Stealing spotlight of protagonist!

Chapter 16: Anxiety!

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"Tomorrow is the day huh. Well, it's no lying to say that I am thoroughly nervous right now". Chihiro said with a sigh as she leaned back in her seat. The expression of the other three was varying as they heard her stating anxiously. 

" It's okay. I believe you guys will win this". Mio tried to encourage her but looking at her not-so-confident smile it doesn't seem it worked.

A silence fell between them with the low chatting noise ringing in the background. 


After school, Chihiro and Mio decided to take it easy and skip the club work. Yuuta and Shio later joined as Mio invited both through text.

"Shio let's go." Yuuta signalled toward his token which showed a green blink which meant their order was prepared.

Shio nodded with full determination like a mission was being handed to him as he stood up and followed Yuuta toward the counter.

The cafè was big enough to accommodate 100 people at once so it took them time to reach the counter. On the way, Yuuta slowed his pace to match the fragile boy's little steps.

"What are you doing?" Yuuta asked with an obvious meaning behind his word.

"Following obediently while placing my feet exactly in the middle of the tile to avoid touching the line". Yuuta became speechless for a second. He wanted to smack hard on Shio's skull to enlighten him about world affairs.

" Not that. I mean why aren't you encouraging her. Isn't this the time for you to act cool?" Yuuta felt weird, playing cupid all of a sudden but he couldn't let any possibility of him turning toward Mio, at all. And knowing the game extremely well, he knew if he doesn't play this role Mio would.

"Hmm? But I am also nervous a little. And with that heart, I don't think I should console someone else right? It would be lying and I have been taught to not ever tell lie". The halo of the protagonist made Yuuta blind for a second. Even he said while facing forward the glow of him instantly attracted various gazes.

It was commendable how much this world had a kink of shouta play.

They stopped in front of the counter and took the two trays filled with food and drinks. 

" Thank you, ma'am". Shio bowed as he took the tray making the woman fawn over him. She instantly grabbed a small pack of fried and placed it on Shio's serve.

Yuuta's eyes were rolling backward on his every indirect flirting. He was well known for Shio's potential targets but since various things were happening differently in the real world, he thought that the counter lady might jump on him, repeating Shio's name again and again.

"Woah. Isn't it too much. I don't think I have brought much money even I have to pay one-fourth of it". Mio exclaimed as she saw the amount of food the two boys laid on the table.

" Just pay with your body if you are low on money". Yuuta said casually making Chihiro giggle and Shio glance away with a flush-filled face.

"Dream on!" Mio grabbed some fries and stuffed her mouth. Even she shouted at him, expressing her displeasure, her red ears gave away her facade.

Every one of them started picking whatever they liked as the chat continued.

"What do guys think about other sections? I made a survey and except for our section, every other was focused on physical properties. The other section had at least two athletes in their trio. It seems they deliberately let the muscle minds score higher. Or maybe they were threatened". Mio said while eating her hamburger. 

Yuuta was marveling at the site of Mio's small mouth trying to grab as big a bite as she could. 

" Well, it certainly is a dirty play. In the main event strength isn't the only thing that matters but the right mind to utilize it". A nod from Shio showed how his and Chihiro's thoughts were the same. 

"Even with that..." Suddenly the boy who always remain silent spoke up, so naturally, every gaze fell on him.

".... it's undeniable that you guys are short on the strength side. Even though they are knuckleheads, the advantage is to be inevitable for them. " A deep silence fell upon them on Yuuta's honest remark. Even though it sounded disheartening, what he said was all true. Mio opened her mouth to retort him, but she knew it would be baseless enough to make it sound funny.

"But on the bright end, you both know each other the best. And in the team competition, knowing your ally is your best back-up." Yuuta said while feeling a little odd. He was talking about teamwork even though he was taught to always rely on himself only. 

"Yuuta kun." His mind returned to reality as he glanced at the people in front. Mio and Shio were blushing heavenly and the third one smiling at him.


"Thank you."


After finishing lunch, all of them returned. Since the trio excluding Yuuta lives next station, they bid their farewell not so long after. Yuuta also came back home nearly at 6 in the evening. 

The mansion was as busy as always, even Yuuta never knows why?

Upon noticing their master, everyone lined up and bowed in unison.

"" Welcome back, master"". Yuuta nodded before glancing at a particular maid and calling out for her.

"Carol san. Can I have a minute". The head maid instantly walked toward Yuuta as every servant returned to their duties. Of course, their ears were perked in a certain direction.

" Anything you desire young master?" Carol bowed again as she asked.

"Convey my message toward the head chef". Without knowing th details, Carol only nodded.

" Tell him, that prepares only boiled chicken with pepper for dinner for me. If he adds a single spice or a drop of oil I will throw the food along with him". Sensing the bad temper of her younger master, Carol got startled. It's been a long she have seen this side of Yuuta.

But for some reason, she found it....cute. The figure of Yuuta grumbling around, when he was a child was still fresh in her mind, and looking at him now, she couldn't help but feel awe.

"But young master, madam has clearly instructed the chef to not let you eat tasteless food and let your body get weak". While keeping her tone in check, Carol reminded him that this wasn't something they were doing on their own.

"So intaking excessive oil would strengthen me huh?" Carol didnt respond just stood there with her head bowed.

"*sigh* Forget it. I will tell mother so you just talk with the chef". After saying Yuuta stood up.

" Certainly young master". 

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Back in the room, Yuuta went into the bathroom to take a shower. He never would have interfered with kitchen matter but recently his body has become slower than before, which was making him agitated on himself.

 A soldier could tolerate any loss but their physical fitness. He's trained to survive even only with a single limb but even with that, he needs his mobility to always be top-notch.

After changing he went into the gym and trained straight for 3 hours. Since he didnt has weapons like his dojo, he used the tree planted in the yard and wooden sticks to keep himself in check.

Around nine he talked with his parents for a full half an hour. Reassuring them about his health. Sending them his recent pictures and lots of other sweet talking before the call finally got disconnected.

"It's sure sometimes heavy to handle their fondness". Sighing Yuuta laid back on his bed while giving his sore muscles time to relax. 

Scrolling down the contacts he found a number before pressing the green logo beside the log.

" Didn't I tell you I am going to bathe?" Yuuta raised his brows when he heard the lax tone of Mio. He figured what she could have been thinking, given the way she just told him off now.

But even with that, he acted innocent and called out for her.

"Mio? " 


A loud water-hitting sound rang from the other side.

"Yu-Yuuta kun? Wh-wha-what happened?" And as he expected she was startled after realizing the caller.

"Were you expecting someone else?"

"No, I mean yes. Chihiro just called me but since I was going to take bath I told her to call me after some time. And since I always put my phone on the window slab, beside the tub I picked it up without checking the caller's name thinking that it probably be from Chihiro. And since she..wait... why am I telling you all this...?" A brief silence ran through both ends. 

Yuuta was profoundly amused with the reaction and the way she clobbered everything in one go. He was suppressing his grin so he could talk properly.

"Now it's easy to fantasize about your bath since you gave me details."

"Uu...dont, please! " A cute cry came from Mio as she splashed again on rhe water, in protest.

"Wha-no! I can now finally let my imagination go wild."


"Please dont think something like that. I will cry". Yuuta smirked a little as he knew Mio wasn't faking but was too embarrassed to think anything.

"*sigh* Okay if you say so. But in return, you have to walk with me to the school". Mio paused for several seconds, feeling conflicted but in the end, she agreed to his idea.

" Okay if it is only that, then I will accompany you. Even if it ruins my reputation that is. "

"Where did I put my tissues".

" Okay, I am sorry. I am also happy okay? Now bye, good night."

"K, love you." 

"This idiot!!!!"


Grinning ear to ear Yuuta put down his phone and went to the dining hall. The maids were on full alert, waiting for Yuuta since forever.

As soon they saw him everyone started scattering around. One of them slid the chair for Yuuta, another one helped Yuuta with the bib. The elated Yuuta didnt reject any hospitality and let them serve however they wanted.

He soon started eating elegantly the boiled food which he asked for. No one dared to even clatter their teeth when the first bite was being chewed. 

Only Carol was brave enough to finally ask Yuuta after he ate a considerable amount of food.

"Is it to your liking, young master?" She stuttered syllable by syllable, quite hesitantly as one's job was based on her young master's review.

Yuuta without halting his hands spoke in a serene tone.

"It certainly is and please do tell the chef that it's okay to add some spices every once in a while. "  Carol was dumbfounded. Not only her but all the other servants were perplexed. 

It's not been a day and their young master already changed his view toward something so easily. 

'I am sure madam would love to hear about it'.


A/N: Next chapter would be the commencement of a huge event(s).

Stay tuned and drop a comment~


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