Star Wars: The Way of the Grey

Chapter 37: 37. Chapter

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My eyes shot open, as a heavy wave of coughing began to shake my entire body. I pulled myself up from the cold floor from the sudden movements; a wave of nausea also added to the mix resulting in a few minutes of forceful dry retching. Around half of this pitiful display I sensed a hesitating hand reassuringly patting my back. After I managed to stop the retching, since I was unable to spit out anything more than a few spoonfuls of stomach acid. As the coughing finally stopped I realized that my throat felt incredibly dry. A dreadful feeling began to settle in the bottom of my stomach. How much time was I unconscious?

-Are you better now?

I shook from the sudden voice appearing next to me... only to remember, that someone had begun to comfort me in the middle of my coughing fit. I looked up at the stranger kneeling next to me. He was a mirialan boy, about the same age as me, but the more stupifying fact was the collar around his neck. Than a dire realization hit me, I also felt something cold around my neck and also around my wrists and ankles. I immediately proceeded to check my limbs. I found four beautifully designed accessories tightly attached to them, but they were evidently more than simple accessories. They were electronic pulse shackles, usually used to punish and control slaves...

-Am I a slave now? ~ The question left my dry lips on its own accord.

-I am sorry, but your intuition is correct. You have been frozen in carbonite for an unknown amount of time, and you would likely still be frozen if by mere luck your last owner hadn't decided to offer you as a gift to the Zygerrian Queen in exchange for her favor and long-lasting blessings. You need to know, that you are currently on the planet of Zygerria, which is allied with the Confederacy of Independent Systems. Is this clear?

I was kind of confused, and my eyes were really sensitive as an after-effect of long time hybernation. I felt generally weak, and my head hurt, but I was still able to follow his words. My hearing was mostly fine.

-I understand.

-Good. You have to also know, that you were given to her Majesty, Queen of the new Zygerrian Slave Empire, enslaver of races, and rightful ruler of Zygerria and all Zygerrians. Her majesty's name is Miraj Scintel, but you are only allowed to call her mistress or my queen until she states otherwise. Understood?

I nodded, with a slowly growing confusion.

-If you are asked a question, you should answer properly with your voice.

-I understand.

-You were given to her Majesty as a slave with rare qualities. Answer me truthfully, for the following questions. I warn you, that I will know, if you lie, because of the lie detectors placed into your shackles and collar. Are you truly trained in the use of the ways of the force?

I thought about denying it, but I didn't want to get shocked into unconsciousness again. It was a bit too much for the last two times... And, I was a generally shitty lier, so I decided to spare myself from the unnecessary suffering.

-I am.

-Good, show me, raise one of the tables in the room, but don't try anything funny, even if you manage to kill me you wouldn't achieve anything, I am also a slave, just a bit higher in status at the moment. What you have to realize, is that your shackles may not hinder your movements much, but they are capable of subduing you or even killing you if the masters deem necessary. But, if you continue to act as obedient as you are now, I can foresee a great future before you in this palace.

Now that was a bit disturbing, but also not that bad. I mean, after living in the slums of Ryloth for a time, I would, for a change, prefer to be a slave in a palace. Okay, jokes aside, I have no idea how I appeared on a completely different planet suddenly. I need more information, like the most crucial one, how long was I frozen, and what's happening in the galaxy? Am I still wanted? Who was the one who carbonated my body and where was I until now? I seem to remember some blurry memory of a conversation back in the Ebon Hawk...

-What are you waiting for?

-Oh, sorry, I am still a bit confused...


I reached out with the force, and raised up one of the tables nearby.

-Fascinating, the queen will be overjoyed by the news. You can place it down, and do so carefully.

I listened to the mirialan boy currently acting as my supervisor, he was pretty good at it, if I try to be completely honest.

-Tell me your name.

-I am called Nizzal Grey...

-That enough, it seems, that you are indeed the fallen apprentice of the legendary Obi-Wan Kenobi. The face scan also points to this; oh, and there is no need for any last names anymore. Common slaves do not have the privilege to use two names. But, if you manage to impress her majesty, then she may consider gifting you a new name.

-Can I have a few questions of my own?

-Not now, there is no time. I have to tell you a few basics before I lead you to her Majesty. She wants to properly inspect her new property; after all, it is one of her favorite afternoon activities. First of all, you have to rehydrate yourself and you may also eat a little. Then you will change into more sufficient clothes.

That was the moment when I realized, that I was basically sitting in my undies... My mind was still slow, but as I began to slowly realize that this was not just a bad joke, a thirst for revenge began to rise in me. The problem was that I didn't manage to remember who I was supposed to unleash my vengeance. Not yet, but at the moment I will have some time to think, I will certainly remember.

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-Now time to move.

The boy grabbed me by my arm and pulled me up to my currently shaking legs... He seemed to be annoyed by the fact that I was not really able to walk on my own right now... What the hack, try to be carbonated for, who know how much time, then I will see if you managed to stand up and run around, fool.

-Sit down there, and drink some water. Your level of hygiene seems to be acceptable, which is a relief, since you wouldn't have time for a bath anyway.

I began to drink the water that was offered to me, as the guy began to look over at me as if I was a rare animal. It was annoying, but at that moment, as the waves of hunger and thirst began to engulf me, I didn't really have the spare energy to give a shit about it.

-Good, good. From what I have seen, it was a worthy gift to the Zygerian Queen. This mysterious Lord R. must be a man of refined taste. It is a shame that he could not appear in person; only a bunch of protocol droids were sent as escorts. He must be quite an eccentric.

Hearing the loud thoughts of this strange boy was a welcomed background noise to eating my food. I was also surprised that the offered quantity and quality of he food was very good. It was actually better than what I used to eat on my own ship while traveling through space. When the guy, whose name I didn't even know yet, mentioned a certain Lord R., I accidentally choked on my food.


-Wh-what are you doing, eat slower! If you choke on the food while under my care, I will be punished too!

If I ever manage to leave this fucking place, I will search for a technique that could even hurt force spirits, and I will unleash it on you. Revan, you will suffer for this! Wait a moment...

-Cough... cough... boy, repeat what you just said...

-I will also get punished if you die on me, you stupid!

-Not that you idiot! The other one, did you say there are protocol droids sent with me?

- Idiot, me? Preposterous, you should never call names to any of your immediate superiors. But, I will look past this, taking into consideration how new this situation must feel to you.

-Thank you, thank you just get to the point, finally!

-Hmph, yes, there were six very strange if I might add protocol droids sent with you. They were all speaking in a strange manner, too. Like saying "statement" and "offer" or "order" before every sentences...

-Are these droids still here?

-Now that you mention it, they are, probably? I haven't seen any of them since they arrived? I can check on this later, but why? Oh, I see, you can't go back to your last master. Forget about that, now you are the personal property of the Zygerrian Queen. But, you have stretched the time enough already. Change into these clothes and also change your undergarments into ones you can find in that wardrobe over there. I will leave you to it now, if you need any help ring the bell, over there and a maid will come in to help you. I will be back in a bit, and we will go to the room of her Majesty. Hurry up.

The boy pushed the new clothes into my arms and left with haste. What the hell, this guy speaks more than Ahsoka at her worst, like twice as much... and what are these clothes? I looked at the garments, and blushed a little. Okay, I wasn't expecting this, but I guess, it makes sense. Since I am like, still thirteen years old and stuff like that... I got very proper likely Zygerrian-styled, handmaiden clothes. Which meant it was hiding most of my body from sight, and probably it was a venture to hell and back to pull on this dress on my own. But, I will die before I actually ask for a maid to help me get dressed. Well, first I am going to change my undies... Luckily it is a very standard pair of white undergarments. Nothing new to figure out there.

About ten minutes later I finally managed to get dressed properly. It was a strange feeling, but I didn't really have time to ponder on it. As the mirialan boy walked into the room.

-Took you long enough; I was just about to send for the maid.

He looked me over with a scrutinizing gander.

-Sigh, you have a long way to go. But there is no more time, we can't make her Majesty wait. Follow me.

We began to walk, but before we left the door; I also got a pair of simple black shoes to go with the stockings I was currently wearing.

I legitimately feel like I am in a costume ball. The mirialan guy was yet to stop speaking since he came back for me.

-... you are not supposed to speak, until you are spoken to, or asked a question. You have to bow your head lightly if a master is in the room, with you, until they say otherwise. You should only call your owner as master or mistress. Everyone else you had to call, my lady or my lord. Also, you should not use force abilities, only if you are ordered to do so, or there is a threat to your mistress, but such a thing wouldn't happen. I think that this is everything for now, now go on inside.

I looked up, and there was a large beautifully decorated wooden door in front of me.

I blinked, why do I feel like I just missed half of what he said... and why am I going in alone? Fuck, it's better to get it done as fast as possible. I walked into the personal chambers of the queen. I walked into the middle of the room, and looked around; hesitatingly, there were many beautifully designed items placed around the room. It was truly a room for a queen. From the balcony a confident and reprimanding female voice sounded.

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