Strongest Dandy System

Chapter 646: 652

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The third inscription was opened.

The whole arena is covered by a huge curtain of light!

Xiong Tianxing is standing in the middle of the challenge arena. His thick palms are folded and his fingertips are constantly spraying golden light into the curtain of light.


For a moment, the endless roar of the great demon beast resounded from the curtain of light!

It's as if thousands of fierce demons will rush out of the back of the light curtain at any time...

just this fierce roar, it's creepy!


Xiong Tianxing's mouth overflowed with a cold smile: "ha ha ha ha, Dao Ming Tian, Liu Yun, this is the strongest of my three-level inscription array, hundred battles bear soldiers... When the array is formed, if you die in the array, don't blame me Xiong Tianxing!"

The Baizhan bear army is his last array. Once the array is formed, tens of thousands of bear soldiers will step out!

It's hard to imagine that even if tens of thousands of soldiers of Wudao army appear, they can't be defeated...

on the contrary, these soldiers are still living creatures of Xiong nationality? With the more violent power of the warrior!

People look at this scene and feel the huge things that may appear in the light screen at any time. They all hold their breath and stare at the challenge arena!

Xu also realized the fury power contained in the light curtain.

The sword eyebrow picked and sighed: "this inscription array is so magical that it seems to be a special summoning array."

After reading this, Xu Liusu communication system began to browse the array mall.

Also at this time, the light curtain is big bright, the more violent breath begins to condense!

On the challenge arena, there was an unprecedented shock. It seemed that some big guy was about to seize the curtain!

Liu Yun's feet fiercely stepped on the bow, and Ning Mei cried: "it takes time for this kind of array to open. We must start before he is ready. You and I will break the array together!"

Dao Mingtian is silent, but he nods. Obviously, he agrees with this proposal.

The power of the big guy in front of him is really amazing...

if we don't kill him in the cradle in advance, it will be endless trouble waiting for him!

If you don't hesitate, the sky will be full of long Dao. The huge adsorption force will gather on the blade, and a bright blade will appear!

Dao Gang soared into the sky and went straight into the sky!

The bright Dao mang is just like the Milky way falling from the nine days, and the rolling knife awn is cutting down wildly!


Time, the huge Milky way turned into a silver tornado like competition shot away, hit the light screen hard!


When the light curtain was hit hard by it, a crack broke open...

but Xiong Tianxing also seemed to be severely damaged. His body was shocked and his mouth overflowed with two bloodstains.


Liu Yun's eyes were bright, and his feet on the king's bow were released!

The bow string like a full moon suddenly burst tight and then ejected back!

Bang bang!

Another row of tremendously trembling black locusts flew out, and the feather arrow, with the energy of spinning and strangling the void, kept greeting the light curtain!

Boom boom boom boom!

The curtain of light was crumbling, and Xiong Tianxing's body was shaking suddenly...

"hum, look for death!"

Bear Tianxing is in need of teeth. Cold light is scattered and overflowing!

Knowing that these two people can't wait to die, they try their best to maintain their true Qi... Let the light curtain continue to support!

At this time, the two opposite broke out a powerful offensive!

A startling sky Dao Gang condenses again and cuts down in the sky like a curved moon!

It's more powerful than the previous one!

And Liu Yun also shot a snake like feather arrow and bombarded the light curtain!

But Xiong Tianxing's tenacity is beyond their imagination.

Although several rounds of attack have passed, the curtain of light is in danger.

However, it is not destroyed at all, and it is still gathering!

It can be seen that Xiong Tianxing is very strong.

I'm afraid that ordinary people would have been blown away for a long time!

Countless people are paying attention to it with different moods...

"these two are very smart and constantly interfere with Tianxing formation. In this way, the pressure of Tianxing will increase... I hope he can resist half a column of incense, and wait until the formation of the array is when the two boys fail!"

The elder of the big beast clan looked worried when he saw this, and the old man clenched his hand...

"this Xiong Tianxing is indeed the pride of the great beast sect. The number and perseverance of these true elements are really admirable..."

in the tianwu mansion camp, the elder tianmeng praised him, but he didn't think much of Xiong Tianxing.

At the end of a strong crossbow, it seems that it will be destroyed after several rounds of attack!

Danfeng elder's eyes brightened and he nodded with satisfaction: "the genius of the three schools in the west is really excellent. Although his accomplishments are not better than that of night terrorizing words, they have this kind of ferocity in the process of fighting..."

in Danfeng's opinion, there are two kinds of cross level fighting. The first is to have a strong base card!And the second is to rely on excellent perseverance!

Obviously, Xiong Tianxing has both!

"Master, do you think Xiong Tianxing can resist the attack of the two schools?"

Shen qingluan asked, also attracted by the wonderful war.

Danfeng shakes her head: "it seems that it is about to reach the limit. If you can resist this last joint attack, you may have a chance to turn it over!"

Shen qingluan's beautiful eyes blinked and looked at the challenge arena, but her mind kept echoing the figure of Xu tassel.

"In other words, what would younger martial brother Xu do if he faced such an expert?"

Shen qingluan did not forget the scene that Xu Liusu was fighting against Tianjiao in front of the twelve Temple of heaven.

That's one of the top ten kings, including sun Beifeng, Fenglingdu and Hou Qing.

Compared with the three people in the challenge arena, their accomplishments are much stronger...

suddenly, Shen qingluan suddenly remembered something, "yes!"


Danfeng looked at her appearance, willow eyebrows a cluster: "qingluan, what's wrong with you? You're surprised. Most of Tianjiao is gathered here. What's your style as a girl?"

Shen qingluan, with big eyes bent and smiling, beat Danfeng's back: "master, my disciple is wrong, but I'm thinking that maybe younger martial brother Xu will go to war on behalf of tianwu mansion, and the chance of winning will be greater!"

"Nonsense, you child, how can you not distinguish at all."

Danfeng yelled, her face was not happy.

She has always been conservative. She has lived in danmingshan for many years, and has numerous pursuers.

However, she was aloof and aloof, but she always looked as though she was rejecting people thousands of miles away.

To Xu tassel this boy, Danfeng can't see that this little girl of his own family has a heart for him.

"Hum, qingluan, you are a disciple of Danming mountain. Although the master has a bad relationship with the elders of other peaks, you are also the elder of tianwu mansion..."

Danfeng's tone was full of seriousness: "so all our ideas should be considered for tianwu mansion. Do you know that the Lingshan mine is related to the future survival of tianwu mansion. You can't be so playful. Do you really think that Baiwang Tianjiao is so easy to take care of? Is it...

speaking of this, Danfeng's tone stopped and said with displeasure: "do you really like that stinky boy?"

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Faced with the tone of questioning, Shen qingluan did not dare to make a sound, bit his teeth, and suddenly laughed: "master, look, this time the victory or defeat will be divided!"


At this moment, the sky is dark, rolling thunder roars!

Immediately, the huge thunder and lightning flashed from the clouds, all converged on the Tianji sword!

I saw Dao Ming Tian holding up the long sword again, standing in the air, and his hair was flying wildly.

His handsome face is full of defiant, and his eyes are staring at Xiong Tianxing on the stage!

"Lei Dao determined, Tian Lei crazy Dao!"


The strong wind and huge waves of Zhenyuan are coming, attracting thunder from the sky and gathering on the sword!

With the convergence of lightning, thunder knife Gang more and more violent, the world is covered by a large lightning net, constantly ring through the crackling sound!

At this moment, Dao Ming Tian is like a god of thunder, majestic and domineering!

"What a strong Lei lizhenyuan..."

under the stage, Liu Yun also looked at the sword Ming sky holding up his long sword, and his eyes showed astonishment.

The whole audience is also followed by the explosion of loud noise!

This thundering power has surpassed the five peaks of the blood burning state... The breath keeps climbing, and it begins to rise to the middle of the sixth level!

"What a strong Sabre technique can arouse the thunder of heaven and earth..."

Xu Liusu was shocked.

This move reminds him of the thunder shock in his peak period, and the two men's explosive momentum is the same.

"When you are young, you can rival the princes of the Qin region... Dao clan is really good..."


Heaven and earth God thunder seems to gather under this knife. With the waving action of Dao Ming Tian, a large amount of thunder is rolling and attacking.

Still like a purple spring tide, and like a vast ocean, fiercely pounce on the light curtain!

Between heaven and earth, as if at this moment quiet down!

In a flash, the thunder god knife awn is finally crazy to cut the light curtain, in a short and silent moment.

Suddenly burst out the power of destroying heaven and earth!

Boom, boom!

This thunder knife seems to have broken the void. It splits the light curtain into two. With a click, it is chopped into nothingness!

"Did you succeed?"

The sword is blazing, the God is in awe, and his eyes are slightly narrowed.

There's a glow in his pupils!

If you can really break this array, then the balance of victory seems to have fallen on them!

After all, Xiong Tianxing did not use the strongest soul, but he and Liu Yun did not release the soul!

And in this case, the winner or loser is still in five or five points!

With a smile on his face, his body moves violently, and the long sword in his hand slashes wildly and pursues the victory!However...

"elder martial brother Dao, go back

Liu Yun suddenly cried out anxiously!


Dao Mingtian suddenly felt cold on his back and looked at the broken light curtain...

at this time, more than 50000 disciples were also watching the challenge arena!


the smoke and dust slowly dissipated, and a huge shadow loomed slowly!

However, when the smoke and dust are all gone.

Everyone's eyes were suddenly constricted, their faces turned pale, as if they had seen something terrible!

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!"

Bursts of laughter, bear Tianxing has come to a hundred Zhang high altitude, standing on the top of a huge black bear, indifferent gaze below!

Under him, the giant bear was dressed in armor, and his feet were covered with the thick paws of a hill, which covered his chest.

Just then that hand thunder god knife decides, is by this bear soldier with double fists to resist!

A hundred Zhang high giant bear is like wearing thick armor, reflecting the strong silver!

"The first bear soldier in the hundred battles, Xiong Tian general!"

"This... How could this be...

Liu Yun's expression became terrified when he saw this scene!

It's hard to believe that this big guy was called out by Xiong Tianxing...

at the same time, the challenge arena has been occupied by the dark man Gao Xiong Bing, roughly speaking, there are at least hundreds of them.

These bear demons are all wearing armor and holding swords. Among their big mouths, they show their terrifying fangs.

"Oh! Oops

All the bear soldiers' eyes were bloodshot and kept roaring. They looked at the two Tianjiao in front of them and became bloodthirsty.

"Ha ha ha ha, the sword is ringing in the sky, Liu Yun, this is my third inscription array, and it is also a summoning array, a hundred battles bear soldier!"

Xiong Tianxing said indifferently: "if you admit defeat, you should leave the arena quickly, so as not to be killed by me. Isn't it a pity?"

Looking at a head of bloodthirsty bear soldiers, knife Ming, the face showed dignified color.

But there was no fear on his face!

"Don't talk nonsense, just let your horse come here!"

Dao Mingtian landed on the challenge arena, his palms clasped, and the blade in front of him floated up!

Liu Yun also showed a strong color... Both hands clenched the bow, a light drink: "killing form!"

Boom, boom.

There was another spring like sound of the mechanism, and it was heard...

suddenly, three inscriptions on the battle bow in front of him suddenly turned into a hundred seat mechanism crossbow, coldly aiming at the black bear soldiers!

"Fight!" they cried in unison

The cry is full of fighting spirit, rising above the nine clouds, as if the drum of war, buckle to each person's mood!

At this moment, thousands of people were greatly encouraged and admired!

This is Tianjiao of the four regions.

One hundred King Tianjiao!

Better fight than retreat!

Xiong Tianxing sneered: "then don't blame me... Give it to me!"

All of a sudden, the head of the towering bear soldiers seemed to accept the order in general, his mouth opened and roared!

Under the roar, hundreds of bear soldiers under the seat rushed with swords and swords!

This moment, the scene is unprecedented spectacular! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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