too far away yet I cannot stop because accumulating this much speed can only be achieved by speeding up slowly.

With each leap, I approximately cover around 2000 meters. It is indeed outrageous that the tunnel is still not ending.

Maybe I should put another location around here.

I can either go stop and make a location that I'll probably never use or just put all of my strength into running. I'm uncertain but ultimately, making a location is decided.

I toned down my speed. Currently, I cannot see due to the speed I'm taking. My sense of touch feels the slightest vibration in the air so I could tell, something is blocking my way.

This is bad.

My arms instinctively tried to shield me from the incoming impact. Based on the vibration, it seems to be a humanoid creature, around the same height as me. It being a human is another matter. More importantly…

A sign of life. 

In a matter of a second, we collided. With my sheer speed, I went through his body killing him in an instant.

Blood spews everywhere yet the humanoid creature didn't notice it. It was so fast that he immediately died without knowing it.

He simply died in a very comical and brutal death.

That's not all. After the collision, my course began to shift making me go straight to a wall.

I tried to control myself but ultimately, my fate cannot be changed.

I lost balance and rammed through the place. The world began to spin crazily while I'm trying to control my body.

Walls made out of stone immediately broke right after the impact. 

The pain in my body circulated down to my nerves as they began to rapture one by one.

Then again, through all of this, the only thing I'm lamenting is the fact that there is a sign of life here. That information alone makes me conclude one of my greatest problems.

Finally, there is food.

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