Star Quality

Chapter 28: 28. You Play Dirty

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Keith’s fingers grasp the flimsy material of my costume, using the force to pull me closer and crash our mouths together. Rodrigo from wardrobe is going to murder me for sure if there’s so much a scratch, but I don’t give a damn at the moment. The only thing I can focus on are Keith’s lips and his tongue plunging into my mouth to entwine with mine in a blazing current that reaches out into my entire body. Keith’s wearing the casual clothes of his character, a loose black t-shirt that allows easy access for my greedy hands, trembling with the need to explore every inch of Keith’s flushed skin. 

The pillow slides down from my lap, but there’s no reason to mask my arousal anymore when Keith hooks one leg over me and straddles my lap with our mouths fused together, drinking at me as though he’s lost in the desert and I’m the last drop of water. 

As my hands continue their exploration and dig into the strong muscle of his back, he leans into my touch, letting out a small whimper. I’m overwhelmed by how great he feels under my palms. He’s a smaller, more slender guy than me, but he’s sculpted and firm in all the right places, and I take my time to map his body, tracing patterns over his ribcage and spine, and then returning to his belly, where my fingertips draw across the hot skin of his abs, flexing under my touch.

Keith tugs at the hem of my costume to yank it off, but it’s too tight and refuses to budge a fraction. He huffs in frustration.

“Guess you really have to cut this stuff off.”


“Nothing,” he says and dusts a kiss to my neck, then sucks on the sensitive spot under my ear, drawing a moan out of me. 


“Unexpected,” he says with a wicked grin and drags his teeth along the delicate shell of my ear, alternating between nibbling and little flicks of his tongue. My cock is so hard it’s pulsing in rhythm with my heartbeat, soaking my underwear with precum. Oh god, if I come in my pants like a horny teenager, it will be humiliating. Doubly so, because I’ll need to have the costume cleaned, but the way Keith’s working my neck now is reducing me to mush, ramping up the possibility with every nip. I can’t believe it’s Keith in my lap, under my hands, responding eagerly to every graze of my hands, gasping softly when I lose control, and my hips give a stuttered thrust.

He throws his head back and bares his throat, so I press reverent kisses to the expanse of fragile skin, drowning in the intimacy of Keith’s gesture. Our torsos mold together, and we’re both breathing hard, the sharp sound echoing around the trailer, punctuated by hushed groans. I can't say if they're falling from my lips or Keith's, not with our mouths locked in a battle of mutual discovery again. 

In this position, I can feel the stiff jut of his erection pressing insistently into my stomach, so I cup him through the material of his pants, and his eyes roll back in his head. He lets out a long, tortured moan, too loud for the trailer with no acoustic isolation.

“If you want this to stay a secret, you have to stay quiet, baby,” I whisper against his lips.

A tremble shudders through him. I’m not sure if it’s because of the situation or the endearment, but he doesn’t lose a beat and attacks my mouth with renewed ferocity.

Someone yanks at the door handle. “Fuck, why is this locked?” Lance. Irritation laces his voice as he tries to open the door again.

“Anyone in?” 

Keith stills for a second, then slides off my lap. There’s a red mark on his face from my stubble, and his hair is wilder than ever. I reach out and smooth it down, my fingers playing with the stubborn strands on the way. He breathes out a sigh but pulls back eventually.

“Sorry, I’m coming.” I push off the couch and cross the floor to let Lance in.

“You would be if your friend hadn’t returned,” Keith mumbles behind me. “We both would.” Hand on the door, I whip my head toward him.


“Or what? Are you going to make me?” 

In a couple of steps, I’m back in front of him, haul him up until our bodies are flush, and press a searing kiss to his mouth. 

“Maybe. Or, if you’re good, I’ll reward you in whatever way you choose.” I grind my hips into him, and his breath catches as our cocks rub together. Even through the material of our costumes, the sensation is almost too much, and now I’m the one stifling a needy moan flirting with the back of my throat.

Keith’s pupils blow wide open again.

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“Fuck, you play dirty, Shirogane.” 

“It’s not dirty if it gets results, baby,” I ghost my lips over his cheek and withdraw. Keith looks at me with an expression of dumb-struck adoration, and my heart goes haywire when I notice it, flip-flopping around my chest like a fish out of water. I should be intimidated by his status, but I can’t bring myself to care. Keith wants me. This gorgeous, passionate man wants me, and the knowledge fills my chest with a potent mix of helium and champagne bubbles. Only the fact that Lance is waiting to be let inside stops me from tumbling Keith back on the couch and making good on my promise right now.

“Hello? Shiro? Did you get lost?” Lance grows impatient, and I can’t really blame him. The trailer should be a safe space, always accessible to all of us.

“No, sorry. Be right there,” I say, but have to take a beat and run a pre-flight check in my head until my erection flags. This time, Keith stays quiet, thank heavens, and I click the door unlocked for Lance.

“Fi-fucking-nally. What took so long?”

He flicks his gaze over us. Keith’s sitting on the couch, a picture of nonchalance, rifling through a script he found god knows where. My shoulder spasms, so I rub it to get some relief. Apparently, manhandling a certain steamy actor aggravates my injury, but I don’t regret a thing. 

“We were running lines.” 

“Uh-huh.” Lance’s tone suggests he doesn’t believe me, but I don’t owe him any explanation. Instead, I distract him with a question.

“Where’s Hank? We were supposed to finish my video.”

“Acxa sank her teeth into him, so don’t expect him back anytime soon. Speaking of which, your and Keith’s presence has been requested by our highest and mightiest.”

“What?” Keith lifts his head and stares at Lance, incredulity creasing his forehead into a cute scowl. 

“It means Mike wants us.”

“Huh. Never would have guessed.”

“Yeah, the gaffers got the rig got ready sooner than planned, so it’s go time for you guys. Scram, Takashi, and take your on-screen paramour with you.” 

Keith gets to his feet and comes to stand next to me. Even the innocent proximity sends a jolt of energy zapping through me, and I battle against the desire to snake an arm around his waist and erase the distance between us.

“So you just never talk like a normal person?” Keith asks Lance.

“It’s part of my charm.”

“It’s part of something, alright.”

“Over time, you’ll learn to tune it out. Like white noise,” I say to Keith. Our gazes snap together, and I can’t stop the smile from spreading across my face.

“Mean, Shiro. And possibly racist,” Lance says.

“Have it your way. Latino noise,” I say, stifling a laugh. Before Lance scrounges up an answer, I steer Keith outside. It’s time for us to shoot the scene with our characters sleeping together. That’ll calm down my over-eager cock, I’m sure. 

And I used to think my life was complicated. 

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