Stealing spotlight of protagonist!

Chương 91: Determined Sayuri!

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"You look pretty, Mio. I doubt Yuuta-kun would look anywhere other than you..."

Mio giggled hearing her friend's compliment which had a mixture of admiration and gloom at the same time.

Staring at herself in the mirror, she herself gave a mental nod that indeed she was looking good after a long time.

Since her hair has grown up to her shoulder length, it was convenient making a small bun on the back of her head with a cute little hairpin through them to keep her hair in place. It had two golden stars hanging which was the main focus of why Mio chose this ornament.

She currently had a black and golden shade of kimono which went perfectly with her blond hair and also complimented her fair skin which looked extra smooth because of the light makeup Chihiro helped with.

"You wait here. I will go and help Sayuri with her make-up, okay?"

Mio nodded before Chihiro got up and walked out of the small studio room the hotel staff provided for the ladies to get dressed and offered other necessities other than the kimono as well.

After being left alone, Mio smiled at herself as she thought of what reaction Yuuta would have later. But little did she think that the girl didn't have to wait long to see his reaction.

"I can't. This is too much for me..."

Mio blinked and instantly rose to her feet before turning toward the source of the voice, only to find a familiar face standing there with his back leaning on the wall as he looked at Mio with eyes of warmth and light excitement.

She didn't have time to think when he came inside since as soon as she got up, Yuuta encircled his arm around her thin waist which seemed even slimmer in the dress.

Her breath paused for several seconds as she found herself being in his arms yet again however she still was not used to his sudden closeness. She still gets nervous seeing those eyes looking at her. Gets anxious thinking how she must be looking into those eyes. However, his natural fragrance always comes to her rescue whenever Mio feels like falling into denial.

And currently, she liked what she saw in his gaze.

"You look extremely beautiful Mio. I find it hard to voice out my current thoughts, that much you have made me stunned."

A smile bloomed on the girl's lips as she felt her cheeks loosening and her body giving in to his strong embrace. With her hand pressed on his slightly exposed chest, Mio accepted all the words that he was not able to voice out.

She could feel how awestruck he was after seeing her and it makes her feel that this makeover was worth it.

"I knew you would like it...but I find it hard to believe that you didn't have to say the same thing to Sayuri as well."

Yuuta was taken aback hearing about Sayuri all of a sudden as his guilt became surfacing all of a sudden for the thing he was about to do with Sayuri.

He was not going to hide it from Mio but definitely wouldn't have said it right now

However, it seems she already had known that Yuuta would meet Sayuri before her.

"Don't make such a face, Yuu. If anything there is to tell, then do it when you are really comfortable telling me about it, okay? And please remember, that whatever happens, I will always trust you."

Like a heavy lump stuck in his throat, Yuuta wasn't able to respond in any manner before he felt Mio inching closer to him, bathing him with her perfume and natural body fragrance, much to Yuuta's relief.

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He tightened the embrace, leaving no gap for even a gust to pass in between them before he whispered out his immediate thoughts.

"Thank you, Mio."


[Back in the room]

When Chihiro arrived in the room to help Sayuri with her makeup, she saw the silver-haired girl wailing out silently in a corner with her eyes already slightly puffy and nose deep red.

After hearing from the girl about the reason, Chihiro felt sorrow and delight at the same time which she definitely would keep to herself.

Sorrow, from the point of view of Sayuri, after taking such extreme steps yet getting rejected was something Chihiro could not imagine herself in. It was plainly too pitiful.

And delighted since Sayuri didn't get to kiss Yuuta before her~

But more than her feelings, Chihiro intended to first calm down this crybaby and proceed according to the plan.

"Even if he rejected Sayuri-chan, it doesn't mean he doesn't have any interest in you."

In between her sobs, Sayuri tilted her face to ask Chihiro what she meant since what Sayuri heard, seemed too good to be true to believe.

"*Sniff* W-What do you mean?"

"I mean that, if Yuuta-kun would not have any interest in you then he would have left the room as soon he would have seen her in such a state, even though you would have tried to stop him. And inching close to almost sharing a kiss would not have been possible if not for Yuuta-kun, slightly attracted to my beautiful Sayuri, no?"

A glimmer of hope shone brightly on the horizon as Sayuri registered Chihiro's words as she thought inwardly that indeed Yuuta's behavior was different from his usual self.

Considering his take on other girls who aren't Mio, he should have left the room as soon he saw Sayuri not entirely dressed or would have called Chihiro in the first place to help Sayuri with the kimono.

Yet he stayed and also helped her wear the attire while being causal with her. He even got too close to her without any reservedness and was just an inch away from kissing her. But because of a slight bit of hesitation, he pulled away.

But what if next time he would not hesitate or Sayuri just push slightly more to break the wall between them?

With her breathing much calmer, Sayuri turned toward Chihiro with a determined look as she spoke in a bolder tone.

"Tell me what I have to do."


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