Stealing spotlight of protagonist!

Chương 90: One-sided love…

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It was around four in the afternoon when the group of four decided to have lunch in the room for which Yuuta called the room service.

The resort had wonderful services as the food was delivered hot and fresh within half an hour as along with Yuuta the other three sat around the table to have the meal.

The food was delicious, to say the least, demonstrating the quality this place holds as the most-starred resort in the region, however, Sayuri and Chihiro were able to taste none of it.

The reason was the heart-filling treat they had with their eyes when suddenly Yuuta walked out of the bathroom with just a towel wrapped around his waist giving a full view of his shredded chiseled build and those manly scars he has received during his workout and training.

His body was the epitome of what a man could dream of and seeing the first male in their life in such a state definitely was not something both Sayuri and Chihiro were able to cope with so easily.

(A/N: - Sayuri has seen him half-naked before as well but after falling for him, the view hits hard)

Mio already has seen her boyfriend in such a state so she wasn't that much affected by his charm but still, it didn't help that her face was covered with a slight redness as she tried to act as normal as she could, and help Yuuta decide his outfit.

"I am sorry for the display earlier. I know you guys still must be uncomfortable because of it."

Sensing the awkwardness in the air Yuuta tried to break the ice and apologized for his insensitivity to neglecting the fact that he was not alone with his girlfriend alone in the room.

"N-No it's not like that Yuuta-kun! We were just too stumped seeing you like that...ah! Not t-that... I just mean..."

Seeing Chihiro's flustered behavior Mio chuckled as she comforted her friend to save her from any further struggle.

"It's okay Chi-chan. I know how you feel. And Yuu, it's not like they are uncomfortable or something. Rather it's just that the scene was something hard for maidens to get over, that's why they are behaving like this."

Yuuta raised his brows in confusion since he really didn't understand what Mio just said now about the scene or maiden whatsoever. But seeing Sayuri and Chihiro nodding to affirm Mio's word, the boy just shrugged it off and returned to the food.


After lunch, it was decided to visit the local shrine and enjoy the festival the town organizes at the time of year near the shrine.

Since the night falls early during winter, by half past five, the sky had already turned dim with no essence of natural light in view. The place was not busy in the region of the resort so the four decided to have a stroll around the garden before they agreed to fall back and change their attire for the festival.

The services provided Yukata and kimono as well so the girls went and chose their clothing while Yuuta let Mio decide his attire as he went to ask something to the receptionist.

By six, Yuuta had already changed into his dark blue yukata with a black obi around his waist which gave him a mature aura and went well with his well-defined build, instantly grabbing the attention of the hotel staff who came across him.

Naturally, Yuuta didn't change in the room since there were ladies inside, rather he asked for a spare changing room which the receptionist readily arranged for the esteemed guest.

Since it was time for them to meet anyway, Yuuta walked toward the end of the lobby where his room was located before he slid the door open only to regret it once again.

"Should've knocked. Sorry."

"Ah, Yuu-kun, wait!"

It was only Sayuri inside the room with her back facing Yuuta as she called him hurriedly before he could leave.

"Can you help me, please? Mio and Chihiro went ahead to have their hair done and I don't want any staff member seeing me like this, so please..."

Sensing the desperation in her voice and how helpless she seemed, Yuuta wavered in his primary thought, and in the end, he just went inside since he knows how long it takes for women to braid their hair so Mio and Chihiro to return anytime soon seemed implausible.

Hearing the approaching footstep made Sayuri's heartbeat escalate as she awaited at her spot with her left hand holding her obi and her right one holding the kimono.

She really was bad with Japanese dress since she has spent very less time here. Sure she could have said that to Mio or Chihiro...but she somehow expected this situation and thus urged the two to go ahead.

However, now that her fantasy of being alone with Yuuta in such a faraway place was turning into a reality, Sayuri felt she after all was not completely prepared and might have collapsed if not for the calming scent she inhaled approaching from her back.

"The choice of your Kimono is good."

Sayuri displayed a gleeful smile upon hearing the compliment of her choice which consisted of a blue and white kimono with a blue rose pattern around the bottom end.

Her features looked vibrant in the dress and the overall charm was elevated further to give her a womanly charisma. She indeed looked beautiful despite not being dressed properly.

Soon Yuuta began to organize her dress and took a hold of her obi before he began to tie it up around her waist carefully, like a professional.

"I knew you have learned it from Okaa-san, but she never told you are so well in this."

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Sayuri has learned from Mirai about the things Yuuta has learned in the past even though he had no interest in such. But little did she think he would be so natural with it.

"I just pay attention to the instructions."

Yuuta stated as a matter of fact since he likes to learn new things whatever it was and the way his mother has taught him gave Yuuta enough tips to make the ribbon properly. And since he has helped Mirai as well in the past, his skills have only been refined over time.

After Yuuta replied to Sayuri, there was a brief silence spread between them as Yuuta continued to tie the obi around Sayuri diligently while keeping her comfort in consideration since she has to walk in the attire as well.

Sayuri was so lost in her thoughts while staring at the hard-working man that she nearly forgot the thing she wanted to dearly say since the time they arrived to ruin Yuuta and Mio's trip.

"Yuu-kun...aren't you angry about this intrusion on your trip with Mio?"

It was a matter of fact that anyone would be upset and annoyed if someone comes in between the trip of a couple in any day or age. And someone in their teens when they are barely allowed to go on dates gets the chance to spend their time alone in a faraway place yet get interrupted by two unwanted guests, must have felt irritating as heck.

But little did she think, Yuuta's reply would be so...settling.

"At first I was a little mad, but when I saw the smile on Mio's face and how much she was enjoying herself in your and Chihiro's company, I also grew satisfied."

His words comforted Sayuri's guilty heart, but somehow she wasn't able to control her urge and asked something that she already knew the answer to.

"You really do love Mio, huh."

"More than anyone and anything."

Yuuta has been asked this before as well by someone else and his answer remained the same even after so much time has passed since his rebirth. He really did love Mio from the bottom of his heart, and this emotion is only getting stronger with time as he spends his days with his beautiful girl.

Sayuri knew she would hear this but still, the suddenness of his response weighed on her heart and regret clouded her mind enough for her to say something she would have never uttered in normal circumstances.

"Sometimes... I wonder... If I had met you before you had fallen for me instead...?"

Yuuta's hand which was organizing the already tied-up ribbon halted hearing such an unexpected question as he lifted his head and looked Sayuri in the eyes.

Her oceanic blue eyes were shining brightly under the dim illumination of the lamp as she looked at Yuuta with slight moisture clouding her gaze, elevating her appeal to a further extent.

Their breath collided at a very short range due to short their facial distance as both Sayuri and Yuuta silently looked at each other with varying emotions swirling inside of them.

Their scent wrapped around each other and formed a veil of fragrance where both the girl and the boy were entrapped and had no space for any third person to interject.

Sayuri has never felt like this. Her heart, her mind, her soul...everything was desiring Yuuta as just on instincts she raised her hand and cupped his cheeks which Yuuta let happen...maybe because of the heat of the moment or he was too tranced in this instance as well.

Sayuri poured all her courage to support her body on her toes as she steadily advanced toward Yuuta's lips when suddenly she saw Yuuta tilting his head to the right, signifying his reluctance for any further advancement.

Sayuri looked at him with tears building in her eyes before she let go of Yuuta and turned herself in another direction to hide her already falling stupid tears!

Yuuta knew she was crying and he has hurt her, but he could not go any further than this since it would be nothing more than a betrayal for Mio.

The only thing he could do was to leave Sayuri alone and that's what he did.

"I-I will be waiting outside."

Just as he walked out, Sayuri plopped down on her knees and after covering her face with her both palms, Sayuri wailed loudly after who knows how long.

One-sided love is indeed painful...


A/N: - Okay we are almost five chapters short before the conclusion of the story.

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