Star People

Chapter 76: Chapter 58

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Star People

Chapter 58


July 5th, 15 AE…

The Council of Prime Directors…

“It’s hard to believe that Naran actually had a primitive form of warp-field technology.” Viska remarked as she and the other Directors were discussing ways to counter the three Proto-Planet Ravagers that had been accidentally created by the Kingdom of Naran.

“Well, it’s not exactly like our old warp-drive systems.” Benjamin corrected. “However, it seems that those fake Planet Ravagers are able to enter subspace, even in atmosphere. Call me impressed but that’s something even we didn’t try to do before the invention of the TPS.”

“I’m sorry,” Sierg said. “Except for the TPS, I am unfamiliar with these terms. Could you explain them?”

“It’s a simple enough concept.”Nerto remarked. “Before the adoption of the superior Terran hyperdrive engines, all races of the Star Alliance with the exception of the Dwarf Nations had been using the warp-drive propulsion system of travelling through the vast distances in space. The idea is to warp or bend the space so that the distance is made shorter. This allowed us to traverse distance faster. Of course, that also caused a problem called dimensional-shifting. For relatively short distances or brief time periods, the warp-drive was fine since the fabric of the space-time continuum would eventually re-align itself. However, if you use the warp-drive for too long or go too far, then the dimensional barrier between real space and a realm called subspace begins to break down.”

“Then things start to fall through those tears in the plane of reality.” Nasaak added.

“What sort of things?” Sierg asked.

“How do you think the Zedan came to this world? They practically fell from their home dimension to this one through a naturally-occurring crack in the continuum.”

“Ah. I understand now. Speaking of which, is it possible to send the Zedan back to their home?”

“It’s not possible.” Ben shook his head. “We don’t have the exact dimensional coordinates as to where they came from. In any case, let’s get back on track. Those fake Planet Ravagers weren’t using warp-drives. I think it would be more accurate to say that they were using a system that is similar to our own Teleportation Portal Systems, but it doesn’t move them from place to place. It simply shifted them into a spot in subspace but still at the same coordinates that they exited from real space.”

“So they’re still in the same place but on another plane of existence?” The Dwarf Director inquired.

“That’s about the long and short of it.” Anida confirmed. “They might have just gone to subspace in order to escape and eventually repair themselves.”

“Hmmm… that sounds very similar to the legendary Storage Space Magic.”

“Come again?” Ben asked.

“Well, according to ancient legends, the First Ones had a kind of special technique which allowed them to place an infinite amount of items, regardless of weight and size into a kind of other-realm storage space for any length of time. The legends also state that one could pull out whatever items they wanted and the items would neither age nor deteriorate.”

“Hold on a second! Back up a bit!” Nasaak said. “Are you telling us that those self-righteous idiots in Naran actually had a functional Spatial Storage method?! We just started working on that!”

“Really? I was not aware that Free Land had such a project.”

“Well, it’s only in the initial planning stages, so nothing official has been released. You know how the TPS works, right?”

“But of course. We dwarves invented the process. In scientific terms, we are basically using a wormhole to bypass distances. One portal is used as the entrance while the other portal is the exit. When they are synchronized, they cause a momentary pathway or wormhole in hyperspace and allow the object or person travel along that pathway to the destination. So what does that have to do with the First Ones’ Storage… oh! Now I get it!”

 “Right! Another word for hyperspace is subspace and that’s the term we use for the alternate plane in atmosphere. If we can make objects pass through subspace, why not use subspace as an alternate means of storage? Subspace basically has infinite volume so the idea was considered feasible. It can also be used as a form of preservation as time virtually stands still and there are no degradation elements in subspace.” Nasaak then let off a snort of disdain. “In a way, it’s ironic. Instead of accusing us of stealing the teleportation technology of the First Ones, if the Kingdom of Naran had revealed that they had Spatial Storage, they could have used it as a valid means to apply for Star Alliance Membership.”

“Yes, but we’ve hit a major snag with our attempts to create the same tech.” Nerto pointed out. “It was easy to put things into storage in subspace, but it’s been so far impossible to bring things back out. Once it enters subspace, an item will just float off in some random direction. Unlike the TPS which creates a pathway for the object to follow. On our first trial we tossed a ball into subspace, but we haven’t found it since. We also tried using tracking devices and such, but it’s too unreliable and time-consuming. Until we can come up with a way to keep the item in the same place where it can be easily retrieved, the dream of Spatial Storage or the so-called Item Box, will still remain… as a dream.”

“So what you’re saying is that the Pseudo-Planet Ravagers put themselves into storage so that they could repair and regenerate themselves?” Viska asked.

“That’s about the gist of it.” The Velor Director affirmed. “According to what Naran’s Prime Minister told us, all three ships used that First Ones technology as an emergency escape route. Right now, we have no idea where they are or when they will reappear.”

“You know, I think we MIGHT have a way to deal with those monstrosities when they do reappear.” Sierg commented while stroking his beard.

“What do you mean?” Ben inquired.

“Well, it’s an idea that we dwarves have been thinking about ever since the TPS was developed and after we joined with the Star Alliance.”

“Let’s hear it.” Anida said.

The dwarf began explaining as his fellow Directors listened with avid interest. Apparently the diminutive miners and blacksmiths had been making great strides on improving their runesmithing, the Neo-Psion Reactors and the Teleportation Portal System. After months of research and development, Sierg’s people believed that they may have come up with a way to greatly extend the range of the TPS. However, there were several major issues that they still hadn’t overcome yet. However, the idea was feasible.

“You know… that might just work. It might just be just the thing to get rid of our Planet Ravager problem.” The Catian Director said as he contemplated the possibility. “How far away are you from perfecting the process?”

“Well, the theory is sound enough, and with a bit of trial-and-error, we did manage to get some promising results.” Sierg admitted. “Power requirements are still lousy though. I don’t think our Neo-Psion Reactors could create that kind of output.”

“In this case, it’s not an issue.” The Terran Director stated. “If you need more power, then we can give it to you. I don’t think our engineers will object to letting you have a few Meson or Fusion reactors. This is an emergency after all.”

“Okay, that solves the energy issue. Although we still need the Neo-Psion reactors to generate the psions to drive the Dwarf Rune Circuits. The biggest problem is directing where the teleportation system will send the object. There won’t be any portals where these abominations are going. And this will be the first time we’ll be sending something this big.”

“Hopefully we can solve those issues before those monsters repair themselves and come back.” Nerto remarked. “So we are to initiate the same precautions as before?”

“Indeed. However, with three would-be Planet Ravagers on the loose, we may have to lend our allies more than a few Scrappers.” Ben stated.

“Well, we have brought down a considerable number of our fleet to the planet’s surface.” Nasaak pointed out. “We have at least most of the 27th Expeditionary Division, along with the Missouri, and several elements of the 40th and 50th Space Marine Corps.”

The Space Marine Corps was composed of several divisions of heavy-assault and specialized troops primed for the most intense of close-quarters combat missions. Their main weapon was the Buster, a heavily-modified Mech-Frame that was just one level short of a Scrapper. In reality, it was basically a bigger and more advanced version of the armored bodysuits used by the heavy infantry. The Advanced Personal Battle-Frame Mark IV, nicknamed the Buster, was around 8 feet tall and had a general humanoid shape. They were equipped with grappler claws, particle guns and heavy plasma bolt launchers. They didn’t have as much armor as a Scrapper but they made up for it in terms of speed and maneuverability. Their smaller size also made them even more suited for urban combat.

“Can we divide up those forces over the other continents?” Anida asked.

“It shouldn’t be much of a problem.” Nasaak remarked. “Although, since Naran broke all ties with the Star Alliance, I don’t think they would let us land our forces on the Vados continent again.”

“Not an issue.” Nerto said. “After our little discussion with the Prime Minister, he later sent a message to allow our forces into his nations due to the emergency of the Planet Ravagers.”

“All right then. It’s time for us to get to work.”

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Aug 6th, 15 AE…

Research and Development Lab #28, Polaris City…

“So the general idea is to first trap the three Planet Ravagers in Duralyte polymer as before?” Jeremy Crittons asked.

“There’s no 100% guarantee that plan will work.” Gerald pointed out. “Heck, it almost didn’t work the last time we tried.”

“This time we’re talking about Planet Ravager copies, not the actual Ravagers themselves. They may not have the same abilities as the originals.”

“True, but there is proof that they have other abilities, so therefore, the Duralyte option might not work. For example they have a barrier system. The original Ravagers didn’t have barriers since their Cryterian alloy superstructures couldn’t be penetrated by our weapons. Even with a Neo-Proton Wave Gun at point-blank range, we still couldn’t scratch their hulls. The barrier could easily deflect all attempts to coat them with Duralyte polymer.”

Jeremy considered the problem, and then started to think outside of the box. “Hold on a minute… that barrier uses magic or psions, right?”


“Energy is still energy. Even magic is just an alternate form of what we see with electricity, photons, protons or mesons.”

“Okay… so where are you going with this?”

“We’ve already learned about psions from the Kyteeri and how it causes magical effects like spells. And thanks to the dwarves, we can now generate neo-psions, which are pretty much the same as the real things. So here’s the idea. If we can generate neo-psions… then why can’t we create the direct opposite?”

“So… you’re talking about… anti-neo-psions?”

“Why not? I mean, these fake Planet Ravagers are using magic derived from the Naran battleships they’re made from. Why not use a counter to their magic-derived technology?”

“Hmmm, that’s not a bad idea.” Gerald admitted. “If the Kyteeri know about psions, then they’d probably know of a way to counter them. We’ve never had to counter magic since our weapons and equipment was superior in most cases. In addition to the main project, we might be able to come up with something to deal with those magic-based weapons and defenses.”

“There’s also something else we should consider if we go down this route.” Jeremy pointed out. “Just about all of our allies on this world use magic. Creating anti-magic devices and weapons might be seen as hostile. And it won’t go over well with other magical nations as well.”

“I can see where you’re going with that. We’re just going to have to watch our steps.”


Aug 10th, 15 AE…

Variton Military Base, Kingdom of Atlans…

“Oh yeah! I’ve missed being in the cockpit!” Lenns Hodder said with a grin as he strapped himself into a Scrapper. He hadn’t had a chance to drive a Scrapper since the last time a Planet Ravager had appeared. Since that time, Lenns had to satisfy his desire for advanced technology with the development of the jet fighter, nuclear fission and the first mission to the Moon.

Though the Kingdom of Atlans were allowed to have Scrappers as part of their emergency defensive measures against behemoths, natural disasters and Planet Ravagers; it could not use them for personal gains, military involvement or political purposes. Furthermore, they were denied access to Mechs’ blueprints and were forbidden to dismantle the machines for reverse-engineering. Any violation of these rules would permanently blacklist the nation from ever using them again.

Lenns wished that his country could someday build their own Battle-Mechs and Mech-Frames, but currently Atlans’ technology level wasn’t high enough to do so. Every time he saw the Battle-Mechs of the Dwarf Nations, he couldn’t help but feel jealous towards the diminutive people. He had entertained ideas of capturing one of the Battle-Mechanoids and using it to help in Atlans’ Battle-Mech research. However, those ideas were dashed when the Star Alliance declared that the Psuedo Ravagers and their creations fell under the jurisdiction of General Order Seventy-Five, and were to be destroyed without question.

He had seen the Dwarf Nations’ Diaragas in action against the Battle-Mechanoids. Though not as advanced as the Hunters, Star Gladiators or Scrappers, they could certainly hold their own against the Cryterian machines and were definitely more than a match for any tanks fielded by Atlans or Zedan. Seeing their submersible battleship, the Battara, and their jets, the Ariatols, fueled his jealously even more. Yes, the dwarves had used Free Land technology to build their machines, but the ideas and designs were all their own. Atlans on the other hand, was still restricted to re-creating old and outdated technology. Yes, the aircraft carrier Enterprise was impressive with its nuclear reactor, but it was quite to later discover that the Terrans had also created a nuclear-powered carrier more than a century ago. It too had been called the Enterprise.

Damn it! If only we can come up with something Free Land might want!

The dwarves had come up with the Teleportation Portal System or TPS, in addition to the Neo-Psion Reactor and Dwarf Rune Circuits. According to other world news, the elf agricultural country of Gillenside was on the verge developing a kind of grain that could grow in any environment, even in the vacuum of space. The Empire of Sath, which had been recently raised to a level behind Atlans, was currently experimenting with self-regenerating magic and its applications towards mechanical repair. Runecrafting was being rediscovered and enhanced after the Sage Academy of Magic had taught Free Land the art of etching runes. It was their hope that they too could invent a process or device that could win them Star Alliance membership.

And that’s not all! I’ve heard that the dwarves are doing something to improve on their Teleportation Portal System!


Aug 25th, 15 AE…

The bridge of the Missouri, in far-planet orbit…

“Status report, Ensign Taichen.” Captain Delan said as he sat in his command chair and took a sip of coffee.

“I am detecting no irregularities.” The ship’s navigator announced. “There are no fluctuations in the station’s orbit.”

“I have just received word from the Transmat Station’s Command Center.” Lieutenant Visera stated. “They are reporting that all systems are functioning within normal parameters. The new Matter-Transmission or Transmat Emitters are ready for their first tests.”

“This will be the first time we’ll be sending something past 200 kilometers.” Reelan commented.

“Indeed.” Harken said while nodding. “And unlike regular teleportation, this will be a one-way trip.”

Ever since the Teleportation Portal System had been invented and adopted by the Star Alliance, the dwarves had spent several months, trying to improve the range and efficiency. The hard-working people were not ones to rest on their laurels. If a device or method could be advanced, they would find a way to do so.

One major limitation to the current TPS was the fact that it needed two portals in order to create a pathway through subspace; an entrance and an exit. Furthermore, the maximum distance between the two portals in real space couldn’t be more than two hundred kilometers. Otherwise, the portals couldn’t synchronize and the pathway in subspace would become unstable.

Taking a cue from the Terran hyperspace drives, the dwarves began to consider a new possibility. What if they could just make the entry point, send the object further through subspace, and then create the exit point at the destination? That would only require them to create one portal, mainly the entrance. The idea was further made sound as the dwarves learned about quantum physics and the idea of solid-energy constructs. Falling back on their magical roots, there were spells that could create objects made from light, lightning or any kind of ambient energy. Using their Dwarf Runes and the newly-developed Binary Rune System, they were now able to transmit the spell to create an exit portal at the destination coordinates.

After months of research and development, plus numerous instances of trial-and-error, the dwarves had managed to teleport objects up to 250 kilometers with a fair amount of success. However, many of the trials had ended up with damaged or lost test objects. Additionally, it was extremely difficult to direct the exit portal and it never lasted very long. At best, the exit portal only lasted two seconds and sometimes closed before the object could fully emerge into real space. As a result, some objects were cut in half when the exit portal dissipated. And this also meant that the object could not be sent back through the same pathway. As Harken had mentioned, the new longer-ranged teleportation system was one-way only.

“Captain, I have just received word that the first teleportation test is about to begin. The target distance will be 400 kilometers from the station.”

“Very good, Lieutenant.” Captain Delan replied as he and the rest of the bridge crew watched with interest.

To be continued…

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