Stealing spotlight of protagonist!

Chapter 17: Intersection trials~1!

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On the open school ground, hundreds of students were busily organizing things for the contest between the different sections of the first year. There were a total of 10 teams participating, 30 students in total.

Of course, the classes of other years were also dismissed, so they could cheer their kouhais.

Every team was wearing a specific color pattern on the jersey and those who were supporting had their preferred team's band tied around their arm. 

The color handed to 1'C' was orange. Of course Mio as well Yuuta had their arm tied with orange bands. From the preparation, it was quite obvious what kinds of matches would be conducted so students were getting prepared accordingly.

Inside the school gym, the trio of 1'C', Chihiro, Shio, and Kurumi along with Yuuta and Mio were talking while standing nearby. Apart from them, there were other nine teams along with their friends, discussing their strategies. 

"The first one is basically a hurdle race in which you guys have to run with your back connected and a rope tying all three of you together. And to be precise, these hurdles will merely be small traffic cones, rabbit hops, and steep planks. Even though it sounds simple and easy, a slight disturbance in coordination would result drastically." The other four listened to Yuuta's words intently without a blink. Even though Mio wasnt part of the race she heard it clearly and noted everything down in her memory.

"Well, thanks for the tip but how did you get to know about the hurdles and stuff Yuuta kun?" Chihiro asked as the thin details Yuuta provided were no one could guess even if they had seen the props. This question was popping inside Kurumi's head too, but her shy temperament didnt let her voice it out.

"You want to win or play detective Chihiro?" Yuuta asked with slight irritation in his tone. His way of the speech made everyone in the group stiff as they didnt dare to ask further.

"Should we move to the plan? Have you guys thought about who will lead the trio?" Yuuta asked with his tone going a bit softer. He instantly realized how they got worked up when he spoke in an annoyed manner.

'They are still kids after all....'

"Yes. If you are saying is true then I believe Kurumi san in the front would be a good choice with me in the back to support her body if any kind of accident happens. And Shio for the coordinator." Shio nodded as he also thought the same. Kurumi thought of the plan and also agreed to it, as it felt extremely flawless. 

"That's good Chihiro. As expected of my quick-witted friend". Mio hugged Chihiro from the side as she smiled brightly. Yuuta felt bad for her but he had to say it.

" According to that plan, I think you guys might fall even without facing a single hurdle." The face of the listeners got stiff as they heard the silver-haired boy.

"Hey, isn't that rude Kiriya. What's the problem with Chihiro's plan?" Mio pouted as her friend's proposal got rejected so blatantly. 

"There are a lot of holes to be concerned about. First, for a better navigator, you need someone with good eyesight, and as we can see..." On his remark, everyone turned toward Kurumi which made the latter one blush in pink," isn't the great field for Kurumi san. Her lenses are carrying the greatest optical numbers. And wearing glasses in the race, I guess would be problematic." Kurumi felt sad but she didnt retort and nodded in affirmation.

"Kiriya kun is right. I do have a problem with farsight and wearing glasses when we would be entangled together, wouldn't be a good idea." A deep expression formed on Chihiro's face. It wasnt because of the things Yuuta said but how simple-mindedly she formed the plan.

"Yuuta kun can you help please help our team to form a better plan so we can increase our chance to win this." Chihiro threw all her pride aside and requested Yuuta. From what she could perceive, it seemed Yuuta was surprisingly good at situations like these.

Mio also looked at Yuuta hopefully with her eyes going round.

"Ah, I get it. So stop making that face, I will get distracted." Making the innocent Mio red with shame, he continued.

"First about the positioning. Chihiro, you will be at the back supporting the two as you have the most strong legs apart from the two. " Chihiro nodded as she also thought the same. 

"Shio will be the navigator. Since he is the smallest you guys can even lift him if you need it in the middle of the race. And as I have observed, he can point out very minor things like it's nothing, so let's go with that. Any question?" No one spoke just shook their head vigorously.

"Kurumi san would be great at the moderator, she can switch with any of you if the situation arises. Even though she had bad eyesight, in the starting phase it won't be a problem. Listen, whatever happens, try to communicate. This race is solely based on your coordination and team spirit so maintain that. If someone is hurting then stop for a second and let them get settled. If any of you getting troubled while performing your job then shout out to them and encourage them. Just whatever you guys do, dont think of losing, understood?"

"" YES SIR."" A mutual shout erupted from the four, even Mio as Yuuta finished his speech.

"Good, now get out and show what 1'C' can do." With a daring smile, everyone nodded with flames erupting from their eyes. Incidentally, the reporting announcement was made, on which every participant started jogging out. Except for Yuuta the rest of the four also started drifting with the crowd, when Yuuta held Mio.

"Kyah!" He enveloped her body with his arm around her belly, with their body firmly connected.

"Where are you going?" Mio who got startled realized what she was doing. She instantly dropped her head in embarrassment with the tip of her ears going crimson.

While watching the diabetic couple, everyone left the gym. Some of them passed comments too but Yuuta didnt care much and Mio was in no condition to think about it either.

When they became the only ones left in the hall, Yuuta again whispered.

"Didn't I do something great just now?" Mio knew what he was saying so with her palms covering her blushing face, she nodded.

"So, isn't it time you reward me something with? It took me a lot to find out about the race and stuff, so ain't I worthy of something special?" Mio didnt nodded but neither did she reject the thought. She was genuinely grateful to Yuuta because of how he helped her friends and boosted their spirits. But she was clueless about how she could reward him and in the end, waiting for him to ask it directly.

"You dont know how to reward me?" 


"Want me to tell you?"


"Hmm what I should ask..." The speed of Mio's heart was increasing rapidly. All of a sudden she remembered the reward he asked for on the school rooftop.

'Maybe a kiss.' Upon remembering she felt her feet becoming weak and her mind going numb. Last time when he asked she rejected him outright but what now...

He didnt bully her friend as he promised and even fought against those who tried to tease Shio. Moreover, he didnt even target any girl since he confessed his love for her. And recently he has started sharing so many emotions with her.

She wasnt sure if she could reject him like the previous time or if she could even reject him in the first place. Slowly but Yuuta had made a rigid spot in her heart that she would never think anyone could get if it were not for her childhood friends.

No, not only that. Even her childhood friends won't be able to reach the point where Yuuta had been already a resident for a while.

Yuuta looked at her amusingly, aware of what she could be thinking. But he knew going overboard would only ruin the progress and he didnt want it at all costs.

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He thought for a second and embraced her more strongly before whispering again.

"From now on dont call me formally or use my family name. Just call me Yuu. It will be only for you to say so dont think this reward is something I wished on a whim, okay?." Mio didn't respond but looking at her current state Yuuta knew pushing her more, might not be good.

 Yuuta let her go soon after wordlessly.l

Mio didnt turn around just stuttered some words in a barely audible tone.

"Th-Thank you again, Yu-Yuu." As she said she started running toward the entrance.

Suddenly Yuuta called for Mio.

"MIO." She turned toward Yuuta with a confused look, a little blush still adorning her baby face. 

"I love you." The fading blush rose up instantly as she widened her eyes and with a shout, dashed outside.



The preparation was done, with the principal's commencement speech concluded just a minute ago. Five teams were standing in a row. Since all the teams would have made the course overly crowded, the race was divided into two groups. 

It was definitely beneficial for those five teams who would participate later, and unfortunately 1'C' wasn't lucky enough to get the lottery for the second round. So in the end Shio and co. went behind the starting line.

A thick rope was tied around each trio with a warning that if any ended up dropping or untying it, then the team would be disqualified. Pushing intentionally, other groups were also prohibited. Apart from these two rules, nothing else was specified.

Hundreds of shouts were echoing on the ground with students cheering their favorite team. There were two boys and one girl on every team except for 1'C'. This was also the reason why most of the seniors were supporting team orange.

"Chihiro chan....fight on!!"

"You too, Kurumi chan. We are cheering for you!!" It wasnt a doubt that these two first years were standing out because of their cuteness and beautiful appearance. Especially the white shirt was portraying their figure when tied with the rope. Specifically Chihiro, who was popular from day one and had an overwhelming amount of fans.

"Come on Shio kun! You can do this!!"

"Don't push yourself Shio san!!"

"Onee-chan will wipe your sweat afterward so fight on!!"

The support from the female group wasnt falling short either. The frail-looking boy only could smile with his cheeks dying red. Chihiro as well as Kurumi became all of a sudden so much fired up, that they felt rushed out instantly. 

But they held back...

"Aren't they stupid. They can't even hide their desire for those three and it is making them distracted too." Mio muttered with a tired expression. She was sighing inwardly upon watching the spectacle continuously.

Yuuta on the other hand was happy. The way, Mio didn't react to the girls' comments toward Shio, made him grin ear to ear.

"Wh-what?" Mio saw him smiling silly. Since they were in the staff section area, there weren't many students around, so Mio asked in a low tone.

"Nothing. I am just happy that I got to meet you and got the chance to fall in love with you." *Tah* Before Mio could properly react to the commencement signal was fired.

Mio instantly turned around while trying to hide her face. Yuuta didn't tease her anymore and with a contented smile looked toward the event unfolding.

The orange trio ran as just Yuuta asked them to. They place Shio in front who was shouting at them about the directions perfectly. The shrillness of his voice made a great effect on the other two.

Chihiro was relaying the best support from the rear while trying to hold on to the rope as well as the other two with her arm interlocked.

Kurumi was just following the lead obediently while warning about the obstacle and another group so they doesn't breach any rules. 

The race was advancing rather dramatically. From Yuuta's point of view, race was like a child's play. He was expressionlessly trying to watch the race without cringing away. The way people were moving recklessly without an ounce of coordination was wonderfully eyed sore for him.

It was no different for the orange team. Well, they were a little better but still, the way they were swaying here and there made Yuuta facepalm. 

Fortunately, the race ended, and not so surprisingly the protagonist shone the brightest. Team 1'C', finished the race first with the other team finished not so soon after.

[A/N: I will only detail important events and this wasn't.]

"Yaaay!!" Mio cheered before dashing toward the winning team with pure joy on her face. The others also surrounded them while shouting congratulatory notes at their highest pitch. The winning trio was reciprocating enthusiastically as they got out of the restrain.

 The scene was so familiar to Yuuta that he couldn't help but broke into a smile. He has gone through every route and this scene was common in all of them. The protagonist was destined to win his way to the top and this time in place of helping him from behind the scene, he was supporting him from the sidelines.

'Sometimes this doesn't feel that bad...'

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