Strongest Dandy System

Chapter 645: 651

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Bear Tianxing mouth, a grim smile, suddenly burst out a roar.

The giant bear spirit behind him was just like that. He also roared loudly, shaking the whole arena shaking and flying sand and stones!

The bear spirit behind him is full of black light. The body of bear is like a thick layer of fine steel, and its hair is vertical, like acupuncture!

The bear spirit is ten Zhang high, standing on the challenge arena. The giant has red eyes and a hundred tusks, just like a dark mountain that can move.

Seeing the angry bear spirit, many of his disciples were frightened and scared to death.

"Is this the spirit of Xiong Tianxing? As expected, they are domineering

"That's right. It's hard to imagine just looking at it. If I fight, I'm afraid I won't win at all!"

"Yes, it's terrible!"

Xiong Tianxing is a famous hundred King Tianjiao, and the martial spirit is his biggest dependence!

However, when all the disciples were talking about the spirit of bear spirit.

Yeshuhua, one of the elites, shook his head slightly and said with a smile, "this is not Xiong Tianxing's martial spirit. I once tried it in a secret place and saw this man do it. This bear spirit is just a defensive array with inscriptions. Compared with his real soul, it has almost no comparability! "

As soon as this remark came out, many of the disciples were shocked and speechless.

Yeshuhua said that the bear spirit behind Xiong Tianxing is not a martial spirit at all?

But a huge defensive array inspired by inscriptions?

God, it's true!

Some students can't believe that if the bear spirit is only a defensive array, then how terrible his real soul will be!

I can't believe it!

Han Xiaoshan frowned and said, "this is not his soul. Xiong Tianxing's martial spirit is very terrible. It is said that it is a different kind of ancient big demon, with high level of six grades. The spirit of this bear is not big, and its prestige is not enough. It is obviously not his soul! "

At this time, Han Xiaoshan said so, many disciples believed it.

So, they looked at Xiong Tianxing with awe!

Xu was thinking about something else.

"Xiong Tianxing... Xiong Lin?"

The second one of Xu's eyes is murmuring to himself

He remembered that the spirit of the second brother Xiong Lin was Tiangang bear.

And the appearance of bear forest and this bear Tianxing are somewhat similar, very much like the brother who has been separated for many years!

Xu Liusu shook his head again: "but this bear Tianxing is really strong..."

on one side, Chen's second brother heard this and asked curiously, "brother Xu, do you see anything?"

Since Xu's military inscription is a defensive one. Don't you see that he has three inscriptions on his arm, and he hasn't used his soul yet... "

with that, Xu Liusu took an interesting look at the three Tianjiao in the challenge arena.

Liu Yun's accomplishments are much greater than that of Li Guangqiang, but there is still a certain gap between Liu Yun and situ Qing.

However, the king of hundred battles bow in his hand is very good. It seems that there are three forms: defense, killing and sneaking attack.

As for the Dao Mingtian, Xu Liusu once had a war with him. And almost fell into the opponent's world of Dao.

Xu tassel mouth hook up a smile, resistant to the taste of people: "it seems that this is really a war!"

If Liu Yun, Dao Mingtian and Xiong Tianxing represent the strongest decisive battle among the three Western sects.

Then the eastern five sects are more eye-catching.

Tianwu house, shengqianwu mansion, baihuazong, Tianfeng Valley, and Beifeng palace!

God knows what kind of master of waizong will be moved by other major sects besides tianwu mansion.

In a word, Xu Liusu may not be on the stage.

However, if the other party really bullies tianwu house, Xu Tasu will not sit back and ignore it!

At this time, night terrorizing words... Huaxunyu and other Eastern Tianjiao are also eager to pay attention to the battle platform, and obviously have a great interest in this war!

On the challenge arena.

"Bravado! Xiong Tianxing, it is said that this is your strongest defensive array? Then I'll try and see how strong it is

Liu Yun sneered, listening to thousands of people talking about the object is Xiong Tianxing, heart born cold!

Liu Yun's feet changed their position, and the king of hundred battles immediately opened the first killing form!

Just listen to the click sound of the mechanism turning. Between the flashes of light, Wang Gong suddenly appears a row of dense black arrows.

The front part of the arrow emits cold light, twinkles in the sky a little cold, Qi Qi aims at Bear Tianxing!

"Killing bow, a hundred stars!"

Liu Yun suddenly drank, this row of arrows suddenly ran out like a locust, with a black turbulence at the end, and fired at Xiong Ling violently!

At the same time, Liu Yun's action never stops, once again set up a hundred arrows, burst to drink a sound, is to shoot together again!

Black locusts transit in general, black pressure, like night fell!Buzz! Buzz!

This move a place, the whole field erupts, screams!

However, before they come back to God, Xiong Tianxing has already felt a strong pressure!

"Ha ha, I have two sons!"

Roar a, Xiong Tianxing palm suddenly clap!

At the same time, Xiong Ling roared, his huge palm fell in the air, and instantly collided with the first batch of locust like feather arrows!

Boom! Boom!

In the sky, there was no sound of a wild arrow!

A large area of Mars exploded like dynamite!

"Oh, but so!"

Xiong Tianxing's giant palm was pounded fiercely, and the shadow of his hand moved in succession.

The lacquered black arrows burst into pieces and shot off on both sides.

"Quick, quick cloth Gang yuan shield!"

The thirty-six elders were so frightened that they quickly set up Zhenyuan to defend themselves in front of the audience!

At the same time, they are still keeping an eye on the field.

The smoke and dust slowly dissipated, gradually, revealing the shadow of bear Tianxing.

At this time, Xiong Tianxing carried two attacks of feather arrow, and the light of Xiong Ling was extremely broken and seemed to have exhausted the oil lamp.

However, Xiong Ling is still standing on the challenge arena, dragging a huge phantom...

"good health and strong..."

many students were stunned and looked at the huge phantom on the challenge arena, and felt a blank mind.


"Xiong Tianxing, you are really strong, and you have no ability to take this knife from me?"

At this time, Dao Mingtian suddenly sneered and said, but even though he sneered, his face did not mean to despise.

"Ha ha, what's the joy of a hundred battles? Today I can fight the strongest disciple of Dao clan and Longgong hall. I'm worth it. However, you should be careful! "

Xiong Tianxing was not afraid and said with a sneer.

"OK, take it!"

The words fall, the sword Ming sky, silver bright sword Gang suddenly burst, Tianji magic knife with endless blade awn, cleave down, rolling toward Xiong Tianxing and kill!

Ten thousand students were stunned when they saw this scene.

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Even a lot of people drink and scold, feel that Liu Yun and Dao Mingtian are too bullying!

Three scuffles... Originally, they were fighting for 30% of the Western ore veins together.

But in the end, it was the Longgong hall and the Dao clan who oppressed Xiong Tianxing of the big beast clan.

This is embarrassing!

Big beast clan elder light smile: "no harm, Xiong Tianxing has not even used the spirit of martial arts, just a Western vein of contention, will be sure to win!"

The big beast sect disciple also exclaimed in surprise, obviously was very optimistic about Xiong Tianxing!

At this time, on the challenge arena.

Xiong Tianxing gives a cold glance at the fierce knife awn, and his mouth overflows with a faint sneer.

Immediately, he opened his sleeve and opened his second inscription!


Suddenly, the phantom of two giant bears appeared in front of the public, and the palms of each other folded together, forming two huge walls!

"I wipe, what is this?"

"How come there are two bear spirit phantoms?"

"This bear is so strong that the inscription on his arm is so magical?"

When all the disciples were talking about it, they heard a loud noise coming from the challenge arena!

I saw the huge blade riding the wind and waves, just like a white competition!


Two xiongling steps backward...

Xiong Tianxing also spilled two bloodstains from the corners of his mouth. He stepped back for ten steps and then stopped his body steadily!

"Good for a strong sword!"

Xiong Tianxing was a little surprised and thought it was very incredible!

In his cognition, Dao Mingtian seems to be only about five levels of blood burning state, and a blow of Dao mang breaks out to shake the mountain...

Xiong Tianxing is completely shocked and completely put away his contempt!

It's a pity.

Dao Mingtian uses 100% of its power, but it can only cut back the opponent by about 10 steps..

Dao Mingtian frowned and said faintly: "if it is so powerful, it seems that you and I need to join hands..."

Liu Yun has no comment.

After all, he is a disciple of the longbow hall. He is a strong archer.

What he is good at is long-range attack...

If Xiong Tianxing really launches a close attack, he will never win.

"Well, brother Dao, you and I will fight him together!"

Liu Yun launches ten feather arrows at the moment. This time, he volatilizes his soul!

"A hundred bows, a thousand silk!"

When the sword is blazing, the sky will also erect a long sword and cut it in the void:

"the heaven and earth will be determined, and the thousand mountains will be in cold moon!"

At this moment, the two extremely strong disciples have used their strongest martial arts to defeat Xiong Tianxing!What a pity...

seeing this scene, how could Xiong Tianxing give him this opportunity?

"You want to fight me together? Ha ha, bow playing boy, you die first

Suddenly, Xiong Tianxing strides forward!

The two giant bear phantoms in front of him are like moving mountains, stepping on the challenge arena and shaking the earth and mountains!

The speed is too fast for such a huge thing!

Liu Yun's face turned white and suddenly burst into a drink, "brother Dao, stop him!"

Without any hesitation, Dao Ming Tian flies up and cuts down the star river!

Just now, the sword was determined by heaven and earth. It turned into a rainbow and poured down like a rainbow!


Yidao stands where Xiong Tianxing left, leaving a deep gully!

"This... How so fast!"

Dao Mingtian can't believe it. He knows Xiong Tianxing has great power.

But his speed is so fast that it doesn't conform to common sense!

Xiong Tianxing evaded this knife, and then he took a hard slap and directly patted Liu Yun!

"It's too late!"

Liu Yun bit his teeth and suddenly cried, "give me a break!"

A huge feather arrow turned into a long dragon and roared and circled out.

In the blink of an eye, he hit the bear's paw.

Bang bang bang!

It's another blast!

Liu Yunlian, with a hundred King's bow, threw it away several feet away, spitting blood fiercely. His face was extremely pale. When he fell into the corner of the challenge arena, he almost fell down...

"the strength is so amazing!"

Liu Yun quickly stabilized the injury in his body, biting his teeth fiercely, patting the ground and turning it around!

Dao Mingtian is also aware of Xiong Tianxing's strength, and immediately his body soars to the sky, and once again, he cuts Huashan with another knife force!


The sword cuts through the bear spirit, and the explosion is endless!

Xiong Tianxing just uttered a dull hum, and Xiong Ling collapsed at that time...

the second inscription was also chopped apart, like a broken Star River, collapsing the void.

"Die for me!"

Xiong Tianxing was not afraid at all. He opened the third inscription on his arm in an instant, and the sky was filled with black clouds, and his feet came from the challenge arena!

Dao Mingtian falls down and stands beside Liu Yun...

together, he looks at the huge shadow of Xiong Tianxing in front of him...

at this moment, from the phantom of Xiong Tianxing's explosion, there are bursts of roaring!

Yeah... It's been a lot!

All the people watching the war are terrified! It's hard to say how frightened I look at the scene!

In their eyes...

in front of the bear forest, there are hundreds of giant bear demons rushing out in front of the bear forest...

"ha ha ha, let you have a look at the strongest inscription of my bear Tianxing..."

"ten thousand beast inscription... Hundred battle bear soldier!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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