Stuck In A VRMMORPG With The Munchies

Chapter 2: You Impatient Hoe

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I was going to be the first to enter the portal, but the question Jeffery had asked was not an easy one. 


“Honestly, I want something relaxed, sort of. I am the type of person that loves those anime characters that always seem to have trouble finding them. I think that would be cool. Have some funny party members, and have barrels of laughs. I always wanted that, but, well, people have real lives in my world, and jobs. That was always a bit of a disconnect for me,” I said, thinking about how sad my life actually was.


No, my life wasn’t sad. I was doing what I wanted, and in this game, I was actually making interactions with… people. Jeffery was as real to me as anyone that I had met in the real world. The difference was that they didn’t bug me about having a massive scar on my face.


“That is a good life! I approve! Now, for the final question! If you could fully experience this world for the rest of your life, would you?”


“As long as there are ketchup chips, and green for me to smoke! I plan on playing this game for as long as I can!” I laughed, and was about to take off one of my gloves to get some of said chips, but Jeffery put up his hand, which surprised me.


“Don’t take your glove off yet, it is time for you to transfer to your new life,” Jeffery said, and gestured behind me.


The sound it made in my ears set all my hairs on ends, and I stood up from my chair in game, turning around. There was a black hole that seemed to suck in the light around it, making the edges seem pulled and distorted.


“This is the portal? Will I ever see this world again?” I asked, itching to get at the chips.


“This is a one way ticket, Greg,” Jeffery said, and I turned around with shock.


“How do you know my real name?!” I asked, blinking in surprise, and slightly creeped out. I had used my name for the account and used my credicated for the game, so that was impossible. Still, that was more than creepy.


“There are not many people that are playing this game currently, and I have taken an interest in you,” Jeffery said as his body morphed into a man in a black business suit.


This wasn’t an NPC, this was Jeff Karnal, the secretive creator of this game. He had supposedly started working on this game six years ago, but disappeared last year six months before the game was set to release.


“What makes me interesting?” I asked.


“That doesn’t really matter, what does is that you are the first to complete this part of the game! Congratulations are in order! So, like in any good game, you will be rewarded for your tenacity!” Jeff declared, flourishing his hand, but nothing happened.


“And, what might this reward be?” I asked, looking around the empty bar in case I missed something.


“Well, since you like your smoke, that will be your new system! Hell, we will even make munchies your power-ups! This is your new life you are going into, so we should make sure it is one that you like, right?” Jeff asked, and I nodded slowly.


Things were starting to go pretty fast, and I was struggling to keep up. I felt like there were a lot of questions that I should be asking, but they were evading me. All I could think about was his words.


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“Are you saying that this is a one way trip? Like for real?” I asked, not understanding how that was even possible.


“Do you want it to be?” Jeff asked, and I nodded with very little thought. What person in my position wouldn’t.




“Then what are you waiting for? A brand new life is waiting for you Greg! No more hiding at home! You will get to use a character editor, so don’t worry about how you will look! That is all up to you!” Jeff laughed, and I turned to the blackness.


I had nothing in this world to hold me here. There was nothing to make me hesitate, and I stepped forward.


Instantly the world went dark, and I felt my body change. I opened my eyes, and was in complete darkness save for a single light that shined down from above. I looked up, but immediately turned away from the burning in my eyes.


I closed them again, and tried to lift up the VR Headset, but there was nothing there. I touched my face, and it was all smooth. 


That was when I looked down and saw that I was naked. 


[Welcome to The Great Expanse, Smoked Out Catman.]


[I’m Bliss, Fleshbag! I will be guiding your silly ass through this character creation! This is something that you are going to want to take some time with! Once we do this, you are stuck this way! So if you look fugly now, you fugly for life!]


The voice was kind of sassy, but in a funny way. I never imagined a voice like this, but I was not disappointed.


“Alright, Bliss. I don’t want to look fugly, but how am I supposed to know what I look like?” I asked.


[With this, you impatient Hoe!]


A mirror appeared, and I flinched back from the basic body I was in. There was no definition, or hair for that matter. I looked worse than I did with a scar!


“What the hell is this?” I asked, touching my plain, hairless face.


[Yeah, you fugly as hell. We’re gonna do something about that! We will start with some randomly generated bodies, and then when you find one that you like, you can edit it. First I will ask you some questions, and then you're gonna give me some answers!]


I hoped so, or I was never going to leave the house that I spawned into! 

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