Star People

Chapter 75: Star People Side-Story 17: Moon Shot Part 3

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Star People

Side Story 17

Moon Shot Part 3

June 7th, 15 AE, 1645 hours…

The Missouri’s bridge…

“Captain, I am tracking the Atlans Challenger entering Istaria space.” Ensign Taichen announced. “It is currently on the correct trajectory towards the planet.”

“What’s the ETA for re-entry?” Mark asked.

“At its current rate of speed, it will be entering the planet’s atmosphere in just under an hour.”

“What’s the status of the crew?” Reelan asked.

“I am reading three humanoid life-signs, all in good health.”

“What’s the status of their systems and the integrity of their heat shield?” Harken asked.

“I’m detecting no irregularities in their systems and scans show that their heat shield is fully intact and can withstand the heat of re-entry.”

“Very good, Ensign. Please keep monitoring their progress.” Mark then addressed his communications officer. “Lieutenant, please open hailing frequencies to the Atlans Challenger. I’d like to speak with the crew for a minute.”

“Aye, Captain. Hailing frequencies open.” Visera announced.

“This is Captain Mark Delan of the star battleship Missouri to Captain Hikes Varget of the Atlans Challenger. Please respond.”

There was a brief period of static before a familiar voice was heard over the communications systems.

“This is Captain Hikes Varget of the Atlans Challenger. It’s good to hear from you again, Captain Delan.”

“Thank you, Captain. I trust you and your men had a pleasant trip after leaving the Moon?”

“Well, I’ll tell you this much. We were very grateful for the Instant Ration Packets. I don’t we could have stomached the return trip to Istaria on those space rations we had before. On future space missions, I’m going to insist that we stock up on Free Land Ration Packets!”

Delan chuckled a bit. “Well, you’ll soon be on solid ground and eating solid food again. I speak for everyone on board Missouri, as I offer my congratulations and everyone else’s on your successful mission to the Moon.”

“Well, we’re not quite done yet. We still have to make it to the ground in order to call it complete.”

“You’re in the homestretch. It shouldn’t be long now.”

At that moment, there was another series of static as a new voice called in.

“This is Mission Control to Atlans Challenger. Please respond, Captain Varget.”

“It looks like you’re going to be very busy now, so we’ll be signing off. Captain Varget, Lieutenant Sandro and Lieutenant Fiser… we’ll see you on Istaria. Godspeed.”

Mark motioned for Visera to cut communications as Varget began responding to Mission Control.

“Are we going to remain in orbit?” Harken asked.

Mark shook his head. “Begin making planet fall. We’re going to follow them down. My orders are to give aid if necessary. Making re-entry and splashdown is tricky business.”


1850 hours…

The Command Module Voyager

“We are now approaching our re-entry coordinates.” Lieutenant Sandro announced as the Atlans Challenger coasted along, just beyond the edge of the atmosphere.

“We’ve endured launching into space, flying to the Moon, landing on the Moon, launching from the Moon and flying back to Istaria.”  Captain Varget commented.

“I think the hardest thing we had to endure was those God-awful space rations!” Lieutenant Fiser jokingly remarked.

“No argument here.” Hikes then spoke into the communications relay. “Mission Control, this is Atlans Challenger. We’re about to begin re-entry.”

“Roger that, Atlans Challenger. You will be in radio blackout the moment you enter the planet’s atmosphere.”

“Acknowledged, Mission Control. We are now approaching our re-entry coordinates. Now in the process of jettisoning the Service Module…”

The entire spacecraft began rotating as small thrusters pushed the now spent Service Module away from the Command Module. All connections had been severed and the Service Module floated separately on its own course through the planet’s atmosphere, where it would break apart due to having no protection against the heat of re-entry. It had served its purpose.

On the other hand, the Command Module still had to perform its final task of returning its starnauts and the Moon soil samples to the planet’s surface. As it began to descend into the atmosphere, the bottom of the Module began to glow with a faint orange light. Gradually, it became reddish orange and then gave off trailing flames as particles around the capsule started to combust. In seconds, the capsule was enveloped and resembled that of a falling meteorite or shooting star.


The stratosphere, star battleship Missouri

“I am now tracking the Command Module’s re-entry into the atmosphere.” Taichen stated.

“What’s the structural integrity of the Module?” Harken asked.

“I’m showing no signs of weakness in the Heat Shield and the interior of the Module has not been compromised.”

“And the condition of the crew?” Mark asked.

“Life-signs are elevated but still within normal ranges.”

“I can only imagine how rough it is inside that capsule.” Reelan remarked.

“Ensign Gatsbu, follow that Module.” The captain ordered.

“Aye, Captain.”

The Free Land vessel accelerated and began matching the speed of descent of the Command Module. At the moment, the Atlans Challenger was streaking downward at a speed of over 25,000 miles per hour.


Inside the Command Module, Hikes, Maxel and Brigs shook about in their seats as their craft was buffeted by high-altitude currents and intense heat waves. It was far hotter than any dragon’s breath and it felt as if the whole ship was going to shake itself apart. Even though it would only be three-and-a-half minutes before they passed through the upper atmosphere, it felt as if it was an eternity.

Finally the Command Module was past the stratosphere and began to cool down. However, the ordeal was not over yet. The parachutes needed to deploy soon or they would not be able to slow down. At the speed they were going, they were going to hit like a falling meteor. It would make little difference if they hit the ground or the ocean. At that velocity, they would be pulverized.

Then more misfortune came as they heard something striking the top of the Command Module.


The Missouri

“Captain! Some flaming debris just hit the upper portion of the Command Module!” Gatsbu stated.

“They must be pieces of the Service Module when it broke up in re-entry. Apollo 11 had the same problem.” Mark surmised. “It managed to withstand the hits. I hope the Challenger can do the same.”

“Captain, the Command Module is now deploying its parachutes… and the chutes have gotten partially jammed by the debris. They’re not fully deploying!”

“Damned rotten luck!” Harken growled.

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“Initiate Rescue Plan Zeta immediately!” Mark ordered.


Inside the Command Module, all three starnauts began whisper prayers as the control panel indicated that their parachutes had failed to deploy properly. The debris had caused two of their chutes to become entangled. Their velocity had not slowed down enough and they only had about a minute before crashing into Atlans sea. It looked like this was the end of their miraculous journey.

Then they heard something knock against the bottom of their ship. At first they thought they had hit the water, but the altimeter still indicated they were still falling. What was even more surprising was that their airspeed was slowing down as well. After a few seconds, Hikes looked over to one of the viewports and his eyes widened as he beheld the Star Alliance emblem.


Outside of the falling Command Module, Ensign Harry Hendrill gritted his teeth as he worked the grappler arms of his Search and Rescue Unit. Beside him, his copilot continued to fly the Unit alongside the Module. His Medic Shuttle was the first to arrive and grab hold of the Command Module just after Captain Delan gave out the command for Rescue Plan Zeta to commence.

Rescue Plan Zeta was set up in case something went wrong with the starnauts’ re-entry and splashdown. The Missouri had deployed all six of its Search and Rescue Units after making planetfall. This put them in position to assist the Command Module in safely landing.

After Hendrill managed to get a secure grip on the Command Module, a second Medic Shuttle came on the other side and clamped on with its grappler arms. Using their braking thrusters in tandem, they gradually began slowing the Module’s descent. They didn’t want to stop suddenly as that might have torn the fragile Atlans ship apart. Not to mention that the sudden decrease in momentum might crush the men inside.

Finally, with less than a thousand meters before hitting the water’s surface, the two shuttles and the Command Module came to a complete stop and hovered in the air.

Inside the Module, all three men let off a sigh of relief as Captain Varget spoke into the radio.

“Mission Control, this is Captain Varget. The Voyager… has come home!”


One hour later, the Missouri’s Mess Hall…

“Oh yeah, now that’s what I call good eating!” Lieutenant Sandro said as he pushed away his empty plate and leaned back into his chair. He had just enjoyed his dinner of chicken lasagna.

“Mmmm-mmm! I’ll say!” Lieutenant Fiser agreed as he was almost finished with his meal of fried chicken and mashed potatoes with gravy.

“I daresay that even the best hotels in Atlans can’t match this level of hospitality like the Missouri.” Captain Varget stated as he finished off his bowl of Minestrone soup. He was also having a baked salmon with rice and vegetables.

“I’m glad to hear that gentlemen.” A familiar voice said. All three men turned their heads to see Mark and Reelan approaching them. They began to stand up to salute him, but Mark shook his head while waving a hand nonchalantly. “At ease, gentlemen. My First Officer and I are just here to check on how you’re all doing.” He then gestured to his spouse. “Oh yes, let me introduce my second-in-command and lifemate, Commander Reelan.“

“It’s both an honor and a pleasure to meet with the brave starnauts of Atlans’ Moon mission.” Reelan said with a smile.

All three starnauts couldn’t help but stare. They had seen elven women before, but Reelan’s light blue skin and golden eyes gave her a kind of ethereal beauty that even elves couldn’t quite match.

“Do you mind if we sit with you?” Mark asked. He was used to seeing other men stare at his wife’s good looks, but Reelan’s heart belonged to him.

The three men from Atlans quickly shook themselves back to reality and nodded their consent.

As they sat back down, Mark nodded to the plates of food on the table. “Don’t mind us and continue with your dinners. I hope that your stay aboard the Missouri is to your liking?”

“It’s fine, Captain Delan.” Varget assured. “Although I am a bit concerned, that you’re allowing us to roam about this ship. Aren’t you afraid that we may be carrying some spaceborne or lunar disease from our mission?”

“The ship’s doctor had already screened you three for any contaminants, radiation or biological micro-organisms. You’ve all been given a clean bill of health.” Reelan assured.

“Well, that’s good to know.” Maxel commented as finished his plate and wiped his mouth with a napkin. “If we had been picked up by our forces as planned, we would have been quarantined for three weeks!”

“And it’s a bit of a shame that you had to interfere with our mission at the last minute.” Hikes said with a bit of despondency.

“What are you talking about? We didn’t interfere at all with your mission.” Reelan stated.

“You saved us when our parachutes failed. Isn’t that interference?”

“Your mission was to launch from the planet, travel to the Moon, land and launch from the Moon, and return to the planet.” Mark pointed out. “The moment you re-entered the atmosphere is the moment that your mission was completed. It was through no fault of your own that your parachute deployment mechanisms got fouled up by that debris. It was just bad luck and we were simply there to give you hand. It’s no different if one of your neighbors’ rooftops is set on fire by a lighting strike and you help him put out the fire.”

“You’re being awfully broadminded with your interpretation.”

“And I prefer not to nitpick over a technicality when lives are at risk. Let me tell you about another story from the Space Race on Earth. You remember about the two superpowers, the United States and the USSR, right?”

“Yes, I remember the story. Lieutenant Fiser and I told Lieutenant Sandro about it on our way back to Istaria.”

“Well, about four years after Sputnik was launched, the Soviet Union sent a man named Yuri Gagarin into space. He was the first human from Earth to do so. Furthermore, it was claimed that he was also the first man to orbit the planet. According to the rules at the time, a person must launch in his craft, circle the planet in his craft and come down in his craft safely in order for the flight to count. However, Gargarin didn’t land in his craft.”

“He didn’t?” Fiser asked.

“Did he crash?” Brigs wonder.

“No he didn’t” Reelan responded. “According to the records, after passing through the atmosphere, it was planned for Gagarin to bail out of his ship and parachute to safety while his craft used its own parachute. Once he landed on the ground, he simply went to where his capsule landed and waited for his government to pick him up. As far as everyone thought at the time, Gagarin had landed with his ship.”

“But… that’s cheating!” Hikes protested.

“You could say that.” Mark admitted. “Then again, you could also say that it was smart and it might have saved Gargarin’s life. His capsule landed pretty hard and it was the early period of the Space Race. Technology and safety measures weren’t very reliable at the time. And if you take the literal word of the report, he did orbit the Earth.”

“I suppose…”

“Don’t lose any sleep over this technicality on not landing on your own. You’ve already accomplished more than anyone in Atlans had ever dreamed of. And your experience will lead to improvements to safety and technology so that parachute malfunction won’t happen again. We’re currently en route to Bisra and we’ve notified your government. They’re going to give you a hero’s welcome.”


June 8th, 15 AE, 1500 hours…

The citizens of Atlans’ capital cheered as the Missouri slowly floated past them at a leisurely pace. It was maintaining an altitude of over a kilometer above the tallest buildings. On the deck near the bow of the ship was the Voyager Command Module. Standing in front of the Module were the three starnaughts as they waved to the crowds of spectators. Various planes and helicopters equipped with news cameras buzzed about the mighty star battleship.

“Are you sure this is a good idea?” Maxel asked his superior. “I mean, isn’t the Missouri a Free Land military vessel? With all these cameras, aren’t they afraid that some of their military secrets might get leaked out?”

“The captain said it was all right.” Hikes said. “They didn’t stop us from photographing part of their fleet in space. They know we can’t even come close to their technology at present, and none of the Missouri’s essential technology is exposed. Besides, Captain Delan stated that it would a good exercise in diplomacy to let the Missouri bring us home.”

“I guess. But is it also safe to have the Missouri flying above the city like this?”

“Captain Delan also stated that he had the best navigator and helmsman the fleet. According to him, they could easily guide the Missouri through an asteroid field without a single dent in the hull.”


June 9th, 15 AE…

Arkandri, capital city of Bisra, 2050 hours…

In the Royal Palace of Atlans, the three starnauts knelt in front of King Votsor Canes XX and Queen Zela Canes. The royal couple smiled upon the brave men who had ventured into the void to meet with the Star People and returned. With the exception of the dwarves, citizens who came from Free Land were also known to Atlans as the Star People, and it was the dream of everyone in the kingdom that they would one day become a part of the Star Alliance.

Votsor bid the starnauts to stand as he approached them with ornate medals in his hands. He draped a medal over the necks of each starnaut with reverence and proclaimed them to be the new pioneering heroes of the Kingdom’s bid to join Free Land among the heavens. There was a huge round of applause in the throne room as the three turned to face the crowds of nobles, government officials and of course, the representatives of Free Land, which included Captain Mark Delan and his First Officer Reelan.

The celebration continued as Varget and his subordinates were constantly greeted by dignitaries, nobles and other people of importance. Standing together on a balcony, Mark and his wife shared a period of time together as they gazed up at the Moon.

“It’s hard to believe that they actually made it up there.” Mark commented as they stood arm in arm.

“Well, we did give them the technology to do so.” His wife pointed out as she took a sip of champagne from her glass. It wasn’t half-bad, but it didn’t compare to Kyteeri wine.

“What we gave them was just the bare basics. It’s up to them to see just how far they can go with it. Who knows? They could improve upon that technology or eventually come up with the warp drive. Once they exceed the speed of light, then they will no longer be tethered to this world. They will be able to join Free Land among the stars.”

“It will be a long time before they can accomplish such a feat.”

“You’re right. Still, with the success of their Moon mission, at least they’re heading in the right direction.”

To be continued…

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