Starting a Perverted Cult

Chapter 9: Using the Essence of Nightshade (edited)

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It had been two weeks since I broke into Vivian’s home. Aside from the fact that I was a few thousand shekels richer, everything else were back to how they were a month ago. There were no guards searching for anyone. Everything proceeded just like how they usually would.

Except that this time, Huang had already left town. I had watched him leave as his caravan disappeared into the horizon. After all, tt was only thanks to him that I was able to get ahold of these items that had brought much change to my life- Thanks to the ropes, the mask, and everything else that I used in order to break in to Vivian’s home that I am now able to soothe my hunger. The constant gnawing at my stomach that had plagued me for many of my days has been gone and I had been eating relatively well ever since.

However, despite all of that. I found it very hard to be ecstatic with the ‘accomplishment’ that I had done. I am happy? Yes. However, seeing Vivian’s mansions and all of her possessions, I realized just how much better my life could still be. So while I am happy about the small improvement on my life, it wasn’t to the point that it had me jumping for joy.

Was it just me being greedy or is it man’s inherent nature that once his needs had been met, he would then move on to satisfy his wants?

With the way I am spending my money on food, two more weeks is all that it takes for my pockets to be emptied out and I would be in the red once again. So before then, I must either go back and rob Vivian’s home again or find someone else to take money from.

That being said, when I first bought the items from Huang, I actually had two things that I wanted to do in mind. I had already accomplished the first one, that being breaking into someone’s home and taking some of their money for myself. The other one was much more difficult and honestly, it isn’t really that important on the grand scheme of things, but its something that I’ve wanted to do for a long time. Put it in one way, one of them was about my needs and the other, about my wants.

... ... Perhaps one of the unfortunate effects of me no longer having to work my ass off just to have food in the table, is that it gave way for other desires to come up and rear their ugly heads in. Every time I felt my stomach full, there was another craving that would come up from deep within me. Something much more sensual and indecent that wanted to be sated, and it would bring along with it a distant but vivid memory.

The one memory that contained my sexual awakening, the memory of when I was venturing deep in the woods and accidentally chanced upon my mother just about to take a bath on a river deep within the woods.

Young and curious, I watched as she began to slowly undress and I could remember thinking about how different she looked without clothes. I held my breath as quietly as I could, when I felt something stirring within me and as I watched her run her hands down on her own body.

Whether it was her firm breasts that were round and full; Her pink nipples, hardening at the touch of cold water; When she had to wash the crevice of her buttocks and had to invitingly spread her tight and pert ass cheeks; And most memorably, when she bent over as she soaked her silver hair on the water.

My beautiful mother, bent over with her round ass raised into the air, and two holes had been presented all too proudly for me to see. The first one was a slightly dark and tight hole that was visible in that narrow gap between her two luscious ass cheeks. Slightly underneath it, I could see her pussy peeking out from between her legs.

The excitement I felt when she spread her legs apart just the right amount for the lips of her pussy to be spread slightly open and her second hole was made visible to me. I could still remember the thrill that ran through my body at that moment because I knew I was seeing something I wasn't supposed to.

Every time I recall that memory, even through all these years, it never fails to get my cock hard, especially now that I know about all the things that a man could do to enjoy a woman's body, all the ways those two tight holes could be giving pleasure to me. 

Unfortunately, I never ran into an opportunity like that ever again. That was the one and only time, I had ever caught my mother being careless and with her guard lowered. 

It was the entire reason why I bought one item in particular, that item being the substance named Essence of Nightshade. 

Supposedly, it was an anti-anxiety medical substance.

One drop, when mixed to a bottle of wine, is for calming someone down; three is to knock someone out and put them to sleep; and ten is to, well… have them sleep for all eternity. Since it’s required to be ingested and there was only one person besides myself who was willing to eat something that came from me, there was really only one person I had in mind when I bought it.

That person being my mother.

So ever since last week, during dinner, I put three drops into our jar of water and waited for her to drink from there but for some reason, it didn’t work. At that point, I thought it was still fine, maybe I just got the dosage wrong. After all, a jar of water isn’t exactly the same as a bottle of wine. So I then tried four the next evening, nothing happened still.

Then five…

then six…




Nothing happened.

It had been seven attempts at seven different evenings with me having already used about half a hundred drops from the entire bottle, and every single time, she would just sit there across me, completely unaffected. Not even a touch of drowsiness was visible on her face.

The amount of liquid left in the bottle had been already visibly reduced and I realized that at the rate I’m going, I might empty half of the bottle without achieving anything meaningful with it.

So right now, at this moment, it was once again dinnertime. I laced our jar of water with the same drug once again, this time adding 15 drops- way more than the suggested amount when you want to kill a person. If this time, it were to still not work, then I might really have just been duped to buying a false product.

In regards to our dinner, we never cooked inside the cabin since it’s built of mostly wood and its poor state could easily lead to it catching fire. So we would always go out to a clearing and set up a campfire there, but this time we weren’t roasting something above the open fire. Instead, through a foreign recipe book that I bought from Huang, I had been introduced to the beautiful and sacred art of grilling.

Mother, meanwhile, sat beside the campfire, her eyes occasionally meeting mine while I stood over our makeshift charcoal grill. She holds my gaze for a moment before staring back at the grill. She kept staring, as if she was trying to figure something out. Finally, I’ve finished grilling one and gave it to mother. She looked at me and then the meat and mushroom skewer that I handed over to her, before speaking.

“Such an unusual method for cooking meat.” she said. “Not that it’s bad.”

Yes, yes, please just eat and drink the water I’ve prepared for you.

“It’s something new at least” she continued. “I was getting tired of having soup, or whatever you called it, every single day.”

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… … Uhh, that wasn’t quite pleasant to hear.

My nostrils flared out for a second, as I inadvertently breathe out a huge quantity of air. It didn’t sit right with me that she was complaining about the food I cooked when she couldn’t cook one on her own.

But it’s more than fine this time around. Having her always rely on me makes it so much easier to drug the food that she’s eating. I was only taken out of my thoughts, when the scent of burning meat started to permeate in my nose.

“Oh, my bad.”, I said as I took the slightly burnt ones and separated them for myself. I like the meat skewers a little better that way.

After I had grilled everything, I cleaned up and sat by the campfire across my mother. Even now in these humble surroundings, she looked breathtakingly beautiful. Her face was perfect, not a blemish or wrinkle in sight; Her eyes a clear, deep blue; and hair, that despite being slightly unkempt, was long and healthy; Something that is hard to believe, considering the circumstances she's living in.

She cleanly finished the remained of her meat skewers. After that her eyes met mine just as she was about to drink the water. For a second, I had the thought that maybe she was aware of the substance that had been mixed with the drink, but that thought quickly disappeared after she finished her glass of water in one downing.

Just like that, she had ingested more than the recommended amount needed to supposedly kill a person. My face was dead calm, but my heart was beating wildly in my chest. Both fear and expectation coincided within me as I eagerly waited for what would happen next.

“What are you staring at?” I heard my mother’s stern voice across the campfire, her piercing eyes staring right through the flickering light and into my own.

“Nothing… I just thought of how good it would be to have people answering at your beck and call.” I said nonchalantly. But still her gaze refused to leave my face and kept staring right at me, like she was trying to figure something out.

“That’s… not quite like you,” she said with a slightly questioning tone, but judging from the light smile that hung on her face, she like what she had just heard and added: “But to answer your question, a servant isn’t a slave and should be treated like an extension of your reach.”

“They are your extra pair of arms, so you should thoughtfully consider about which work you should assign to them.” she continued “-not that you’ll ever experience… having one… at your..”

She was trying to say something, but her words were slurred and incoherent. And after what felt like hours, I finally noticed just how heavy her eyes looked. It looked like she was just barely hanging on to consciousness as her head started lolling forward. Her words then completely ceased and so did any activity from her body.

With how quick everything happened, I felt cold sweat drip down my back. She didn’t fucking die from that did she? First, she’s gonna appear completely immune to everything and then she’ll croak just like that?

“Mom?” When her body tilted to one side, I rushed forward in an attempt to catch her. But suddenly, through whatever strength and willpower she had left, she somehow stopped herself from falling down and shook me away as she complained: “Argh! Be quiet! Go wash everything… I’ll head to bed first.” before teetering back towards our cabin.

Seeing that, I was both surprised and relieved at the same time. While I was relieved to see that I hadn’t accidentally killed my mother, my eyes were also twitching to see that she was still holding on to consciousness despite taking in an unhealthy amount of substance that would’ve surely killed off an ordinary person by now.

But at the same time, I confirmed one thing. Huang didn’t sell me a false product and that the drugs was indeed working. It’s just that my mother had an unnaturally high amount of tolerance for it. Was it because of mana? I didn’t know.

But still, it didn’t matter now, she might be resistant to it, for some reason, but she wasn’t completely immune. As long as she was unaware of what was being added to her drink, I could just keep increasing the dosage and she was bound to eventually reach the limits of her tolerance and finally succumb to its effects.

I wasn’t at a rush since it would be better to have the substance circulate more into her system. So during that time, I cleaned up everything that we used outside- I put out the campfire, put away the grill, and washed the utensils.

After finishing it all, I went back to our cabin and once my eyes adjusted to the dim light, I felt my arousal grow as I found my mother’s unconscious body sprawled out on the ground. She just barely made it to her mattress before she was knocked fully unconscious by the drug. 

A victorious smile hung on my lips as I stood in the doorway, looking at my mother’s vulnerable form. She was laying on her back with her long silver hair sprawled out underneath her, her legs spread just slightly apart under her skirt, her large breasts rising and falling with every deep breath she took. Then through the fabric of the tunic she was wearing, I could see her nipples hardening under the cool air of the evening.

I nervously crept up to her, my heart pounding on my chest, and knelt just beside her head. Faking worry, I then said: “Mother, are you alright?”. Then slowly and carefully, with hands trembling in anticipation, I peeled back her eyelids and checked for any signs of wakefulness like blinking. But I saw no signs of consciousness, her pupils were dilated and her eyes being still and unresponsive.

She was fast, and thoroughly asleep.

It was still surreal to see her so vulnerable, lying down defeated in an uncompromising position. She had always been a person full of surprises and even up to this day, a sense of fear towards her is still situated deeply in my heart, and for many good reasons. She always seemed like she was above the ordinary person- unnaturally strong, a sensual body that is mysteriously so full of vitality, the rare blessing of being able to wield mana, and all this time, I had never gotten the better of her. Even now, she had put up a good fight that lasted for more than a week.

But at this moment, for this entire night, she was completely at my mercy. The entire time, through this extremely stimulating situation, countless perverse thoughts ran through my head. Her face looked so peaceful, completely unaware of my presence, and I couldn’t help but recall all my early teenage fantasies- What would it feel like to suck on her breasts? To grope her ass? To taste her pussy? To feel her tightness around my shaft? To twist her nipples? To bury my dick between her tits? To grab onto her tits while I pound her from behind?

Still kneeling by the side of her head, I leaned forward and ran my fingers through her soft, long hair, eventually stopping and holding on to the back of her head. I then lowered my face, and pressing my lips gently on her forehead, before trailing down to her temple and then to her cheek. 

Luckily, I didn’t have to just fantasize about all those things. I could do whatever that I wanted to her right now and she would never know. So with heavy breaths filled with lecherous desires, thrilled at power I had over her, I daringly whispered into my mother’s ears: “It’s unfortunate that you won’t be able to enjoy this as much as I do.” before raising her head slightly, and kissing her again- this time on the lips.

My tongue slipped past her mouth, tasting her deeply. After doing this, I knew there was no turning back now. I then pulled away, heart pounding, and looked at her soft, luscious lips parted just slightly. My mother was every bit as soft and sweet as I imagined her to be, and my cock stirred in response, becoming rock hard in the process.

I strongly held the back of her head, grabbing a fistful of her silver hair in the process as I pressed my lips on top of hers again, this time lingering a lot longer. My other free hand roamed down her body and went under her top, my hands ran through her soft unblemished skin and reached a mound of supple flesh that fit snugly within the palm of my hand. Her body had always been the object of my lust, and I knew I was going to enjoy every single second of what was to come.

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