Starting a Perverted Cult

Chapter 10: Intense Family Stretching

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Still holding her face close to me, My lips pressed on to my mother’s and she let my tongue slide past the seam of her mouth, my tongue tasted hers and eagerly explored the insides of her mouth. I wasn’t ashamed nor did I feel pointless things like hesitation or regret, that the woman I was kissing is my very own mother.

I’ve seen the wives and daughters of all the people living in this town, and I could confidently say that my mother is far and away the most beautiful person in this place, that alone was enough for me to leave all my inhibitions and morals at the door.

Had she not hidden herself, there wasn’t a single happy and loving family in here that she couldn’t have wrecked. If she wanted to, I’m sure no marriage was safe as many men would have willingly taken her under their wings. Maybe they would have even be the one to cordially invite her into their homes, despite the protests of their own wife and children.

I then pulled back, my face just centimeters above hers, her luscious lips parted just slightly and I couldn’t resist the urge to bite to playfully bite it. I could feel her hot, gentle breaths touching my skin with each heave of her chest. Even at this time, her face was calm and peaceful, completely unaware of the debaucheries her body will soon be put under. My arousal only kept growing in every passing moment, as it became more and more clear that she wasn’t waking up anytime soon.

“You’re such a cocktease, Mom.” knowing that she couldn’t hear it, I said something that would’ve otherwise made her beat me until I couldn’t walk for weeks. My lips then trailed down, kissing licking her skin, tasting the salt of neck. She didn’t stir or react in any way, so my action became even bolder.

From her neck, I went down to her collarbone. Like I was unraveling a gift, I then slowly peeled back her top, smiling at the sight of her creamy breasts spilling out.

Leaning slightly forward, I gently massaged them with my hands, before lowering my head to lick and suck on her nipples. Suddenly, she trembled and let out a soft moan, and my heart nearly stopped. Any other man would be happy to hear their woman moaning underneath them, but not me. However, a couple seconds later, her breathing remained even, confirming that she was still fast asleep.

My tongue then danced around her pink nipples, teasing them into hard buds. I then moved my mouth down into her cleavage, snuggling my face in between her two peaks. I relished the feeling of her suppleness and warmth before going back up to the her breasts’ peak, circling her areola with my tongue and flicking her nipples with my fingers.

I would’ve loved to continue sucking at her tits, but unfortunately no milk would come out from them.

Knowing that she couldn’t hear it, with a harsh reprimanding voice I then said: “Your goddamn tits are useless! Can't even do the one thing they're supposed to do! I don't know why you even have them if you're not going to use them for their intended purpose. What's the point? Just to make men crazy? Well bitch, it's working.”

Then my hand came down harshly on her right breast, striking it across her chest. After which I began to play with her nipples, rolling them between my thumb and forefinger, giving it a few hard pinches every now and then.

If I said those words to my mother in any other situation except now, I’m quite sure I would never be able to use a couple of my limbs ever again. But that’s the point she can’t. It was incredibly euphoric and thrilling saying demeaning things to her that I wouldn’t even dare say under my breath, directly at her face.

Getting drunk at the power I had over her at the moment, one of my hands searched for her hair so that I can pull her up by it. Thankfully, there was plenty of them everywhere, considering their extreme length.

Her freakishly strong and durable body which had always been a source of trouble for me, was now doing me favors as manhandling her like this barely even counted as abuse to her. Even now she didn’t twitch or show any signs of pain as I violently yanked her head by her hair.

"You see these breasts?” My other hand then grabbed her breasts harshly, squeezing and kneading them, before continuing. “They're good for one thing and one thing only: SEX. If you can't even lactate, then you might as well be useful and let me fuck you with them. I'll grab hold of them while fucking you hard, making you moan and scream in pleasure. You'll love it, I promise."

Again, I said something that she would’ve undoubtedly killed me for. But just like before, I am completely unscathed. On the other hand, I couldn’t help but grin as I watched her nipples get more and more erect due to my hands wantonly playing with them. Her mind might be unconscious, but her body still knew to respond to stimulation.

I was gonna do exactly what I said earlier, and use these milk-less jugs for what they’re truly worth- giving sexual pleasure to men. So finally, I take out my cock which had been raring to go ever since I found her sprawled out in the floor and straddled her chest.

I leaned slightly forward so that my dick would be situated nicely in her cleavage. Hand trembling with anticipation, I grabbed both her tits and pressed them together, sandwiching my cock in her voluptuous breasts. I reveled in the silky feel of her skin as the supple warmth of her breasts enveloped my cock.

Although there were plenty of things I weren’t blessed with in life, my size is one of the few things I was well-endowed with, so it was also equally pleasing to see my dick disappear as they were buried completely in the tender care of my mother’s breasts, which really puts it into perspective just how large these tits were.

But it wasn’t quite as smooth as I expected, and I knew why. I hadn’t lubricated her valley, so there was quite some friction when I started moving as I pleased.

Luckily, my mother’s sensual body had plenty of other uses and I knew exactly how to get my dick all nice and slick.

My hands crept up to her face, my fingers going inside her mouth before prying it open to get a good look inside. I then stood up and went to pick up a pillow, and then slid it underneath her neck, which, by the way, is no easy task, considering the amount ungodly volume of extremely long hair that was scattered underneath her.

But I’d already done what I set out to do. With her neck elevated by the pillow, I had her head hang just slightly off the edge. By aligning her throat and her mouth, I created a straight passageway suitable for receiving my cock.

I then knelt in front of her, with my knees placed at either side of her head. Her eyes were still closed, and her lips were parted slightly, blissfully unaware of the hard, throbbing cock that was about to violate her mouth. I leaned down and kissed her softly, before finally slipping my long erect cock into her mouth.

“Ahh… fuck.” I audibly moaned out

I was surprised by how pleasurable it was to feel her warm, soft, and wet hole lovingly surround my member. It was just my cockhead that was inside her mouth but I already felt like I was in heaven. And the best part was,

-this wasn’t even the best part!

I still had plenty of inches that I could fill her mouth with.

But for now, I wanted to savor this moment slowly.

It still felt so surreal being inside my mother’s mouth like this. This was the same hole where all those sermons and complaints would come from, and now it had my dick inside. It felt so small and tight- about what I expected from an uppity bitch who’s so insistent on maintaining stiff formalities and ‘proper manners’.

Which is why I wanted nothing more than to stretch it out with my cock.

I leaned forward, holding onto her breasts as support. And then I finally descend, slowly burying my cock deeper in her orifice. My slow movement was not without purpose, however.

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The opening of her mouth was very narrow, unable to take in the full circumference of my girth. So I had to gradually slacken her jaws by gradually pushing into her, methodically pulling back, and then resuming a very gradual advance into her mouth again, and repeating the cycle tirelessly- and pleasurably.

It was no different from fucking her face, which is why it took me everything to not ejaculate on the spot. I wanted to prolong the pleasure as much as possible, to savor every second of this unique experience… After all, I had been fantasizing about this moment for years, ever since I was old enough to understand what sex was.

Every inch of her body was strong and that included her mouth, which is why her soft lips was so tightly wrapped around my shaft that not even air could pass through the opening. But still, I kept methodically thrusting back and forth inside her warm mouth, with the cockhead occasionally brushing against her tongue.

“You’ll be doing this a lot more in the future, Mom, so it’s better you get used to it now.” After saying that, it got me somewhat sad that this is the last time that I would feel my mother’s mouth being this tight, but at the same time, it was kind of erotic thinking about how I’m turning her mouth into my own personal blowjob hole.

Then after all that, I then looked down at my handiwork and was surprised to see that I was still only three inches deep inside her. With the way her cheeks was stretched out, I could see that it was taking her everything just to hold my current length inside her.

It was an enthralling sight- seeing my usually uppity and bitchy mother struggling to even take half of my dick into her mouth. It's not like my girth was even that monstrous, the entrance of her mouth was really just that small.

But looking down at her, I realized that it was the first time I ever saw my mother's throat in this position. I was immediately struck by how long and slender it was, It was almost like a work of art… and I knew that I had to have it.

Spurred by that thought, I take my hands off her tits and strongly held her head in place instead. I then said: “You should be thanking me instead, mother. Exercise is important and I’m helping you do mouth stretches like this for free.”

Putting my back into it and with renewed vigor, I went at it even harder- Each trust sending more of my dick into her mouth. I invaded her as if with every inch I take, I claim more and more of her hole as my own.

And as the three inches became four… then five… then 6, I then heard gagging and burbling sounds underneath me as I was successful in my ordeal- I had stretched out my mother’s mouth to the point I was happily face fucking her. Those sounds were no different from the voice of angels, and sounded more like music to my ears. It was the beautiful tune of my mother’s femininity, and at the same time the sound of my victory.

But I could still do more, beyond her mouth, there was still her throat and I had just a bit of length left that had yet to go inside her. So my hands then grip around her throat, fingers digging in as I thrust into her warm, wet mouth. I pumped my hips eagerly, pushing myself deeper into her, the lust and adrenaline making my cock even harder.

I start to thrust into her throat, feeling my tip brush against her tonsils as I force myself further and further down.

I then imagined her waking up and seeing her son's cock stuffed down her throat, and that thought excited me…

Only I didn’t expect it to actually come true.

I felt an arm suddenly hold one of my legs, and cold sweat dripped down my back. Although I couldn’t see her face, I knew her eyes must be wide open right now. I realized that I had been probably way too forceful with how large my cock was in comparison to her small mouth. But at the same time, I felt my mother's warm throat tighten around my cock as I slid it deeper and deeper inside her.

Although her grip around my leg was extremely strong, possibly even deadly, her position was awkward and she couldn’t muster enough strength to shake me off of her. She struggled against me, gasping for air, but I only tightened my grip, feeling her pulse racing against my shaft. I knew what I was doing was wrong, but the feeling of her throat constricting around my dick was too much to resist.

I then saw her legs thrashing around in front of me. Hadn’t it been for the soft mattress, she would’ve completely destroyed our flooring. But my hands held firm around her neck, with my cock lodging itself in and out of her throat as much as possible, blocking her airway.

This was my only way out. She would no doubt murder me, if she were to get away from my clutches after seeing what I was doing to her.

Her struggles persisted, her hands flailed weakly as she tried to push me away. But my position was too advantageous- My knees pinned down her arms, and I kept fucking her- the bulge in her throat moving in sync with my thrusts. I could feel her pulse racing as she fought for breath, and I knew she was close to passing out.

But I didn't stop. I wanted her to faint, to lose consciousness from the lack of air. I wanted her to experience the ultimate humiliation of being suffocated by my manhood.

Finally, my balls tighten as I reached my climax, I couldn't take it anymore and I let loose, my hot cum filling her throat. She tries to cough and gag, but my cum fills her mouth and throat, suffocating her. She tries to scream, but it's muffled by my cock. She tries to struggle, but I hold her down. She tried kicking with her slender legs, but she couldn't reach me, no matter how flexible she was. Instead, I continued fucking her throat, thrusting deep into her until I’ve made sure I’ve filled her up with my hot cum.

Eventually, her struggles grew weaker and she finally went limp under me, her throat still constricting around my cock. I then slowed my thrusts and pulled out of her. I looked at her sleeping form, her chest rising and falling wildly, telling me that she was still alive, before looking at her face-

And, O’, what a sight it was.

If only there was a way to capture this sight, this moment, for all eternity, I would hold it with me everywhere I go.

My mother's face was left flushed and her eyes, that ran down with tears, were rolled back into her head, revealing only the whites. Her mouth is left slacked-jawed, opened wide at the size my dick left it at.  It would probably never return to the state it was before my cock had thoroughly ravished it. My thick hot cum was pooled in her throat, there were traces of it everywhere around her mouth, her face, her eyes, and some even bubbled out of her nose. And even though my cock had left her already, she was still coughing out semen ever so often, staining her own hair, making even more of a mess out of herself.

She lie on her bed, her limp body splayed out in wanton abandon; Hair scattered; her chest was rising and falling faster than ever before; She looks like she's in the throes of death, or possibly even ecstasy; But one thing was certain, she's just been through a battle,

-one where she was truly and utterly defeated.

Meanwhile, the victor of said battle, my cock, is still stained in a thick layer of both semen and saliva, and instantly got hard again after seeing the debauched sight in front me.

After all, after being fucked into unconsciousness like that, I was sure she wouldn’t be waking up anytime soon.

And so the following events of that night was that of complete debauchery and excess, of pleasure and secrets, as I took advantage of my mother in every way imaginable. I explored her body, tasted her skin, and penetrated her in every way possible. She never woke up, even as I fucked her harder and harder.

For the rest of the night, she just moaned and groaned in her sleep, her body even moving rhythmically to the thrusts of her son.

I just fucked and fucked until I was exhausted. She was completely unaware of the debauchery going on in her very own body, and I was in no hurry to wake her up. I was content to keep on fucking and fucking, until I couldn’t fuck anymore.

As I lay there afterward, panting and sweating, I knew that this was something I would have to do again. It was just too intoxicating and too pleasurable to resist.

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