Star Wars: The Way of the Grey

Chapter 36: 36. Chapter

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Not long after I managed to climb into the Ebon Hawk through an emergency trapdoor on its upper part. While I was carefully climbing down on the ladder placed into the small vertical entrance area. I was about half way to the floor; therefore, my feet had not yet touched the corridor's firm floor. It was at that time that I sensed the ship began its rapid acceleration. I had to hold onto the ladder with all my strength to not fall on my ass, again. It was a scary situation.

-What the hell, at least wait until I have the chance to sit down!

As the acceleration stabilized to a constant speed, I finally managed to climb down to the floor. I looked around the corridor, it was empty, so I decided to head towards the bridge. The ship itself was not that big, so after a few turns I reached the ship's bridge in a few minutes. As the doors opened in front of me, as soon as I managed to glance into the room, I instinctively froze.

-Oh, no... ~ I managed to speak out those two words in complete disbelief...

I saw a familiar copper-colored droid sitting in the driving seat controlling the ship in a relaxed manner. This was already bad news, since I hoped that the droid was destroyed by Obi-Wan back on the other ship... The reality, however, was much more cruel than I could ever expect. There was not one, but three of these damn droids; they practically looked the same way. I can only hope that their personalities at least differ somewhat...

- (Observation, statement:) The meat bag has arrived at the bridge.

Stated one of the HK droids standing close to the door, now I managed to notice a few color-based differences. These two droids had a few distinct black marks painted on them. They were republican military signs, and codes, most likely used to disguise them.

- (Sarcastic statement:) Ah, what a relief to have you back on the ship, mistress. My circuits are tingling from sheer excitement.

I looked at the stupid scrap pile in front of me... It was so infuriating... It didn't even bothered to look back from the console... Not even saying that the damn thing seemingly didn't give a fuck about its own programming... Stating "sarcastic statement" before telling me your heartfelt welcome, oh a real charmer this one is... Yet, I had to swallow it since there was no chance I would start a fight with three of this idiots at the same time...


I already felt drained from the short interactions...

I walked between the two slightly different HK models with the disguising paint and sat down next to the one with the original paint. I used the seat belts to fix myself in place; after I managed to do this; I relaxed my body somewhat and asked at last...

-So... where are we going now?

- (Simplified statement:) We are not going anywhere. I sent one of the HK-46 units to jam their communication signal, but it must be repaired by now as I lost contact with the unit for over five minutes.

-Then why are we heading towards outer space currently?

- (Lecturing statement:) We are purposefully confusing our enemies scanners.


- (Oversimplified describing statement) Soon I will activate the newly equipped stealth generator and we will turn around and go back to the surface. Leaving the atmospheric border will cause a clutter in enemy scanners. I will use this short time to activate stealth mode and go back to the planet. It is too risky for us to try and leave when all of their space stations are actively searching for us. Also, they would never expect us to hide on Coruscant when they issue a galaxy-wide warrant to capture you, mistress.

-That is, well, it's not a bad idea. Actually, it is a surprisingly good plan. So where are you taking me, I mean, more specifically.

- (Happy statement:) We are going to stay at the Coruscant Five Star Incognito hotel. I have reserved a living quarter for your explicit use.

-... You are taking me to a sex hotel? I guess, I shouldn't even be surprised by this, not anymore...

- (Explicative statement:) My algorithm suggests that the probability of running into a jedi in one of the Coruscanty luxury red light districts is about 0.00001 percent.

-Sigh... You know what, I will be back in my room... call me when we arrive. I need to rest my mind a bit...

Realizing that we would not leave the atmoshpere, I hastily unstrapped myself from the seat belts, climbed out of the seat, and, without uttering another word, left the bridge. This whole plan was hilarious, so hilarious, in fact, that it will likely work. I reached the room that was basically my room, since I put all my stuff into it when we left Hoth. I opened the door with a bored expression. The door slid apart and I stepped inside the room, deep in my thoughts.

-Who are you!?

Someone shouted at me suddenly. I froze for the third time today, and looked up with growing confusion and surprise.

-Who's kid is this? Is it one of yours Jhonny boy?

-I am not sure, I had been with a few twi'leks. It could be...

I was shocked. There is no way to hide this fact. There is a human woman in my bed passionately hugging an also human male. Both of them were dressed in nightclothes while watching my custom ordered 3D, color holoprojector...
I just stood there with an open mouth and a shocked expression. The woman stood up and walked in front of me, showing off a comforting sweet smile. It was way to sweet, if you ask me, dangerously so...

-Now, who is this little cutie? Hmm? Well, from this distance I could already say that it is not your kid Jhonny...

-Why so sure?

-Because she is actually cute.

-And why would a man like me want to be cute? You are talking gibberish again... But I will acknowledge the fact that she is easy on the eyes, oh, except those sickening yellow eyes, and she is kind of pale for twi'lek...

-You are right, and she seems to be a bit soft in the head... What is with that stupid expression? Hmmm? Did the loth-cats steal your tongue?

The woman grabbed me by my arm and pulled me over to the bed; then she proceeded to hug me with one of her arms, clearly trying to reassure me somewhat. But it only confused me even more... My brain was unable to create an acceptable reason for these two people to be in my room right now... And they were acting as if they lived here from the Big Bang. I looked at their nightrobes with a half-functioning mind... No, not that kind of "big bang"...

-Well, she seems kind of shocked, from my point of view.

Said the man after looking over my expression from this closer distance. He was still sitting on the other side of the bed next to this strange woman...

-Let her cool down, then we will talk, but for now it is time to change this fucking channel! I ain't watching this romantical shit any longer.

-What, no way! Give me back the controller, you deep shit!

-No! I watched your drama shows for over half of this morning, it is time for a good old fashioned pod-racing match!

-Eh, fine, but you should wait until this episode ends; Alehandro was about to ask Rose out...

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-He will fuck her, alright, you know it already!

-Fuck off, you fucking-fucker deepshit, there is a kid over here, so better watch your shit-ass language! Do you understand?



-You are unbelievable...

While the woman was kind of distracted by the sudden silence, the guy managed to change the channel to the intergalactical pod-racing sport channel.

-I win, bitch.

-What did you call me?

-I called you my love, bitch.

The woman decided to box into the side of the man. It was a pretty powerful hit as the guy grunted soundly after receiving it.

-Someone forgot that he doesn't wear his armor right now... Where is your mandalorian steel heh? Oh gonna cry now?

The man grunted out loud.

-Now, move your ass away, you are blocking my view. And don't forget the fact, that you don't wear your armor either. Idiot.

-Was that supposed to be a threat?

That was the moment I decided to finally interrupt this ever more frustrating argument.


Both of them looked at me with a bewildered expression.

The man began to clear his right ear, which was closer to me, with one of his fingers, evidently annoyed with my sudden shout, while noting halfheartedly.

-Oh, it seems she can speak fine, and also, she seems to be your child, not mine. I can't believe there is another female with the scream of a charging taun taun horde. It can"t be a simple coincidence.



-By the way, who are you little girl? Are you a waitress or something?

Asked the man again.

-Wha? Ah? This?! ... This is my fucking ship! Why am I, the one who is being questioned to be here?

-Well, even if this is your ship, and that is a fact that I highly doubt to be true, we are currently paying to use this room, so next time you should be more polite, knock on the door before you enter or something.

Advised the man, then he turned towards the holoprojector, completely ignoring any further communication.

-Wh-what? Who are you paying to? And this is MY room! Why should I knock on my OWN door!?

I was pulled to the door by my arms as the woman patted my head and told me to speak with my droid about my own business matters. Then she shut the door in my face, and after half a minute of standing outside of my own fucking room in an utterly shocked state. I slowly began to walk back towards the bridge... my steps soon quickened to a march; then I began to run, blinded by my own still growing fury. Someone is going to die here, I am going to teach a lesson to that fucking piece of shit even if I die in the process. With that in mind, I stormed into the control room, as the doors split apart; I was ready to scream their heads off. Unfortunately, my words were forcefully stopped by two energy beams heading towards my chest. FUCK! I immediately activated my lightsaber and blocked one of the shots. Yet the other one hit me right in the middle of my chest.

For the following minutes, my consciousness felt distant... My senses were mushy; the pain was still intensely running around my body. My slowly returning vision was pulsing with white pain. My hearing was somewhat better, but it was also screwed-up, as if I tried listening to people speaking from behind a wall, what I actually heard were only parts of the whole conversation.

-She got hit... that?

- (Statement) Indeed, Master, her overconfidence is... troublesome. She is also overdependent on pure force abilities... weakness...

-The first lecture was finished... I promised to Joseph... proceed with the second one. We must temper her, temper before... I have the right idea for... second lesson ...heed my words...

- (Excited...) That is ingenious... I will follow your orders...

-Do so. Now I must leave... before...

My consciousness slipped away at that time, for an uncertain amount of time. The next thing I remember was a sense of movement and cold arms that were holding me and bringing me somewhere... I also heard a few words, this time much clearer.

- (Observation:) She is about to wake.

- (Order:) Shoot her again with the paralyzing beam.

- Oh no... no need to... ~ Scream!

Everything turned black again as I fell into the welcoming abyss.

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