Starting My Galactic Empire From One SCV

Starting My Galactic Empire From One SCV

Author :

Genre :

Isekai, Sci-fi



Status :


Starting My Galactic Empire From One SCV

Review: 7/10 from 5 ratings

The story of Jack Donovan, an avid gamer and Starcraft fanatic who let his overconfidence in his abilities leave him in a position where he has to prove he has what it takes to lead a Terran army from scratch. He's played thousands of matches, so who better to know just how to get a Terran force built from the ground up? Of course, the stakes are highest when it's his own life on the line! Can he manage to build himself a seat of safety at the head of a spacefaring empire, in a universe full of alien menaces like the ever-hungry swarming hoards of the Zerg and the powerful armadas of the elite Protoss? With a little helping hand from a system that wants to pressure him to keep leading bigger and better forces, he just might.

This is my first attempt as an author, so any constructive criticism, remarks, or advice are both welcome and appreciated.

I placed a content warning for Gore as this is going to depict scenes of battle and combat going forward, but do not intend to glorify blood and guts in the process.

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