Star Wars: The Way of the Grey

Chapter 38: 38. Chapter

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-You are either brave or foolish to enter my quarter without announcing your own arrival. Such confidence is rare to find in a slave in this palace. Come to the balcony, now.

I guess, that was the part I missed... damn... I walked hastily out to the balcony. As I stepped out into the fresh air, I found myself in front of the feline Queen of Zygerria. I noticed four assassin droids in the room, acting as guards, and there are also another four standing outside on this balcony. They were of a model, I never saw before, most likely custom creations for the queens specific order. If I even try to raise a hand at her, I will be dead in a second.

I walked before her and stopped at a reasonable distance, not too close and not too far. I lowered my head and clasped my hands in front of me in a modest manner.

-Now, I see, that you have some manners in the end. You must be one of my new properties. Which one are you, tell me your name, girl.

-My name is Nizzal, mistress.

-Ah! Finally, the fallen apprentice, what a rare prize; I was looking forward to this encounter. You must have been already notified of your new status as my slave. Jedi, or ex-Jedi are supposed to be able to quickly grasp a new situation, yes? Haha, you are cute, by your annoyed expression. I think, that I can consider this to be true.

-I believe so, but I may have a few questions.

-Unnecessary, you will have the opportunity to ask them later from the other slaves.

The queen with a simple wave of her hand, completely disregarded my questions... What a prick. Those she realize that I can easily throw her off this balcony? It's true that I wouldn't make it far either, but, some level of respect still should be shown to me, or maybe, this is how she acts politely?

-Take off your outer cloak; I want to inspect you more closely.

That sounded strongly suggestive, but, well, it's not like I would like to have a taste of that energy whip, which is dangling on the side of the queen. So I took off the dark green full body cloak that was hiding me from sight. I placed it down on a nearby chair and turned back towards the queens general direction. Yet, aside from a quick glance at her face, I didn't really look at her, since the mirialan guy specifically told me so. Therefore, by now, I have studied the queen's carpets draped over the floor of this high class balcony somewhat. Oh, by the way, the handmaiden clothes under the outer cloak are pretty neat, at least after you figure out how to properly wear them. Its composition is made from two colors, white and dark green; it is still mostly green; only the stockings and the long sleeves on my arms are pure white, and my undies... This robe, was so needlessly complicated, that I could only sigh, when I finally managed to figure it out. Thankfully, I had some old memories to fall back on, and they also got triggered by this annoying mirialan brat constantly spitting bullshit at me. Our memory lines third master was a mirialan woman. The mirialans are known to have a notorious love for traditional robes, and traditional things in general. Back then, about four thousand years ago, it was even worse. Therefore, it is not that strange to note that master Locie Grey was constantly wearing robes that were very similar in appearance to the pair I now have on my body. By the way, she was one of the few masters in our memory line, that chose the title of Grey Jedi over the other.

Oh, by the way, the robes from bottom to top are these. A simple pair of black shoes, no high heels thank the force, white stockings, a hidden-from view white underskirt, and a dark green outerskirt that reaches just above my ankles showing off a little from my white stockings. Then there is a white chemise which is hidden by an elegant dark green short sleeved outer shirt, which is also partially hidden by a dark brown colored corset placed tightly on top of the whole around my waist. There were also the white sleeves, which are actually completely separate. You just pull them up on your arms at the end. Oh, and there was the outer cloak, which I just removed. It was created to be thin, but was made from a more durable fabric, equipped with a hood to hide the wearers face or protect it from cold wind.

While my currently confused and overwhelmed mind decided to go on a rampage about my current clothes as, it was the only thing that it could seemingly analyze without a hitch. The queen was walking around me and constantly poking me left and right as if that was the most natural thing to do. From a third person's perspective, this whole scenario would probably seem to be as ridiculously hilarious. But, from my point of view, as someone who was forced to experience it, this was kind of scary, and frustrating. After a few minutes I realized that this damn woman had no common sense, and probably hadn't even heard the word "personal space". The crazy woman randomly decided to grab my breasts and size them up, as if it was normal to do so. Only to say a few seconds later, with a lopsided tone.

-Hmm... Quite disappointing really, but it will have to do.

That was the moment when I had had enough of this, as a wave of frustration and embarrassment flushed my face. I stepped back from this crazy witch and began to lecture her.

-You-you-you-you shouldn't randomly tou-touch people like that! Did you fall on your head or wh-what?!

This, has definitely sounded better in my mind. But, it was a start. I defiantly looked right in the eyes of the momentarily surprised queen.

Than her feline, cat like smile widened, as she watched my new reaction, as if she was fascinated by a new toy. With unquestioned confidence she began to walk towards me, with that loth-cat like grin ever growing on her face. And since, I have been unable to fight back, I mean, I could fight back, but I don't want to die stupidly as a result. Therefore, I decided to do the next best thing, which was evidently to back away at the same speed she was coming towards me.

-You are cute, but there is no need to be afraid, my precious, you should know, that I paid the price of a small castle to buy you. It is nothing too fancy; but still, for a single slave it is a heavy price for even a queen such as myself. But, the price of a young, healthy, and well-trained force wielder with a spark of uniqueness was always astronomical. In my eyes you are similar to a rare wine with a touch of darkness. A jedi apprentice of the famous General Kenobi, that has supposedly fallen to the dark side. Hmm, but you remind me much more of a scaredy kitten at the moment.

My vision was still tunel like, and blurry from the hybernation, only by constantly channeling the force for healing my whole body was I even able to see this much. I felt weak, my limbs were heavy, and slow to respond. My mind was also easily distractible; all of this are side effects of long term hibernation. Except maybe the general numbness, around my whole body, that should be the effect of being hit two times in a row with a paralyzing beam, fucking droids...

I bumped into something behind me as I was walking backwards. I looked back and realized that while I was again distracted by the queens monologue and my own thoughts, I had been trapped in a corner. On one side there was a bottomless pit of a cliff; on the other a solid wall. On the third, a sickeningly satisfied and smug-looking cat-faced queen, probably proud, with the feet of trapping a so-called fallen jedi apprentice into a corner. Such feet were deemed to have been written down in the archives of the Zygerrian civilisation; but I bet they wouldn't mention the fact that it was already a challenge for this force-wielder to stand straight in her current state of hybernation sickness. Since there was nowhere to run anymore, I decided to stop struggling for now.

She walked in front of me and looked down at me with a patronising smile, the hack. I only realized it now, but this woman was huge. I mean, I was somewhat short for my age, but this woman towered over me by two heads at least.

She grabbed my face with one hand, while looking me in the eyes.

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-You are mine. I have bought you, every part of you belongs to me. It is time to understand that, but you are lucky, since I am in a good mood today, and I want you to be more than a simple slave; I have enough mindless followers already. Therefore, I won't send you to be processed by professional slave trainers. Because I will train you personally. You will soon learn your place in my palace, as one of my many handmaidens. But simply doing that would be a waste of your high potential. Therefore, you will also be my secret bodyguard.

I looked at this brazen woman, who was still holding my face in her hand, like I was a doll or something... While constantly spitting nonsense, sure, I will protect you, yeah, why not? Oh wait, she is holding me captive as her slave while acting as the ultimate prick. Oh, maybe I won't then, hope you get assassinated in your sleep bitch.

-I see in your eyes, the spark of defiance? You see, I am not the type of woman that would beat you red and blue, like my less sophisticated trainers do. I think it degrades the quality of slaves. But I decided to use a more, some may say, unorthodox source of motivation for you, specifically. I think you will agree, ~ she chuckled clearly satisfied with my worried expression... ~ I have ordered some of my man to place an automatic trigger inside your collar. It is directly linked to my life signals through the nanomachines inside my body, and that means, if my life signals disappear for more than three minutes, it will trigger a mechanism that will inject twelve different types of slow-acting and incredible painful, naturally lethal poisons into your neck. I know that some of you Jedi are well versed in mysterious and potent healing arts. Yet in this case, even if by some miracle you manage to stay alive, the pain that will be constantly generated by the damaged tissues, that the acidic poisons will inevitably left behind, will certainly drive you mad in a few hours; so if that happens I suggest you to not heal your injuries, since you will only elongate your suffering. Best to end it quickly if that unfortunate situation happens.

Okay.... at the end of her speech, I was kind of breathing heavily and maybe a bit drenched in sweat too... I will also admit, that I was much closer to dirtying my new panties than I would like to ever be.

-But, but... what if you... got randomly assassinated by someone else, or die in an accident, or through a natural sickness?

She looked at me, with a thoughtful expression, as if that possibility hadn't even crossed her mind until now... Is that the case? Oh, no... she is even crazier than I thought.

-Hmm... for the assassination, I would advise you to work hard, and therefore, not let me get assassinated in the first place. If you fail to do so, you deserve the punishment.

She finally released my face and began to walk back into her living room.

-And what about the other two possibilities? ~ I decided to ask.

-Hmm? Oh, it is only natural for the personal servants of a queen such as me, to follow her into the longest voyage, don't you think?

I blinked, then I blinked again. What? Suddenly I felt incredibly weak in my knees... First the jedi and now... this... enslaved to a nihilistic and clearly sadist slaver queen... Without common sense... Why does fate hate me so much...

A blurry memory of a conversation appeared in my mind. A conversation between a infuriating droid and a somewhat familiar voice... Where did I hear this voice before... Another piece of information surfaced to that thought, it was a name that I recently heard, Lord R., I sensed that my expression turned into a infuriated one, and I knew that my eyes were glowing yellow right now. Revan, you are lucky to be dead, because if you weren't I would kill you right now. So this was your "right idea" to teach me a lesson!? Pray to the force and every deity in the galaxy, and behind that that I will never find a way to destroy your force presence, or seal it away in a jar and then drop it into the deepest and darkest hole that I could find in the galaxy. Because if I do find such a technique, you are finished.

While I was making my oath of vengeance, the queen turned around and looked at my expression with a newfound fascination.

-Magnificent. The legendary golden eyes of the sun. You were worth every credit I have paid for. I can almost physically feel the rage and hate you emit, but why isn't it focused on me? Is that aimed at one of your old masters?

I looked up at her, with a new spike of rage.

-Ah, so that is the case. Hmm... Show me that you are worthy of my trust, and maybe, just, maybe, I will even consider helping you enact your revenge. I can see, that you are not really a jedi, and you fell far short on unreasonable hate to be a sith. You had stuck somewhere between the two, and both of them were hating you, quite clearly. Serve me, and you will be rewarded; fail me, and you will be punished. This is your new life, welcome to my palace. By the way, do you have a nickname?

-... My friends used to call me Nizzy...

-Good, then I will use it as well. Follow me, Nizzy. I wish to go back to my room.

I tagged along, always a few steps behind her, just like in the jedi temple. Always walk just a step behind your master; at least the more traditional masters always demanded it. As the intense emotions slowly left my body, I felt a new wave of weakness and tiredness assaulting me. The queen also seemed to realize this, and she allowed me to sit down in an armchair where I almost immediately fell asleep, while she was telling me what she expected me to do from now on.


The moment, when the overly excited queen realized that her new pet dared to fall asleep after she graciously offered her to sit down, a sudden spike of anger ran through her. She walked to her side, planning to wake her up immediately. But even her heart, which contradicting the palace slaves common beliefs, still existed, began to feel some measure of pity for the clearly tired and exhausted girl left behind in an unfamiliar world, after being frozen in carbonite for over two years. There were large circles under her eyes and an unnatural paleness to her skin, especially since her eyes turned yellow for a few seconds just now. But even her natural pink eyes, seem to be strange. They gave a feeling as if they didn't belong there, on a child, I mean.

-Humph, then, sleep if you must. But you will work twice as hard tomorrow, little twi'lek. Then the queen decided to take a nap herself after watching the kid sleep in her seat. I will check the other slaves tomorrow; it was a long day already. Ruling a planet is nothing short of tiresome, and I only expect so little in return after doing so much administration work... Yawn... I will have to figure out, how this mysterious Lord R. managed to get such a high quality slave, but that can wait for tomorrow... now it is time to sleep.

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